t r4 t
Regent Beal, Dean Lloyd, Secretary
Smith And Others Will Entrain
On Navy Game Special
Concluding his speaking tour on the
Pacific coast, President Clarence Cook
Little Is enroute to Philadelphia where
he will 'address the National Alumni
banquet next Friday night. President
Little's address will be the principal
one on the program which will be
given in connection with Michigan day
at the Sesqui-centennial exposition
now bleing held in Philadelphia.
Regent Junius E. Beal, of the Grad-
uate school, Shirley W. Smith, secre-
tary of the University, Robert A.
Campbell. treasurer of the University,
Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of the
Alumni association and editor of the
Michigan Alumnus, T. Hawley Tap-
ping, field secretary of the Alumni as-
sociation, are among the representa-
tives of the University who will attend
the banquet.
Alfred H. Lloyd, dean of the Grad-
uate school, will leave tomorrow for
Philadelphia and New York. Friday
night he will attend the national
Michigan Alumni banquet. Saturday
he will leave for New York to attend
a meeting of the continuing committee
of the General University conference.
This conference was called last
spring in the interest of research, par-
ticularly in the pure sciences. Rep-
resentatives of large foundations, uni-
versities, big industrial companies,
manufacturing laboratories and the
National Research council met at that
time to consider the question of the
promotion of research.. The result ot
this conference was the appointment
of;two committees which were to draw
up further plans and make a report.
Saturday's meeting of the continuing
committee, of which Dean Lloyd is
one of the members, will be the first
meeting of this group.
Kansas Senator Says American Market
Should Not Be Destroyed
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.--"Tariff
schedules need revision in the inter-
ests of agriculture, but to accept the
"siren song of the Democratic low
tariff advocates would be to deliver
a body blow to American economic
life from which we likely would suffer
for many years," Senator Capier, Re-
publican, Kansas, said in a statement
issued here tonight by the Republican
senatorical campaign committee.
The American market is the best one
in the world for American farmers,
Senator Capper said, and nothing
should be hastily done which will de-j
stroy or greatly weaken it."
"Business must be active, and keep
S its stability to pay high wages to thei
city merhants if our home markets
are to absorb the largest quantity of
farm products," he said.
"Industrial life is prosperous today
and has the buying power to absorb
good quantities of farm produ'cts. I
feel that our aim in working out na-
tional economic policies should be
maintain this status. It is true that
agriculture has been in a sub-normal
economic condition, and it would be a
mistake to minimize this in any of our
thinking. But it seems to me that it
would be far better to work out
miethods which will bring agriculture
to the high level of the rest of the
country, rather than to throw a mon-
key wrench into business and bring
the whole economic structure of the
country down in a grand mess."
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 26:-Pur-
due will meet Harvard at football in
1927. The announcement that the
second western conference game had
been added came today with the com-
pletion of the hardest Harvard sched-
ule which Harvard has accepted in
years. Opening with the University of
Vermont, the schedule contains seven
more games, any of which might test
the mettle of the Crimson.
Michigan's ticket allotment
for the game with Ohio State
scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 13.
at Columbus, has already been
overdrawn and applications filed
during this week and the latter1
part of last week are now being
At the same time, remittances
of late Wisconsin applications
are also being made. Most of
these have been posted in the
mails, according to Harry Til-
lotson, business manager of the
Athletic association, and the
others will mailed today.
No official checkups have been
made as yet concerningrtickets
for tie Navy game Saturday at
Baltimore. Indications late yes-
terday were that most of the
tickets have been disposed of,
although there are probably a
few left that can be procured.
Carnegie Institute Lecturer Talks On
Facts Relating To Work Of
Modern Scientists.
Telling the story of the astron-
omical learning and the wonderful
architectural technique developed by
the Indians in Central America 1400
years ago, and showing the slides of
the remains as they have been built
up by the parties sent out from the
United States, Dr. S. G. Morley, as-
sistant in Middle American Archae-
ology in the Carnegie Institution at
Washington, delivered his lecture on
"The Results of the 1926 Field Sea-
son" yesterday afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium.
The lecture was mainly composed
of facts pertinent to the excavation
of many temples and statues that have
been tied up with things in the sciehi-
tific and artistic fields. The evidences
of the civilization that existed at that
time is mainly carried on these statues
and on the facades of the remains of
temples and buildings. With the aid
of lantern slides in color Dr. Morley
attempted to give his hearers some
idea of the size of the project and of
the importance of the things that were
being done by the institution.
Among the examples of the art that
were uncovered in the excavations
there were many large figures, bril-
liantly colored and depicting scenes
in life and animals that are supposed
to have been common at that time.
There was also one large mural paint-
ing that is being reconstructed with
the hope that it may throw more light
upon the actual lives of the people.
Democrat Proposes
Federal Amendment
(By Associated Press)
SALT LAKE CITY,, Oct. 26.-Char-
acterizing as "imperialistic" the power
vested in the President of the United
States to remove appointed executives,
without consent of the Senate, Senator
William H. King, Democrat, Utah, an-
nounced today that upon his return
to Washington in December he will
offer in the Senate an amendment to
the constitution to curtail this power.
The United States Supreme court
yesterday handed down a decision in
the case of Frank S.,Myers, postmas-
ter at Portland, Oregon, who was re-
moved by-President Wilson, upholding
the removal as within the constitu-
tional rights of the nation's chief
"This centralization of power in the
President," said Senator King, "ex-
ceces the power of any king or other
ruler in the' civilized world, and is
dangerous to our democratic form of
"Before I return to Washington, I
shall draft an amendment to the con-
Native and Foreign Surgeons Operat-
ing Day And Night In Govern-
ment Hospital At Leninakan (
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 26.-A stark pic-
ture of the death and destruction
caused by the earthquake in Armenia,
was given in an undated cablegram
received today by Near East relief
I headquarters from Dr. Joseph Beach,
director-general of the organization
relief work in Armenia. The cable
was sent from Leninakan.
"Earthquake shocks continuing but I
with diminished intensity," said the
cablegram. "Martial law has been
proclaimed throughout the earthquake
district. Morale of our American per-
sonnel and our 9,000 orphans excellent.
Loss O Life Increases
"The rural districts of Armenia
were terribly shaken and delayed re-
ports indicate an increasing' loss of
life and an enormous number of home-
less, who face the arrival of winter
with the inevitable prospect of
severest suffering.
"American workers yesterday visit-
ed six villages in which not a single
house remained habitable. In four of
these villages there were 152 dead and
185 seriously injured.
"The dead and injured in the
villages include many Near Dast re-
lief orphans who had been putplaced
under American supervision.
Native Surgeons Aid!
"Dr. W. H. Sisson, of Wauseon, O.,
and Dr. Dudley C. Kallich, of Tularosa,
N. M., with a staff o'f 30 native
surgeons, have been operating night
and day continously on the earthquake
injured, of whom hundreds are being
brought to the Near East relief's
hospital, which escaped serious dam-
age. The government's hospital at
Leninakan, and the government has
sent a hospital train from Tiflis to
assist. The entire population of
Leninakan is sleeping in the fields."
Craig Will Inspect
Forestry Exhibition i
Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., of the for-
estry department has gone to attend
a portable saw-mill demonstration at
Pennsylvania State college, -Penn
State, Pennsylvania. He will repre-
sent the University there.
The meeting consist of demonstra-
tions of various types of portable mills
and the best means and ways of run-
ning them. It is considered especially
pertinent to Michigan's interests be-
cause of the fact that there are in this
state many small tracts that could be
cut and made into serviceable timber
by means of the small mill but which'
are too small to warrant the erection
of a large permanent mill. Professor
Craig will return at the end of this
Commons To Retain
Emergency Powers,
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 26.-The government
emergency powers in connection with
the coal strike have been continued
by the House of Commons. The vote
for continuance was 185 to 68.
A new movement outside of Parli
ment dated today may possibly lead to
negotiations, but Parliament itself has
thus far been able to make no pro-
gress towards a settlement.
A deputation from the general coun-
cil of the trades union congress sought
and had a private meeting with Pre-
mier Baldwin, in which the coal sit-
uation was discussed and the deputa-
tion will see the miners' leader and
ascertain whether any new approach I
is possible. In the meantime, there is
a steady drift of miners back to work.
Foresters To Hold
Democratic NomineeI
State Governo
To Meet Supporters
William A. Comstock, '99, Democra-
tic nominee for governor will speak at
a public meeting at the Armory at
o'clock Friday, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by the
county Democratic committee.
Mr. Comstock was formerly a Re-
gent of the University, having been
appointed to fill a vacancy by Gover-
nor Ferris in 1913. He has been
alderman and mayor of Alpena, and
chairman of the Democratic state cen-
tral committee. His home is in De-
I roit.
Mr. Comstock was nominated by un-
animous assent of the Democratic con-
vention held last spring. With Gerrit
'Masselink, of Big Rapids, who is run-
ning for lieutenant-governor, he
heads the state ticket which will face
the voters on Nov. 2.I
Meeting Is First Of Year To Be Held
Department Heads
Meeting last night for the first time1
this year under the auspices of the
Union Underclass department, three
freshman groups pledged themselves
to the "best freshman class of the Uni-
versity." The three groups met in
separate rooms on the third floor of,
the Union where a program of musical1
numbers, talks, and yells entertained1
them while they introduced themselves
and were made acquainted with the
activities of the Union through thef
Underclass department.
William V. Jeffries, '27, chairman of
the department outlined the purpose
of the groups. "We want you to knowf
your class mates," he said, "and we
hope that through these informal
group meetings every three weeks, I
that you will be enabled to do so. At
each meeting prominent men on the
campus will speak. The Union is
planning to conduct a program of in-
tergroup sports to encourage a united
class spirit and an interest in class'
John Molenda, '28, spoke briefly to
the groups. He urged each one ofI
them to take an active interest in athle-
tics, to keep eligible for sports and
other activities, and to use the op-
portunities offered by the Union to
make permanent friendships among
the members of their own class.
Cards have been sent out to the
members of the class informing them
of the purpose of the groups, telling
them of the time and room number of
the meetings of the groups to which
they belong. Further announcements
will be made of the various activities
after organization is more nearly com-
pleted. The meetings will all be in-
formal, and smokes and occasional re-
freshments prepared.
Republican Group
Assists Students
In Voting At Home
Today is the last day upon which
out of town voters can register and
apply for ballots for the November
election,it was announced by the Uni-
versity Republican club last night.
The club is providing registration,
mailing, and notary service free of
charge and at no expense to all those
living in Michigan who wish to vote
by mail Nov. 2.
More than 100 registered yesterday.
Only those from other cities in this
state can register now, as it is too late
to mail the applications and have the
ballots returned from other states
Students who have already register-~
ed and who have received their ballots
from their home officials are request-!
ed to come to the offices of the club,
where free notary service is main-
tained, and where the ballots will be
The tables in University hall and in
front of the Library will be open from
9 to 3 o'clock today. In case of rain,
the latter office will be inside of the
Library. The headquarters in room1
306 of the Union will be open from 10
to 5 o'clock today, tomorrow, and Fri-
day, and from 9 to 12 o'clock Satur-
day. After today, however, as no fur-
ther registrations can be made, this
office will be maintained only for the
mailing of ballots.
Controversy Develops Over Reported
Statements In Regard To
Democratic Opponent f
(By Associated Press)
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 26.-Efforts
to secure from Senator Wesley L.
Jones, Republican, information con-
cerning campaign expenditures in his
behalf, failed in the final day's ses-
sion of the senatorial investigation
Denial of all knowledge of cam-'
paign expenditures other than his own,
which he said would not exceed $200,
and some additional by Millard Hart-
son, collector of customs here, and E.
B. Benn, United States marshal, for
printed matter, marked the testimony
of the senior Washington senator.
Correspondent Mentioned
A difference of opinion between
Senator Jones and Leo Sullivan, staff
correspondent of the Seattle Times,
who had been travelling with Jones in
his campaign over what the Senator
had actually said about his Democratic
opponent, A. Scott Bullitt, developedj
in the day's testimony. t
After Senator Jones had denied
utterancesnattributedto him inthe
Times articles, Mr. Sullivan was called
by Mr. Bullitt and declared that he
had quoted the Senator's speeches ac-
curately and faithfully. He excepted I
from the classification of direct quota-
tions some articles which he said were
founded on interviews and statements
of the Senator in the course of their
Charges that Mr. Bullitt had spent<
In excess of $100,000 in his campaign,I
and that he had been given the back- -
ing of the "brewers, distillers, and -
saloon interests," attributed to Sena-1
tor Jones, were disclaimed by him, as
was responsibility for the demand,
made by Sam R. Sumner, Republican1
state chairman for the investigation
into the campaign expenditures of Mr.i
Had Returned Contributions I
A $2,000 contribution to Senator1
Jones' campaign from the national Re-
publican senatorial committee was
spent at his direction, the witness de-1
clared, to the state central committee.
He told also of a check for $200 which
had been sent in by a "Mr. Axtell" of
New York, whom he identified as at-i
torney for the Seamens' union. Be-
cause of his desire to be unhampered
in his consideration of seamen's legis-1
lation as chairman of the Senate com-
merce committee, the senator said heI
returned his check to the donor. I
Of the Anti-Saloon league report of
his campaign and that of the W. C. T.
U., Senator Jones declared he had
never solicited the aid of any organ-
ization, adding "of' course, I am glad
to have it."
M~anagers Announce
Seats At Grid-Graph
Cannot Be Reserved
Contrary to previous announcement
there will be no reserved seats for the
grid-graph of the Navy game. The
management has decided that inas-
much as the income from the higher
pricing would not offset the added ex-
pense, prices of tickets will remain
the same as in the past, 50 cents for
main floor seats, and 35 cents for all
balcony seats.j
The Reserve band will play beforeI
the game and between halves.
Kenneth C. Midgley, '28L will give
I several xylophone numbers. This pro-
gram will mark the first attempt at
entertainment at the grid-graph.
The operators of the board have
worked together for the last -threey
years and is expected that this ex-{
perience has developed in them co-
ordination that will enable them to
render an accurate account of the
,game. The management has con-
tracted for morecomplete messages
from the field and intends to have theI
story of the game as portrayed by the
board in more detail.
The doors of Hill auditorium will be
opened at 1 o'clock. Tickets have been
placed on sale at Graham's, Slater's,
Hueston's, Wahr's, Geo. Moe's sport
shop, the Union, and Calkins Fletcher's
State st. and South University drug
+-r i -EnV i A r TL'
I (By Associated Press)
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Oct.
26.-If the weather had remained
moderate for an hour or so
longer on Friday afternoon, H.
M. S. Valerian, which foundered
with 84 men, could have run to
safety through the narrows and
into the port, the British ad-
miralty stated today.
The commanding officer at the
the port has visited the nineteen
survivors of the disaster at the
naval hospital. All are doing
well. No further information
will be given as to the loss of
I the vessel and incidents con-
nected with the sinking until the
admiralty has followed the usual
procedure in investigating the
It is believed the Valerian
turned over when she was
caught by a terrific sea.
Election Of Officers And Reports On1
Press Club Constitution
To Be Taken Upt
Having just returned from an fx-t
tensive European tour, Cyril Arthur
Player, foreign editor of the Detroitt
'News, has chosen "The World Beat"1
as the subpect of his address beforee
the Student's Press club tonight att
7:30 o'clock in the editorial room ofI
the journalism department on thee
third floor of the Old Medical build-s
Distinguished as a journalist for the
restraint manifested in his writing,b
and his devotion to ideals in newspa-h
per practice, Mr. Player is regardedg
by newspapermen as one of the three y
or four leading critics on foreign re-
The constitutional committee 'ap-
pointed at the first meeting of the
Press club two weeks ago will report
at tonight's meeting following which
officers for the year will be elected inc
accordance with the provisions of the1
new constitution. It is planned to
have the meetings as informal as pos-
sible. A different chairman will be L
appointed for each meeting and will
be assisted by a committee in arrang-
ing the programs. Prominent speak-I
ers and well known newspapermenb
will be invited to speak at the meet-L
ings to be held every two weeks. r
All students enrolled in the journal-d
ism department are eligible for mem-c
bership and any others interested in'
journalism may be elected to member-t
ship upon recommendation by a spe-~
cial committee.
Rehearsals To Begin
Tonight For Opera
Orchestra Tryouts1
Rehearsals for all eligible men
wishing to try out for the orchestrat
which is to accompany "Front Page
Stuff," this year's Union Opera on its
tour this winter, will begin at 8 o'-1
clock tonight in room 308, Union, it
l was announced last night by E. Mor-
timer Shuter, director of the Opera.
The Opera orchestra for Mimes' an-
nual production will contain 22 mu-
sicians this year, this being slightly
less than that in "Tambourine," which
made the Christmas vacation tour of
cities with a group of 26 men. The
reduction is partly due to the nature I
I of this year's production, a modern
!musical comedy in contrast to "Tam-
bourine's" fantastic and imaginarys
setting, in which less variety in in-
struments is needed.
All men, playing instruments, who
are eligible for campus activities may
try out for the orchestra. It is espe-
cially urged by Ward Tollzien, '27,
general Opera chairman, that men,
playing the piano try out at the Union
At 3 o'clock Friday, Oct. 29, the
Play Production class will present
three one-act plays in University hall.
The choice of plays has not been defi-
nitely announced, but will be made
from the following work: "Manikin
and Minikin" by Kreymborg; "Riders
to the Sea" by Synnge; "Man in thek
Bowler Hat" by Milne; or "Maker of
Degree Of Doctor Of Engineering,
Highest In Profession, Awarded
Speaker By University
Dr. Alex Dow, president of the Dow
Chemical company, has been secured
to give the principal address at the
engineering and architecture smoker
which will be held at 8 o'clock tonight
in the main assembly hall of the
Union. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of
the Colleges of Engineering and Arch-
itecture, will introduce the speaker.
The smoker is open to all students on
the campus.
Dr. Dow has had a varied and ex-
tensive career in connection with his
chosen work. He first came into pub-
lic notice in. 1893 when he built the
city lighting plant for Detroit. At
that time, it was considered one of
the most modern projects in the world.
A short time later he became manager
of the Detroit Edison company, and is
now the president of that organiza-
Is Administrative Head
Due to his position in the adminis-
trative engineering world, Dr. Dow
has not only had to pass judgment on
extentions and machinery, but raise
the money for these projects as well.
It is expected that in his talk tonight,
he will introduce many of his personal
experiences which will offer many
suggestions to students entering this
In recognition of his success in en-
gineering, the University conferred the
honorary degree of Master of En-
gineering upon him in 1911. Several
years ago the University again hon-
ored him by conferring upon him the
degree of Doctor of Engineering, the
highest honor in engineering.
Is Interested in University
Dr. Dow has been interested in the
University and its future for many
years, giving numerous pieces of ma-
chinery to the laboratories, establish-
ing fellowships in research, and giving
financial aid in other ways. He has
also placed many graduates of the
University on his engineering staffs.
Although born in Scotland, Dr. Dow
is an American citizen, coming to the
United States in 1882 and receiving
his naturalization papers 13 years
later at the age of 33. His various
positions held in the public utilities
department of Detroit include that of
city electrical engineer and also that
of water commissioner. He is a direc-
tor of the Detroit United railway, and
a member of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, American Societ'y of
Mechanical Engineers, American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers, and the
Institute of Electrical Engineers o
Great Britain.
Free corncob pipes will be distrib-
uted to those who attend the smoker.
All subscribers to the Michigan Tech-
nic will be admitted free, and others
will pay"a small charge. Members of
the faculty will be the guests of the
Technic and the engineering council.
A musical number W'ill precede the
regular program.
Ferdinand Requests
Queen Return Home
(By Associated Press)
BUCHAREST, Oct. 26.-King Fer-
dinand has ordered Queen Marie to
return to Bucharest, it became known
today when the government issued an
official proclacommunique presaging
Her Majesty's early return frbm her
visit to the United States.
The communique said that the re-
turn was dictated by the advice of the
Queen's physicians who had pro-
nounced Her Majesty ill from grippe
induced by excessive rainfall in the
United States.
TORONTO, Out., Oct. 26.-Queen:
Marie of Roumania set foot on Cana-
dian sail today for the first time. She
saw the wonders of Niagara and then
came by special train to Toronto. With
beaming face and jaunty carriage as
she strode through lanes of humanity
in the station, the Queen acknowledg-
ed the cheers of Toronto.
In reply to the rumor that she was
asked to return to Roumania by King
Ferdinand, the Queen, through her
delegate, said that she had received
no such request, and that, moreover,
her illness was "nothing to worry
stitution which shall remove this
power, and I shall introduce it at the
opening of the session in December."
View Of Mars Best
In Recent History
(By Associated Press)
S WILLIAMS BAY, Wis., Oct. 26.-
Mars accorded to observers on earth
tonight the best close up view of its
mysterious self available in 15 years.
At 11 o'clock the planet, which for
many weeks had been coming earth-
ward at a rate of half a mile each sec-
Convention In Ohio
Members of the department of for-
estry including Professors Young,
Craig, Jotter, and Baxter will be in
attendance at the annual meeting of
the Ohio Valley section of the Society
of American Foresters when it con-