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September 29, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-09-29

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r ._.... _PAE SEVEN

1VYDNESi:)AY', SEPTEMBER 29, ,:I; 1)3


, ; ...

Small Turnout Answers Coach's
Initial Freshmnen Football Call
One of the SR:ile- i c.i e:hmu), lfout- Idocking,'printing and passing the}
bai s wts n CC~iih tR ir, I01otii qi d ook up the other rudiments of
lU~ A a i hI (~fldda es.re~O1' tin~e game and practiced falling on the1
t( rday at EerrfieBld in ~ito the
i jdl all X.1iued by Coa.h J ' Mall, -recovering fumbles, andl other
Mlat her, elementary drills. The session was
Immeduat(ly after their arrival on'closed with a trot to the south wall of
the fildl, the yeairliilgs were, divided the practice grounds andl return.
into seeral groups5, the linme Vn un- in former years the freshman squad,
der the (irec-tion of Cooches:; Matlior increased from day to lay during the
gand l)avi", while tile backs ere left, early dlays of training and it is ex-
to thremselvesci, kickhg and passinig onilpectedl that the present squad will in-
scuthli 'r:ry field. crease in size tremendIously within the
After m o than an hour's drill in 'next week.


I ~ ~1irhivitt~aii~lLOST
LO(-ST-WA rist Watch oan gold bracelet
11 if 5Ui r b _NA u rgr t 1i n hetw4 en catn us clock and Majestic.,

1i div l0 thhorivce t 1 c iler eall iu or
r ifi A d h l, I )Iil 212 1, and You lean2Lt ad
\'~ 1 ichigan ly i' rores tie right to
vi i fc 11 a l al tts ad 1 ler aplropridlte head-
i t s 1i ii )o e te or)E withhold oRbjeti ale'll fC
t ii-, a luinlses1cat 3 1'. )I.,latejpreced- r
112.. pul liliit. NAteecofaly erro 10must
-eltit)I timle for the sc('odiIlsCtof. f
Tel e ects per reading lime (on the basis of I
tie ,caver t-e words to the lie) for oe or two
ltetoSITI )15.
N ilne cen t spe reading line for three or more
111 iitolls.
! :ash rlasiiheds received at the Daily officel
ilt Thle Pr'ess ITtilding..on M.\layad Street..
special stantdardized rates -gven on apR)ia-
FOUND-Auttomatic Pencils which we!
sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that r swl n ata oga h
best. Rider's Pen Shop. tf
FOR RENT-A room, block from cam-
pus; large and bright; uppercass
men preferred. $5. Phone 22151.
FOR RENT-H-ouse, six rooms, seep-
1ing porch and bath. In A- condition
fromt attic to basement. Location, the
very best. Convenient to campus
and bus line. Adults preferred.
P'hone 5929. -1-2-3
FOR REN-Room with private bath
jfor upper~ clansmen. Call k875.
PLEASANT, quiet room, second floor.
!Four dollar s. 315 No. State t.
Phone 5767. 1-2
ROOM FOR RENT-First floor room
with private bath in quiet family.
tNo other roomers. Dial 5046 or call
502 East Ann St. 1-2-3
LIHT housekeeping rooms; three or
four rooms and private bath; heat
jfurnished; all modern conveniences.
Price reasonable. Dial 7339. 1-2-3
FRONT SUITE-Close to campus,
rates reasonable.. E. R. Lillie, 433
S. Division. Phone 3257. 2
FRONT SUITE-Four blocks from
campus; reasonable rates. Mrs.
Morris Maynard, 314 E. Liberty.
Phone 4765. 2
ROOM-Single or double, southeast.
section. 1515 Brooklyn Ave. Phone
12079. 2-3-4
FOR RENT-Large front suite for
two or three boys. 618 Packard.
Ph one 7076. 2
ROOM-Campus, 811 E. Huron. A
double room on first floor, private
entrance, your price. 2-34
FOR RENT-One comfortable suite,
two blocks from campus, for two
students. Equipment and room prac-
tically new; Also three roommates
wanted. Call 8167 or 917 E. Huron.
TWO SUITES-One on lower floor
with private bath. One three-room
apartment. All rooms furnished ex-'
ceptionally well. Rent reasonable.
Call 8372-504 Ann St. 21
FOR RENT--Suite, $8; 'double room,
$6; one and a half blocks from cam-
pus. 612 hill St. Phone 6637.
TWO very pleasant double rooms for
men, $7.50 per week for two or $6
jfor one at 1002 Cornwell Place.
Phone 3138. 2-3-4
FOR RENT-Large room, wIll rent
single or double. 425 S. Division.,
FOR RENT-One large suite suitable
for three men, three dollars each.
and one double room, first floor,
three-fifty each, two blocks from
Union. '555 S. Division. 2

FOR SALE-Six room house and ,gar-
age; all modern conveniences. Just;
been built one year. Dial 4972.
FOR SALE-Ink is the life blood of
your Fountain Pen. You will always
get the right kind at Rider's Pen v
Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or
kinds which clog your pen and make
it useless. Your pen and ink spe-
cialist knows. tf
FOR SALE-Star '26 ;sport roadster,
disk wheels, rumble seat; runs nice.
j$125.00. St., James Hotel Barber
Shop. 1-2-3

Finder please return to 1319 Forest
Ave. or Phone 5997. Reward. 1-2-3
LOST-Grange Parker pen, with ini-
tials J. A. GI., at Barbour Gym on
Wednesday, Sept. 22. Phone 22219.
LOST-Large yellow and white 1collie.
Two wounds on =left flank. ,An'4*rs
to name of Bobbe:' Dr . Lane, 427
N. Main St. ;t25.00 Rewar& A 2
Moderate Terms.
522 S. Fourth Ave. Phone 6430
WANTED-Musicians for dance or-
chestra. Apply 1108 11111 St. be-
tween 3 and 5 P. M. 2-3-4
WANTED a roommate,' single desk,
Simons bed, shower bathls, steam
heat. 523 Packard. 2
WANTED- Students to know that we
have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled
at the price. -Call for Wahls new
$5.00 pen, any style of point and in
three colors Hard Rubber Holders.
Rider's Pen Shop. f
WANTED-Neat-appearing salesladies
to sell. Pickwick house and street
frocks direct to wearer; easily earn
$35 weekly; work all or part time.
Write today. 'Pickwck Mfg. Co.,
Fort Wayne, Ind. 1-2-3
WANTED-]!urnace 'jobs desired by
3rd year student. Experienced. 533
Thompson. Dial 6950. 1-2-3
WANTD- Position as cook in fra-
ternity or sorority house. Can fur-
nish best of references. Dial 3618
mornings. 1-2-3
WANTED-Experienced colored cook
for a Fraternity. Home made bis-
cuits and pastries. Dial 7726.
ROOM MATE wanted by a Senior law
in suite in good location. 429 S. Di-
vision. - -3-4
WANTED-Ushers. Arcade Theatre.
Apply to doorman. No phone calls.
TWO STUDENTS want weekly ash
jobs. Phone 6736. 2-3-4
BUSINESS-GIRL desires single room
in vicinity of campus. Will pay $16
month. Dial 3449.
INSTRUCTOR wants room, with gar-
age and breakfast, if possible. Phone
7Q72. 2-3-4
WANTED-Someone to share small
office on State St. above Wagner's.
Phone 4731. 2
leading makes,- sold, rented, ex-
changed and repaired at prices cn-
{sistent with good quality and work-
manship. Best service department
in Ann Arbor and one of the largest
In'the State.
0.'D., M O R R FLL,
17,Nckels Arcade
The -&pwle Stationery Store
1Phone 6615. Established 1908.
IF YOU like good eats just call on me.
I am at your service for breakfast,
dinner or tea. Walworth Cafeteria,
State at Arbor. 1-2-3
EXPERIENCED piano and -pipe organ
teacher. Emma Fisher Cross, for-
mer facuty memerSchool of Mu-
sic and pupil of Lescetiky of
Vi.Tenna Studio, Apt. 8, 610"E. Lb-
erty. Phone 3568.:24-
-mate to share large front room, two
blocks west of Lit building. lMcon-
ochie, 338 E. Iefferson. 5870. 1-2-3


All 'Makes


3 MONTHS $7.50


FOR SALE--Good 'Cella ~nd Ludwig
snare drum in excellent condition.
522-S. 4th Ave. Dial 6430. 2-3-4
LOST--Athletic Book No. 2098. Finder
please return to Frances Patmos,-
603 M1onroe or call 9266.
LOST-All desire to promote highly
4colored pens, necessarily made of1
celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta-
bility to attract the eye and assist
the advertising. Our pens are, made,

PTAL 21143



See as before buying or renting.
We Can Save You Money.
All Machines -Guaranteed.
310 South State St. Dial 21143


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