Published every rrning except Monday
'uring the tlniversity year by the Board in
Control of Studew Publications.
Membert of W .tarn Conference Editorial
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Editor ........W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................Irwin A Olian
News Editors.............Philip C. Broos
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ant City Editors
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SUNbAY, OCTOBER 31, 1926
About two weeks ago the announce-
meni was made that John Cooldge,
son of the President and Amherst
student, had . guard which accom-
panied him to classes. There was
nothing unusual i this; for any-mem-
ber of the Prside at's family is in
some danger from demented people
who Tnake it their duty to kill all of
officialdom; and the fact that the
President's son had a guard who was
to stay with him during the early
weeks of the fall term was nothing
more than a news item.
Immediately, however, certain news-
papers, not satisfied with anything
short of a divorce or suicide, breathed
insidious, stories to the effect that
John Coolidge had planned to elope
or enact some other foolhardy and
sensational escapade. C r e d u 1 o u s
Americans believed 'and gossiped and
there were all the earmarks of a
The press has an immense respon-
sibility to the American people. To a
large number of them it is the only
contact with the outside world. To
spread malicious and unfounded gos-
sip about public personages is a crime
against the people that is more de-
spicable because it betrays their
confidene in a great institution.
Newspapers, no matter how great
thecir desire -for sensationalism,. must
remember that there may not be a
divorce case or a murder or an elope-
ment behind every movement of a
public character every time a common-
place event takes place. Stories such
as these have no place in the pulic
press. The American people shduld
leave no stone unturned in stamping
out the Yellow journal.
Is there a place for college men in
big business and are they wanted
there? This is a constantly recurring
question in the mind of the under-
graduate and even the graduate dur-
ing his first few years of wandering
in the commercial and industrial
world. A. W. Armstrong, writing in
the Atlantic Monthly has suggested
that a great many executives with
whom he is acquainted are quite ad-
verse to college trained men, and
prefer high school graduates with a
first-rate intelligence, because they
fit into the slow moving current of
the great corporation easier than the
man with aspirations acquired through
a higher education.
All this may be true, but day by
day men who have been prepared by
their eyes to the results of accepting
college graduates. This znew genera-
tion of aspiring executives is grad-
ually gaining control of the whole
field of industry and commerce un-
til presently there will be none of the
older type left, and then if there has
been a prejudice against college men
because the hiring executives were
not themselves such men, this will be
reversed so that it will then be dou-t
bly hard for the untrained to findI
good employment.t
Mr. Armstrong gives as one of the
greatest criticisms of executives thatl
the college men are over ambitious
for advancement, wshing to get
ahead faster than his own develop-
ment and the exigencies of business
permit, but this- can be turned from
an adverse to a complimentary criti-
cism. One reason for the fact the
business man grows impatient with
the college man is the dearth of really
good positions. By far the most po-
sitions are those who could be capa-
bly filled by mediocre individuals who
can take care ;of routine matters. Of
course there is always demand for a
really brilliant man, but in between,
there are innumerable job seekers
who are dissatisfied with the routine
work and who clamber for somethieng
better. This constant ambition to do
something better is laudable in every
man so long as he does not confuse
monetary success with real success,
and is willing to give of his abilities
in even greater value than his salary.
Let the marines do it, seems to be
the prevalent cry of the government
officials whenever all other methods
of law enforcement fail. And well do
they meet the responsibility.
In connection with a recent mail
robbery in which one man was kill-
ed and the train sacked of $300,000
worth of registered mail, the marines
were given the job of guarding rail-
way terminals, postal cars, and mail
trucks, after Postmaster-general Har-
ry S. New forcibly said at a Cabinet
meeting: "If it takes the Army and
Navy to do it, the United States
mails must be protected and the lives
of postal employes safeguarded."
The pre-eminence of American in-
dustry which has brought about a re-
duction of costs and the maintenance
of a high standard of living has come
through mass prcduction, made possi-
ble by the demand created by con-
structive advertising. Such is the re-
cent assertion of President Coolidge,
sane and often silent, on the value of
advertising in the economic world of
The President may not be going far
enough when he says that truthful
advertising and its value to society is
not generally appreciated. Today it
is one of the basic forces behind our
great industries. That has been
learned with considerable expense by
those who have tried to get along
without it.
Advertising is not an economic
waste, it is the paramount factor Mn
increasing the demand for a product,
which in turn results in lower costs
and benefits to all strata of society.
Nor is advertising merely boosterism.
It is a necessity to industry, a social
obligation in the hands of its creators,
and the basis of the present high
wages and the high standard of liv-
It is unfortunately true that those
who misuse or abuse the election ma-
chinery of our government are all too
frequently whitewashed, shielded from
censure by a partisan press, and never
brought to a reckoning before the
public. On the other hand retribution,
occasionally overtakes the offender.
That is what is happening now to
William S. Vare, Republican senatorial
candidate from Pennsylvania, in
whose primary campaign was spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
While Vare is conceded the victory
in the approaching election, it will
be an empty one. It is improbable
that the Senate will seat him or if it
does, very likely a movement to oust
him will immediately get under way.
A pall has huig over the present
Pennsylvania election campaign as a
result of the "three million dollar"
Republican primary scandal. The
censure now falling on the head of
Vare has affected the entire state Re-
publican party and especially the
Philadelphia organization. County
leaders have refused to cooperatej
with Vare. Perhaps the only reason
why he will win next Tuesday 'will
be because of the "regulars" and the
support of the wet interests; his op-
ponents not being sufficiently organ-
ized to elect the Labor candidate,
Wilson. But Vare's will be a fruitlepsI
victory, for it is generally expected
(By Our Own Leased Wire)
Baltimore, Oct. 30.-The U. S. Navy
today repelled an invasion from the
West. Throwing every battleship but
the "Maine" in the battle, Admiral
Ingram fought his way through the,
heavy defense of the Michigan army,
and entered the narrow straights that
meant peace and quiet in the calm
waters behind the well known Goal
Michigan presented their usual
strong aerial attack, but as fast as the
planes crossed the battle line, Navy
anti-aircraft shot them down, so that
only a half dozen successfully in-
vaded the enemy territory.
* s *
But not enough planes crossed the
line to make much headway against
the enemy. Gains made by the aerial
route did not counter-act the losses
made on the sea itself, where the
strong Navy front kept Michigan's
heaviest tanls away from the home
Submarine chasers from the Navy
fleet broke through the barbed-wire
at the Michigan lines at frequent in-
tervals and shot down the infantry
before they had a chance to get
* * *
Today's contributions C
Clarence Cook Little .... $ .00
Harry Tillotson......... -00
Today's total .......... .00
YET TO BE RAISED.... $499.95
At times Navy light cruisers got
past the Michigan front line trenches
and killed off the heavy artillery be-
fore it got time tput across one of
its long shots.
At one point in the battle the Navy
fired a shot straight at the headquar-
ters of the Michigan army, and were
credited with striking 3 important
As the battle was raging at its
heighth, a company of Michigan Horse
Marines marched along the side-
lines. The Navy franctically began to
withdraw its forces, but when they
saw that the Marines Were not to
enter the battle,athey again began the
fight. It was discovered after the bat-
tle that the Marines had come to the
affair to see that no rough or noisy
action took place.
S* ,*
It seems that the Ann Arbor police
force feared that there might be some
excitement at the front, and sent the
Marines to keep order. They would
have sent their own men, but they
were busy at home keeping the stu-
dents from rushing theaters in their
extreme joy.
. ,* * ,
The Times News announces that
HIBITED" but doesn't report whether
it is the ones , we always hear the
younger generation talking about.
* * *
:. lul lll ll lllnlllilllll llilllll:Illnll lllnlllillu11lln llnililillllllillill l illilr111111 ll lll11 111i 1111111111t111tll Ill l ln .
"FRONT PAGE STUFF" Travel - Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographies
In a year of stupendous revues, A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books.
follies, scandals, and gaities, romantic
spectacles of every type, and extrava-
ganzas that brought enough Schubert;G1 . 1 A I S
dollars into play to buy and sell the A. B E of The g
average musical comedy, the annual
Union opera "Tanmbourine" appeared,
patterned along the identical lines: -
the continental love plot which had I RENTAlS
the "Student Prince" and a dozen oth-R
ers as prototypes, and costumes and SERVICE
effects that savoured of current pro-
ductions of the year. It may be un-
kind to call to mind the critical opin-
ions that followed in its wake, and
"Tambourine" was a box office suc-
cess on the road......
But this year the tastes of New
York will not be consulted; it will not
be necessary to pander to the popular Hold from 6 to 12 times more ink, are
views of metropolitan musical com-
edy. "Front Page Stuff" is once more self-starters, and most duraible of all pens.
patterned on the lines of a college .\Our own make. Five minute service. ,
show, and is an independent produc-
tion. Thi does not mean that it will Authorized Dealer
be done in the manner of "Michigan-
da" when faculty members were bur-
lesqued ; the University has become too
s detached and impersonal to permit it. Portable Typewriters
But the antics and tomfoolery of a Almks etdad eard
socially ambitious professor's familyAtt$p
will have a local appeal that other A good allowance for your old
shows have lacked. And at least the machine in trade for a Portable.
interest settles around the juveniles--
the professor's beautiful daughter and1r
the conventional prodigal son, with xder'sPenSh@
the young secretary mixed into the '\
love interest.
ior the other effects, the show has SERVICE
sufficient to warrant extreme optim-
ism. As yet it is a hedge podge thatRE IIN
has not been fitted together, and only,
God and Mr. Shuter as yet know how
it can be done; the cast, chorus and - RA
solo work is all rehearsed separate-o d
ly; but "Front Page Stuff" can boast YANKEEWANUTTdnesday Night
more distinct novelties than any other -la-
opera ever turned out by the ever "THE HUMAN TORNADO"
lavish Mimes. (Not a News Reel)
There is one scene, My Lady of the Alo
Snows, that has never been approach-
ed: The costumes (white fur and
pan velvet, lace, brilliants, and os-
I trich feathers) are among Lester's
most brilliant creations. A parade of
the snows, a number by sixteen snow
men, a solo by one of the most prom-
ising baritones Mr. Harrison has yet
presented, make up part of the en-
semble. And a toe number by the
leading lady is done in the Fokine
manner never before attempted, com-
bined with, a toe ballet by the six
specialty dancers provides an effect
that has been too difficult to ever use
The extremely difficult dance rou-
tines which will feature this year's
show are largely made possible by
William Lewis, Jr.,--he will play the
I leading feminine role of June-who
besides doing solo dancing that is of,
a professional quality is training the
women's and mixed choruses. This
particular combination in the chorus
work has never before been attempted,
but in an amateur show of the type
that Mimes produces it is far more ef-
fective. The women's chorus of six
specialty dancers provides an oppor-
tunity for group work that is usually
lacking in a college show. The kick-
ing is even and in the Golf number
and My Wonderful Girl executed with
Lewis a variety of difficult combina-
tions are presented which could not
be attempted with a larger group. The
mixed chorus consisting of twenty-
four men and girls and a men's spe-
cialty group of six are using routines
that were arranged last.spring by Roy
Hoyer with various additions by
Lewis. A high kicking specialty by
Tom Dougal who is also a member
of the women's chorus is an original
variation of Charlotte Greenwood's ec-
centric dancing that Ned Wayburn has,
capitalized; and an oriental dancer
presents variety.
An 0. Henry Story
and Felix
"J'he Winding Stair"
Style - Quality - Service
Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory
Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
Fine Work Only
Properly Cleaned - No Odor
No Gloss ,-- No Burnea Sweats
Factory H at Store
f17 Packard St. Phone 7415
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)
A littleo relaxation in the middle of
the week is good for anybody. It
was with this in mind that we first
started our mid-week dance.
The hours-8 to J10-are not too
long to interfere with one's studies,
yet they give the necessary relaxa-
The music, as during the week-end
parties, is furnished by jack Scott's
ten "Wolverines."
Drop in for a little while next Wed-
nesday night, and enjoy yourself.
Granger Academ
Baltimore, Oct. 30.-The use of cata-
pults to throw the shell forward great-
ly aided the victors in today's historic
race on the Baltimore river.-
Sport writers recalled the event on
the Huron last year, in which the Ann
Arbor boys led by 54 strokes at the
final whistle. The sailors, unused to
traveling without the aid of the wind,
were left at the host.
E. Hamilton Mipp, who made such a
rousing speech at the banquet Friday
night, appeared -on the field at 2:47
P. M., Eastern standard daylight sav-
ing time, accompanied by King George
V and Queen Marie, riding in Queen
Marie's son's new geerless, shiftless
automobile, and escorted by a special
squadron of Horse Marines. The Mich-
igan Band followed, rendering
"There'll be a Hot Time in the Old
Town Tonight."
The start of the game was de-
A Well-Turned Ankle
Welcomes a Strong
-our values welcome conmlparison!
_ ' I
In short "Front Page Stuff" will
rest on its own merits-an amateur
show with professional standards, and
not an imitation that approximates
the stature of the Schubert and Zieg-
feld creations. With an excellent cast
and endless possibilities in the num-
bers that are now set a production
that should be sure-fire. God bless
Madame Kaja Eide Norena, the
famous Norwegian soprano, who has
gained great distinction in opera sing-
ing all over Europe, will appear in
Orchestra hall, Detroit, Wednesday,
under the auspices of the College club.
Madame Norena, who has been hailed
as a "second Jenny Lind," is especial-I
ly noted for the extremely brilliant
tones she achieves in the lower regis-
,. i
e: q.
Sport Watch
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