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October 22, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-22

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ZitShpt0 1r htfidnn itthe tariff is necessary if present stand-

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated As is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches cr'edited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
' Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, astseco' rclass matter. Special rate
of postage grante 'i Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by r, $3.75; by mail,
Offices:eAnn Ari , Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones : Editorial. 4925 ; business 21214.

ards are to be maintained. And as a
matter of fact, of $5,000,000,000 im-
ports, tariff duty is paid on only $1,-
500,000. The rest enters free. Such
evidence cannot be reviewed but with
disapproval of any immediate change
In the present American tariff.
Assuming that the policies of the
manifesto might benefit present Euro-
pean trade if carried out by the vari-
ous powers, including the United
States, such an international economic
agreement on tariff reduction would
eventually work to the disadvantage
of this country. While the plan might
be advantageous in solving the present
situation it would eventually have a
lowering effect on American standards
of living.
Secretary Mellon, just back from a
European trip, has not even mentioned
the subject to the President. Since it
is somewhat obvious by this time that
the treasurer usually knows what he
is about and the President likewise,
it may wisely be decided to leave tariff
ratios, prohibitions and other tech-
nicalities to their judgment rather
than to a group of European financiers
who have their own axes to grind. So
far that of the President has been de-
cidedly unfavorable.




Te'il=one 4925
Editor.............. W..Calvin Patterson
City Editor.............. .Irwin A. Olian
Frederick Shillito
NewsEditrs..........Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor........., h. Marion Kubik
Sports Editor..........Wilton.A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama........ Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Douglas Doubleday Carl Burger

Marion Anderson Kingsley Moore
Alex Bochnowski Adeline O'Brien
an Campbell Kenneth Patrick
Mlartin J. Cohn Morris Quinn
Windsor Davies Sylvia Stone
Clarence Edelson James Sheehan
WilliamiEmery Henry Thurnau
John Friend William Thurnau
Robert Gessner Milford Vanik
Faine Gruber Herbert Vedder
Morton B. Icove Marian Welles
Paul Kern Thaddeus Wasielewski
Milton Kirshbaum Sherwood Winslow
Ervin LaRowe Thomas Winter
G. Thomas McKean
Telephone 21214
Advertising................Paul W. Arnold
Advertising........... William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising..........George H. Annable, Jr.
Circulation.......... .. T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
G. B. Ahn, Jr. T. T. Greil Jr.
D. M. Brown A. M. Hinley
M. H. Cain E. L: Hulse
Harvey Carl S. Kerbaury
Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer
Marion Daniels H. W. Rosenblum

Three days ago in New York city1
v there was exposed to the critical com-
ment of the' public an international
manifesto, signed by reputable indus-
trialists, bankers, and financiers of
sixteen countries including the United
States, with the avowed but some-
what vague purpose of lowering tariff
barriers, abolishing trade prohibitions,
and removing the various licenses
existing in Europe since the World
war. This document was signed by
representatives in sixteen major and
minor countries, including such able
industrialists as J. P. Morgan, Sir
Arthur 'Balfour of England, M. Duche-
min of France, and Antonio Bennie
of Italy. The '!-inent has received
a varied recepjU ;: Germany favor-
able, PFrance .!droving, England
agreeable, and President Coolidge-
As stated in the document itself
the purpose o the manifesto is "to
draw attentioi to the grave and dis-
quieting conditions, which in our
R opinion, are retarding the return to{
business prosperity," namely the vari-
ous tariff restrictions which are said
to interfere with European trade.
r These barriers, attributed to thel
breaking up of large political units
following the World war, are said to
benefit few States and cause many
to suffer, one for lack of cheap food,
another for raw materials, others fort
cheap manufactures.' It is proposed
that the "hindering" tariffs be greatly
reduced if not abolished, paving the
way for a general economic settle-
ment, an end of business stagnation,
and a step toward prosperity.
As an instrument for the direct and
immediate reduction of tariffs, it is
doubtful if the manifesto will be suc-
cessful. It is never difficult to secure
rhetorical expressions of good will
and cooperation from European. states-'
+ men, but it has been frequently dem-
onstrated to be an impossibility to'
get the signature guaranteeing the co-
operation. It would be improbable
if not impossible to secure any sort
of economic agreement of this pana-
ceanic type. It is too indefinite, pro-
vides no mechanism, and presents no'
specific plan for the economic reha-
bilitation of European trade.
The United States, enjoying the
greatest prosperity it has ever knownl
through protective tariffs, could gain
little and lose much by adapting the
policies of the manifesto. It is doubt-
ful whether the Republican partyl

About sixty years ago in Terr(
Haute, Indiana, a ten year old boys
was attending school. Then, as now
there were undoubtedly inspiring
orators addressing the youth of the
nation on "public service" and kindred
subjects. Undoubtedly one of these
pre-Y. M. C. A. speakers came to Terre
Haute, and ranted and raved to the
youth of that city on the great oppor-
tunity for accomplishment that the
then modern world offered. There was
something unusual about that speect
in Terre Haute, however, for in that
audience of boys there was one whc
took the speaker seriously; one whc
actually Idid spend his life in public
service-Eugene V. Debs.
Two nights ago this man, broker
and aged, died. He left behind him
a long record of accomplishment. He
never sat in the United States Senate
nor on the bench of the Supreme
Court; he never came within millions
of votes of being president; but he
did devote his life to what he thought
to be a noble cause-and he was sin-
cere, which is something more than
many more notable men are.
There is something of pathos about
the cause in which Mr. Debs spent his
life. Leading a hopeless cause; op-
posed by a great government and all
the resources of the mighty capitalist
class; he brought into prominence a
movement which is daily gaining more
and more converts; and he lived to
see his theories tried on a grand scale
in one of the great nations of the
Truly, socialism may not be in the
immediate future for America; it may
never come. Any cause to which a
man will devote his life, however,
must contain something of truth. Per-
haps succeeding Mr. Debs will rise an
even more brilliant and more capable
leader; perhaps a man with the ad-
vantage of education and means will
take the cause from the fallen
shoulders of him who spent years in
its service; the shoulders of a man
who was willing to go to prison rather
than renounce his beliefs. Whatever
our opinion of his theory of socialism
may be, or our opinion of the causes
for which he fougft, we cannot but
admit that Mr. Debs was a sincere
man in an age when too few were sin-
cere; he was an earnest man when
few were earnest; he was true to his
convictions when few had the courage
to state their convictions. The loss of
Eugene V. Debs is more than a loss to
socialism-it is a loss to humanity.
The cause for which he struggled has
gained prestige through his devotion
to it; it has gained momentum through
his unstinted efforts.

The viewpoint of the columnist, in
the words of Curt Bradner of the De-
troit Free Press, is that he doesn't
get enough dough.
* * *
He told the Press club yesterday
that his father once asked him if he
didn't do any regular work on the
paper. You can see how that ques-
tion is answered on the Daily in re-
gard to the editor of ROLLS. He isn't
even listed as an advertising assistant,
in the "flag."
* * *
Dear Mr. Hay,
We thought we could retire grace-
fully and all that sort of thing but
this department on the sport page has
been turning us over in our grave at
about 348 revolutions a minute. Such
stuff ought not to pass unscathed. We
can hear a murmur about what about
this department last year, etc., etc.,
but two crimes don't make a good
turn. Anyway, please pardon and
print what follows.
A Little Balancing Act by Simp H.
There has been altogether too much
praise for this year's football team,
according to Coach Fielding H. Yost,
who says that too many people are
criticizing the players too much also.
Although on the other hand the back-
field of this year's team is better
even than the famous 1925 eleven,
this year's Varsity is by no means the
team which wore the Maize and Blue
last year, but the line is far superior
to that of the past season. The difi-
culty lies somewhere between the line
and the backfield, but the team moves
so fast that the coaches can't seem,
to put their fingers on it.
Here Is the real dope about this
year's team. If we have as good
a line as we had last year the
team will be better than last
year's if the backfield is better.
In a scrimmage between the Mays
and the Blue yesterday afternoon,,
Capt. Benny Friedman, noted sport
writer, and football player, ran three
and a half yards for a touchdown
from the kick off. This was possible
because of the two hour conference
practice ruling, which forced the
coaching staff to shorten the scrim-
mage games as much as possible. By
the time the kick-off came down the
quarter was over and the teams had
changed sides.
Coach Yost said at a late hour
tonight that he was satisfied with
the showing of the scrubs yester-
day, although he didn't notice the
Varsity very much, because with
the short practice period he
couldn't waste his time with the
first string men anyway, because
they were already ruined by three
years of his coaching. This was
taken, however, to be a more or
less humorous example of the
Athletic director's usual shrink-
ing modesty.
Sammy Babcock, although still in
the hospital has been reporting for
practice Daily, and looks like a7
sure lineman next Saturday. He will
either be a guard or headlinesman
And they give that sort of stuff
space in an eight- page paper.
Sir Toby Tiffin.
* * *

A Review, by Kenneth Wickware
Melodrama that has for its accom-
paniment only the far-off wail of a
fog whistle and the almost imagined
thump of a ship's engines may be no
melodrama at all, in the old fashioned
sense of the word; it may still bear
the stamp of sentimentality, yet it is
not mawkish, and one can't shake the
memory of it half way home at least.
If it is to be accepted that it is one
of the prime requisites of good art,
of whatever nature, that such art
must provoke emotion in the under-
standing of the ordinary layman and
spectator, then Mimes continued au-
spiciously their season's start with
last night's presentation of O'Neill's
"S. S. Glencairn."
The high point in this cycle of three
acts, or three one act plays-however
one chooses to look at it-is of course
"Bound East for Cardiff." The act-
ing of Mr. Lorain Norton, as Yank,
and of Mr. Donald Lyons, as the Celtic
Driscoll, has a very commendable re-
straint that even professionals might
fail of attaining. Yank's death on the
high seas, with the background of
fog and the exacting duty of a sea-
man's life, has an appeal which is not
to be ignored by the most perfect so-
This appeal is, after all, perhaps
due in a considerable degree to the
creation of a very definite atmosphere,
heightened by ground tones of music,
sea talk, and the rustle of oilskins,
and needing only the roll of the ship
and the sound of seas along the hull
to make it quite perfect. Yet the full
force of the drama is given by human-
ness, the facing of approaching death
by these two forlorn men, a situation
which is vital to this life and which
none of us can fail to appreciate.
It is true that these are plays of
incident, but they are not completely
so. Plays of incident are generally
supposed to slight the element of
character. Yet we find Olson, Smitty,
Yank, Driscoll, Cockney, and theoth-
ers, not great but somewhat memor-
able. The seaman's character is no'
a deep one, though not easy to catch.
The picture is one of hard work, rough
wit, rougher recreation, and a dead-
ening exposure to the merciless and
not always indifferent power of the
sea, "traveling all over the earth and
not seeing any of it."
Better organization of campus dra-
matics through the medium of the
play production courses, is the ambi-
tion, if not the actual plan of David
Owen, recently appointed head of that
department. Truly there is nothing
very cheering about either a look at
the past or a glance ahead, but let the
doubters speak with the man himself
and they will come away with a con-
siderably changed viewpoint.
At present the work must of neces-
sity go on almost in the same way as
in the past, in the identical barn-like
auditorium, and with the same meager
audiences. The change in spirit will
first have to be brought about, and
enthusiasm for something better than
now exists created.
A word here about Mr. Owen him-
self might not be amiss, for he is one
of those men whom it is a pleasure to
meet, and who after a few minutes
conversation creates in his listener an
ardent interest in all that is to be
done, whether the latter be plumber
or player. le is a 'graduate of Le-
land Stanford university and also of
the American Academy of Dramatic

Arts. After a short professional ca-
reer he returned to the California in-
stitution and became an associate of
Gordon Davis in building up the Dra-
ma Workshop, now well known on the
coast. Mr. Owen is very much inter-
ested in tie various dramatic en-
deavors now being concocted and serv-
ed upon the campus, i. e. the opera and
other productions of Mimes, Comedy
Club and Masques. He feels that his
work lies in the harnessing of much
of this activity and talent and bring-
ing it within the curricular fold: At
present he is handicapped by a lack
of men in his classes, that sex mak-
ing up only about one third of the
The first of the public productionsI
will take place on Dec. 1 in the Uni-
versity hall auditorium, and will be
"The Torchbearers", a farce by George
Kelly, which is considered to be very
appropriate by Mr. Owen in that it
deals with the antics of an amateur
dramatic group. Casting for this
piece was begun last Tuesday after-
noon. The second presentation will
be that of George M. Cohan's "Seven
Keys To Baldpate," the well known
mixture of comedy and melodrama.
The appeal of this play to theatergoers
never varies. This second public ap-
pearance will take place on or about
Jan. 17.
To afford training in acting rather
than in production, there are now in
preparation a series of seven one-


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Music by GRANGER'S Big Teri Orchestra
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Wall-Paper Sale
To make room for our 1927 line of
wall-papers which are now being shipped,
wa are closing out a lot of patterns at
cost. These papers are suitable for in-
expensive living rooms, dining rooms,
halls, kitchens, etc. The reduced prices
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Remember, we carry in stock only high
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Kalsomine stains-in fact, everything
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203 East Washington St.



Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

To The Editor:
In your reports and notices of the
conference of social workers held this
month at the Michigan Union, you reg-
ularly spelled the word Negro with a
small letter. May I suggest that you
make it a part of your editorial policy
to capitalize this word, as you capita-
lize the names of other races?
The word Negroeis an ethnological
division, a race name like Caucasian
or Chinese or Italian or Jew. True,
Webster's dictionary put the word in
lower case, but the dictionary is sim-
ply a reflection of custom, and custom,
in many cases, is crystallized preju-
dice. The dictionary capitalizes both
Italian and "dago," but prints both
Negro and "nigger" with a small let-

Gloom Strikes Campus"
(Tribune headlines yesterday)
..Yes, the whole campus is in mourn-
ing today. Professors cannot meetI
their classes because they can't bear
to face the terrible anguish written
on the countenances of the students.
President Little is hurrying home from
the West coast to do what lie can to
console the faculty and students in
this sad moment.
* * "
Alumni are returning their tickets,
and for the first time since there
weren't stands at all, the students will
have seats on the fifty yard line.
Coach Yost left town last night for!
Cambridge, where he will 'attempt to
discover the secrets that have carried
the Harvard team to success in the
past few years.
-* * *
Chimes came out this week with a
black border around the front page,
in memory of the team which this

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