ESTABLISHED 1890 ARrO tr~tan at 4kw i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 27 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTq MTREAL WELCOME QUEEN UPON ARRIVAL FROM TORONTO ISII PASS TUIE IN TOUR TROUGHI UNIVERSITIES AND VILLA MARIE CONVENT DEPARTS FOR OTTAWA Mayor Martin Presents City's Greeting After Royal Party Leaves Ontario Capital By Associated Press) MONTREAL, Oct. 27.-Montreal welcomed Queen Marie of Roumania today with an ovation and program of entertainment that kept her busy throughout the day after her arrival here shortly before 10 o'clock from Toronto. TWell rested by a good night's sleep after a strenuous afternoon and evening in the Ontario capital, Marie and Princess Ileana began their visit here with a call at the city hall where Mayor Martin presented the city's greetings. Prince Nicholas remained with the party only for the reception by city officials -at the station, being whisk- ed away then on a mission of his own design. With officials of the Canadian National Railways, over whose lines the queen's special train traveled here, the prince made a detailed study of Montreal's terminl facilities. He evinced keenest interest in the system of train management and in the maze of safety devices of the terminal. Meanwhile Marie and Ileana werei meeting members of the city council and making a motor tour of the city before taking lunch at the Ritz-Carl- ton hotel. The inspection of the city was featured by Marie's greeting of Roumanian subjects at the consulate. Another tour of the city, taking the; royal party through Montreal and Mc- Gill universities and Villa Marie Con- vent, was arranged for the afternoon. Tonight the royal visitors will be din- ner guests of George A.Simard, Ron- manian consul-general for Canada, and afterwards they will attend the Chaliapin perforance of the opera "Barber 6or evlife Montreal gave Marie an enthusiasti( reception that brought nods and hand waving from the queen as she rode through crowded streets. The scarlet-coated Royal Canadian Mounted police, forming a line of march from the queen's car to her automobile at the station, quickly caught the eye and admiration of Ma- rie, who has made friends with many policemen on her tour of the United States and Canada. The special. train will leave Mon- treal after midnight, -arriving in Ot~- tawa tomorrow morning for an all- day stay before beginning the two-day journey to Winnipeg. Queen Marie is happy in her recep- tion as granddaughter of Britain's great empress, Victoria, as well as queen in her own right.I Deeply touched by the Toronto wo- men's acc mation of her yesterday as descend ant of Victoria, the queen in reply declared she had not forgot- ten that she was born in England and added her belief that "there is no " I - . . _ t _ _ -- _ _. t _ 1 _ _ .. I I A Z 1 A 71 " I'f l !1 1 " I . r 1 t V-a 4 0 i-, w I - - - - - --- - - . - - - - -- I AstronomyP"ro"essor Points To obvious "Misquotation" Of Observatory Report, In commenting on the recent re- ;cur during the latter part of August, I elsPosition of MOfFFETT CLAIMS SEA Aircraft In Na w CAFT IS IMPORTANT V '&'*;ELEMENT IN DEFENSE; port from the University of Chicago's observatory at Williams Bay, Wis., in regard to the unusual view of Mars that was supposed to be visible Tues- day night, Dr. Ralph H. Curtiss, pro- fessor of astronomy and assistant di- rector of the observatory, stated that although this department is not making any observations of planets at present, concentrating its attention to stars, it is quite obvious that the report has been misquoted." The opposition Tuesday night came too late in the year to be a favorable one," he continued, "the last favor- able opposition occurred two years ago, at this point the planet Mars is but 35,500,000 miles from the earth. f The favorable oppositions always oc- TILLOTSONREUN 25009APPLICATIONS Extra Orders Of Alumni And Students For Seats Causes Refund; One Ticket Still Allowed ALUMNI DEMAND HEAVY According to Harry Tillotson, busi- ness manager of the athletic associa- tion, more than 2,500 student applica-s tions for tickets to the Wisconsin Jgame were returned to the senders1 'because there were 2,500 more ap-t plications than there were reservede tickets.- Past records of the Athletic associ- ation show that 9,000 students usually send in more than 16,000 applications for each game, unless pressure is1 brought upon the students from out-t side sources. Each student was al- lowed three tickets, including his ownf for the Wisconsin game. It is obviousi that if each student requested all oft the tickets that he was entitled to forI that game, there would have been 27,- 000 requests.I Because 9,000 students usually re-i quest a few more than 17,000 seats,t the Athletic association set aside 17,- 873 seats for the Wisconsin game. Be-I cause of the many Alumni applicationsc which were returnedfor this game, itt is probable that they appealed to stu-I dents to et tickets; all of which ex-I plains th4 20,000 student applicationsi fr the Wisconsin game. The quota of 17,873 student ticketsI was reached September 27 and ap- plications which were received Sep-t tember 28 and after have been re- turned.c The same number of student seats were also reserved for the Illinois game and when a final accounting of student tickets was made a few days before the game it was found that there were more than 800 student seats that had not been sold. This accounts for the special sale of tickets which was held before the Illinois1 game.E In sending applications for the7 Minnesota game,, the students ex-t ceeded their 17,873 quota by more than 2,000 applications, but because Minne-t they had planned, these extra ticketst were used to take care of the extrac student demand, and thus the Athletic association was not forced to return any student applications. at intervals of from 15 to 17 years. At a favorable opposition the planet Mars, is more than 50 times as bright as it is at its most unfavorable position," Professor Curtiss concluded. "WALTER CAMP DAY" HERE WILL BE NOVO 6 National Athletic Association Plans To Erect Memorial For Camp At New Haven, WAS FRIEND OF YOST Michigan's Bord in Control of Ath-- letics announces it has set aside Nov. 6, the date of the annual game with Wisconsin as "Walter Camp Day" at Michigan. On that day, those who revere the memory of the "Father of American Football" will be given an opportunity to further the plan of the Nationalj Collegiate Athletic association, of which Michigan is a member, to erect at New Haven a memorial to Walter Rear Admiral Mofiett Camp as a symbol of the clean, hon- Naval leader, who delivered a radio orable sportsmanship with which his address in which he stated that al- name is associated. though airplanes added strength to the The movement to erect the me- Navy they could not yet supplement morial is supported by practically all them in national defense. colleges and universities in the coun- try and in addition several thousand high schools. Each one cooperating in S 1 C I-H GM the memorial project has designated A one Saturday of the football schedule raise its respective quota of the me- morial fund. Walter Camp was not only a warm personal friend of Fielding I. Yost, director of Michigan's athletics, but Ie Playes Were Badly Injured In he had a high regard for Michigan Contest October W P football teams, having picked 13 Mich- igan men for his "All-American" team. They were Heston, Schulz, BAYSINGER QUITS TEAM Benbrook, Wells, Craig, Maulbetsch, Allmendinger, Smith, Stecketee, Vick, (By Associated Press) Kipke, Blott and Slaughter, Schulz NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-The New and Heston being selected on his "All- York Evening Post today said that time All-American" team.Yna Of Yost, Camp wrote: "He has made Chancellor Charles Wesley Flint, of his impress on football as have few Syracuse University, and Brigadier coaches and now, in his broader posi- General N. B. Stewart, superintendent tion, is lifting the standards of ath- of the United States military academy letics not only at his own university but at all those with whom he comesat West Point, will oen an inves ga~ In contact"' tion next Monday into the Army- Past and present Michigan men who Syracuse football game on October 16, hold Walter Camp in high esteem and in which three Syracuse and two Army have put a true measure of apprecia- players were badly hurt. Baysinger, tion upon his splendid influence in athletics have already given assurance Syracuse quarterback later resigned of their support towards the memorial. from the squad because of an alter- cation with the referee. Reports that Army officials have Petition Dem ands been checking up on the extent of the -tI Syracuse injuries for the past few days V r Gu i Court were denied at the academy today, the paper says. (By Associated Press) "Whippet" Carr, star of the Orange BERLIN, Oct. 27.-A petition signed backfield and leading point scorer of by 1,000,000 men and women promin- the eastern colleges, suffered a severe ent in public life, requesting th for- knee injury that probably will keep mation of an international judicial him on the sidelines for the remainder tribunal for the investigation of the of the season. war guilt question, has been presented Injuries to Goldman and Friedman, to Foreign. Minister Gustav Strese- members of the Syracuse squad, were man by Landgrave Ludwig von Buttler not so severe. Trapnell, big Army of Dresden. back and foremost kicker of the team, "French, American, British and Ger- was badly hurt about the head and man authorities," the petition says, face, bat probably will return to the "have proclaimed as a lie that para- game in time for a part of the Yale graph in the Treaty of Versailles contest Saturday. Elias, a substitute which holds Germany alone respon- tackle on the cadet'eleven is believed sible for the war. The treaty punishes out for the season with a twisted knee. Germany for a crime which three Play during the game, the first eminent scholars declare she never played between the two institutions for committed. We pay reparation not to several years, was extremely hard and repair damage done by shot and shell following the contest reports that but as a punishment." Army and Syracuse would sever rela- The petition requests Dr. Strese- tions could not be verified. Baysinger man to bend all efforts toward, "wip- was banished from play for assault- ing out the war guilt lie." Strese- ing referee Schwartz after a confer- inann already has expressed his will- ence between Coach "Pete" Reynolds ingness to have the causes of the war 'and Chancellor Flint, Baysinger an- investigated by a non-partisan inter- nounced his withdrawal from the national tribunal. team. At that time, the coach issued a statement in which he declared the LENINGRAD-Direct train serice young man showed his courage and from Leningrad to China has beer manliness by admitting his fault. His opened for the first time since the I team-mates also expresed their belief wa. in him. BELIEVES THAT STRENGTH OF NAVY SHOULD EQUAL THAT OF OTHER NATIONS DELIVERS RADIO SPEECH In Field "Of Lighter-Than-Air Ships Navy Is Prepared To Lead World, He Asserts (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Oct. 27.-Sea craft still is the dominant power in, sea control and the initial element in national de- fense, Rear Admiral Wm A. Moffett declared tonight in a Navy Day radio address. The chief of the naval bureau of aeronautics said that aircraft added strength, but also constituted a new menace to surface fleets, and that air- planes have not yet proved their capability of supplementing the water- 'borne navy. Calling the navy "the greatest fac- tor. we possess for the preservation of peace, it should be maintained in strength equal to that of any other navy," the admiral viewed develop- ment of an aerial arm to this wing of national defense. "The problem of placing aviation at sea," he declared, "has not been a simple one. The space available for' aircraft on. shipsis limited. The types for naval use differ radically from land types. "The difficulties of launching and operating have been many but we pave overcome the major obstacles and the conversion of the Lexington and the Saratoga from battle cruisers to air-' craft carriers is a distince achieve- ment. "In the field of lighter-than-air craft the navy is prepared to lead the world. The large rigid airship we beleive to be a most important instrument of war and commerce. Controlling as we do the world supply of helium, we i have a great opportunity to get and control international commercial avia- tion." Press Club Told Of World Travel By Two Students In place of Cyril Arthur Player, De- troit journalist who was forced to cancel his engagement, Francis Line, '28, and Winfield Line, '28, provided the main feature at the Student's Press club meeting last night with an 'account of part of their travels which took them to all parts of the world. Francis Line cited interesting in- cidents in his travels through Africa, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and England, following which his brother explained the various colored slides which were shown depicting char- acteristic European scenes. Gertude Bailey, '27, read the report of the constitutional committee ap- pointed at the first meeting. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Court- land Smith, '28, president; Margaret Sherman, '27, vice-president; Gertrude Bailey, '27, secretary; Kirth C. Stone, '27, treasurer. Provision was also made for an editor for the club journal nvho will be elected at the next meet- ing. Irwin A. Olian, '27, presided at the business meeting preceding the lec- tures. Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department was in charge of the program. FORT MORGAN, Col.,-A double funeral has just been held at Alamosa, Col., for twin sisters whose lives had lbeen so closely linked that when a link 'was broken through the death of one sister, the other died within two hours of a broken heart. Portland Attorney Called In Campaign Fund Investigation (By Associated Press) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 27.-W. S. U'Ren, Portland attorney, who has been active in the Oregon senatorial campaign in opposition to Frederick Speiwer, Republican nominee, stated under cross-examination in the cam- paign fund investigation here today before Senator Charles L. McNary of Oregon that he understood $35,000 al- leged to have been paid to the Port- land Oregonian for opposing Snator Robert N. Stanfield's reelection, had been contributed for Speiwer's cam- paign in a perfectly legitimate man- ner. "It was not for the personal use of Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Ore- gonian, nor for the enrichment of the Oregonian," said U'Ren. He said he came to this conclusion by inferences from different sources including Senator Stanfield who is running as an independent candidate after losing the Republican nomina- tion to Speiwer in the primary cam- paign.8! The opening session was marked by! the statement of two witnesses that the information upon which George Putnam, editor of the Salem Capital Journal, based his charge that $35,000 had been paid to the Oregonian by the Portland Electric Powers company came from Walter Hayes of Washing-; ton, D. C., vice-president of the Na- tional Surety company and former private secretary to President Roose- I velt. Major Wm. B. Simpson, of Salem, secretary of the World War veterans state aid bureau and Harry N. Crain, managing editor of the Salem Capital; Journal said that Hayes gave them this information in Salem.1 GILKEY TO ADDRESS CON VOCATION SUNDAY] Preacher Comes For Talk In Response To Personal Invitation From President Little IS PROMINENT SPEAKER The Rev. Charles Whitney Gilkey of Chicago, one of the most popular col- lege preachers in the country, will give the address at the fourth student convocation Sunday in Hill auditori- um, according to announcement made. yesterday. The Rev. Gilkey has established a reputation for his many popular ad- dresses before college students. He has served as university preacher at Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Chi- cago, Toronto, Wellesley, Stanford, Purdue and elsewhere. Having a standing agreement with his congre- gation, the Hyde Park Congregational. church, of Chicago, he is able to speak at college services several times each year. Sunday's speaker will come to Ann Arbor at the personal invitation of President Clarence Cook Little, who heard him at the Lake Geneva student 'conference last June, in addition to the arrangements made by the Stu- dent council and Women's league for ! his address here. The Rev. Gilkey cancelled engagements at Smith and Mount Holyoke colleges in order to speak before Michigan's student body Sunday. DOW ADDRESSES ENGINEER GROUP Dealing with his experiences in con- nection with inventors, Dr. Alex Dow, president of the Detroit Edison com- pany spoke before 300 engineering students at the semi-annual engineer- ing and achitecture smoker, last night at the Union. The outstanding fault with the larg- est part of that group who would like to become inventors, is their lack of the understanding of the scientific principles involved, according to Dr. Dow. "They build machines, which to all outward appearances, are supposed to work, and when it is explained to them why a practicable replica would not work, due to a disregarded scienti- fic principle, they refuse to believe it. One of the hardest things in the world to do is to destroy a person's illusions." EDUCATION CLASS ELECTSOFFICERS Earl Kelly was elected president of the junior class of the School of Edu- cation yesterday. George Hester wasC elected to represent the school on the J-Hop committee. . The other officers are as follow: I GRINNELL, MOLENDA, BAER AND WOOD ARE ELECTED TO COMMITTEE GILBERT IS PRESIDENT Francis Hubbard, Florence Wertel And Horace Lownsberry Are Other Officers Chosen Thomas C. Winter was elected chair- man of the J-Hop at the Junior liter- ary class elections yesterday after- noon by a margin of 35 votes over his nearest competition. Charles Gilbert was chosen president of the class. Other members of the J-Hop com- mittee are Henry Grinnell, John Molenda, Ray Baer, and Warren Wood. The other class officers are Florence Wertel, vice-president; Horace Lowns- berry, treasurer; and Frances Hub- bard, secretary. Gilbert won the presidential election by a substantial majority over Gor- don Packer. He polled a total of 238 votes as compared to 153 for Packer, a margin of 85. Herman Hirt was eli- minated on the primary ballot. Sixteen candidates were nominated for the J-Hop committee, the first seven finishing unusually close. Wood, who was fifth, won his place on the committe by a margin of two votes over James Miller. John Bobrink was seventh, 10 votes behind Miller. Following are the J-Ho committee candidates and the total number of votes cast for each: Tom Winter......,221 Henry Grinnell.............186 John Molenda..............163 Ray Baer..................137 Warren Wood... .....136 James Millor .... .......134 John Bobrink..............124 Louis Gilbert ...............104 Paul Endriss ................104 Wayne.Schroder............90 Mathew Hudson, Jr., ........$87 George Green ................°70 Maxwell Nickerson..........68 Farnum Buckingham. Francis Harder.............55 Henry Kline .................28 Florence Wertel won the vice- presidency by the large majority of 71 votes. She polled a total of 192 against 121 for Audrey Haney. Three other candidates wiere eliminated on the primary ballot, In the race for the office of trea- surer, Lownsberry was elected by a margin of 20 votes. Four nominations were made, with three candidates run- ning on the final ballot owing to a tie following the primary. Lownsberry received 121 votes, Thomas Fitzgib- bons 101, and James T. Herald 99. Miss Hubbard was chosen secretary by a majority of 23 votes over Mary %Van Deursen. She polled 174 against 151 for Miss Van Deursen. Four, other candidates were eliminated on the primary vote. The junior literary election was one of the largest in years. A total of X91 votes were cast on the final pres- idential "ballot as compared to 324 in the same election a year ago. All officers, including the J-Hop committeemen, are scholastically eligi- ble this year. A check-up on all can- didates was made by the Student council at the dean of students office following the election. The election of all officers was not recorded until 9:30 o'clock last eve- ning. Due to the closeness in the J-Hop election, a recount of ballots was made twice. Votes were counted by members of the Student council at the Union, excepting the presidential ballots which were tabulated and an- nounced following the election. 'New Submarine O An First 'Trip Calls For Aid 1 _ (By Associated Press) BOSTON, Oct. 27.-Heavy seas that put both engines out of commission tonight, abruptly halted the homeward voyage of the recently commissioned Peruvian submarine - R-1 approxi- mately 100 miles off Annapolis and left her rolling helplessly calling fo' a tow. She apparently was in no im- mediate danger. The revenue cutter, Gresham, and the British steamer, Rockdale, both responded to calls for assistance which were picked up by several radio stations here. The messages gave the submarines' position at Latitude 38.24, Longitude 71.30. The Gresham at once began the 160 mile dash to the helnless undersea WINTER IS SELECTED JUNIOR 'HOP LEADER B Y LITERARY CLASS stronger link that binds us together than the association of the British OLSTOY LEAGUE Empire."L Picturing the contrast of the pleas- LECTURES BEGIN ant days of her girlhood and the tra- gedy of the war as she saw it in Rou- THIS AFTERNOON mania, Marie urged the women of Canada to join their sisters through- Lecturing on "Tolstoy's Teaching" out the world in an endeavor to bring Prof. C. L. Meader of the literary lasting peace between nations. school will speak at the meeting of Her address was delivered in Con- the Toltoy league at 4:15 o'clock ,t- vocation hall of the University of To- in room 231 Angell hail. Profes- rionto, after she had inspected the in- sor Meader will begin a series of dis- stitution. The first and last visit of cussions on Tolstoy's writings, which tie day were at Government House,' where Marie and Princess Ileana and Prince Nicholas, )with other members of the royal party, were guests last night of Lieut-Gov. Harry Cockshutt and Mrs. Cockshutt. Marie would like to abandon he" royal role for a time and learn ihe Americans as they are and how the average American lives. She told of this desire during an informal chat In her car. Nation Joins To Honor Roosevelt (By Associated Press) NE WYORK, Oct. 27.-The memory of Theodore Roosevelt was honored, throughout the nation today, the 68th anniversary of his birth and officially dedicated by the government as "Navy D)ay." Ships at costal towns were thrown open to public inspection, ceremonies were held to show reverence to the the league plans to carry out before Christmas. le will introduce the re- ma. iang lectures, each of which will ie delivered on the many books that 'olstoy has written. This method of encouraging, the study of Tolstoy's philosophy and furthering his practical reform pro- gram was adopted by the league last spring. Among those who delivered lectures on the program at that time were Dean Edmund E. Day of the business administration school, Pro- fessor Slosson and Dr. H. D. Wild of the literary college. This fall the league's program, which is largely a continuation of last year's procedure, will have President Clarence Cook Little for one of its contributors. Dental Officers Will Be Elected Election of officers in the sophomore dental class will be held at 5 o'clock I v 4%1 . __ _ Maps And Documents Of Revolutionary War Days Are Included In Display At William L. Clements Library iPAPERS RELATING TO PEACE CONFERENCE WHICH DECLARED INDEPENDENCE OF U. S. ARE SHOWN Rare maps and documents, relatingj to the first Peace Conference at Paris in which the United States ever par- ticipated as an independent nation, furnish an unusual display in the ex- hibition cases of the William L. Cle- ments library. The display, arrangedr under the direction of Randolph G. negotiations from London, and docu- ments of the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at that time, Thomas Townsend, are now on dis- play. These papers would be an- alogus to having the letters of both the late President Woodrow Wilson andl former Secretary of State Lan- sing, written during the recent Ver- sailles treaty, on the American side. In addition to these documents, the letter book of Richard Oswarld, whok was the British representative at Paris conducting the negotiation with Earliest Edition Of Final Treaty 1783 Is Also Shown In Cases At Library Of hibited by Dr. Adams. Other cases contain the original Acts passed by the British Parliament au- thorizing the ministry to treat with America, the original printed debates of Parliament on the treaty, the first published editions of the Provisional and Preliminary articles of the treaty, and the earliest printed edition of the Final or Definitive treaty of 1783 be- twen the United States and Great :I I