~., PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, .1926 1 \uEr nil ' E FACULTY ADDRESS ADD SEVEN NEW INSTRUCTORS TO \ NEWSLCONvENTION ROMANCE LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT WII /F_ _________----_Notice (Coninud frm Pge, nee left SE(Continued from Page One) Seven new men have been added to Taking his undergraduate work at e FOevnRewMANYACTIVITI o aknghi udegrdutethe t 'coc that the English employed on news- the rapidly growing faculty of the d- Loyola college, New Orleans, and _ papers may be "just as goodl or bet~. Southwestern Louisiana institute, La- Rabbi Finkelstein To Speak Sunday ter" than that used in books. Reasons partment of Romance languages this fayette, La., his graduate work at Tu- At Lane Hall Jewish Servlees for the lower standard of newspaper year. The new men are Frank A. lane university and the University of Meals On "Tailor-Made Shadows" English was ascribed by the speaker Bonasi, Arthur E. Evans, Charles E. Southern California, Mr. Resweber be- evening to the rapidity with which news is , Koella, Arthur G. Pineau, Earl A. came an instructor of French at the church,: TO HAVE COUNCIL DINNER 1handled, and to the number of staff esweber, Herbert M. Sewell, andUniversity of Tennessee, from which William Lmembers who must handle the ma- Rbert C. Trotter. |position he came to Ann Arbor. Meals terial from the reporter to the lino-A Mr. Bonasi is a graduate from the ' Mr. Sewell received his bachelor d- evening With numerous activities planned typer. University of Pennsylvania and a gree here in 1925, his master degree at the c( for the coming week, the B'nai B'rith I Dean W. R. iiumphreys of the Col- i teacher of French and Italian. Since jin 1926. I-Ie has spent the summer in Hillel Foundation is starting a regular I lge of Literature, Science, and the Mr. Michal De Filippis has been ad- France. He is a teacher of French. m i egtainteatrevSiene adt ed toatakealleave ofaabsence hrehis schedule which it hopes to maintain Arts, declared the "journalists know 1 vised to take a leave of absence by is Having received his bachelor de- HolyC and even to augment from time to and use the Bible" in his address on physician, due to ill health, Mr. Bon- gree, Mr. Trotter '24, spent two years 8 o'cloc time. the scriptures and the newspapers. asi has taken charge of his classes. iin France. During his first year there church At 4 o'clock tomorrow, the regular IHe showed that many biblical refer- I Mr. Evans graduated here a few he was assistant in English in the Memori Jewish services will be conducted at ences are contained in the news, ed- years ago. He has been teaching Lycee at Thonow-les-Bains. During morning Lane hal by Rabbi A. H. Finkelstein, itorial, and even advertising depart- I French in the secondary schools for his sceond year he held a similar po- o'clock. who will address the congregation on ments of the modern newspaper which the past seven years. During the past sition at the University of Toulouse. I are at 1 "Tailor-made Shadows." As usual the are never appreciated by the majority sumner he took graduate work here. student congregation's own choir. ofreaders Having received his collegiate train- Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. o'clock. At 7:30 Tuesday in place of the reg- In an address on "The Way It's ing in Switzerland, Mr. Koella went to ular discussion groups that have been Written," Lawrence R. Conrad of the St. Olaf's college, Northfield, Minn., , Inaugurated, Baer Goldman will read rhetoric department explained that where he had charge of the French a paper on "James Waterman Wise." news writers are more proficient than department. He also was active in The paper is a criticism of Wise's others because they are profession- French play production work. Ly stand in the recent controversy with als. The ability of the newspaper Mr. Pineau is a graduate from Loy- his father the famous Rabbi Stephen writer to give away the plot of the ola college, Montreal. He teaches S. Wise, over the younger Wise's ac- story in the first pa agraph and still French._ t~ nrenouncing the rabbinate fori hold the reader's interest throughout So p n v hieh he was studying. James Wise* the article, was admired by Mr. Con-Spp h as F lace written several books. rad. In addition to these public activities Explainin; the degeneration of the announced by the Hillel foundation, interviews as a source of official in- they have also obtained the services formation, S. B. Conger, Detroit cor-B irdtBydPhone of Fred Bernstein, prominent Chicago I respondent for the Booth papers, ox- lawyer, to address a dinner of the Stu- plained that most of the so-called in- dent council of the organization at terviews now given to correspondents Saves Time - - S 5:30 o'clock tomorrow at the Union. I by diplomats are prepared statements, Mr. Bernstein will speak as a repre- often compiled by government press lO sentative of the Jewish Michigan agents. This deprives the correspon- H airShoppe A GREAT many c alumni and e is said to be bringing dent of the opportunity to ask ues' Goodyear's find it a message of commendation upon the tions and receive answers directly, he/ Ga i organization of the foundation here. said. I1Ivenient to shop by phone. The directors of the foundation are Mr. Conger related several incidents continually making attempts to secure: of his work abroad, which he char- Just to remind you that Phone shopping saves ti prominent Jewish men to address the acterized as exciting and often dra- 1its ofn y congregations on Sunday afternoons matic, In discussing the difficulties t of energy. hut the only definite information that of onrating under military censor- we specialize in they have in advance is, that on Dec. ship, Mr. Conger stated that he knew Phone shopping at Go 6, Dr. A. L. Sachar, associate profes- of the German decision to declare un- snick and courteous espo sor of the department of history at restricted warfare in January, 1916, the University of Illinois, and lecturer ten days before the news got to the And you will find that on European history at that school, outside world, but that he could do MARCELS will address one of these regular Sun- nothing with it, due to the close watch given will get not onl day services. which was kept on his dispatches. I attention but will get ve HAIR-CUTTING attention. You will rec what you order. FACIALS'Why don't you shop1 W hen the shouting is over particularly during thes and the last Illini is carried ays. off the field- . Phone 9616 Celebrate at Poe91 TISH'S PLAYH-OUSE 5 Nickels Arcade 514 EAST LIBERTY 24 So n Seet 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES HERE 7ye We are authorized dealers for L. C. Smith and Corona . Typewriters, Inc. quiet operating typewriter. Corona, the light touch, leading portable typewriter with four row standard keyboard. Latest model, $60. AT'S GOING ON s to appear in this column must in the box at the Daily office le for that purpose before 4 :0o preceding the day of issue. SATURDAY will be served at noon and I Saturday at Trinity Lutheran at the corner of Fifth and s. will be served at noon and at Trinity Lutheran church, corner of Fifth and Williams. SUNDAY Communion will take place at k at St. Andrew's Episcopal and at 9 o'clock in Williams al chapel in Harris hall. The g prayer will begin at 11 Student discussions classes 0 o'clock at Harris hall, and a supper takes place there at 6 .., , I T A ;aves Energy ustomers of mighty con- me and saves odyear s gets nse. your orders y immediate ry accurate Ave exactly by phone- busy Fall I . i f I f I 11 i k EAR Telephone 4171 wommmomwommo *V. --I i. p and low t We also have many bargains in L. C. Smith, Coronas other used machines of all standard makes. Some as as $25. See us before you buy your typewriter. We can save you money. accept used machines in trade. We sell on easy terms and Correspondence stationery, Michigan, fraternity, die embossed. Social stationery printing a specialty. Typewriting papers, carbon paper, typewriter ribbons, for all machines, fountain pens with a national reputation, pencils-Anything that has to do with writing at money-saving prices. I 1 i : CORONA: The Personal Writing Macline .f, L. C. SKITH Ball Bearing Long Wearing I 111 1 III I} I I !l1 I