Vii T RIDAY, OCTOB3ER 29~, I6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ~-,P~l '~ m itPT~flQ fU ZEC4.I EXECUTIVE ENDS U niversity Students !J OHNON MAY SUCCEE I~tMUfl ~bU~b U~ EGHH YAR~N FFCEAttend Geneva Cm1 WSHiNGTONoVR .......s<:9veIt ~, he1-d Cofrec hlff ~'ro I ie Iiii B~iie ' iiotins lst ummer at whic°h delegates of 100 Sa1PLti Poe;rcoleg:sof the :xiddle West were pyres- 1ENGINEERS WILL HEAR EXECUTIVE Lecture Series Moniday , Lantern slid{ xvwili amplify 'te nowv :;ei ies of lecl ures that Jlohn S. Worley, POINTS OUT PHILOSOPHY Making Tolstoy's social principles the keynote of his lecture, Prof. C. L. Meader of the Latin department ad-1 dressed members of the Tolstoy league owi j'Tolstoy's Teaching" yesterday afternoon in Angell hail. Profess'or Meadler described sonmc of the early influenaces, of Tolstoy's life, which caused him to adopt the distinctive philosophy embodied in his writings. The essence of his teachings, ac- cording to Professor Meader, is bound up .1p his belief that only two princi- pies of human conduct can be applied universally. These are the human pas- simis of love and self-renunciation. From this simple foun tain-head spring all his views on religion, so- ciety, politics, art, and, in fact, his opinions on' every field he touched. After explaining Tolstoy's condemn- nation of the present system of so- eiet-y of the private ownership of land, and of art without a religious~ basis, Professor Meader concluded his lecture by declaring that, if Tolstoy's th6ry of human life is correct, it will grdually spread with the passing of glerations and become the "guiding rnof society." p rofessor Meader's discussion wasj a general survey of the problems and ies which will be treated in more deil in following meetings of the league, at which each one of the tech-ings of Tolstoy's books wil be the 7oughly analyzed. P JST PLANS FOR MTh1"C',ATION WEEK, h:t1 t.. President Clarence Cook Little gave :\~::-..-..vice-pr esident of the lavirshaw wirzze two addresses before the general cony- c( opnwl iet h o 1 l (itlanwl gv oh ferenceemphsisg tthought that the basic elements of life were hurnil- : tj.:t 0 hedpaten:f.ii ity, courage and love. Dr. Charles WV.ii~eiaa coe etMna Gilkey, pastor of the Hyde Park anjTesayi;;rom41 o Ili church of Chicago madle the openingt iginae ring lbuidinog. ~~~~~~~~~~1address, urging the delegates to clarify r. oleuilasyerar- their religious beliefs and't olwaj csli hedlarnc(i fc i deinite program of socialacin a i'fee'lga Mciat;nldIh Anim"rtanfeature of the conier- rme U jd>'i'1a in ence was the series of disussioniaa Iae1le hsmd aya i groups led by Dr'. A. Bruce Curry, i L ilZ~iii5 o{f general meetings in the morning ' i: 'jthe School of Religion in whose honor tIhe pulpit, at the 10:' t) 'mtok erice., the luncheon wvas held. Prof. Water- Thte elning services xvi IPie i; llhag man11, head oif the school of Religion, of P'rof. L. A. l1lop kinisai dThoa(;t spoke briefly about; the religious pro- tJ~leui of L.tI ii it. [at ues1.(o- gramn at; the Ciaivet sity. A report AdI, of the rhtrI'lli imal vi 'of the plans o1ftile religious depart:-l also aISsist in tlle workof thu .chuirc h, miient was discussed by Professor 1lop- ' diurin g thIe past or':; a hsmnlce. kinsxvio s iiexecutive of the Scihool -_____ kinf~, Rliion wo i .anT K 10--To promote an i 111(1erstand- "'hee luncheon wvas conc luded with a), ig of war the Japanese wvar t tic'. discuss ion )by the fe(der-ation of all theI has just comlulleted a fibni, " Th VWa r i'EitiuI sea ain A nn Arbor concern- jlCod,, Lieut. Conumnanrir'icibii trig a com 1 nit,- Tliank,, ivingpro- 1pictured by the NippinCinema coin- i o bii t e gix eluat the !"irstl n 1 tparry under thle auspices,"ofrthewar Im}lii rib, "'ian isg;lVing nuo ru'ling10, at offs',, I Weam ;: . . Y 1 . a ({ , i i , ,, Y 3 I ,y a E c w.. v ;;(., : Ivr rI sio l'nJg . , r, -,'' F i: ._, 's'r + ,x ;' / . -..,, , I1 _ , w i +s l 1!1 L, /aftrr l w Ir'r of cai: of W i dai6 vt da i fa it4 da beV ite Viii Prieshiorn Post Of lAmerican Le. THOMAS G. MASARV]K l~oo - Will ObtaIn An Essaiy President of Czechoslovakia, who For FaeliDay has just completed his eighth year inI /office. His term is for life. ~Plans for the sponsoring of Ed-- Ion Week, which will be observedZ Sub~scribe for the Michigan D~aily. 7-13, by the Irwin Prieshorn Post_____________________ ~the American Legion, have been tpleted by the committee for that A H HTT ETE ~pose which is headed by Prof.A T ERI H A R rdinand N. Meneffe, of the engineer- mechanics department. The com- tee has 'arranged to have several BONSTELLE MMts.Tes., Tou.$.0 the well known Ann Arbor and TVni- PLAYHOUSE 5oc and 75c. = ity men contribute articles which Biy Jameis Forbes, Author of tl be used in °connection with the "TI IH (I IOI'S LADS"I iy programs. 4YO)UNG BLOOD"I Phe Rev. K. 1. Bowen of the Chris- j t Whic'h Helen IHyes, Florencej p Church will write the first of Eldridge, Normnt Trevor and Eric 1 e essays, which will appear Mon- ( iDressler Were Featured at the tllt Sentitled, "Liberty is Not the RightI Theatre, N. Y.! 0n u All17 The second Article, f T A A T ttism", will be written by the ;H B RT L FA E T t. A. W. Stocker, of the Methodist Lafayette at Shelby Streeti t hl. Fielding iH. Yost, director of "SONG OF THE ercollegiate athletics, _will be the F A. E bib of' Wednesday's paper which will Wt z tled, "Equal Opportunities". The T IESSA JiOSTA iistice Day message will be pre- Scenery by Josef lrrban ed by A. C. Stimson, commander ofNihs 7ct$25 ylocal Legion~ post. Friday's story 1I Wed. Magt.750c to $1.50 flow Your Schools",, will be written - DETROIT Sat. Mat. 50e to $2.00! Now - Now - Nom and Marguerite Courtot I lian bpec Cast Tell him you canir buy it for less at The Watch Shop South lUniversity near' C hiuuh St. WIVIiIcttig r The ITatterm~an Marionettes ._ For the First l Time iimAnni Arbor - ~"THE MELON THIEF" Aut'i :o P. N..,irii,(lt.~ ,v2 PATTENGILL AUDITORIUM ll S a s 5J=A nn A r~ or I i h Schoola. - "As (Good as-Tony Sarg's"I .. ._' LSS - Fs f /~ t bys'O. vW. r-aismey, superintendent o Aan~ Arbor or public schools. The pa~e r for' Saturday will be by Prof. Jo1i P. -Sundwall, of the hygiene de- paeltment. The program for the w4k Avi be concluded Sunday. ARIS.-A fuel ;famine, which is apdly spreading to all European' co iries," is resulting from, the Brit- ishit coal strike.- ~lassifi4od ads bring big results for Yn~pey invested.-Ad.! IiUUUINI The Masler Mytifier A augi(e - Ilisiolis lEseapes - Fraiid Mt'diiiiii posed A Z,=THEA.T1ER I+,T1ROI r i4afayette at WVayne Cad. 1100I :Mats. Wed, and Sat.I Tihe Ace of Musical Comedies " 'QUEEN HIGH5' Withx Julia',Sanders.on and Fra-nk C'rumit Nights 75c to $3; Wed. Mat. 75c to $2; Sat. I Muat. 75c to $2.50 . i i I I I I I 1 I c 4 { r y '11}il t _ a AR ROW presents AVINE TREE PICTURES PRUCTIO lLIN]I 8tlazznr 8crrcer A. story of the Canad Woods and the Qucl underworld- /1" . .I Ji rkt Il tongat 4 4 "' ; 6 ti i ' , it : .' s ;y i C a k a , F., r Written by JAMES GIVER CUR WOOD A Cresat Story'-- A (' emutd Wondterful Phiol oglil idy v oil - =- , 't r , , . +Y 1 ' Pr OF i'. i'r' f* , "; iN J is j yVz ; ; c,,c fX i h "_y i' P::. Y . 7'4 r. p ;. ?,< ;, ;- :, . .r'. , . .. . 4-PERFORMANCES DAILY- We Promise You"'T'hrills! Athundering climax -o the tune of thunderinghoS The r diui a of ( xii'ol : ,! oha tigl t0£11 hi o e k I hils=- A.i 1, icuky, w* hl1J -4i e 'd azt a.lg MA(Af tl o k'1ity for wiaoniP it~n'u fig~h~t for the vrivileg'e of iriIp. With , C% H Ink , t " y~pj'cuS' M 4"Novel by 2~lr. ~ ~on'I~odro See Mfore Vij id jand Beal timesi During Your Childhood Illusions of Pirates 'Bold and hidden 'Treasures, Invitig You to the Most1tseisAdnurinhe ncntRPos of history. -I olicy- V-:(H)-30 7:00-8:35, adults, 40c Chi ldren, 25c. Loges Jlesd. 75c C~ eg"A"A L~~ A fjofnce!Thari I ., DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS BLACK PIRATE IFut ire 1Protllict,1011 in Techniicolor' (Natural {iohors) ITSTAII'iLE .:1'lYOUp/4 L Also Michigan- Illinois Foot ball Gamue Life's Cart ooni ToNday's News M11ichuigan Locals Arcade 'Review Will Panic rWith Laffs 4 a 614L)- 13 fy4q- 'XVxe ALSO A (.ONEl)Y--NEWS5--VARIETIES- SlARINC) SUNDAY - 1 " ag Ill. 1 i Keith Vaudeville Feature VAN DE VELD O lita N ofcidSecu "THE GYPSY 7. 1 mnd L ttui~i i -N- '-LAN Al ' IIcal - i'sK { 5NGBO/ii y L~~i Leonad l~accue, 1), e- ' at -COMING SUND)AY- -I He You \ f w,. F LNii I l-W 1 . I I I ; I