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October 28, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-28

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W RESTL1 "STUFFY" lw INNIS NAMED ere awarded gold medals by the Ath- CANDIDATES FOR WRESTLIG
"l etic associaton. TFA1VI TO MEET COACH XKEEN
N4TO PILOT PHILADELPHIA Varsity men will be barred from the ATA te for the VEEit
NUM BER,,*40 M E!EN the other two tournaments, which will All candidates for the Varsity tyres-
take place early in the second semes- tling team are asked to repor to
Freshman Suad Is Erpccted To Grow ter. The first of these will be open Coach Clifford Keen after 3 o'clock
At Udse Of Football Season to freshmemn and all others who are either today or tomorrow at the Yost
not eligible for the Varsity squad, and field house. It is imperative that all
Ithe winners will receive numerals.
Freshman wrestling is drawing more -n srn prospective mat men be there at one
than 40 candidates to Waterman gym- he final meet of the year will he to of these times.
determine the champions of the fresh- -
nasiu for regular workouts undean squad, and this tournament af-
the supervision of ete Btcisncvit ord. the first year men another op- The University of California has In-
aportunity to win their numerals. stalled a searchlight above its Wim-
ed that this number bill be consider- While freshmap wrestling work has ming pool so that night classes fay
ably increased with the close of tresh- been under way for some time Coach be given out of doors.
man football practice otchen urges any of the new men
Acordin-g to Coach Botchen, this new' mc}'
A::">::ng towCoach'Bochenwthisho are interested in the sport to re- Students at the university at North
year's squad promises to be h ot to him at Waterman gymnasium Dakota have organized a drive for
,stronger than that of last season, but .::... ;........................Prtto imat atrma"gynaium Stdens tite Uivrsiy Nrt
asasn+ begin work at once. $500,000 for a new stadium.
the majority of the men have had lit-
tle xr no experience in the sport. le
beievcs, however, that careful train-
ing in the fundamentals of wrestling
combined with experience will result
in a strong and wcll-balanced fresh -
man team..
The efforts of the coach at present
are :directed to the work of imparting
the many fundamntals of wrestling
to the first year men, and the candi
dates also participate in short bouts Suits
after practicing the various holds. ._ ' :.....
Worik on the parallel bars and runnin:: ..........
completes the regular program of the"
freshm n aspirants. nd
Two of the weight divisions lack a
sufficient number of candidates at the SI.:.y"::: nn-s :
present time; these are the 115 pound f
Prominent figure in both the Amer-
and, the heavyweight classes. The1I.":" ..",.r v 'co t
dearth of material in the latter divis- ican and National leagues during the I
ion is expected to be eliminated with last 17 seasons, has been signed to
the close of freshman football prac-m manage the! Philadelphia club of the
tice, when several of the football men National league for two years. He
Will (report to Coach Botchen. will be a playing manager, having
In the 115 pound class, Blair Thom- agreed to play first base, also.
as appears to be the outstanding can- -.
.::.7 ." ..iff'.*.t
didate. Thomas comes from Iowa, division are Burget and RobarE.*
where he gained valuable experience The leading 158 pounders are Wins-
while ompeting in a high school low, Dougovito, and Lincoln. At pre- ! ,g¢1.; ..
wrestling loop, and is hailed by Coach- sent Poe, Ekholm, and Gasper appear
es Keen and -Botchen as one of the to be the pick of the 175 pound class.
brightest wrestling prospects ever to There are no candidates for the unlim-
enter the University. Friedrich is the ited division yet, but the freshman u. . "=.. .
only, other man available in this weight football squad is expected to furnish
at present. I material for this class as well as the(
The 125 pound division promises to 158 and 175 pound divisions.
be the seat of real competition with Coach Botchen is working hard
three men striving for first mention. with the freshmen in order to pre-
Quinn, Grossman, and Goldstein are pare them for the three coming tourn-
lighting it out for this place on fairly aments, inowhich they will have an op- ; F r ou W ho
even terms. portunity to win numerals. The first
Candidates in the 185 pound group of these, the all-campus championship college clothes absody correct. That close
include: Coucke, Fracassi, Wiers, and tournament, is scheduled for sometipe want
Brozovieh. Dulude has had previous before the Christmas recess. Varsity ftting but comfortable and rakish lookin coat w
experience and tops the 145-pound- candidates are also eligible for this in bucofraladrkshokngcotwl
e*s.4 The other leading men in this competition and the winners last year be found in our famous uppenheimer' ard -
" - mont lines for college men. Pries that will
T t SYST15MC1;oruu
' o lou n pAl e
Forward Pass Overcoats M sten Chase
50 inches long-$45
_F. W. GROSS ~ Weeyucnbywt
309 South Main St. "hre yocn . .c.iee
rllii~lllllllItIlliifIlll'tili1 'ttllltllil li ll111N1Itll il tllllilllllll li#lllillili ~

tr Dail" .

LOST-Square red silk scarf Sunday
night between Arcade theatre and
Betsy Barbour, Paisley pattern, y


If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie Franeg; Miller on edge. Calil 6816.
the Ad-Taker, D1ial 21214, and your want ad 27,-28-29
will be charged.
The Michigan Daily reserves the right to
classify all wants ads undcr appropriate head- LOST-Three strand pearl necklace
ings and to revise or withhold objectionable
copy. on campus. Call 9741. Henrietta
This column closes at P. M. dat reced- ener, 202 S. Thayer. Reward.
ing publication. Notice of any cr-or must be Rnr~ S'
given in time for the second insertion.27-28
Ten cents per reading line (on the basis Of
five average words to the line) for one or two LOST--Pair tortoise shell glasses in
insertions, black leather case. Call Nellie Hell-,
Nine cents per reading line for three or more yer 3931. 27-28-29
inset tions. yr33.2-,-9
Ca-, classifieds received at the Daily office
in The Press Building on Maynard Street. LOST-Alpha Omega Alpha key, en-
CONTRACT RATELS -lh mgaApaly n
Special sta dardized rates given on applica- graved Rush '18 M. Bell. Please re-
turn to Dr. Bell. University Health

LOST-A man's blaf'k top cott, in vi-
cinity of Monroe and Haven, day of
Illinois game. Finder please call
IHascall, at 4147. 25-26-27
11' A TEDI
WANTED-Six or less of Michigan-
Ohio tickets. Phone 3256. 27
WANTED-Barber wanted; student,
for Saturdays. Good money. C. L.
Petrie, 103 E. Washington Phone
8616. 27-28-29
WANTED-Single room by student
for $3 a week. Box 127. 27-28-29
WANTED-Student laundry wanted.
Will call for and deliver it. Dial
6276. 26-27-28
WANTED-Four tickets for . S. U.
game; do not need to be adjacent.
Call Northrop, Phone 21281.



Service. 27-28-29
LOST-Friday afternoon, glasses in

FOR RENT-A very pleasant front brown case between High School
suite, private family. Dial 22131. and Starbuck's restaurant. Call
27-28-29 f Virginia Hitchcock 6764. Reward.
FOR RENT-Warm pleasant single
room at 514 Cheever Ct Just back JILOST-A beaded bag, containing check
of Union. Phone 8628. 25-29-27 book and pen. Lost between Uni-
versity hospital Ard campus. Call
C ,,, 0 .T in3022. Ask for A. Pavw lch.


WANTED-Rooms for week-end of
the Wisconsin game. Prefer south-
east side of campus. Phone 3540.

FOR SALE-Tour car for sale. $100
taker it. 119 N. Thayer. 27-28-29
FOR SALE-Pedigreed German police
pup, male, 6 months, wolf grey, at-
tractive price. 2006 Washtenaw.

LOST-Lady's green pocketbook Fri-
day in Michigan Central station. Re-
ward. Call Hawkinson 9417.



FOR SALE-Fine five-tube radio with'
complete apparatus. Cheap. Call
any night between seven and eight
at 110 S. Ingall and will demon-
strate. 27-28-491
FOR SALE-A Nash Co. Suit, Over-
coat or Topcoat, made to measure,
$23.00. Guaranteed- fit. Phone 21073.
j OU SALE-1924 Ford touring, good
running condition; good tires, start-
er, $45.60. Stuart Robison, 1115 For-
est. Phone 6592. 27
FOR SALE-Latest model Remington
rblefib typewriters. A limited num-
ber of used portables. For free dem-
onstration phone 3489. 19e.o.d.tf
onable prices, tailored or ready-
made. We have a wonderful vari-
ety of patterns. Repairing also a
specialty. Beautiful fabrics for your
Winter overcoat.

LOST-Pair bone rim glasses in case.
Sunday night, between 602 East
Huron and Library. Call 3651. Re-
ward. 26-27-28
LOST-One Sigma Phi Epsilon fra-
ternity pin in Angell Hall or vicin-
ity. Phone 9717. Chuck Atwell.
LOST-Near Michigan University old
fashioned gold bar pin, heirloom.
Reward, return to desk at Michigan
Union 26-27-28
LOST-Enroute from Detroit to Ann
Arbor a Nu Sigma Nu fraterflity
pin, Upsilon, 1920, S. Brill. Please
call P. Jacobs, 1030 Oakland. Dial
9419. Reward. 25-26-27
LOST-Brown hat, initials D: G. Call
4418 Gawne. 25-26-27
LOST-In south stand box at Ferry
Field,, Illinois-Michigan game, one
robe, blue one side, plaid other. Rq-
ward. Dial 4418 Doug Ginn.,

WANTED-Tickets for O. S. U.
game. Call 7125 after 7, ask for
Westheimer. If you received tickets
promises will do. 26-27-28
WANTED-Men, woxmen or students,
boys or girls, who wish to make
good money in their spare time. A
real proposition if you really wish t6
make ome extra money easy. Call
Terry Greil, Phone 4631, after 6
p. M., or come to 509 S. Division
after 7 P. m. evenings. 26-27-28
WANTED--Tickets for Ohio State
game. R. Weber, 832 E. University.
Phone 6777. 26-27-28
WANTED-3 tickets for Wisconsin
game. Promises will do. Dial 5618,
ask for M. Baer. 26-27-28
WANTED-A student girl to work for
room and board. Call 21588 'f
WANTED--Graduate students desire
suite near campus, Southeast, If
there . are other students will not
consider. Bath it possible. Box
124. 25-26-27
WANTtb-MAn and wife wants job
in private home or fraternity. Can.
give good references. Box 125.


109 E. Washington Type your themes and theses, it
Phone 5069 pays. Let us show you how you can
21 eod tf buy a Remington or Corona on easy
BAND BOX CHOCOLATES We also rent or sell standard mach-
75c aind $1.00 per pound ines which are in A-1 condition.
Sold Exclusively on Is your typewriter out of repair? We
the Campus at repair them and will give you quick
SWIFT'S DRUG STORE and dependable service.
340 S. State RIDER'S. EE SHO P
23-e.o.d. tf. 2527-29

WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4306
Remember that Rider's Masterpens
are made in Ann Arbor and serviced
while you wait; that you get skilled
PENMAKERS service on repairing at
Rider's Pen Shop, not equalled else-
where in the State. Our skill and
special knowledge of pens are the
safeguards to your purchases or re-
pairing. 25-27-29
NOTICE-Tutor, University graduate,
will tutor in Math., Physics and
Chem. Phone 4805. 27-28-29

i ii/ -ccaoaooi/faaa _ 1



h -
1 .-t
_ w
thatR The average student of today knows the difference
between a ready-made and custom-tailored suit-but thinks
thatthe price would be above his pocket book. Our prices
are rnot any more than the better class ready-made.
Come up and see us-you will be surprised.
_ . By supplying a clothes buying service _ Out overcoatings are made extra long.
that men want.
- -a
-A. lc._
C.BARTH Tailor
THE TEN PAY PLAN Custom Tailor 619 East William St.
- -
Is a big, helpful factor to the men who want
to wear better clothes. Wearing better clothes Order Your
is an undeniable asset to the man of today. =IA
A _
- Greetig Cards =
And Other Good Makes We are showing Christmas Greeting Cards to be
engraved or printed with your own name.
You will find many exclusive -designs with senti-
ments which will conform exactly to your require-
An initial paynttent of $10 will open a ments.
Ten Pay charge account with the purchase Select your cards now, we will engrave them and
Of a Suit or Overcoat. = hold them for you until December. The Mayer-.
orSchairer Company is widely known for their 'dis-
h tinctive greeting cards.

Mr. M. C. Dent, '28, made $4.94 in
two hours last Wednesday af'ter-
noon-hie, first week. Students
who need money, or merely wish
business training will be afforded
every opportunity. Large national
manufacturer with local Branch
Oice. Call or phone.
209- S. State St., Suite 5. Dial 959.


20 t

EXPERIENCED piano and pipe organ
teacher, Emma Fisher Cross, for-
mer faculty member School of Mu-
sic and pupil of Leschetizky of
Vienna. Studio, Apt. , 610 E. Lib-
erty: Phone 3566. leodtf
The average dealer is as blind as
the user as to what constitutes correct
ink for your Fountain Pen. He is too
bnsy with a"thousand other items to
find out. We are specialists in this
line. It is our business to know. Our
Fountain Pen Ink is Government Rec-
ord Ink, good color and dependable
in every way for your Fountain Pen.
R~ider's Pen Shop
Portable Typewriters
The lightest, strongest
SThrowing Your
Safety Razor Blades

See our new Racoon,
Dyed Fur Coat
One Hundred Dollars


A complete selection of
Langrock Cloth Overcoats


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