ESTABLISHED 1890 fri an 4:D at1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 24 STUDENTS WILL HEAR NEWTON MAKE THIRD CONVOCATION SPEECH HAS SERVED AS MINISTER TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS 'AS WRITTEN 17 BOOKS Fred Glover, Senior Representative In Student Council, To Preside At Sunday Services Dr. Joseph Fort Newton, intcrna- tionally known clergyman, will give tho address at the third student con- vocation of the year at 11 o'clock this morning in Hill auditorium. "What We Know in Religion" is the subject 'which Dr. Newton has chosen. Today's convocation speaker has served as a minister to five denomina- tions. At the present time he is an Episcopal rector in Philadelphia. He has written extensively on various subjects, being the author of 17 books, many pamphlets on patriotic and Ma- sonic topics, and numerous addresses and lectures. A past grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Iowa, be is editor of the Master Mason, and associate editor of Christian Century. At onertime he wastthe non-resident l.ecturer at the State University of Iowa. Has had Several Charges Dr. Newton received his early educa- tion at the Hardy institute, which is now defunct, and the Southern Baptist Theological seminary at Louisville, Ky. He later received his Litt.D. de- gree .at Coe college, in 1912, and his D.D degree at Tufts in 1918. Ordained to the Baptist ministry in 1893, Dr. Newton became pastor of the First Baptist church at Paris, Tex., in 1897. The following year, he became asso- ciate pastor of a non-sectarian church in St. Louis, Mo., where he remained for two years. In 1901, he founded the People's church at Dixon, Ill., where he remained pastor for seven years. From 1908 to 1916, he was pas-~ tor of the Liberal Christian. church at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. During the World war, Dr. Newton went to England where he was affili- ated with City Temple, in London. He remained there for three years and then returned to this country where he assumed the duties of pastor at the Church of Divine Paternity, New York City. Later he transferred his allegi- ance to the episcopal church, assum- ing a charge in Philadelphia. Is Guest of Ruthien Dr. Newton arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday. He is the guest of Prof. Alexander G. Ruthven of the zoology department. Fred Glover, '27, senior representa- tive of the Student council, will pre- side at the service today. The soloist will be Robert Graham. Dalies Frantz ywill be at the organ. The program follows: Organ prelude-"Adagio In B Flat " Symphony Opus 12.".......Pleyel Mr. Frantz Hymn-"Come Thou Almighty King." Congregation Prayer-Dr. Joseph Fort Newton Offertory Solo-"The Publican"- ............ .. Vanderwater Mr. Graham Address-"What We Know in Re- ligion." Dr. Newton Organ Postlude-"Grand Choeur, - ....... ...............Chauvet Mr. Frantz Earthquake Shakes Armenian Republic (By Associated Press)k -. vw + I . - a ______ __ 1 .4 . A I 4 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS T Polish Government Delivers Mild Note To Russia Demanding That Territorial Menace In Soviet Treaty Be Removed (By Associated Press) WARSAW, Poland, Oct. 23. -The Polish government today delivered to Russia a note, which is understood to be mild in tone, concerning the re- cently signed Soviet-Lithuanian treaty. The mildness of the note, Foreign Minister Zaleski of Poland told news- papermen tonight, is due to the fact that Poland is too strong to get ner- vous over such menaces to its ter- ritory as is felt to be implied in the Soviet-Lithuanian treaty. The note simply states that Russia gave up all land to the west of her frontiers with Poland under the treaty of Riga and agreed that the question of the city of =Vilna should be settled directly between Poland and Lithu- ania. Lithuania, the note says, asked the council of ambassadors to settle this problem and Poland repeated this request. Thus the decision of the council on March 15, 1923, awarding j Vilna to Poland is binding upon both countries and cannot be questioned by any international document concluded with only one of the interested parties. While discussing the Polish note with newspapermen, M. Zaleski said that Poland would continue to carry on a peaceful policy in eastern Eu- rope in spite of what are' felt to be provocations and Soviet Russia. In order to pacify the east of Europe, he' said, Poland will be always ready to sign a guarantee pact, but only a pact equally guaranteeing all countries in that section of Europe. The minister of foreign affairs also said that recent negotiations between France and Germany contained no menace for Poland. Of late, he added, indications could be noted that Ger- many's attitude toward Poland was not so entirely negative as before. INVESTIGATORS BEGIN PROBE INTO WESTERN SENATORIA1L CONTEST CHARGES ACCUSE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE WITh! MAKING LARGE EXPENDITURES SENATOR REED IS NOTIFIED Republican State Chairman States Opposition Party Has Spent $100,000 For Bullitt (By Associated Press) SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 23.-A state- ment that his charges of the expendi- ture of $100,000 in behalf of A. Scott Bullitt, Democratic candidate for the United States Senate from this state, included expenditures in the primar campaign as well as those of the pres- ent campaign for election, was made by Sam R. Sumner, Republican state chairman, in the senatorial funds in-1 vestigation which started here today. Mr. Sumner fixed at $7,561 the amount received by the Republican state committee for the prosecution of the campaign since he assumed -the chairmanship Sept. 29 last. Of this, he said, $5,561 has been collected in this state and $2,000 has been received from the national Republican sena- torial campaign committee. Shows Receipts aHe introduced'atelegram from Wil- am D. odeer, Republican national treasurer, showing receipts in prose- !i IJOURNALISTS SELECTI OFF01ICIALS _FR HYEAR Authorization Given Appointment of Committee of Newspapermen To Co-operate With University LAST SESSION IS HELD At the concluding session of the an- nual University Press club conven- tion held yesterday morning, officers for the coming year were elected, and authorization was given to the ap- pointment of a committee of state newspaper men to co-operate with the journalist department in an advisory capacity. In pursuance with the objects of the organization as outlined by A. R. Treanor, president, in his address opening the conference Thursday, the club will suggest to the University that this committee be selected to as- sist in fostering interest in profes- sional journalism as now taught in the University. It was the opinion of the delegates that the identity of the journalistic department of the Uni- versity should be preserved, and that the committee be appointed to this end, as well as for studying the theory of journalistic education. Officers of the Press club who were, all continued in office from the past year are as follows: President, A. R.' Treanor, editor of the Saginaw News Courier; vice presidents, Louis Wild, of the Port Huron Times Herald, George Averill, editor of the Birming-, ham Eccentric, and Frank Russell of the Marquette Miner; secretary and treasurer, Prof. J. L. Brumn of the journalism department. Rockford Players Will Appear Here Monday, Tuesday Several former University studentsr who attained prominence in dramatics while on the campus will return to- morrow and Tuesday with the Rock- ford Players, who will give three per-j formances of Rachel Crother's com- edy, "Expressing Willie," at the Mimes1 theater on these two days. The play, which was given for three performances here this summer by the{ summer stock company, will havet largely the same cast as at the pr. vious showings. Robert Henderson,t '26, will again appear in the role ofC "Willie," the millionaire toothpaste manufacturer, and Amy Loomis, '22, will play again in the part of Minnie Whitcomb. Two of the company whichI MORLEY TO LECTUREI ON IDINWRITINGS' Expert De-votes Entire Life To Study Of American Archaeology; Is Authority On Maya Script IS HARVARD GRADUATE Ancient writings uncovered by re- cution from this state up to Oct. 21 cent excavations will be discussed by of $1,201.29. Dr. S. G. Morley in a lecture on "The The total budget of the Republican state committee, he declared, had been Results of the 1926 Field Work in the fixed at $25,000 by advisers of C. D. Maya Field" to be delivered at 4:15 Fitzgerald, his predecessor as state o'clock Tuesday in Natural Science chairman, but obligations for the cam- auditorium. Dr. Morley is an inter- paign are being made on the basis of national authority on the hieroglyphic a budget of $12,000 and no effort is to writings of the Maya Indians. be made to collect the rest of the Dr. Morley's whole life has been $25,000. given over to the study of middle Explains Charge American archaeology. After graduat- During the first session of the in- ing from Harvard in 1908 he became vestigation, under the direction of associated with the School of Amer- I Senator Charles L. McNary of Oregon, lean Archaeology, which is a branch Sumner was permitted to elaborate of the Archaeological Institute of extensively the charge he made in a America, with schools in Athens, telegram to Senator James D. Reed, Rome, and Jerusalem. In 1915 he chairman of .the Senate campaign sUbmitted to the Carnegie institute at funds investigation committee, of the Washiigton a prospectus of work that excessive expenditure in Bullitt's be- might be done in and around Guata- half. mala. The institution gave him the Bullitt, who had announced that he I work te do and since then he has made had no counsel in the present hearing, yearly trips there for the purpose of began a cross-examination of Sumner conducting and supervising field work. I which brought out among other things His position with the Institution is the statement that Republican state that of an associate in Middle Amer- headquarters in this city have been lean Archaeology. The lecture is un- given a suite of offices rent free by1 der the auspices of the University and the Metropolitan Building company,1 the public is invited. of which Bullitt declared the president - is his own father-in-law, S. D. StimI M ICHIGANENSIAN ISumner's charges to the campaign WANTS PICTURS, funds committee included the allega- .1 1 1 L, tion that Stimson was prepared to spend $300,000 for Bullitt's candidacy, In announcing that the 1927 'Ensian if necessary. will b hinumber,Obtained Declaration be a historical 'mr, Louis| Concerning the basis of the latter Robertson '27, managing editor, asked I charge, Sumner stated that in an in yesterday that anyone having unusual vsiatieSumnerst that infancin photographs o'fast enes "o"""t"evestigation of reports to that effect, camograp s of past scenes on the n he had obtained through the Republi- nual.sTendPthogressrofsMha" is~can national headquarters in Chicago to be t h Pg ofigan is a declaration from Ashman Brown,f which will pitoy rhepublication, newspaper correspondent in Washing-. w hwilptorially represent the ton, D. C., that Senator E. C. Dill had development of the University, using expressed to Brown the fear that Bul- views of various changes since its litt and Stimson might spend too founding.muhmnyfrtecniayote The 'Enslan will depend largely on much money for the candidacy of the pictures and it is requested that all former thos whch igh beof alu besub Brown also declared, according to those which might be of value be sub- his information from the Chicago mitted. If necessary, the photographs headquarters, Sumner testified, -that it can be copied and returned the same was common talk about the ntinl day. All pictures will be returned in casi ona tiksotwahenatronadt good condition. Robertson asks any- capitol that Stimson was ready to one who has views to call him at 4092 spend as much as $300,000 for the Bul- or 7317 lit candidacy. _ _ _ _Senator McNary expressed the in- tention of, pushing the hearing vigor- REGISTRAR NAMED ously with morning, afternoon and BOARD CHAIRMAN night sessions, to reveal as soon as possible, the situation concerning cam- 4 - Ppaign expenditures in this state. Irn M_ Rmith. RAL ztn nf tho Uni 1 y f i Osborn To Address Republican Club In Election Campaign Chase E. Osborn, former governor of Michigan, will speak in Pease audi- torium, Ypsilanti, at 8:00 o'clock to- morrow night under the auspices of the Washtenaw County Republican club. The subject of Mr. Osborn's talk is not known, but it is expected to be on Green, the Republican gub- ernatorial nominee, whom he actively supported throughout the primary campaign. Mr. Osborn was born in Indiana, in 1860, and attended Purdue university. He engaged in newspaper work and later began to publish newspapers of his own, the first of which was the Florence (Wis.) Mining News. Selling this, he bought the Sault Ste. Marie (Mich.) News, which hie owned until 1901, when he purchased the Saginaw (Mich.) Courier-Herald. From 1908 to 1911 Mr. Osborn was one of the Re- gents of the University, when he was elected chief executive of the state, serving one term as governor. COLGATE IS, DEFEATED AS RESULTHOFFUMBLE Lloyd Recovers and Races 99 Yards To Score Winning Touchdown In Last Minute of Play PASSES FEATURE GAME (By Associated Press) ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 23.-The flying form of Whitie Lloyd of Cam- den, New Jersey as he raced 99 yards with the pigskin under his arm after a Colgate fumble in the last minute of action signaled the doom of the Ma- - roon today as Navy chalked up a 13 ,to 7 victory on Farragut field. With 1 the score 7 to 6 against them almost to the final whistle, the Middles fairly snatched the victory from the air af- ter repeatedly failing to get under the Maroon goal in the third period. Forward passes played a large part in the offensives of both teams, al- though neither was able to complete more than 50 per cent of its aerial at- tack. Colgate - completed eight out of1 16 forwards and Navy seven out of 14. Colgate's best overhead offensive was trained across the Middy line in the second period, when Brewer scor- ed the Maroon's touchdown. The com- bination of Captain Mohler to Brewer proved particularly effective. Navy opened the scoring when Schu- her and Ransford found Colgate's left end vulnerable In the first period. End runs with center' rushes, carried -the ball 75 yards. Navy lost it on downs, but a poor Colgate punt and a rush by Schuber put it across. Hamilton failed for the point after touchdown with a dropkick, which,pafter Colgate's score in the second period left Navy one point in the rut, until a sensa- tional run in the last period cleared the slate. BOSTON DEFEATED BY ARMY ELEVEN (By Associated Press)- WEST POINT, Oct. 23.-Army had an easy time with Boston university on the gridiron here today, winning 41 to 0. The Army regulars only played at brief intervals. The Cadets stopped the visitor's air attack with- I out trouble and after that the Hub col- legians had no other effective weapon. Many Army reserve players were used,I and particularly in the line where the Cadet substitutes played effectively. Army forward passed itself to two of the six touchdowns scored. Boston uiversity never was within scoring dis- tance and was able to make but three first downs, all of which came while Army's third line of reserves were in action. YALE CONQUEREDj BYBROWN TEAM' (By Associated Press) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 23.- Flashing unexpected speed and power,' Brown's dashing eleven conquered Yale today, 7 to -0. Scoring early in the first period on a brilliant 72-yard drive that culmin- ated in Al Cornsueet plunging over the goal, Brown outfought and outplayed the team that had conquered Dart- mouth only the week before. Brown not only stopped the vaunted Eli air and rushing attack in convinc- ing fashion but gave the Bulldogs a dose of its own medicine. INDIANA CRUSHED 1RV R A D.PR TO A M r1 {J 7 i i t ' c t k 'i C ] J SENSATIONAL HALFBACK MAKES UNUSUAL SHOWING WOLVERINES KICK AND PASS WAY TO VICTORY OVER STRONG ILLINI LEV EN IN HARD fOUH OTS F. I. Peters Illini backfield star, who made con- sistent gains on short runs during the contest yesterday. Though touted as the best drop-kicker in the Big Ten, Peters failed in several attempts to I kick goals. . OHIO STATE DEFEATS !IOWVA BYBIG MARGIN "Cowboy" Kutsch Fails To Penetrate Buckeye Forward Wall; Neither Side Scores In First Period GRIM ANDKAROW STAR (By Associated Press) COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 23.-Ohio State opened its Western Conference sea- son here today with a 23 to 6; victory over Iowa. It was the first time the Buckeyes have trounced the Hawk- eyes. ' Although the Iowans registered twelve first downs to Ohio State's eleven,, the Buckeyes by their versa- tile attack and- "follow the ball" tact- ics were able to outplay the western- ers in every way. "Cowboy" Kutsch was "corralled" at the start of the game 'and never once got away to a run of any dis- tance. His passing was only mildly successful but one of his heaves to Byers, halfback, gave the latter an open field to a touchdown. Out of 16 attempted passes, Kutsch completed five for a total of 74 yards; eight were incomplete and three were intercepted. Nelson Clinton, Iowa tackle, was a star performer for the Iowans, break- ing up several threatening plays in spectacular fashion. Fred Grim, Toledo halfback, and Capt. Karow, fullback, were the Buck- eye stars. Although both teams showed con- siderable drive in the first period, I neither was able to muster the strength necessary to put across a touchdown. A little later, mostly I through Grim's running, Ohio had the ball on the Iowa 10-yard line, where Iowa's line held. After the quarter ended, with a scoreless tie, Kutsch made his one spectacular run of the game, sweep- ing left end for 22 yards. Ohio then got the ball on its 42-yard line on Kutsch's first punt and opened up a passing game. Robin Bell dropped back from end and threw the ball 10 yards to Grim who got away through a clear field to a 50-yard dash for a touchdown. Rowan, end, who played a stellar game for the Buckeyes, paved the way for the second touch- down when he intercepted Kutsch's pass and ran 25 yards to Iowa's 24- yard line. Karow scored the touch- down. OTHER FOOTBALL SCORES Western Detroit 7, John Carrol 7. Michigan State 0, Lake Forest 0. Ohio State 23, Iowa 6. Minnesota 67, Wabash 7. -Wisconsin 27,. Indiana 2. Chicago 0, Purdue 6. Missouri 7, Iowa State 3. Northwestern 0, Notre Damp 6. Nebraska 20, Kansas 3. FRIEDMAN MAKES TWO GOALS FROM PLACEMET'AS PETERS FALS MOLENDA ALSO SCORES Capacity Crowd Of 48,000 Fills Stands As Undefeated Teams Line Up For Kickoff By Wilton Simpson Uncanny catching of forward passes and Friedman's spectacular field work and place kicking were Michigan's chief assets in defeating the powerful University of Illinois 13-0, in one of the greatest battles ever staged on Ferry field yesterday afternoon. A capacity crowd of 48,000 sectators jammed into every inch of available space. Illinois, although she failed to score on the Wolverines, displayed a fight that cannot be measured py the final score. From the outset, it could be seen that the Yostmpn would not win by a large margin. Both teams bat- tled furiously in every quarter, neither eleven being able to gain at will through the line and being forced to use the forward pass as the chief, means of scoring power when within striking distance of the goal. Peters Makes Good Showing Peters, the sensational halfback of u the Indian eleven, made an impressive showing, in spite of the fact that he failed in each of his four attempts to kick field goals from long distances. Daugherity, Lanum, and Stewart were serious threats throughout the battle and bore watching during every min- ute of the game. Friedman, captain of the Wolverines, led his team to victory with his bril- THE LINEUP I MICHIGAN ILLINOIS | Oosterbaan ...LE...D'Ambrosia Baer..........LT.......Nowak Palmeroli .....LG......Shively I Truskowski .... C.......Reitsch Lovette........RG-......Schultz Gabel.........RT......Perkins j Flora .........RE......Kassel Friedman .....Q.........Lanum Gilbert........LH......Stewart Rich..........RII.......Peters Molenda.......F.....Daugherty 1 Touchdown: Molenda; Field Goals, Friedman (2); point after f touchdown; Friedman. Substitu- tions, Illinois, Brown for D'Am- brosio, Overton for Brown, Mar- riner for Perkins, Knapp for Schulz, Wilson for Kassel, Nic- kol for Wilson, French for Pet- ers, Gallivan for Stewart. Mich- igan, Grinnell for Paer, Cook for Rich, Rich for Cook. Referee: Walter Eckersall, Chicago; umpire: W. D. Knight, Dartmouth; field judge: H1. B. Hackett, West Point; head lines- man: Col. Mumma. liant generalship and place kicking. Late in the second quarter, Michigan was given an opportunity to score by gaining an advantage on an exchange of punts. After receiving a -punt in midfield, Gilbert brought the ball to Illinois' 25-yard line after twisting his way through the Illini line. Fried- man passed to Gilbert on the next play and Gilbert made a spectacular catch to complete the pass on Illinois' 9-yard line. After the Illinois line bolstered so that the Michigan backs could not gain on line plunges, Fried- man dropped back to the 15-yard line and kicked a field goal from a difficult angle for the opening score of the game. Cook Enters Game Cook, playing his first game in the Big Ten Conference, paved the way for the second Michigan goal. A long forward pass, Friedman to Cook, placed the ball on Illinois' 25-yard line. Illinois' line refused to yield to the Wolverines' line plunging, and forced Michigan to try for a kick. With Gilbert holding the ball, on Illi- nois' 27-yard line, Friedman made a perfect place kick, giving the Wolver- ines another 3 point score. In the final quarter, Lovette, Mich- igan's right guard, intercepted Lan- um's forward pass, on the Illinois' 23- yard line. Oosterbaan furnished one of the highlights of the game when he snared Friedman's pass and struggled to with-in two vrdsc1 4f the zor.i li,-,n LENIN AKAN,3Ai meiat. 23.-A will play here are not connected with' terrible earthquake which shook the the Rockford Players. They are Wil- xJhole of the Armenian republic Fri- I ham Bishop, '28, who will play the day night killed or buried alive more ' no xof Reynolds and Phyllis Lough- . fon, '28, who will take the part of than 300 persons in anl around LeI Jean. Both of these actors are still Akan, formerly Alexanderpol. aly in school and took part in the play when it was given last summer. a building escapedbdamage. Frances Bavier; Reynolds, and Ev- The injured are believed to run int erett Hale are the only new faces to the thousands, although in most case;,- n n Arbor audiences that will appear the injuries are reported to be slight. in the cast. hIe confusion and fear among the The three performances, which will populace were heightened by errone- be given for the benefit of the Wo- us reports that Mount Ararat, of men's league, will start at 8:30 o'clock Biblical renown, was erupting. I Monday and Tuesday nights and atj Thn death toll undoubtedly would 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. All hzave bncaZ far greater had not the seats for all three showings will be principal shock been preceded by les- priced at $100 and will be on sale ser tremors, which drove the residents at the box office of the Mimes theater. into the streets.- The play itself is a comedy and a' satire of American manners. When GLEE CLUB W ILL it was given last summer the Charles- A 1ton act by Camille Masline and thej ORGANIZE MONDAY 'labsurd exaggeration on the part of Taliaferro, which part will be taken Following the series of tryouts for here by Reynolds Evans, were the 3 , l 1 I 11 'IVL. a JAL11, Ieg s rar UL L1 n -u versity, has accepted the office of chairman of the board of trustees of the Student Christian association, itj was announced yesterday by George Likert, '27, president of the associa- tion. Mr. Smith has been active in the or- ganization of the freshman advisory system and has shown great interest in the projects of the association. Through his position with the asso- ciation, Mr. Smith hopes to have moreI intimate contacts with students of the campus.- G. 0. P. SETS PACE IS MADDEN CLAIM (By Associated Press) AURORA, Ill., Oct. 23.-The pace set by the United States in tax reduction and war debt retirementhsince 1920 is without parallel in the history of HURRICANE TOLL CLIMBS STEADILY More Than 500 Persons Die in Storm, While Many Are Homeless HAVANA, Cuba, Oct. 23.-The peo- ple of Havana have now had time to acquire some definite idea of the vast destruction to life and property wrought by the grave hurricane of last Wednesday. All efforts are being turned to succor the injured and shel- ter the homeless. From the first early reports until the present the casualty lists have steadily mounted. The deaths through- out the island are believed to number not less than 500, with a possibility that that figure will go much higher with approximately 10,000 persons in- jured and a majority of the people