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October 23, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-23

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Force Behind
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Newspapers should share the responsibilities of supplying accurate
and complete foreign national news, free from the propaganda of the
writing politician, which has been materially assumed by Washington
correspondents since the World war, declared David Lawrence, editor
of the United States Daily, last night before the journalists of the Uni-
versity Press club at their annual dinner.
"I hope for the time," stated Mr. Lawrence, "when precedence
will be given by newspapers to arguments, soundly conomic and for
the benefit of the country, over political speeches which are harsh and
cynical." The speaker indicated that this time could come only when
editors see themselves as public servants and trustees of knowledge
rather than as supporters of a political party.


In discussing his observations as a
Washington correspondent, Mr. Law-
rence predicted that in ten years our
system of government would become
much morescomplicated, with particu-
lar emphasis upon its economic as-
In the latter connection, he declar-
ed that the economic features of the
government are already rapidly gain-
ing on the political ones, and that "we
are in the midst of an economic-mind-
ed administration."
Neutrality For Correspondents
"A Washington correspondent has
no business with either political
party," stated the speaker in explain-
ing this theory of the work in which he
has been engaged since his assignment
to the Capitol city in 1912. The news
value of the material itself should
govern its inclusion in a story, or its
use by a newspaper.
Eric C. Hopwood, editor of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer, who was the
first speaker on the evening's pro-
gram, outlined the qualities and ideals
which newspapers and its staff mem-
bers should possess to be of the great-
est service to the community.
Referring to the dislike of begin-
ners in the journalistic field to serve
an apprenticeship, the Cleveland .edi-
tor declared that advance to higher
positions in this realm could only be
soundly gained through the lower
staff positions.
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, addressed the
journalists after the pep meeting in
Hill auditorium,
Present Film
After the addresses of the program,
an Associated Press film, entitled
"The Romance of the News," which
illustrated the various steps in the
collection, preparation and distribu-
tion of news was presented before the
In discussing the newspaper and in-
ternational relations at the afternoon
session, Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the
political science department appealed
to the normal, well-meaning editors
to publish more foreign news with a
fair viewpoint, as a means of promot-
ing international good will. Since the
knowledge of the average citizen on
foreign affairs is dependent entirely
upon the daily press, such news stories
should be so written that, while the
difference of opinion will be evident,
an understanding of the viewpoint of
other nations will be given to the citi-1
zensrof this country, he continued.
Adoption of such a policy in the
news and editorial department of the
great mass of our newspapers, indi-
cated Professor Reed, would almost
completely offset the harm which is
being done by the jingoistic publica-

All students enrolled in the
cheering section are urgently re-
quested by the Student council
not to leave their seats until the
close of the game this afternoon.
A number of students left before
the final whistle sounded last
Saturday, disrupting the design
of the block "M."
Judge Pays Earnest Tribute To Yost
Amid Absolute Silence of 5,000
Students In Audience
Chacterizing the present Michigan
eleven as a "magnificient team coach-
ed by ,a peerless crew," Judge Frank
Murphy, '13L, of Detroit, brought
thunderous applause from 5,080 stu-
dents last night in Hill auditorium at
the first pep meeting of the year when
he expressed his assurance that Mich-
igan would triumph over Illinois in
the game today.
Judge Murphy's speech came as a
climax to the program and the stu-
dents remained in absolute silence as.
he paid the following tribute to Coach
Fielding H. Yost and his teams: "We
have one of the best teams in our his-
tory at present and we must pay a
tribute to Coach Yost who has coached
our teams for the last quarter of a
century. He has brought fairly and
squarely great honor io Michigan. It
isn't the fact that he has taught foot-
ball that makes him so great, but it
is the fact that he has taught fair
play and has built character. A Yost
team represents democracy, fair play,
and equality."
Coach Yost hushed the students
when he exclaimed in a loud voice
during the course of his talk, "I
wouldn't be surprised if Michigan
loses tomorrow." However, they were
relieved from theirssuspense a minute
later when he added, "but I'd be
greatly disappointed if she did." He
went onto point out to the students
that the team of 1927 has undertaken
a schedule more difficult than any
other team.
"If we lose we will lose like sports-
men," said Coach Yost, "our team is

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-John G. Shedd,
76, financier and merchant, died early
today at St. Luke's hospital, where an
emergency operation was performed
for appendicitis.
To the business genius of Mr. Shedd
was credited a large measure of the
success behind the growth of Marshall
Field & Co. from Chicago's "biggest
store" in the seventies, to the rank of
the largest wholesale and retail dry
goods house in the world.
Political Science Professor, in Radio
Speech, Fears New Dangers From
Radicals and Reactionaries
"Democratic institutions are actively
menaced in every important European
state in which they have not already
succumbed, and the most vital politi-
cal fact in Europe is not to be found
in the international conflicts, the re-
verberations of which tend to obliter-
ate all other sounds, but in the peril
of democracy," was the opening state-
Ment of Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the
political science department in his
radio talk broadcast last night from
University hall.
Speaking of the World war, he as-
serted that although victory had put
an end to hereditary monarchy it had
also brought with it new dangers to
representative government. "Democ-
racy is threatened from two directions
at once-from the radicals of the left'
and the reactionaries of the right," he
continued. "Communists inspired by
the deeds of their co-believers in Rus-
sia seek to overthrow the existing gov-
ernment by 'direct action' and to es-I
tablish in their place dictatorships of
the 'proletariat.' The forces of con-
servatism and property, hitherto the
bulwarks of orderly government, fol-
lowing Italian example are everywhere
organizing to establish by force dic-
tatorship on the Fascist pattern.
Caught between these two extremes
there are stormy days ahead for de-
Discusses Italy of Mussolini
Professor Reed then demonstrated
how Italy under Mussolini is steadily
moving toward a constructive solution
of her problems, while France, Ger-
many, and Belgium gyrate from one
ministry to another without any real
progress. It is little wonder, said the
speaker, that they turn in despair to
the glittering promises of dictatorship.
"Nothing saves the French Republic
from overthrow but the absence of a
political personality with the making
of a dictator."
In conclusion, Professor Reed ex-
plained the methods of Bolshevism
and Fascism, and finished with the
statement that "before these methods,
simple, direct, elemental, the struc-
ture of representative democracy so
powerfully reared, has fallen in Italy
and is trembling all over the contin-
Prof. Udo J. Wile of the medical
school, discussed the prevention of
social disease from the standpoint of
a real public menace. He showed how
tuberculosis and cancer had been
taken into control through the dissem-
ination of proper knowledge through
educational programs, the newspapers,
journals, and magazines, and the
speaker evidenced regret at the fact
that social disease cannot be brought
into control through the same chan-
Illinois-Michigan Rivalry
Football relations began with Illi-
nois in 1898," said Elton E. Weiman,
assistant director of intercollegiate
athletics, in his four minute radio talk,
and "Michigan won 12-5, and since
that time the two institutions have met
Son the gridiron 11 times, Michigan
winning 8 and Illinois '." However
since the advent of Coach Zuppke in
1912 and Michigan's return to the
Conference in 1918 the two teams have

met six times, he explained, of which
each has won an equal number of
games. Also during this period Illi-
nois has won or tied for the Confer-
ence championship on three occasions.
and Michigan four.
Union To Assist
Visiting Alumni

Will Not Cote Up For Discussion For
Several Months Because Budget
Is To Be Passed First
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Oct. 22.-Adrian Gariac,
chairman of the special debt com-
mission of the Chamber of Deputies
has concluded his report on the debt
question which will be presented to
the finance committee of the chamber
next Wednesday.
The report is a voluminous docu-
ment covering 101 typewritten pages.
It makes no outright recommendation,
either favorable or unfavorable, to
ratification by parliament of the Ber-
ringer-Mellon accord, but the argu-
ments are presented in such a manner
as to leave no doubt in the minds of
the readers that M. Gariac is opposed
to ratification of the agreement as it
"I am not hostile to the principle
of ratification of the debt agreement
signed by France," M Gariac told a
correspondent of the Associated Press,
"but we must be safeguarded against
the future. If ass4rance were given
by the United Stats for the creation
of an international commission com-
posed of bankers and experts from all
countries interested, and if this com-
mission were intrusted with the task
of adjusting differences arising be-
tween the governments, and to stip-
ulate upon each country's capacity to
pay at all times, I would unhesitat-
ingly recommend unrestricted ratifi-
Article Makes Trouble
"If I had a letter from the United
States government similar to that re-
ceived from the British debt agree-
ment, safeguarding against transfer
upheavals and safeguarding against
commercialization of the debt, my
recommendation would be: 'Ratify at
once.' "
M. Gariac then referred to Artic
seven of the Berringer-Mellon agree-
ment which provides for the issuance
by France to the United States at the
request of the secretary of the treas-
ury, of debt bonds suitable for sale
to the public.
"I don't mind telling you," he said,
"that Article seven of the Berringer-
Mellon agreement is the cause of all
the trouble.
"It created the greatest disappoint-
ment among the French people. We
know we are safe against commercial-
ization of the debt bonds under the
present American government, but
who knows what will be the disposi-
tion of future American governments
against France in the course of 62
years? Who knows the trend of the
policy of French government 20 years
hence? This Article seven Is a per-
petual menace above the heads of
M. Gariac's report quotes extensive
statements made by American con-
gressmen and other political figures
and financiers favoring either the an-
nulment or the downward revision of
the French debt.
. No Discussion Soon
The report which will be presented
by M. Gariac has received consider-
able attention from Clemenceau who
has been kept informed of every
phase of its development. Discussion
of ratification of the agreement will
not come up in Parliament before Jan-
uary, it was announced today, as the
premier is anxious to put the French
budget through before the Christmas

The debt question, however, may
crop up in the course of debate upon
the budget figures either in the Cham-
ber or Senate and it was said today in
French ministerial circles that the
American public must be prepared to
read some disagreeable things said
about the United States.
NEW YORK-New York police 'are
worried because they have accumulat-
ed approximately $8,000,000 worth of
unsalable contraband.

Tear Gas Used By
Police In Routing
"Raid" Of Students
Tear gas was used by police to dis-
pel the mob of students which col-
lected to "rush" the Arcade theater
and which afterwards gathered in
front of police headquarters, where a
stone was thrown through the glass
door last night. Six students were
arrested and are to appear in police
court this morning.
A crowd that soon swelled to more
than 800 students left the pep meet-
ing, at the Union, and attempted with-
out success to raid the Majestic and
Arcade theaters. When the crowd re-
fused to disperse from the latter, po-
lice made a rush, shooting tear gas.
Committee On Student Affairs Seeks
To Aid In Control of Parties
By New Plan
In an effort to aid fraternities in
controlling dances, the "open" fra-
ternity party was abolished by the
University Committee on Student Af-
fairs at a meeting yesterday after-
noon. The new ruling goes into effect
at once, applying to all parties held
this week-end.
Under the .new arrangement, the1
dean of students is authorized to give
permission for dances only to fratern-
ities who are willing to conduct
"closed" parties, which were defined
as those open only to members of the
fraternity, undergraduates or alumni,
'and to others presenting written in-
vitations at the door. All those pres-
ent under this system are known to
members of the fraternity giving the
'dance, and the fraternity will be held
responsible for their conduct.
The large majority of fraternities
have been giving dances under this
plan for the past year, and the new
ruling will mke the practice uni-
versal. The action was reached when
investigations revealed that miscon-
duct at dances was chiefly due, not to
members of the fraternities, but to un-
invited guests, and that the large
crowds resulting from "open" parties
made them almost impossible to han-
die. It is the belief of the committee
that the restriction will eliminate only
the undesirable element.
In addition to discussing the fra-
'ternity dance problem, the committeel
approved the trip of the University1
Band to Baltimore for the Navy game,
and authorized several proposed short
trips by the Glee club. The life mem-
bership campaign of the Union and
the Women's league and the annual
financial drive of the Student Christ-
ian association and the Y. W. C. A.
were also approved.
Tremors Recorded By Seismograph
Recall 1906 Disaster
(By Associated Press)
Francisco residents were awakened
today by earthquake shocks that
startled the guests of the downtown
hotels. Not a building in the city,
even of the oldest and flimsiest con-
struction, was damaged except for a
few broken windows and cracked
Some hotel guests dressed and
sought the open spaces where they
remained a short time and then re-
turned to their rooms. The shocks, of

which four were felt here, extended
from Santa Rosa, 60 miles north, to
Paso Robles, 180 miles south.
The first tremor was registered by
the University of California seis-
mograph at 4:56 a. m., the second an
hour later, and two others at 6:42 and
8:04. The first was the sharpest and
the others of mild intensity, the others
not being felt generally,
government has inaugurated its first
airplane factory at Cesaree.



Michigan and Illinois, represented by two of the strongest teams
in the Western Conference, will renew their keen rivalry on the grid-
iron of Ferry field at 3 o'clock (city time) today in one of the feature
games scheduled on the country's football program for this afternoon.
Michigan has not fully recovered from the stinging defeat Red
Grange administered to the Wolverines two years ago, but Yost has
been pointing to the Illinois game sice the start of the season in an
effort to build a formidable team to avenge the 39 to 14 slaughter.
Iast year's 3-0 victory over the Indians salved the wound for one
year, but the feud has been reopened and will not be permanently ended
until the Wolverines make amends for the damage Grange did during
the dedication game at Urbana.
fIToday's game will be more than a
FOOTBALL EXTRA battlebetween two teams, it will be
a contest to determine the supremacy
between the "friendly enemies,"
The Daily Extra, containing a Coaches Yost and Zuppke. Since Zup-
play-by-play account of today pke assumed the leadership at the
game, scores from Conference University of Illinois, he has defeated
and eastern games, and the re- the Yostmen on three occasins. Last
rsults of the Michigan-Purdue year Coach Yost evened the count,
E cross-country meet, will be on and this afternoon's game will be the
Ssale today immediately after the deciding one.
game.Illinois is said to be badly crippled
by injuries and ineligibility, abut Yost
has primed his men for a real fight,
the kind that the Illini usually give
[OHEG BE the Wolverines Coach Zuppke was
dubious about his starting lineup, but
four veterans against the Yostmen.
Peters May Star
The Illini base their sole hopes upon
the performance of one "Frosty" Pet-
Dr. Koch, Noted German Politician, ers, sensational runner and drop
Has Twice Held Position In kicker of the Urbana eleven. In the
Government Cabinet opening Conference game last week,
Peters snatched a close victory from
LEADS DEMOCRAT PARTY the Hawkeyes by his brilliant drop
kicking. In his prep school days, Pet-
Members of the political science de- ers gained national recognition by
kicking 17 field goals in one game.
partment of the University will tender Michigan remembers well the per-
a subscription luncheon today at the formances of Daugherity, Zuppke's
Union in honor of Dr. Erich Frederich fullback, in the Illinois game last
Ludwig Koch, leader of the Demo- year. While the Wolverines were con-
centrating their attention on the re-
cratic party In Germany. Dr. Koch doubtable Red Grange, Daugherity
is stopping in Ann Arbor today on a broke away several times for long
return trip eastward from an exten- gains. 1-His record in the early games
sive tour of the United States. of this season indicates that he will
.uibe one of the serious threats the Illini
Dr. Koch was educated the Uni-will have offer
versities of Lausanne, Bonn, Munich Michigan Lineup. Unchangedt e
and Berlin and entered the civil serv- CocdYast Lineusp Unhsagedm
ice, holding many important adminis-, Coach Yos iluetesm e
that started in the lienup against the
trative positions in the old German Minnesota team in the opening Con-
empire. following the abdication of ference gamelast Saturday. There
th era Kier e eam fm erenc aels audy hr
the German Kaiser, he became a mem- was not a substitution made in the
ber of the German National assembly Illinois game last year and is not
and was one of the principal authors likely that Yost will flood the field
of the German constitution. with reserve men today.
Since the close of the assembly, he The weatherman promises fair
has been leader of the Democratic weather for today's game, and states
party in the German Reichstag, hold- that while there will be no decided
ing the portfolio of minister of in- drop in temperature, the two teams
terior in 1919 and that of minister of will play under ideal football weather.
justice in 1920. Although he was con- If the weatherman keeps his promise,
sidered for a place in the cabinet as both teams will unquestionably resort,
minister of the interior upon the for- to the forward passing game as their
mation of the present German govern- chief source of scoring power. Lanum
ment last January he was not given and Peters are both adept in throwing
a place in the cabinet due to party passes and Kassel, captain of the Il-
alignments. lini, has exceptionable ability in
Dr. Koch will attend the football snaring them.
game this afternoon with his son, a , The two teams will be about evenly
student at Dartmouth college, and will matched in weight, both in the line
leave for Detroit tonight. and in the backfield. The Illini were
reported to weigh 188 in the line on
SENIORS GETTING the average, and 182 in the backfield,
but Coach Zuppke said yesterday that
NO TN Na 7 pound deduction would be a closer
F 0 R 'EN IAN estimate of his team's weight. Michi-
gan will average 185 pounds in the
line, with Gabel right tackle being
More than 100 members of the the heaviest man on the team, with
senior classes of the University have 195 pounds. Gilbert will be the light-
arranged for sittings for their pic- est man on the Michigan team, weigh-
tures for the 1927 'Enslan, according ing only 157.
to the 'Ensian staff. The four phot- The probable lineup for today's
ographers who are handling this busi- game is:
ness report that time is still available, Michigan Illinois
and urge seniors to have the pictures Oosterbaan .....LE........ Wilson
taken before the final rush begins. Baer ............LT........ Perkins
The four official studios are Dey, Palmeroli ......LG......... Shively
Maedel-Randall, Rentschler and Sped- Truskowski .......C.......... Reitsch
ding. Before making appointments, Lovette ......... RG.. . .... .Schultz
orders must be secured at the 'Ensian iGabel ...........RT........ Nowack
office at the Press building on Mayn- Flora ........... RE......... Kassel
ard street, which will be open from Friedman........Q.........Lanum
10-12 this morning. The cost is $3, Gilbert ......... LH......... Stewart
one dollar of which goes to the year- Rich.............RH.........Peters
book for the cut, and the balance goes Molenda ......... F...... Daugherity
to the photographer, which will be al- Referee-Walter Eckersall, Chicago;
lowed on an order for additional pc- umpire-W. D. Knight, Dartmouth;
I tures. field judge-H. B. Hackett, West

Waite Speaks r ready for the test and each player will
At the morning session yesterday, give to the limit and play the game
Prof. John B. Waite of the Law school, clean. The philosophy of my team is
declared that "there is no such thing it's not how you feel in defeat, but
as a crime wave," and that "in the how you do.' Men who abide by this
large cities suchtas Chicago, Detroit, philosophy will win."
and Cleveland, the number ofsbur- Prof. William Frayer, of the Euro-
glaries and house breaking offenses pean history department, representing
has steadily decreased since 1919. the alumni and faculty, followed Yost
Although homicide is increasing in on the program. He concerned him-
ther country, is at the same time, he self chiefly with explaining the acti-
othercountisavities of the Board in Control of Ath-
continuesibility for the prevalence letics to the students, and paid a trib-
cRespriofessor Waite, stated, lies no ute to all the members of the Board in.
i te lw itself, but in the liuman general and to Coach Yost and Prof.
lment.a The speaker severely criti- Ralph Aigler, of the Law school, in
eemenrosecuting attorneys and judg particular. He told of the elaborate
ciedpro esstigarne ndges nprogram that has been undertaken for
who are careless and negligent in the development of physical education
handling cases. i
Indtis conectiohere, and asked the students to give
In this connection, Professor Waite j the most generous cooperation.
pointed out that of the 270 murder i(Professor Frayer denounced the
cases in Chicago in 1923, only 65 con-I "scalpn"otiksbytues.H
victions and 9 death penalties were EIeping" ofattckes bysude ntsiH
obtained, and that of the death s ority who are willing to sell their
tences, only one was carried out. tickets to football games at high
Showing motion pictures taken dur-
ingthlatsmeonteMcin prices, and branded these students as
igthe last summer on the Michigan natflt hi rs.
Greenland expedition, Prof. William unfaithful to their trust.
H. Hobbs of the geology department'
described the purposes, experiences, NEW YORK-Three vessels that
features, and results of the trip which sailed from Atlantic ports early in
was undertaken to make preparation September, manned by approximately
for a regular expedition in 1927. 75 men, are feared lost in southern
Nine weeks were spent in successful waters.


William Warrick, '27, has been 1


awarded $10 as first prize for the best
Union alumni aids will be continued
today through the efforts of several poster submitted in the Union Opera
committees handling separate depart- G poster contest, it was announced last
ments of information, rooming lists, night by E. Mortimer Shuter, director
'and alumni and visitors' directories. of the Opera. Warrick's poster4 for
A general information desk will be 1"Tambourine" won first place last
located in the lobby of the Union, at year. The poster together with the
which will be found a campus direc- I others entered in the contest will be

partment, and Prof. William C. Tit-
comb, of the College of Architecture.
Warrick's design will be used on
the programs of "Front Page Stuff"
as well as on the musical scores and
the billboard and theater advertising
in all of the cities where the Opera
will play this winter.
The winning poster has a newspa-
per theme as a background, with a

Torsten Peters, '27E, received scalp
wounds when struck by a police club,
it was reported, in the Arcade riot,
and is in the hospital today. Two other
students received minor injuries and
were released after treatment.
George Duffey, 13 years of age, of
Bay City, is in University hospital
with a fractured skull received when
an auto hit him during the march of

More than 2,400 student appli-
cations for extra tickets to Mich-
igan-Wisconsin game, to be play-
ed here Nov. 6 will be rejected,
according to an announcement
made by Harry Tillotson, busi-
ness manager of the Athletic as-


Point; Head Linesman-R. C. Huston,


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