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October 29, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-29

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Ar U





Senator King, Democrat, Utah, Sent
To Arizona T Investigate
(By Associated Press)
PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 28.-Sen-
ato Ralph N. Cameron, Repub-
Hlean, Arizona, whose charges
that money was being sent iitq
the state to defeat him for re-
election led to the decision of Sen.
James A. Reed to investigate
Arizona's senatorial campaign ex-
penditures, today telegraphed
the Missouri senator that lie would
suggest subpoenaing harry Cliand -
ler of the Los Angeles Times, Will
Irwin, novelist, and Steven T.
Mather of the national park serv-
ice, to appear at the hearing here
Saturday night.
(By Associated Press)
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28.-Gossip
overheard in the smoking compart-
ment of a pullman car was the founda-
tion of charges that $35,000 was paid
to the Portland Morning Oregonian
for opposing the canlidacy of Sen-
ator Robert N. Stanfield of Oregon, it
was developed today by Senator Char-
les L. McNary of Oregon as he closed
his investigation here into senatorial
campaign expenditures in this state.
. The information regarding the
smoking room gossip came in a tle-
gram from Water Hayes of Washing-,
ton, D. C., former secretary to Pres-
ident Roosevelt. *
George Putnam, publisher of the
Salem Capital Journal, who brought
about the Oregon inquiry, testified
yesterday that he had learned of the
alleged $35,000 transaction in a con-
versation with Hayes when the latter
visited the Capital Journal offices at
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 28.-Activities
of the Ku Klux Klan in both state and
national political affairs covered a
wide range, the Senatecampaign funds
committee was told here today by half
a dozen members and former members
of the hooded order.
High points in the testimony in
what Senator Reed, Democrat, Mis-
souri, announced were the closing ses-
sions of the three election investiga-
tions into campaigns in eastern states,
That high officials of the Klan inter-
ested themselves in the election con-
test from Minnesota and Iowa, involv-
ing the Senate speech of Sen. Thomas
D. Schall, Republican, and former
Senaor Smith'W. Brookham*', Republi-
That William S. Zumbrunn, general
counsel for the Klan, and active di-
rection of the camaig of Senator
James E. Watson, Republican, Indiana,
for renomination in the primaries last
That Dr. Hiram W. Evahs, imperial
wizard of the Klan, was deeply inter-
ested in Watson's campaign and made
a number of visits to Indiana for poli-
tical conferences with Klan leaders.
That William S. Zumbrunn is the
legislative agent of the hooded order
at Washington, looking after such
matters as immigration restrictions
legislation and the seating of senators.
That $400 of Indiana Klan money
was used to defray the expenses of In-
diana Klan officials to Washington
last December to discuss the appoint-
ment of Pharles Orbison as corpor-
ation ccunsel of Indianapolis.

Senator Will Speak
To Alumni Tonight





Royal S. Copeland, '89M,
United States Senator from New
York and former mayor of Ann Arbor,
who will speak at the National Mich-
gan Alumni banquet at Philadelphia
tonight. le will head the official
delegation of alumni from Washing-
Detroit Attorney Provides F ndowment
For Prizes For Contest On
New Testament
Announcement of a new testimonial
oratorical contest, to be known as the
"Black New Testament Contest" wasi
made yesterday by Prof. Richard D. T.l
Hollister of the public speaking de-
partment. The contest wil be endowed
permanently to furnish prizes of $100
to the first place winner and $50 to
the second place winner in addition to
gold and silver medals. Thomas E.
H. Black, '14L' Detroit attorney, has{
furnished the testimonial in apprecia-
tion of the work which the public
speaking department did for him while
he was in school.I
The contest will be conducted along4
Hines similar to those of the Atkin-
son memorial contest. E. E. Fleisch-
man .of the public speaking depart-
ment will have charge of the New
Testament contest this year and has
announced that preliminary trials,
open to any undergraduate student in
good scholastic standing, will be held
soon after the opening of the second'
semester, while the final contest will
be held about the middle of March.
The speeches may be given on any.
theme for which the substance is
drawn from the New Testament;
whether it be a discussion of char-
eters, incidents, teachings, or religious
ideails found there, or even a discus-
sion of modern problems in the light
of these teachings. Originality andj
I sincerity, rather than fidelity to tradi-
tional orthodoxy or religion, should
govern the students' choices of sub-
jects, in the opinion of Mr. Fleisch-
The aim of the contest and of its
founder is to stimulate interest in the
New Testament scriptures on the part
of college students.
Speeches must not be over 1800
words in length and any students de-
siring further information should see
Mr. Fleischman at once.
Hoover Puts Day On
National Committee
Edmund E. Day, dean of the School

Mayor Will Extend Welcome For Cityt
At Official Ceremonies
This Afternoon
With special trains from Detroit,t
Minneapolis, Pittsburg, Toledo, Cleve-
land, Chicago, and Ann Arbor carry-
ing alumni from their home cities, the1
committee which is arranging the Na-
tional Michigan Alumnus dinner to-
night at Philadelphia is looking for an
attendance of more than 1,000. Thet
last train left here yesterday after-
noon, carrying the band and several
University men: It will reach Phila-
delphia this afternoon in time for its
passengers to take part in the Michi-
gan day festivities of the Sesqui-Cen-a
tennial exposition. The Varsity band
will entertain with a half-hour pro-
grain this afternoon.
Hon. W. Freeland Kendrick, mayor'
of Philadelphia, will welcome the(
Michigan visitors at the official state
ceremonies near the Forum of the
Founders at the exposition. Forrher
Governor Chase S. Osborn will also
speak at this time.
At 7:30 this evening in the ballroom
of the Bellevue-Stratford hotel, over
1,000 graduates of the University willj
meet in their first national banquet
since 1911. At this time, President
Clarence Cook Little, Shirley W.
Smith, secretary of the University,
Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the
University and mayor of Ann Arbor,
Senator Royal S. Copeland, President,
James R. Angell of Yale, Edwin Denby,
and several of the Regents will speak.
Col. David J. Davis lieutenant-gover-
nor of Pennsylvania, has been asked
to officiate as toastmaster.
Entertainment has been arranged
by a committee of the University of
Michigan Club of Philadelphia. The
1 Varsity band of 72 pieces will playa
I during the dinner. Wives of those
present will attend the banquet but
Will occupy seats in the balcony of
the ballroom, and will be served there.
SSpecial trains will be ready early to-,
morrow morning to take the alumni to
Baltimore for the Michigan-Navy
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the
College of Engineering, left yesterday
for Philadelphia to attend the alumni
banquet and the football game at
Baltimore Saturday. Both Dean Cooley
and his son are graduates of the Naval
academy and have been invited to a
luncheon given by Admiral Nulton,
superintendent of the academy.

American Girl Is
Hero When Quake
Strikes Armenia,
LEN INAKANT, Armenia, Oct. 2.-1
An American girl's heroism saved1
many lives in the great earthquake
which devastated Armenia last Fri-I
day night. Miss Edna Steiger, a,
slender nurse from Williamsport, Pa.,
was sitting at a fire place talking with
another American when a terrifying
rumbling, like a stormy sea, was
heard. She saw chimneys topple and
the earth open, followed by the crash
of collapsing walls and shill cries.
The nurse thought only of her hos-
pital at Kara Kilissa, four miles dis-
tant, where she had left scores of
crippled patients. She jumped into
an automobile and speeded across the
broken road. She reached the hospital,
to find it partly in ruins. Against the
entreating of her companion, she ran
into the trembling buildings, and with
the help of natives dragged out the
terrified patients until all were re-
Then, learning that an Armenian
nurse still remained within the totter-
ing walls, she returned and carried
her stricken Armenian associate to
the threshold of the hospital and fell,
fainting,*as the third quake leveled
the structure to the ground.
Miraculously she escaped the fall-
ing debris, but her sister nurse was
seriously injured.

Lecture On "'The Corrosion Resistance
Of Metals" Will Be Dedicated
To Professor Campbell
Dr. William Minot Guertler, director
of the Metall-Instiut der Technischen
Hochschule, Charlottenburg, Germany,
will give two University lectures here
Nov. 1 and 2. His first lecture will be
dedicated to the late Prof. E. D. Camp-
bell, head of the chemistry department
who died last year, will be on "The
Corrosion Resistance of Metals." The
next day he will give "Systematic Pro-
cedure in Establishing the Limits of
the Utilization of Metal Combinations
in Technical Practice."!
Dr. Guertler is one of the Iest
krawn metalurgists in the world. Af-
ter his high school education, he stu-
died at the Institute for Technology
in Hanover and Munich, and at ther
Universities of Munich and Gottingen.
While at these latter institutions, he
came under the influence of Profes-
sor Tammann, the famous chemist.
Upon receiving his doctor's degree in
1904, he became Tammann's assistant.
In this capacity, he worked out,
in cooperation with Tammann, the
first constitution diagrams of binajy


Former Regent Runs
Against Fred Green


t,11011go 11AUser,'iAnu o ress-3 unuay Does Research Work
Convocation, Spoke To Students After this, Guertler did research
At Geneva Conference work of his own, in which he estab-
lished the inherent laws by which the
HORNBERGERTO PRESIDE properties of alloys are connected
with the inner structure of the alloys.o
According to word received yester- These studies brought him the honorI
day from Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, of obtaining the "venia legendi" from
day rom r. Carls 'X. Gikey the Technical Institute of Berlin.
"What Is There In Religion?" is theTh In 1908, Dr. Guertler carme to the a
subject which the Chicago minister United States and was appointed re- r
has chosen for his address Sunday search professor at the Massachusetts
morning in Hill auditorium. The serv- Institute of Technology, where het
ices Sunday will comprise the fourth gave lectures until 1909.
student convocation of the fall series. Several years later Guertler asso-1
Dr-Gilkey. has been in Ann Arbor ciated himself with the firm of thec
several times and is well known to Leitz Optical company in Germany, for1
many Michigan men and women the constrUction of a large micro-
through his talks at the student con- scope for use with metals.r
ferences held at Lake Geneva, Wis., The next five years he devoted tot
during the past three summers. He research work and to the writing of ar
has served as university preacher at text book. In this connection, he stu-3
every leading university in the country died several hundred thousand pages
and is continuing his addresses be- of printed matter of International
for various college student bodies literature on the binary system of
several times each year. Iron-Carbon, and sifted the result into
In the opinion of Theodore Horn- a compilation of 1,000 pages.
berger, '27, who arranged the convo- In 1911, he founded the Internation- i1
cations this fall, Sunday's speaker is al Journal of Metallography, which
the most interesting of any who have had contributors from every country:
addressed the student body this fall. prof. E. \D. d rnpbell, to whom Dr.
During his stay in Ann Arbor, Dr. Guertler is dedicating this first lecture,'
Gilkey will be the guest of Mr. and wrote many articles for this journal.
Mrs. James Inglis of Baldwin avenue. Enters German Institute
Hornberger will preside at the con- He entered the Metall-Institut der
vocation Sunday. Robert Graham will Technischen Hochschule in 1914 and
again be the soloist and Dalies Frantz assumed the, management of the in-
will be at the organ. tenor equipment. That institution is
i now the finest of its kind.
DELA Y IN OPERA At present, Germany is interested in
LL three newly developed inventions of
POSTER EXHIBIT Guertler and his cooperators. They are:
_ -first, a new aluminum alloy of higher
Display of the winning posters for strength than duraliminum; second,
"Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual a new kind of silver alloy showing the
Union Opera, which was to have been mechanical properties of steel; andl
made this week in the window of third, a very simple method of gaining
Graham's store on State street, has Muntz metal directly from mixeds
furen PShnUtI UriodU ita ores.

Candidate Is Graduate Of University
In Class Of '99; Has Been
Mayor Of Alpena
William A. Comstock, '99, Democrat-
ic choice.to oppose Mayor Fred Green
of Ionia for the governorship, and for-
merly a Regent of the University, will
be the principal speaker at a public
meeting and Democratic rally to be
held at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Armory, Fifth avenue and Ann street.
William A. Comstock, '99, George J. Burke, 07L, Democratic
Democratic candidate for governor nominee for the State Supreme court,
of Michigan who will speak tonight and an Ann Arbor resident, will pre-
at a public meeting in the Armory. side at the meeting, according to an
Mr. Comstock, who has served as Re- announcement yesterday by George P.
gent of the University in 1913-15, and Cantrell, '21L, secretary of the county
as mayor of Alpena, is opposing Mayor Democratic committee. The guber-
Fred Green of Ionia, Republican natorial nominee will be the only
gubernatorial candidate. speaker, however.
Mr. Comstock was born in Alpena,
Michigan, and attended school there
41111D I flflN TO until he entered the University. After
his graduation he succeeded to his
father's interests in banking, mining,
and railroad activities. He has been
SPK HERE TONIGHT alderman and mayor of Alpena, and
in 1922 directed the successful cam-
paign of former Governor Ferris for
A. D. Helser, Royal. Geographical senator, while he was chairman of the
Society Fellow, 'Will Tell Ex. state central committee of the Demo-
perlences In Lane Hall Talk cratic party. He was a member of the
Board of Regents of the University
WORKED AS MISSIONARY "rom 1913 to 1915, being appointed by
the then Governor Ferris to fill a
vacancy. He Is now one of Michigan's
A. D. Helser, A. M., representative two representatives on the National
at the Internati6nal Conference on Democratic committee.
Africa, held last year in Belgium, will Have United Support
speak to the Student Volunteer group Mr. Comstock, with Gerritt Masse-
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Upper link of Big Rapids, were unanimously
nominated by the State Democratic
room at Lane Hall. .convention last spring to head the
Mr. Ilelser is a Fellow of the Royal ticket in the elections this fall. Both
Geographical Society of London, hav- were unopposed in the primary ele-
ing been elected to the order in re- tions held in September and have the
.{ support of the united Den Grati l "
cognition of his wonk done in the ex- sypportnd the uasin i,
plhration of North Central Africa, ty behind them. Mr. Masselik is,'at
which he accomplished while doing present, vice-president of the Ferris
misionary work in the heart ofthe The nominee for governor, beldes
continent. His book "In Sunny
Nigeria" is considered by critics a' being an alumfius, is an ardet sup-
'one of the best on exploration and mis- 'porter of the University, acording to
sionary endeavor since the days of Horatio Abbot of Annh Aor, who is
Livingston and Stanley. chairman of the State Democratic
Mr. Helser is the first of a group of committee, and former postmaster. Ie
internationally known missionaries wil make a rapid ktrip through the
which the Student Volunteer group county this morning, speaking at Dex-
plans to have speak here during the ter, Chelsea, Manchester, Bridgewater,
year. Saline, and Milan in the morning and
Thomas M. Iden director of the Ann afternoon, and returning to Ann Ar-
Arbor Bible Chair, will present an- bor in time for the rally tonight. The
other subject of special interest to candidate has spent most of his time,
Sunday school workers in his class on thus far in the campaign, In Detroit
"How Jesus Taught". "A Survey of and Wayne county and the trip to Ann
Jewish History After Bible Times" Arbor is one Of the few journeys that
will be studied by a class under the he has made outside of that district.
direction of Rabbi A. K. Finkelstein, of (Mr. Burke, who will preside at the
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation in .meeting is a local 'attorney and well-
Ann Arbor. 'known in State "Democratic circles.
A course planned exclusively for' Shortly after leaving school here he
young women will be given by Mrs. was a member of the State' con~tit-
I Herbert S. Mallory. The class will tional convention that drafted the
study the "Social Development of the present Stateonstitution. He is the
Child." Mrs. Mallory is director of the Democratic nominee this year for the
social service department of the Michi- vacancy on the bench of the Michigan
I gan State Psychopathic hospital. Supreme court, for which office he will
Two discussion courses have been oppose Justice Ernest Snow of Sagi-
arranged. One to be led by Prof. John naw, who was appointed by Groesbeck,
E. Kirkpatrick, recently of Olivet col- but who has the support of the Green
lege will, be limited to 15 students Republican faction for the office.
who will form a "Student Inquiry Fear General Apathy
Group"; the other, which will be led The candidates fear the apathy of
by men of the faculty and social or- the voters at the general election next
ganizations in Ann Arbor, will dis- jTuesday and especially those in the
cuss "The Boy, His Nature and Needs". out state districts, where there has
been little campaigning or interest
UNION ATTRACTS shown since the primaries nearly a
month ago. That is one of the chief
GREAT THRONGS, reasons for the visit which Mr. Com-
Istock Is making to the county today.
Both parties are afraid that there will
r be less than 700,000 votes cast In the
Facilities of the Union were taxed election, because the interest In the
to their limit by the all day throngs campaign has lagged, geneilly, since
- which crowded the building last Sat- the primaries.

urday, according to statistics com-
pleted yesterday by the department BROWN. P RINCETON
in charge of Walter Kuenzel, '27E,
-recording secretary. PROFESSOR, W
In a full day check on the number LECTURE MONDAY
- of persons using the Union, it was
e found that 25,337 persons entered the
I building from 8 o'clock in the morn- As the first of this year's lectures
e ing until late at night. This total is for the seminar on "Moral Issues of
, almost 12,000 more than the Minne- Modern Life,"= Prof. Philip Marshall
s sota game record of two weeks ago. Brown, professor of international law
t In addition to keeping an entrance at Princeton, will discuss the "Lau-
k tally, the department checked other sanne Treaty and Our Relations With
a Ibranches of the Union, each total the Near East" at 4:15 o'clock Mon-
Y showing a large increase over the pre- day in Natural Science auditorium.
Y vious week. Tap-room users amount- The seminar is given by the School of
p ed to 2,186, while 1,477 were served tReligion.
d dinners in the other dining rooms.1 Professor Brown has spent the
r The swimming pool drew an enroll- I period since his graduation from Wil
ment of 208, the billiard room 194, and liams college and Harvard university
.. ,_ ----I --- . 1___ -1A0,,no fi na wih Ar..mm-,o+4


' ,
i ,

Prof. A. H. White, head of the chem-
ical engineering department, ingad-
dressing Iota Alpha, honorary grad-
uate engineering society, last night,
declared that the United States can I
retain its superiority in the industrial
world only by efhicient research work.
America, asserted Professor White,
has gained his high position in the
world because of its great advantage
in natural resources, and on account
of the higher standard of intelligence
of the American leaders and workers.
Professor White expressed curiosity
as to what the future might hold in
store for America. The advantage in
raw materials will not last long, he
said, but scientific konwledge is in-
creasing. "Will the curve of Ameri-
can ascendancy go up or down?" ask-I
ed Professor 'White. He emphasized
the fact that the answer depends on
those of the coming generation, who
ean hold the advantage only by scien-

been postponed for a snort peru ,L
was announced yesterday by E. Mor-
timer Shuter, Opera director.
The postponement was caused
through necessity of starting engrav-
ing and printing work on the winning
design, submitted by William Warriolt,
'27, which will take at least 10 days.
IAs soon as the engraving is complet-
ed, the display will be held as pre-
viously announced.
Athens, Ga.,-University of Georgia
has launched a campaign to wipe out
child illiteracy in Georgia by 1930.

Raymond A. Hart was elected pres-
.ident -of the sophomore dental class by
a margin of 13 votes over M. H. Launs-
berry yesterday afternoon. Launs-
berry was the only other presidential
The remaining officers elected were:
Harold Burke, vice-president; Victor
Rein, treasurer; and H. S. Sheehan,


ST. LoUIS,' Ariz., Oct. 28.--Senator

King, Democrat, Utah, was requested ,i Busiess Adminisration has ac-
to-nightcresearch work inl
tonight by Senator Reed, Democrat, cepted the invitation of Secretary of well as pure sciences.
Missouri, chairman of the Senate Commerce Herbert Hoover to act on
camp~aign funds committee, to prioced an advisory committee to cooperatet
at once to Arizona to investiga e with the domestic commerce division 'DR. M ANSF1I
charges of excessive expenditures in of the department of commerce. TIHAT
the senatorial campaign in that state. The object of the committee is to
Senator Reed's telegram was in re- establish closer contact between the
sponse to one from Senator King, say- department of commerce and the field (By Associated
ing that he was holding himself in of trade and commerce, to render bet- LONDON, Oct. 28.
readiness to conduct the inquiry as ter service to the businessman and the with Mars may be not
a member of the campaign funds com- public, and to advise the domestic all, for Dr. Mansfield R
mitte. , commerce division in its efforts to don attorney, who bee.
The Missouri senator had previously eliminate waste in distribution. Dean ist years ago, declares
telegraphed to Senator McNary, Re- Day's position on the committee re- friend in Mars, Ooma
publicn, Oregon, asking that he make quire his presence in Washington at from whom he has re
the investigation if possible after the intervals. and who has kept hi
Portland, into the Oregon senatorial what is going on in
conclusion he now is conducting at -i pB N wplanet.
campaign Ar l yIe i Now he knows the
Requests for an inquiry into the sen-1 Lc Ytimately he asserts,
atorial contest in Arizona betwen Sen- If Features Alumnus of whatthey look like,
ator Ralph H. Cameron, Republican, ---reat and can vouch fe

the applied as



Press) Oomaruru, presumably in reply, while f
-Communicating f he was being interviewed relative to
thing new after the failure of other persons to get
Robinson, a Lon- into touch with Mars last night. He
ame a telepath- declared that astronomers have only
s that he has a themselves to blame as, "they simply
ruru, a woman, do not know how to play the Martian'sI
ceived messages game."
im informed of As to Oomaruru's latest communica-
the mysterious tion, the attorney remarked:
"Oomaruru is a particular friend of
Martians so in-'the director of Mars' largest wireless
as to be aware station . He has just explained to me
, and what they why only the sign, 'MM'came through
or the fact that last evening. He said that, as their

of last night-"Opestinipitia Secom
ba"-for mere mortals here, for hi
said, "Oomaruru surely understands.'
From his knowledge, which he
avows was received from Mars itself
Dr. Robinson described the Martian.
as people from seven to eight fee
tall, with large ears, a wealth of blacl
hair and almond eyes, giving them ai
-Oriental caste of features. Not onl;
do they drink tea and smoke, but the;
have automobiles which hop and ski
over the ground, and almost fly, an
the stiffer the wind blows, the faste
the car goes.


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