SATURDAY, OCTOBER 36, 192 l THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIve ) I . . . OFFR[ INSTRUCTION IN GOLF FROM CHAMPION! Mrs. Steward Itanley, Of Detroit Will G.ive Information On Local Coarse Monday IS DISTRICT VICTOR Mrs. Stewart Hanley, district golf champion of Detroit, will be in Ann Arbor the entire day Monday, Nov. 1 and will devote her time exclusively to the University women who are in- terested in golf and who are enrolled in the golf courses offered by the physical education department. Mrs. Hanley is intensely interested in golf as a course for all University women and is doing all in her power to further the interest of this game among young women. Mrs. Hanley is offering her services free of charge and will spend her day in Ann Arbor on the University golf course. All women who are not enrolled in hany of the golf courses of the'physical education department but who can play golf and desire extra knowledge and coaching are invited tq come to the University golf course any time on Monday and receive help from Mrs. i3lanley. This past summer Mrs. Hanley con- ducted a golf tournament on the Municipal Golf course in Detroit and presented a cup to the winner. Y. W. CABINET TO HOLD HOUSEPARTY AT LAKE Members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet1 and a few invited guests will hold their1 annual house party at Portage Lake today, Cars will leave at 9 o'clock this morning and return at 5 o'clock. A varied program of recreation and entertainment has been planned for the day. Immediately after the ar-1 rival, an informal social period will be held, at which those who have had especially interesting summer vaca- tions will discuss their experiences. Following this there will be a short business meeting, after which every- one wil gather on the beach for a picnic dinner. The reading of poetry will form the entertainment for a short time' after dinner, and then every one will take part in active games. In the middle of the after- noon, a discussion of the purpose of the Y. W. C. A. on the Michigan cam- pus will be led by Miss Maud Gwynn, national student secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Party Will Utilize Football Animation Football jollity will characterize the next Women's league party which will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall of Barbour Gymnasium Friday, Nov. 5. Blankets, pennants, and streamers of ribbons symbolizing the school colors of Wisconsin as well as of Michigan will decorate the hall. Dancing will begin at 4 o'clock to Carl Lundquist's orchestra and special football stunt will be included in the afternoon's entertainment. Refresh- ments of hot coffee and hot weiner sandwiches will be served. Accord- ing to Ruth Tuttle, '27, chairman of the event, this party will be a pepi gathering for the women of Michigan. It will aim to awaken spirit and loyalty in them so that ' they will really back their team, and cheer it on to- victory on the morrow of its big encounter. Classified ads bring big results for money invested.-Ad. N 0 T I C E S kets packed by this time so that there RIDING CLUB PLANS will be no delay. Mummers willhold dramatic try All women interested in an open outs Monday and Tuesday from 3 to At the last meeting of the Crop and house meeting or a hockey game at 5:30 o'clock in Newb!rry auditorium. Saddle Riding club, Agnes Hoffman, 0. s.U.non hburle b ardrequest Sigma. Alpha Iota, musical sorority, '29 was elected president and Norma lbour gymnasium immediately i announces the pledging of the follow1- R{eid, '28, secretary. Plans for the ingwomen: Cecil Hathaway, '28, Mar future were discussed. All those who There will be a meeting of the main guerite Jones, '29, Helen Vahl, '29, «nt to ride with the group at 8:30 Bazaar committee at 4 oclock Monday Dorothy Wilson, '29, Lucille Deinzer, c1ock Sunday morning, call Louise in Barbour gymnasium. ?'29, Helen Fagg. '29, Hope Bauer, '28, Hoffian, 6043, before 6 o'clock Satur- The following games will be play- 1Rosseau Criswell, '28, Louise Russell,'d ed at 10 oclock today: Betsy Barbour ,29, Lottie Hutzel and Helen Alian ,ll interested in riding are urged to house vs. Zone 15 under Mary graduate students. ;sign the poster on the bulletin at Bar- Donald, '28, and Alpha Xi Delta vs. ,our gyi u. Zone 8 under Esther Lockhart, '29. (_1 __ourgymnasium. The time of departure for the W. Political campaigns similar to those A. A. overnight hike has been changed. carried on by candidates for govern- assembly. Accounts of the platforms All women going on this hike must ment positions are held by women at of women candidates are published plan to leave Barbour gymnasium at the University of Texas. The honor regularly in the "Daily Texan," the 1 o'clock. T'hey must have their blan- sought is membership on the women's campus publication. - - - - - - - '-- -"-- --- -'- -''---' 7 - - "--------'-- - ----- Flowers h L For All Occasions No matter what your needs in the floral line may be, we can take care of them. Our three splendid stores are amply supplied witli potted or cut flowers for gifts or for party or dance decorations. We Solicit Charge Accounts. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. A' 4 rt r9 Phi Gamma Mu And Alpha Phi Tie, 0-0 Alpha Phi and Phi Gamma Mu fought yesterday afternoon in an at- tempt to score in their intramural hockey game but both were unsuc- cesful. The result of the game was a 0-0 tie. Though neither team scored a point some excellent playing was displayed by Helen Richards of the Alpha Phi team who played a back- field position and who kept the play- ing almost entirely in the Alpha Phi territory. Zone 1 forfeited to Adelia Cheever. The 5 o'clock games were not played. During the past week's tournament games there have been a great many tie games. These games will not be regarded as either a lost game for either team or as a game won. If any of the teams which tie in the pre- liminary games come up for the final games the games which they have previously tied will not be regarded as a blot on their record. ®repairs Rider's Pen Shop Remington Portable Typewriters The strongest, lightest portable rentals 112 East Liberty St. The Flower Shop State at Liberty Phone 6030 ;01i Mw U ; NEi COMPETITION WITH THE NAVY Similar to the competi- tion between the Michi- gan and Naval Academy i I i i i 1 i i 1 w1! \ wwww-.--- - - m, I Consultiiig Costumer ' football teams is the II Winter clothes need not sacriice style to warmth. Let us help you In the selection of suitable but trig attire. Dial 4582 -18 Nickels Arcade 1 0.00 Iwr. 0 O.-K-0 cor. e. r. rc ew 0.00 a r-04. wOe-* CO-= 40 V. U , of th( Ann .r U. S. competition between the official laundry service Arbor's leading Navy and ..., } i I I 1 ... ,. II The new Vapor Marcel is the only system in the world that produces a perfect, per- manent Marcel Wave with pure steam vapor without the use of electricity. THE MIRROR BEAUTY PARLOR 19 Cutting Apts. Dial 7355 Cor. State and Monroe St. laundry. There is on e organization in this town which is able to launder garments and make them as snow- white as the naval uni- forms - - - That organization is Luncheon 11:00-1:30 Afternoon Tea 3:00-5:30 The 1V1 ...7 Trojan Laundry MIAIL [77:1 I< 1? I ? I