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October 26, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-26

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Inside Story Of Dissension At Meeting
Of Hooded Order In Wasigton
Is 1Disclosed


"The plea for the reduction of tariff
rates set forth in the manifesto signed
by many internationally known econ-
omists and bankers points the way to-
ward the solution of many European
financial difficulties," said Prof. Clare
E. Griffin, yesterday. "Ever since the
war, when new countries were formed1
and each one was so anxious to pro-I
tet itself, high tariff rates have
hindered the return to normalcy."
Conditions in Europe are essenti-
ally different than those in this
country, said Professor Griffin. In
Europe there are many countries, so
small that they cannot find a market1
for their products at home, nor pro-

The tariff question
is not as serious as
fessor Griffin stated.
our own boundaries;
takes cares of most

in United States
in Europe, Pro-
We have within
a market which
of our products,

and we can produce practically all we
need. However, large industries are
realizing more and more that high
tariffs are a burden. Manufacturers
no longer need protection to compete
with production of other countries.
Free trade has long been the
philosophy of economists, declared
Professor Griffin. However, changes
can only be affected when producers
-themselves demand it. If free trade is
established some of the weaker indus-
tries will suffer immediate hardships,
but when the transitory stage is
passed, conditions in the economic
world wil be immeasurably bettered.


(By Associated Press) duce all they need. To sell, a country
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 25.-An amaz- must buy, and a high tariff on imports
ing tale of political intrigue in Indi- in most cases invokes hardships on the
ana, through which ran the names of country which levies it.
Senator James E. Watson, Republican
candidate for re-election, and high QjIfljD
officials of the Ku Kluz Klan, was re-
lated here today to the Senate cam- FO ,S E ILpi nf d Co mteb Ra h B.T A N
In addition, the witness made
charges of wholesale political corrup-
tion in Lake county, particularly in Party of Students, Varsity Band and
East Chicago and Indiana Harbor, Players Will Leave for Baltimore
during the Republican primary last Via Two Routes
May, and asserted that there had been
a general "shaking down" of bootleg- TICKETS ON SALE AT UNION
gers and dive keepers by peace officers
working in the interests of what was iMore than 75 tickets for the special
described as the Watson organization. o
Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, train to the Navy game have already
the committee chairman, who still was been sold in Ann Arbor according to
carrying on the inquiry by himself, officials of the railroads in a state-
also was told that it was "well known mnyesterday.' Besides these tickets
among the klansmen of Indiana that
Senator Arthur R. Robinson was a {more than 50 tickets have been sold
"klansman." Bradford said he could for the team, and 70 for the Varsity
not say whether the senator still is a band. Railroad accomodations may
member of the hooded order. also be purchased at the main desk of
Ar Thh had b the Union this afternoon, tomorrow
After the hearngherehabeenafternoon, and until 2 o'clock Thurs-
closed to be reopened at St. Louis day afternoon.
probably'tomorrow, Senator Reed an- The first special train will leave at
nounced that if Senators Watson and 3:20 o'clock Thursday afternoon, and
Robinson desired to refute the new besides students it will carry the team
evidence presented to -the committee, and band. This train' will arirve in
they would be given opportunity to do Philadelphia at 10:30 Friday morn-
so through affidavits. i.
Bradford, who with Wallace C. ing, and it will be stationed on a sid-
raerdo whLoanspotInd.,pedJing so that the sleepers and diners
Granger, of Logansport, Ind., proved may be used by the occupants. The
the star witness of the day, freely con- team will not stop in Philadelphia, but
ceded that he was an ex-klansmen, will proceed directly to Baltimore. The
that in the fight in Lake county he band and'other occupants of this train
was lined up with the anti-Wtson, will' remain in Philadelphia until. 10
forces and that most of his testimony o'clock Saturday morning, at which
had been obtained at second hand. dtime they will leave for Baltimore
The first startling bit of testimony arriving there two hours later. This
given by the witness was that he had special will leave Baltimore at 6
been informed by Walter F. Bossert o'clock after the game ariving back in
of Indianapolis that Senator Watson i Ann Arbor at 10 o'clock - Sunday
had sat in on a conference of Klan morning.
officials at which the resignation of The student special will leave at
Bossert, an Indiana grand dragon, had 4:30 o'clock Friday and go directly to
been forced by Dr. Hiram W. Evans, Baltimore, arriving there at the
imperial wizard of the Klan. Pennsylvania depot at 8:45 o'clock
Besides Senator Watson and Dr. Saturday. This special will begin the
Evans, others at the session included Ireturn journey at 6:30 o'clock Satur-
Joseph Huffington, in charge of Klan f day, and will arive in Ann Arbor at
political affairs in Indiana, Robert 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning.
McNay, then a Klansman, and the Dining car prices on the student
mayors of Indianapolis and Evans-~i special have been materially reduced.
ville. Bradford said he had been told Breakfast, $1, lunch, $1, and dinner
of this conference also by James Bo- $1.25 are the prices which the rail-
lin, then secretary to Bossert. road company have announced. Diner
"Bossert told me there had been a;servce will be available on the stu-
terrific row at the Washington confer-1 dent special at all times, other than
ence," Bradford said, "and that he the stop in Baltimore.i
finally threw down on the table his
resignation both as Indiana grand iF E H ANG O P
dragon and as an officer of the nation- FRESHMAN GROUPS
Both Bradford and Granger charged H L i~i*
there had been "adeal" whereby Bos- MEETING TONIGH T
sert was to be deposed because he in-
sisted on keeping the Klan non-parti- Beginning a program of get-together
san and that W. Lee Smith had been eing acprogram to gttogeher
made grand dragon in his place so meetings, scheduled to last throughout
that the Klan would "go down the the year, freshmen members of the
line" for Senator Watson. first three class groups organized by
Senator Reed announced that it the Underclass department of the
would be impossible to follow up these Undeclasseeatof the
new leads on Indiana's tangled pol- Union will meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight
tical situation before the election. He in separate rooms of the Union. Cards
plans to close the hearing at St. Louis have been sent out to each of the first
tomorrow if Mrs. Vivian Tracy Wheat- year men in the three groups meeting
craft, vice-chairman of the Indiana this evening, informing them of th
State Republican committee, who is
in the hospital there, is able to give meetig room number, and explaining
her testimony. in detail, the purpose of these gather-
It is the purpose to question her iw, and the nature of entertainment,
about the testimony given today by a: future speakers and activities.
Frank J. Prince, a newspaper corre- J.hn Molenda, '28, will talk to each
spondent of Indianapolis and AV. A. F. 'of the groups. After a program of
Douglass, western correspondent o: entertainment, music and yells, every




Dr. Morley Will Speak on "Results
The 1926 Field Season; Is World


Incomplete Information Sets Total
of Injured at 1,000 and Property
Damage at $60,000,000
(By Associated Press)
Fragmentary reports over crippled
wires from Karakala and other towns
in the teritory laid waste by the earth-
quake Friday night indicate an even
greater loss of life and more wide-
spread havoc than at first reported.
IThe latest estimate, admittedly made
1 on incomplete data, laced the deaths
as high as 600, with '1,000 others
maimed or missing and a $60,000,000
It will be weeks before the full ex-
pense of the catastrophe is known ow-
ing to the fact that a large part of the
population in the earthquake, widely
scattered, and not registered.
No American Killed
It was established today that no
Americans in the widespread chain of
relief stations conducted by the Near
East Relief in the devastated areas
are among the victims although
several of their Armenian assistants
(By Associated Press)
LENINAKAN, Oct. 25.-Dr. Joseph
Beach, director of Near East Relief
operations in the Caucasus, tonight
gave the Associated Press a graphic
eye witness narartive of the catas-
"I was at dinner with my American
colleagues," he said, "'when a terrific4
trembling, surging noise rent the air;
a thousand windows smashed and the
building oscillated; awakened orphans
shreiked in terror and the floor reeled
under my feet. All the light failed and
we expected momentarily the roof to
fall and smother us.
"My first thought was our 9,Q00{
orphans. I hurriedly ordered lanterns.
and candles and directed the staff to
hasten to their posts, which was al-
most impossible in the utter darkness




Declaring that there is more re-
ligious interest among college stu-
dents at the present time than there
ever has been in the past, Dr. Joseph
Fort Newton, in an interview follow-
ing his convocation address Sunday
characterized modern youth as the
"best generation of young people the
world has ever seen."
"Some ministers ought to get down
on their kness and ask forgiveness for
some of the things they have said in
criticism of the present younger gen-
eration," remarked the Philadelphia
Dr. Newton explained that he has
had a splendid opportunity to observe
and study the tendencies of young men
and women by reason of'the fact that


he speaks before a college or univer-
sity audience once each month, after
which he mingles with the students
for two or three days for personal
contact. He has addressed student
bodies in every leading university and
college in the country.
If anything, the standard of morals
today is higher than ever, in the opin-
ion of Dr. Newton. He declared there
has been positively no moral let down
among the young men and women of
America, and that the alarms of many
persons on this score is "pure bunk."
"The only difference I can find be-
tween the young people of today and
those of a generation ago," said Dr.
Newton, "is that youth today does
those things on the front porch which
we did, in our day, on the rear stoop."

Dr. S. G. Morley, assistant in middle
'American archaeology at the Carnegie
Institution in Washington, wilt deliver
a lecture on "The Results of the 1926
Field Saeson" at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium.
Dr. Morley is the foremost authority
of the world on the hieroglyphis writ-!
ings of the Maya Indians, who lived in'
Guatemala and Yucatan 2,000 years
ago. The Maya Indians are very in-
teresting to the whole western
hemisphere because it is said that they
were the Greeks of the western world
and that they parralleled the Greeks
in their civilization. It is known from{
their writings and from the instru-
ments that they left behind that they
were interested, not only in art and
literature, but also in astronomy and
kindred subjects.
Dr. Morley has spent the last eight
summers in the region of Chichen Itza,
in the center of the Maya field. Dur-
ing that time he has unearthed many
cities that were not known to have"
existed and has made many excava-
tions that have yielded rich funds for
the anthropologists of the world. It

Offices Kept Open to Allow Students
From Other Cities of State
to Register
In a special effort to get students
from other cities in Michigan to vote
by mail for the election, November 2,
the Republican club will keep its
registration offices on the campus
open today and tomorrow, and the one
in the Union open until Saturday. Due
to the time required for mailing, it is
now too late for out of the state voters
to register, but those living in
Michigan will have time to register,
apply for ballots, and mail the latter,
if they report promptly.
Offices in University hall and in
} front of the Library will be open from
'9 to 3 o'clock, and that in room 306
of the Union from 10 to 6 o'clock. All
of them are open to both men and wo-
men. Notary and mailing service for
registration is provided with no res-
pect to party affiliation.
Those who have already applied for
absentee ballots, whether from Michi-
gan og any other states, when they
recei're the ballots, are reouested to
come to room 306 of the Union .to have
them notaried. Headquarters will be
open for this purpose until Saturday
Women are especially urged to reg-
ister for the election. Elizabeth
Kennedy '27, is chairman of the wo-
men's committee, and is making every
effort to interest the women students.
They can register at any one of the
offices. It is emphasized that at this
election not only county officers, but
the governorship and all other state
offices are involved.
The club was founded more than
thirty years ago, and has brought
many nationally known speakers and
political candidates here for public
appearances. The last of these,was
the Republican nominee for governor,
Fred W. Green, '98L. Further in-
formation on the present campaign can#
be obtained from James R. Depuy,
'27E, chairman of the executive com-
Smittee, or any other members of the
PARIS-It is now stated that
Charlie Chaplin is expectedto arrive
in France in January to take part in
the film "Napoleon."
Election of officers in the
Junior literary class will be held l
at 4 o'clock tomorrow after- 1
noon in Natural Science auditor-
ium. Five members of the J-Hop
committee, representing the 1
literary college, will also be
1 chosen at this time.

United States Loans $50,000,000
Total $100,000,000 Raised; Also
Participates In Giving Credit



New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Hit by Heavy Gales
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 252.-Striking with
tropical fury 4nd suddeness, Mind
storms that at times reached hurric ne
force, today raked sections of New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and Ahode'Island.
Three persons were killed in thej
vicinity of this city, many others in-
jured, considerable property damage
was caused in more than a score ofs
cities and towns of the four states,
and harbor and coast wide shipping
was affected.
In New York there were numerous
injuries from falling window glass
smashed by the wind and sign boards
torn away and sent whirlingthrough
the streets. A wind that for five
minutes blew at a speed of 75-miles
an hour churned the waters of New
York harbor, ibatteijd the smaller
vessels into helplessness and para_-
'lyzed harbor traffic in general.
During the height of the blow, num-
erous' calls for help were received by'
the coast guard from small crafts at.
the Erie basin in Brooklyn and the
Sheepshead bay station.
Town and cities in northern and
central New Jersey suffered property 1
damage roofs being blown from many
houses, trees uprooted and telephone
lines torn down. Some injuries were
reported. Philadelphia also was visited
by a storm. In some towns the tem-
perature took a precipitate drop as the I
storm struck.
In Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the
wind tore roofs froom buildings, blew
down chimneys and uprooted trees.
The storm extended as far as Wash-
ington, where rain and hail fell today
following upon a steady downpour last
night which was accompained by high
'Student Press Club
To Hear Journalist
On 'The World Beat'
Cyril Arthur Player, a distinguished
journalist and the foreign editor of
the Detroit News will address the
Student's Press club at 7:30 o'clock,
tomorrow night, in ,the editorial room
of the journalism department in the
I Old Medical building. The speaker has
chosen his subject "The World Beat."
Mr. Player is regarded by news-
papermen as one of the three or four
leading critics of foreign relations.
Only recently, Mr. Player returned
from Europe where he travelled ex-
tensively and interviewed many of the
outstanding men in European politics.
The Detroit editor is noted for his !
restraint in writing and devotion tot
high ideals in newspaper practice.

(By Associated Press)
BRUSSELS, Oct. 25. - Belgian
money will go on a new gold basis to-
morrow with the creation of a new
monetary standard-the Belga-equal
to five paper francs and with a definite
gold value of .209211 grams.
The Belgian franc will be stabilized
at 174.31 to the pound sterling, or
about one-seventh of its pre-war val-
ue, but it will no longer be quoted on
the foreign exchange markets of the
world. Instead there will be the
Belga for thew purposes of foreign
Belgian money, which has fluctuated
in value from day to day, since the
Germans invaded the country in 1914,
now has the support of the leading
banks of issue of Europe, the United
S tates and Asia. This support is, ex-
pressed in an international loan to
Belgium of $100,000,000 which will be
used to keep the Belgian franc up to
its new par level which will make it
about 36 to the dollar.
On Market Tomorrow
The loan will be placed upon the
markets tomorrow. It will bear in-
terest at seven per cent, plus one per
cent for amortization and will run for
a term of 30 years. The Federal Re-
serve bank of the United States, the
Bank of England, the Bank of France,
the German Reichsbank and similar
banks in Japan, Holland, Sweden,
Austria and Hungary have appeared
to support the loan. In addition $35,-
000,000 in credit will be placed at the
disposition of the Bank of Belgii
to assist in carrying out the immedi-
ate stabilization plans.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-Assuming the
major burden in the financial support
in the Belgian stabilization program,
the United States tomorrow will ab-
sorb $50,000,000 of a $100,000,000 loan
and through the Federal Reserve bank
participate in a $35,000,000 credit for
the purpose of restoring Belgian cur-
rency to a gold basis.
Many Nations Cooperate
The operation to which America
lends its aid marks one of the most
important post-war steps in re-estab-
lishing normal financial conditions
in Europe, approaching in its signifi-
cance the rehabilitation of Germany's
finances and the return of Great Brit-
ain to the gold standard. Seldom has
the cooperation of so many countries
been enlisted for the protection of
another nation's financial affairs. Ger-
many, Austria and Hungary, allied
against Belgium in the World war are
now united in their financial support
of the stabilization program, partici-
pating through their central banks in
the international credit.
The London portion of the loan will
amount to 7,250,000npounds sterling
and the remainder will be divided
among the investment markets of Hol-
land, Switzerland and Sweden.
Society To Replace

is the report of the work of this last
summer that he is presenting here to-
day. The lecture is being sponsored
by the museum of anthropology andj
the public is cordially invited to
Reed Hits Coolidge
Support Of Butler
(By Associated Press)

and impenetrable dusk which en-
veloped us.


KANSAS CITY, Mo. Oct. 25.-
President Coolidge's endorsement of
the candidacy of Senator Butler, Re-'
publican, for re-election in Mas-
sachusetts, brought a caustic state-
ment here today from Senator Reed,!
Democrat, Missouri, chairman of the
Senate campaign funds committee.
The Missourian said that instead of
being the "giant" pictured by the Pres-
ident, Senator Butler was chiefly
"celebrated" as the man who induced
Mr. Coolidge to send back to the
Senate a second time the name of
Charles B. Warren of Michigan, as I
attorney-general after it had once been
Edmonson Addresses
Educational Society!
Professor Edmonson of' the School
of Education spoke informally t
members of the Men's Educational
club at the regular bi-monthly meet-
ing of the club held last night in the
Union on the necessity of salesmar
ship for educators, who desire to ad-
vance materially in their profession.
He declared that a man must be able
to sell his ability in a tactful manner,
while attempting to secure positions
and promotions, and cited several in-
stances where promising young edu-
cators had damaged their positions by
methods of salesmanship not in ac-
cord with professional ethics.C

Three Shocks Felt
"Scarcely had we emerged from the
buliding when another and moreI
violent shock seemed to cleave the
earth asunder, throwing everyone to
the ground. There we remained pro-
strate and stunned, expecting death at
any moment.
"An hour later the earth rocked
again, followed by a rolling rushing
sound, like thunder, which seemed to
carry utter doom and destruction with
it. A hurricane of wind swept every-
thing before it and .the orphans, who
were only scantily clad, trembled from
cold and fear. Through the jet black
night, only the majestic contour of
the Alagoa, the volcanic mountain with
its dome of eternal snow, standing out
like a beacon on the broad Leninakan
plain could be perceived."
Players To Present
Play Twice Today
"Expressing Willie," Rachel Croth-
er's comedy of American manners,
which was given last night by thej
Rockford Players in the Mimes the-
ater, will 4e repeated twice today. A
special matinee will be given thisI
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the final
performance will be presented tonight
at 8:30 o'clock.
A review of last night's pre-
sentation of "Expressing Willie"
by the Rockford Players will be
found in the Music and Drama
column on page four.
Robert Henderson, '26, and Amy
Loomis, '22, who took the leading
roles in the production of the Summer
Stock company last summer again
have the leading parts in the present
production. The play is being given
for the benefit of the Women's league.
Parliament Resumes,
Coal Strike Debate
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 25.-The House ofI
Commons today took up the matter of
the coal strike, which has been in pro-
gress for the past seven months. De-E
bate continued throughout the entire
afternoon and evening but led to



Navy Day And Birthday Of Roosevelt.
To Be Observed By Nation Tomorrow

the Baltimore Sun, that he had stated
to them that he had organized a
"poison squad" among the women of
Indiana to carry on a whispering cam-
paign to "obtain victory by gossip."'
Sophomore Receives '
Scholarship Award
William C. Reynolds, '29E, has been
awarded the Lloyd's Register of Ship-
ping scholarship for the years 1926
to 1929, carrying with it an annual
stipend of $500'. The scholarship is
granted for study in'naval architec-
ture and marine engineering and is'
awarded for excellence in scholarship
diirinzs the first Year~i of wrk in the

freshman present will become part
of an informal get-together, in which
he will introduce himself
"It is the intention of these infor-
mal gatherings, held group by group
at intervals of three weeks, to ac-
quaint each freshman with the rest

of his class members, and thus to fos-
ter an active class spirit and an inter- Promoter's Arrest
est in class activities," William V, .
Jeffries, '27, chairman of the Under- Dims Hotel Plans
class department, declared yesterday.
After active organization of the Hopes of Ann Arbor citizens for the
groups is under way, further plans construction of an up to date hotel
will be announced by the Underclass were dealt another blow by the arrest,
department. Group election of officers Saturday of A. Morrissey, promoter of1
is proposed, and intergroup competi- Ithe proposed "Michigan" hotel. Mor-
tion in a variety of activities is be hissey was brought before Justice A.
planned. Smokes will be provided, E. Gibson and released on a $10,000
ard occasionally there will be refresh- bond furnished by the General
mna R,nVord- rn 'Chmrn nwill rnirr


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.-America will
pay a nation-wide tribute to its na-
tional defense on the sea when it ob-
serves Navy day tomorow, in addition
to celebrating the birthday annivers-
ary of the late President Theodore
Under leadership of the Navy
League, a nation-wide program has
ben prepared designed to ceter atten-
tion not upon memories of old battles
that have made glorious the traditions
of the Navy, but upon the busy, hustl-
ing merchant craft that shuttle end-
lessly back and forth over the seal

along the coast lines. Each district
commander has been directed to work
out for himself in cooperation with
state and municipal authorities the
method of bringing before the Ameri-
can people the vital relationship of
the American flag ships of commerce
American agriculture and industry
and the floating bulwark of security
the grim fighting craft give to the
ocean highways and byways of trade.
"This year the importance of the
Merchant Marine to the future econ-
omic independence of our country and
its value as a vital element of national
defense will be the subject stressed,"
said the formal order issued to all dis-

Regular Meeting By
University Lectures
Due to the fact that Dr. William
Minot Guertler, director of the Metall-
Institut der Technischen Hochschule,
Charlottenburg, Germany, will give
two University lectures here Novem-
ber 1 and 2, the Ann Arbor division of
the Detroit chapter of the American
Society of Steel Treaters has decided
to substitute attendance at the lec-
ures in place of a regular meeting, ac-
cording to Prof. W. P. Wood, chair-
man of the group.
The Ann Arhor division of the A. S.
S. T. was formed last year, and it was
'then decided to hold four meetings a
year. Since the first meeting falls on
the date of Dr. Guertler's lectures, it
was decided to substitute them for the
meeting in place abandoning it alto-
Philip Northrop was elected pres-
ident of the Junior class of the dental
college in the class elections held last
week. William Gillette was chosen


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