ESTABLISHED 1890 it46 :43Arl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVII. No. 29 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTa ________________________________ S PPOFFSSQR HIISSY IRTRIEK R DR A SenateToConduct I lie LvuII I RVVU J~~J.oI U J E1IUUIL11 U l 1JLn 1 11I WHILE AT DINNER IN LONDON. FOLLOWING APPEARANCE BEFORE ASTRONOMICAL CLUB' ATTACK OF PLEURISY CAUSES DEATH OF UNIVER$ITY Death lakes Local Observatory Head! ENROUTE TO AFRICA C Success Of Asi rononica I ExpeditionM Would Hae eanR elization Of 25 Years Dream Prof. William J. Hussey, professor of astronomy and director of the Uni- versity observatory, died suddenly Wednesday night while at dinner with a few friends in London. After ad-t dressing the Astronomy club in the afternoon, Prof. Hussey returned to his room feeling quite ill, but deter- 0 mined to keep his i engagement for dinner. During the meal, he fell from1 his chair and died before the doctory arrived. His death resulted from - pleurisy, an attack of which he had just recovered from before sailing. Professor Hussey, with Mrs. Hussey,a and Prof. and Mrs. Richard A. Ross- iter, were enroute to Bloemfontein, South Africa, where Prof. Hussey hasf established an astronomical observa- tory for studying the heavens in the southern hemisphere. The apparatus which Professor Hussey has pro- cured will be the largest refracting telescope in the southern hemisphere. PROF. WILLIAM J . USSEY Dreams Nearly RWalized The successful culmination of the Director of the University obser- trip and the establishment of the com- vatory, who died suddenly while at pleted observatory would have been dinner in London Wednesday night. pleed sevaory d 111 icheeProfessor Hussey was on his way to the realization of a dream which the Po~so hse a nhswyt noted astronomer has cherished for establish an observatory at Bloem- more than 25 years. For years, he fontein, outh Africa. thought about the expedition, planned i and talked about it, but was pre- -B LI vented from going ahead by the lack of funds with which to finance the expedition. Finally in 1911, Robert P. Lamont, T '91E, donated funds enough to carry IN EARIDVUIIR ZONE out the long-cherished plan and im-, mediate preparations were begun.- Discouragements soon were encoun- Conditions In Armenian Quake hlegio1 tered in the difficulty of obtaining Compared To Scenes Of 1923 lenses of sufficient power and quality Siimyra Fire DisasterI to carry out the intention of Professor ---z Hussey which was to study the double DEAD stars of the southern hemisphere.MORETHAN 100TwEA d The lens which was secured for the Lamont refractory telescope, was (By Associated Press)n made in Germany and finished and LENINAKAN, Oct. 29.-Indescrib-t polished in Pittsburgh by James B. able desolation made more acute byk McDowell. It has a clear aperture of and spread of malaria, influenza, and 27 inches and cost more than $25,000 ohdseas prealed inte, eat to manufacture. The entire telescope other diseases, prevailed in the earth- assembly is worth more than $100,000. quake zone of Armenia where recur-t No definite information regarding ring earth shocks and loud subter- the future work of the expedition ranean rumblings have kept the pop-c could be obtained last night, but it is i thought that the work will proceed ulation in a state of terror and do~ under he direction of Professor Ross- spair for the past seven days andt iter, who is now in London. nights.t Was Famous Scientist Government and Near East reliefk Professor Hussey was one of the reports which have been trickling inc most widely known scientifical men in for the past few days reveal that the the United States. He was listed casualties of last week's great earth 1 among the greatest American scient- shock will be higher than at first ists in "American Men of Science" thought. The villages of Alexandroc-- which was published:five years ago ka, Daharlu, and Karaklissa alone had 1 by J. McKeon Cattell. Dr. Hussey 152 persons buried in the ruins and I was born at Mendon, Ohio, August 10, 210 badly injured. If the same pro-t 1862. He received his batchelor of portion of deaths prevailed in the science degree at the University in other 32 devastated villages, the total 1889 and his doctor of science degree loss of life will exceed 1,500 as against at Brown in 1912. On June 27, 1895, the 600 deaths reported.{ he married Ethel Fountain of Santa No estimate has been made of the Rosa, California, who died some years fatalities in towns beyond the Ar-I later. He was married a second time, nienian-Turkish border although theI September 1, 1917, to Mary McNeal loss of life and property is known toN Reed. be very great. "Horrible" is the wayc He was an instructor of mathema- the situation in Turkish Armenia wasr tics at the University from 1899 to described by a telegraph operator at 1891 when he left to become acting Kars.t director of the Detroit observatory. Great fissures are visible every- He returned to the University in 1892 where in the mountainsides while the as professor of astronomy, leaving in Ihplains are dotted with zig-zag crev-( 1896 to become astronomer at the ices. In some places the whole con-( Lick observatory, figuration of the earth has been1 He was professor astronomia y geo- changed. Great fountains of super- desia at the University of La Plata, heated sulphuric water are issuingI Argentine, and director of the obser- froum the earth in many places. t vatorio nacional de la plata at La Ther is still a grave food shortage. t Plata from 1911 to 1917. He was TO>ay t e Near East relief turned known as an expert on abserv tory ov n its huge bakery, built to supply sites in Southeran CalifOrnia, Ari- the 9,000 orphans under its care, to zona, and Australia. In 1905, he was the local government in an effort to in charge of the La Plata eclipse ex- 1alleviate the sufferings. With the pedition to Egypt and 1912 directed spread of disease, the American and the La Plata Eclipse expedition to native doctors in te stricken areas Brazil. The discoverer of 1,650 double are overwhelmed, stars, Professor Hussey was awarded the Lalande prize by the French aca-A demy and in 1906 for double star dis- Theodore Dreiser As coverers and investigations. Is object of Students Must Pay s To Replace Window "America has taken the place of France as a dictator of ladies' fash- Four students, arrested last Friday ions," says Theodore Dreiser, Amer- night in connection with a riot, dur- ican author. "England is America- ing which a stone was thrown through mad; the English girl imitates the a window at police headquarters, were dress of the American girl, not that ordered to pay $12.50 for the replace- of the French. The ambitious English ment of the window, and $3.45 costs boy plans to go to America," hel I... A U! -fAQ , r S o rf l fl n tntf Investigation Into Arizona Elections (By Associated Press) PHOENIX, Oct. 29.-Louis B. Whit- 'ney, chairman of the Democratic state central committee today made public a statement in which he in- sisted that a subpoena be issued for G. Hnry Stetson, of Philadelphia, for appearance at the hearing to be conducted here by the Senate cam- paign funds committee into alleged irregularities in Arizona campaign ex- penditu res. The investigation will open late Saturday upon the arrival of Senator W. H. King, Democrat, Utah, who will conduct the inquiry and Senator Ralph H. Cameron, Republican, Ari- zona, who instigated it. In his statement, Whitney charges that Stetson was "alleged to have been a large contributor to Cameron's campaign fund in 1920. Senator James A. Reed, Missouri, chairman of the campaign funds committee had previously said that the committee would have no time to go into the 1920 campaign charges. Whitney also named for a subpeona Gordon Campbell, president of the Calumet and Arizona Mining company and advocate of a tariff on copper, one of the planks in Cameron's plat- form. GRID-0GRAPH TO TALLY PLAY IN NAVY GAME' Management Promises More Specific Reports On Individual Plays 'OPERATORSEXPERIENCED More detailed play-by-play results of the Michigan-Navy football game, which will be played today in Balti- mgre, will be given by the grid-graph board at Hill auditorium than for any game in the past. The management believes this will be assured by the new contract which holds with Wes- tern Union, specifying that the in- dividual reports shall be longer and more specific. It is also expected that the efficiency of the grid-graph will be increased because of the fact that both of the operators have had two years previous experience. John M. Bennett, '27L, will work the ball on the board, while Charles D. Livin- stone, '28L, will control the lights. Immediately after every play occurs on the Baltimore field, the man mak- ing the play, yardage gained or lost, the man on the defense who stopped the play, and other information will be furnished to the audience by means of lights. Results of other games will be an- nounced betwen halfs and intermis- sions by Royal F. Cherry, '26. The feature of the day will be the parade of the Reserve band, which will play before the game and be- tween halves. Kenneth C. Midgley, '28L, will entertain between halves with several xylophone numbers. One of the Varsity cheer leaders will be present to lead the songs and yells. As previously announced in The Daily the plan to have reserved seats will not be followed and the prices will be as before, 50 cents and 35 cents, for the main floor and balcony, respectively. Reports of the game will begin at 2:30 o'clock, the doors of the auditor- ium being 'thrown open at 1:30 o'clock. Tickets are on sale at the Union, Graham's, Slater's, Wahr's, Hueston's, George Moe's sport shop, and Calkins- Fletcher State street and South Uni- versity drug stores. The box office at Hill auditorium will also sell tickets from the time the doors open until the start of the contest. Reports of the game will also be given at the Majestic theatre. PARIS.-Economics resulting from administrative changes already made by the Poincare government, show a total saving for the year of 109,883,000 francs. SEN ATE INVESTIONTION OF PARTY CAMPAIGN EXPENSESNEARS END INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS WILL REPORT WHEN CONGRESS CONVENES PROBE KLAN INFLUENCE Political Activies Of Anti-Saloon League And Ku Klux Klan To Be Part Of Report (By Associaed Press) ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 29. - With senate investigation of campaign ex- penditures in four states already con- cluded and that in two others in pro- gress, political leaders today spec- ulated as to the possible effect of the disclosures on the general elections next Tuesday and as to the number of contests for senate seats which might result. Reports on the widely scattered in- quiry which individual members of I the committee have been conducting will be placed before the full mem- bership at an early meeting in Wash- ington after the senate convenes. These will be consolidated into a single re- port reviewing the situation in each the states-Pennsylvania, Illinois, In- diana, Washington, Oregon and Ari- zona. Dry League And Klan Political activities of the Anti-Sa- loon league and the Ku Klux Klan probably will form two important sec- tions of the report, which will be pr e- pared by Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, the chairman, who in his investigations in eastern states has adduced a mass of testimony touching upon these two organizations. { The klan influence in politics was disclosed during the inquiry into the muddled situation in Indiana which Senator Reed conducted at Chicago, Indianapolis, Kansas City and St. Louis. Evidence presented at the con- clusion of this investigation here Thursday was that high officials of the klan not only were supporting Senator James E. Watson, Republican nominee for re-election, in the pri- mary campaign early this year, but made many trips to Indiana to see that the hooded order "went down the line for him." The most startlin'g bit of testimony came at the end of the hearing when William M. Rogers of Indianapolis, a member of the imperial realm of the klan, asserted that Senator Watson had shown him a card which served as an "imperial passport" as "a citi- zen of the invisible empire." Senators Deny Charges , Senator Watson later issued a state- ment from his room in a hospital in Indianapolis in which he denounced Rogers' testimony as an "infamous lie." "I never was a member of the klan and I never ,was invited to join the klan," Senator Watson said. A similar denial as to klan mem- bership was received by Senator Reed Thursday night from Senator Arthur R. Robinson, who also is running for re-election in Indiana on the Repub- lican ticket. In an affidavit he said he was not a member of the klan now and that he never had been a mem- ber of that organization. PRESIDENT DENIES ALLEGED INTEREST IN POLITICAL RACE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-The posi- tion of President Coolidge as one of non-involvement in the senatorial election in Illinois was announced at the White House today in a formal statement. It emphasized that he had expressed no attitude on the choice of a senator in that state. The statement was made public without comment. Prior to its prepar- ation the attention of the White House had been called to a dispatch in to- day's issue of the Chicago Tribune, which represented the president as I having made certain comment on the candidacy of Frank L. Smith, Republi- can nominee for the senate. The text of the statement read: I "For obvious reasons, it has to be a policy of President Coolidge to as- sume no responsibility for press re- ports as to his position on public questions, made without official sanc- tion. SYost To Give Away l *Y Souvenir Footballs In conjunction with the initial show- of Richard Dix's new picture, "The Tract Reserved For Navy Storage Depot Near Pacific Coast "'Y Associated 'Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-Finding a site for the Navy's projected ammuni- tion depot within a 1,000 mile radius of Pacific coast points moved a step nearer accomplishment today when a 1,000 acre tract near Hawthorne, mineral county, Nevada, was reserved by the interior department for that use if desired. The tract withhld from settlement by executive order, is 20 miles south of Reno, in the Walker lake district. The Navy department pointed out, however, that the action of the in- terior authorities did not necessarily mean that the station would be con- structed on the reservation. Establishment of a storage depot within reach of Pacific centers is in- cluded in the Navy program provid- ing for two ammunition depots for high explosives as recommended by the naval court of inquiry into the explosion which wrecked the depot at Lake Denmark, New Jersey on July 10. Western Nevada is understood to be the locality favored because of its nearness to the Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Columbia river areas, but other sites are under consideration. HELSER LECTURES ON NEEDS OFMISSIONARY, Stresses Importance Of High Grade Intelligence and Energy For Successful Evangelist WILL MEET STUDENTS Declaring that the day of the mere- ly "good" missionary was past, A. D. Helser, A. M., internationally known foreign missionary, stressed the need for men of high grade intelligence and energy in missionary work, in a speech delivered last night under the auspices of the Student Volunteer group in the Lane Hall auditorium. Mr. Helser, who was a representa- tive at the International conference on Africa, held this year in Belgin, has spent four years as missionary and explorer in West Central Africa and has written a book on Nigeria 1 that is considered by critics as the best work on exploration since the days of Livingston and Stanley. The speaker also declared that the evanglization of the world is not at all impossible, and expressed the I opinion that within not so very many years, comparatively speaking, will come about. The youth of the na- tion, in his opinion, face three possible courses. There is a high way and a low way, and. also the middle ground, which he denounced as being unworthy of the attention of anyone. "Mere willingness to do something is not enough," Mr. Helser continued, "For one might be willing to receive an education without effort or be wealthy or great but if he did not have the will, the all important fac- tor, he could not succeed." He said that in his experience he had seen missionaries who themselves did not believe in God, and added that the young man who was a doctor or other- wise professionally equipped was worth many times more in the mis- sion field than the merely theologic- ally trained student. Mr. Helser plans to return to the central Africa region within a few weeks, declaring that there is an ir- resistable attraction to work of this kind. He will also continue there his work in exploration, for which he was I recently made a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Mr. Helser will remain in (town until Sunday, and students interested in misionary work may arange to in- terview him at Lane Hall. BUDAPEST. -j The minister of fi- nance has completed a loan with Spey- er and company, New York, for $6,- 000,000 for Hungarian municipalities. LONDON.-Two more women have obtained aviators' certificates at the Stagline Airplane club. YOST SENDS WOLVERINES THROUGH LIGHT SIGNAL DRILL IN, PREPARATION FOR CLASH WITH POWERFUL ANNAPOLIS ELEVEN TODAY Michigan's Leader In Eastern Battle SQUAD REPORTED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION; SQUIER AND WEBER WILL PLAY CAPT. BEN\Y FRIEDMAN Will lead the Wolverines against' the strong Navy eleven this after-l noon in the Baltimore municipal sta- dium in a clash between two teams unbeaten so far this year. NON-PARTISAN BALLOT PROPOSED BY LUIN Schermerhorn, Frensdorf and Dansard Also Speak At Rally Of Democrats ABBOT OPENS SESSION! Speaking in place of gubernatorial nomntnee William A. Comstock, '99, who was unable to attend the meeting ag scheduled, Alfred Lucking, former congressman, of Detroit, proposed a non-partisan or pure Australian bal- lot for state elections in Michigan, at the county Democratic rally at the Armory last night. Mr. Lucking pointed out that there is no issue irt state politics which is peculiar to either party, and that is, therefore, hard to distinguish between the funda- mental principles of the tvio. He based his 'opposition to the present admin- istration rather on its action in gov- ernment than on any questions to be defined as partisan. In discussing the present contest,' Mr. Lucking 'asserted that the Re- publican nominee for governor, in his primary campaign, strongly, opposed the present administration in an effort to succeed it in leading the party, but now is making every effort to ally that same faction, denouncing those who "would create a rift in the party." James Schermerhorn, formerly edi- tor of the Detroit Times, and one of the Detroit candidates for the state l.egislature, emphasized the import- ance of the minority in politics, show- ing how it provided for keen compet- ition in discussing legislation, and thus brought out the best arguments of each faction. This, he stated, must be the most important function of the Democratic party in Michigan. Mr. Schermerhorn commended the inter- est shown in politics by the University community, as well as the frank dis- cussion of issues by the candidates. Boyes Dansard, nominee for Con- gressman from this district, explained his reasons for favoring government control of liquor distribution, and Ed- [ward Frensdorf, who opposed Gover- nor Alex Groesbeck for the governor- ship two years ago, set forth the in- tention of the party to cut the cost of government if it won control in the election Tuesday. Horatio J. Abbott, chairman of the State Central committee, opened the meeting, which was presided over by George Burke, of Ann Arbor, nominee for the state supreme court bench. IELD IN PERFECT SHAPE nly Change In Line-up Is Substitu- tion Of GreenwaldkFor Rich At Hlf-Back (Special to The Daily) From Wilton A. Simpson, Sports Editor BALTIMORE, Oct. 29.-Coach Yost ent his squad of Wolverines into the [unicipal stadium gridiron here this fternoon in final preparation for the avy game to be played here tomor- ow afternoon. r The Michigan teamh held a short icking and passing drill to limber p after the long journey. Coach 'ost was so pleased with the Illinois ictory that he excused all the reg- lars from practice 'last Monday, so >day's drill was really only the third rorkout for the men. [ichigan's players are in excellent hysical condition, Trainer Hoyt said' >night. Squier and Weber who were n the sick list earlier In the week ave recovered and will be available s substitutes. Field In Good Shape The Municipal stadium is one of the est gridirons in the East, ranking qual with Ferry field. Although light howers fell here yesterday and to- ay, the sod on the field is in perfect hape, assuring the Wolverines that hey will play under favorable con- itidns for a forward passing game. A large crowd of spectators stood long the side lines during the Mich- gan practice. Friedman and Oosterbaan gave a ashy exhibition of forward passing, ppalling the Easterners with the ong passes and uncanny catches. Friedman also performed at place- icking, booting the ball over the goal rith amazing regularity. The lineup ollows: favy Pos. Michigan 'loyd ..........L.E...... Oosterbaan Vickhorst (C)..L.T...........Baer ross .. .....L.G......Palmeroll loerner .........C...... Truskowski torn ..........R.G.......... Lovette ddy .......... R.T........... Gabel Iardwick ......R.E........... Flora [annegan ......Q.B... Friedman (C) tansford.......L.H........... Gilbert chuber ........R.H..... Greenwald Iamilton ......F.B.........Molenda Place-Baltimore Stadium. Time- :30. Officials: Referee-Dave Fultz of rown. Umpire-John Schomer, Uni- ersity of Chicago. Head Linesman- lugo Von Kersburg, Harvard. Field udge-J. H. Nichols, Oberlin. Time of Periods-15 minutes. ANNAPOLIS, Oct. 29.-Michigan vas accorded a royal welcome-by the Annapolis Midshipmen when the Wol- 'erines arrived at Bancroft Hall this wvening, after their short practice in he Municipal stadium at Baltimore. When the Michigan party entered he mammoth dining hall the Midship- nen let out a cheer which did not ubside for five minutes, The .noise was deafening and the loudest cheer Yost has ever heard. The Middies gave the Michigan team full liberty to roam through Bancroft Halt, the largest dormitory in the world. The hospitality extended was flt for royalty. The Navy football eam was playing in the dark with floodlights on the field when the Wol- verines arrived here. Coach Yost held an hour's meeting tonight in which he admonished his mnen to beware of the bugbear-over- confidence. Baltimore press reports pick the Wolverines to win but the Navy has enough strength to come through. The Michigan party will see the Cadets drill in the morning and then leave for Baltimore. Lunch will be served at the Elkridge Country club. Football Scores To Be Posted At Union Scores of all important football games, Conference and Eastern, will be available today in the lobby of the Union after they are received. They will, also, be posted in the Tap room. In addition to the special listing of of today's scores, the Union is tab- ulating the season standings of Con- ference teams on a permanent bul- letin board. s serts America Great English Envy He likens American politicians to cheer-leaders. According to him none of these enterprising gentlemen have the courage to deal with, and none of the presses the courage to discuss the really important funda- mental issues like the Catholic ques- tion, the Negro, liquor and money- power questions. Wolverines Shake Hands With Cal., Report He Works Like Semaphore WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-Singing to the tune of "Good Morning Mr. Zip- Zip-Zip," and tossing his hand wildly at the amazing rate of 300 shakes an hour, President Calvin Coolidge shook hands with all the members of the Michigan football party in record-j breaking time at the White House the awe-stricken guest with an at- titude of "take it or leave it." Coolidge places emphasis on the downward1 swing giving a short lateral pullt which aids materially in throwing the 1 guests out of the office.f The President had a conference1 with his cabinet this morning and was I nmitn half' houir hpiind1 in his ain-!I I