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October 22, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-22

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_________________ ______________r

Program Will Also Inelude Murphy,
Frayer, a'd Ca vanaugh,
Who Will Preside
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, and Philip North-
rop, '28D, will complete the program
of speakers at the Illinois pep meet-
ing at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium, according to the announce-
ment made last night by the Student
council. Judge Frank Murphy, '13L,
of Detroit, and Prof. William Frayer
of the European history department,
will represent the alumni and faculty,
Coach Yost will be the representa-
tive of the Athletic association at the
first pep meeting of the year. He will
discuss the prospects for tomorrow's
game in addition to the team's out-
look fbr the entire season.
Holds National Record
Northrop, as captain of the track
team, and the student speaker tonight,
is expected to have a few remarks
which will be of interest to the gath-
ering. He is one of the outstanding
athletes in the University, and at the
present time holds the national inter-
collegiate,record for the javelin throw,
having held the national title in this
event for two years. He is also prom-
inent in the pole vault and broad
Judge Murphy is one of the Uni-
versity's most active alumni. IHaving
the reputation of a stirring speaker,
he alwayshas something of interest
to tell Michigan's student body. Among
other occasions, he addressed the stu-
dent body at pep meetings in 1920 and
1923 and at the Cap Night ceremonies
in 1921.
Professor Frayer's talk will con-
clude the program of speakers. He
will speak of athletics from the
standpoint of the Board of Control of
athletics and the faculty.
Band Will Play
The Varsity band will play numer-
ous selections throughout the meet-
ing to increase the enthusiasm which
is expected to be evinced. The Var-
sity Glee club will also be present to
lead the singing. William Warrick,
'27, Varsity cheerleader, will lead the
assembly in cheers, and Thomas Cav-
anaugh, '27L, president of the Student
council, will preside. Printed copies
of Michigan's songs will be distributed
throughout the audience.
All men students will remove their
coats and vests upon taking seats in
the auditorium as has been the cus-
tom in past years at pep meetings.
A capacity audience is expected to-

Queen Marie Leaves Pet Spaniel Behind
And Travels To Sesqui-Centennial City

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-An overstuff-
ed black spaniel and brand gray new
sport roadster were left behind
today as Queen Marie of Roumania and
her son and daughter left New York
for a visit to Philadelphia's Sesqui-
The spaniel, which
answers to the
name of Crag,
± when that word is
pronounced .,with
an accent few
Americans c a n
manage, is the
Queen's favorite
dog. He was left
w: to waddle mourn-
.:fully about the roy-
al suite in the Am-
- bassador hotel with
only a temporary
chamberlain of the
kennel to adminis-
ter to his canine wants.
The roadster, presented to Prince
Nicolas (who has informed newspa-
per men'that he doesn't spell his name
with an "H") by an automobile com-
pany, awaits the return of its new'
and royal owner tomorrow.
Before her departure for Philadel-

phia in the afternoon, the queen vis-
ited the public library. Later, with
her son and daughter, she was the
guest of the Chamber of Commerce
at a luncheon. While the queen was
in the library, the prince and princess
went for a jaunt in the new roadster,
Nicolas driving.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.--The special
10-car train assembled for Queen
Marie of Roumania has been described
by railroad men as "one of the most
beautiful and elaborate ever placed
on rails."
There are a baggage car and a com-
bination baggage car and coach, three
Pullman sleepers, three, private cars
belonging to railroad presidents, a
special diner, and an observation car.
Queen Marie's car is the "Yellow-
stone," the private car of Howard
Elliott, chairman of the Northern
Pacific. The car has a bedroom, with
brass bed and bath room with tub and
shower, for the queen' and a similar
suite for Princess Ileana. There is a
private dining room, an office, and a
drawing room with lounges and cre-
tonne covered chairs. The observa-
tion car will serve as Queen Marie's
reception room.


"America Is Not Materialistic" Says
S. N. Dasgupta of Presidency
College, India
"America is not materialistic. As
I look around me and see these en-
dowed institutions of learning, as I
walk through the streets of large !
cities and see museumsand libraries
and schools on my right and on my
left, I can never be led to believe
that America is a materialistic coun-
try. America has in itself a certain
spirituality that keeps it going. Other-
wise it could not be the great country
that it is." Such were the statements
of Prof. S. N. Dasgupta, professor of
philosophy at Presidency college,
Calcutta in his lecture on "Education
and International Relations" in Nat-
ural Science auditorium yesterday
"There are," he said, "many differ-
ent definitions that may be placed on
the word education. One may say
that it is an increase of efficiency or
earning power. One may say that it
1is for the good of society that men be
educated to produce more and! better
things. But all of these things are
included in a merely mechanistic con-
ception of the world. It does not take3
into consideration the fact that thereI
must be behind all of the activities of
the world a certaig. spirit, a certain
conception of the ideal. Therefore my,
definition of education is that it is a
systematic scheme of relations in

Contributions Will Cover Expenses
of Various Divisions
In Organization
Nov. 2-5 are the dates which have
been set for the annual drive of the
Student Christian association, when
the campus will-be canvassed for $G,-
000, the year's budget for the S. C. A.
activities, it was announced yester-
day. The drive this year is under the'
direction of Mathew Hudson, '28, who
worked on the campaign last year.
The money gathered in the drive
will be devoted to the support of all
the manifold departments of the S. C.I
A. which have a direct relation to the R
campus. The budget includes items
to provide vocational counsel for
students in an effort to guide those
who are undecided in the choice of
their life work. Prominent men
throughout the country will be
brought to Ann Arbor by the S. C. A.
to meet with discussion groups "and
fraternities. Groups of freshmen are
organized each fall by the association,
which meet once a week to talk over
the difficulties they encounter in their
new life on the campus. In addition
to these local activities, the S. C. A.
supports a Fresh Air camp in the
summer for the under-privileged chil-
dren in the neighboring cities, gives a
Christmas party for the poor chil-
dren of Ann Arbor, and shares in the
expenses of the Lake Geneva confer-
. The drive, as it is planned, will be
broader in scope than any drive
hitherto attempted by the Student.
Christian association. It is plannedj
to reach all students and all groups
on the campus, and a generous sup-1
port is expected..I
A more extensive advertising cam-
paign is planned this year in which
every student will be reached. Speak-
ers of local and statewide interest
will address the workers at dinners
and luncheons given during the drive.
It is estimated that close to 500 will
take an active part in the campaign-
ing in an effort to reach every one onf
the campus.I
LONDON.- Radio beam transmis-
sion is to be started next week be-
tween Bodmin, Cornwall and Montreal,
according to the Express.
VIENNA.-Former Chancellor Seip-
el has been requested to form a cabi-
net to replace the Ramek ministry,
which resigned Oct. 15.

3ledical Professor Athletic Director,
And Curator of Museum To
Conclude Series of Speeches
Four talks by members of the fac-
ulty, and five musical numbers, will
comprise the second of the Michigan
Night radio programs which will be
broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight through
station WW'J, the Detroit News.
The first of the series of speeches
will be given by Prof. Thomas H. Reed
of the political science department,
who spent part of the past year in
Europe doing research work. He
will use for his subject, "The Status
of European Politics."
Vocal Selections
Professor Reed's four minute talk
will be preceded by a vocal selection
"Songs My Mother Taught Me" by I
Royden Susumago, S. of M. Susumago
is a resident of the Philippine Is- I
lands. The musical number which
will follow the first of the talks will
be a piano solo by Miss Maude Okkel-
berg, instructor in the School of
Mu sic.I
Prof. Udo J. Wile of the medical
school is the second speaker on the
program, and will discuss the "Com-
bating of Social Disease."
"I Heard You Go By," another solo
iby Susumago, will follow Professor
Wile's talk.
Elton E. Weiman, assistant director
of intercollegiate athletics, will tell
the radio audience of "The Men of
Michigan In Tomorrow's game."
I Curator Will Speak
Following a second piano solo by
Miss Okkelberg, Carl L. Hubbs, cura-
tor of fishes in the Museum, will tell
of "The Curious Fish of our Western
Waters." The speaker has spent the
past year upon the Pacific coast and
the Middle West gathering specimens
for the Museum.
The program will be closed by the
vocal solos: "Tally Ho" and "Mi
Tierra," both sung by Susumago.
More than 40 requests were received
for copies of the booklet containing
reprints of all the speeches made on
these Michigan Night radio programs
the first day following last week's
broadcasting, according to Waldo M.
Abbot of the rhetoric department, pro-
gram director. The pamphlet, which
will be compiled at the end of the
season, will resemble that of last year,
and will be mailed to all those who
send in requests.
"Front Page Stuff'
Scheduled To Play
In Thirteen Cities
"Front Page Stuff," the 1927 Union
Opera, will take the road on Friday,
Dec. 17, beginning a two-week itiner-
ary of the largest eastern and middle
western cities that is to be fully as
extensive as the tour of last year.
In all, the Opera production will
play to alumni audiences in 13 cities,
giving 15 performances during the
Christmas vacation. After playing for
a week at the Whitney theater, the
Opera will open in Chicago for the
first presentation of the trip, playing
at the Auditorium, the largest theater
in that city. From Chicago, the tour
will include Indianapolis, Cincinnati,

Cleveland, Toledo, Saginaw, Lansing,
Grand Rapids, Washington, New York
City, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and De-
In New York City, the Opera will
play at the Metropolitan Opera house.
Other large theaters on the itinerary
are the Consistory in Buffalo, the New
Washington Auditorium in Washing-
ton, and the Academy of Music in
Philadelphia. Three preformances
IIwill be given at the Orchestra Hall in
With the exception of therIndian-
apolis appearance, the itinerary this
year is the same as that of "Tam-
bourine," , last year's outstanding
Opera success. The Hoosier city was
substituted for Flint.
Due to the increasing popularity of
the Opera in the East and elsewhereR
and to a demand for continued pres-
entation in the cities in which past
Operas have appeared, the Opera
itinerary is almost certain to include
a large group of Eastern cities every
year in the future.
I f

(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Oct. 21.1-Charges of a
conspiracy between United States of-
ficials and two nationally known fi-
nancial organizations to defraud the
United States government of $5,535,-
546 by representing the assets ,of the
BoschaMagneto company of Spring-
field, at less than half of their true
values were made today in a suit
against 22 defendants filed here in fed-
eral court by the department of jus-
The defendants include A. Mitchell
Palmer of Southburg, Pa., former
alien propertycustodian and later at-
torney general; Francis P. Garvan of
New York, former chief of the bureau
C of investigation of the custodian;
Joseph F. Guffey of Pittsburgh, who
was director of sales for the custodian
and officer of Hornblower & Weeks,
of Boston and New York, bankers kand
brokers, and the Chase Securities
company of New York.
The scheme, the government charges
was tohave one of the alleged con-
spirators;- John A. MacMartin given
charge of the books of the seized
property as assistant secretary. He
made a fraudulent report of its as-
sets, it was charged, and at the same
time Hornblower & Weeks were in-
formed of the true value and they with
the Chase Securities company financ-
ed its sale to Martin E. Kern of Al-
lantown, Pa., another of the defen-
"What We Know In Religion" Is Topic
Selected By Well Known
"What We Know In Religion" is the
topic which has been selected by Dr.
Joseph Fort Newton, of Philadelphia,
for his address at the third student
convocation Sunday morning in Hill
auditorium. Dr. Newton is a clergy-
man, lecturer, author, and editor of
national repute.
At the present time Dr. Newton is
an Episcopal minister in Philadelphia.
He has preached in the Baptist, Uni-
versalist, and non-sectarian churches
in various parts of the country and
abroad, in addition to the Church of
the Divine Paternity in New York
city. He was the minister at City
Temple, London, during the war, and
at 'one time was the non-resident
lecturer at the State University of
Among the many books which Dr.
Newtonhas written, are "Abraham
Lincoln," "The Mercy of Hell," "The
Poet Preacher," "The Theology of
Civilization," "The Ambassador," and
a host of others. He has also written
many pamphlets on patriotic and Ma-
sonic topics and a number of addres-
ses and sermons. He is editor of
Master Mason, and associate editor of
Christian Century. He is also a past
grand officer of the Grand Lodge of
Masons of Iowa.
Dr. Newton will arrive in Ann Arbor
tomorrow. He will be the guest of
Prof. Alexander Ruthven of the Zoo-
logy department during his stay here.
Fred Glover, '27, senior representa-
tive of the Student council, will pre-
side at the convocation Sunday. Dalles
Frantz will again be at the organ.
Students desiring University loans
should first secure applications and
then consult with J. A. Bursley, dean
of students, it was stated yesterday
at the Dean's office. There has been
some doubt as to the correct proce-
At the last meeting of the committee
on Tuesday more than 25 requests for
loans were granted. The next meet-
ing will take place in three weeks

and students should appear before the
committee at that time.

Officials Are Named

Henderson Speaks On Modern Condi-
tions; Editorial Practice Discussed
At Afternoon Session
Emphasizing the retention of the
freedom which we now have and the
need for an increase in discipline as
the solution of our educational and
political problems, Prof. William A.
Frayer of the political science depart-
ment addressed the members of the
University Press Club of Michigan last
night on "Humanizing Education."
The instrument by which this dis-
cipline must be inculcated into the
nation's life was set forth by Profes-
sor Frayer as the entire educational
system, starting with the gradei
schools and continuing through theJ
colleges and universities. "Leaddr-
ship which is so necessary to democ-1
racy must be matured and strength-
ened in the family and in educationalf
institutions," he continued.
Represents President
Likewise, Professor rayer, who
represented President Clarence Gook
Little at the gathering, characterized
"loyalty to an institution" and the
"sense of obligations" as qualities
which must be inculcated into the
people of this nation by slow and
gradual processes. Appreciation of
these characteristics constitute an in-
telligence test in itself, he added.
Regarding the Introduction of theF
personal element into higher educa-
tion, the speaker treated the subject
on the basis of the difficult transition
from the preparatory schools into the
I universities, adjustment to the new
{ environment of the new institution,
and the transition from the students'
Alma Mater to the life of the outside
In speaking of the moral conditions
of present day institutions of higher1
learning and the publicity which is'
given reports on such conditions,t
Professor Frayer declared that there
is "no need for fear about the morals
or the morale of the great mass of
college students. It is only the friv-
ilous fringe," he continued, "which is
dangerous and that minority is so
small that it can not cause trouble."
"We are at a point of discontinuity,
economically and industrially, as well
as in the other phases of our life,"
declared Prof. William D. Henderson,
director of the extension department,
in an address on "Keeping up with the'
Times." Linking the the newspaper
with the difficulties brought to mod-
ern civilization by the present indus-
trial era, he added to the recent dec-
laration of President James Rowland
Angell of Yale university that the
success of the experiment with democ-
racy depends upon the leaders of the
country, the statement that such suc-
cess also depends upon the atmo-
sphere in which the leaders live and
in which the newspapers wield influ-
-ne Smith Presides
Regent Junius E. Beal who appear-
ed upon the program in the absecce
of Regent James O. Murfin expressed
the feeling of support which the
Board of Regents has for President
Little and his plans for the University.
Shirley Smith, secretary, presided at
the occasion.
In the symposium on editorial prac-
tice which constituted the afternoon's
program, Miss Florence C. Davies,
women's editor of the Detroit News,
spoke on the viewpoint of this depart-
ment. Miss Davies made a plea that
the women's page be allowed to re-
main as it is on the grounds that
novel ideas for this department ap-
peal to only a small proportion of the
readers. It must be appreciated, she
continued that the publication of news

"is wholesale, not retail."
(Continued on Page 3)

Dean Humphreys, and Professors
Scott And Hobbs of Faculty
Will Address Gathering
Speakers for the program of the an-
nual University Press club dinner to
be held at 6:30 tonight at the Union
will be David Lawrence, president of
the Consolidated Press association,
whose subject will be "Observations
of a Washington Correspondent," and
Eric C. Hopwood, president of the
American Society of Newspaper Edi-
tors, and editor of the Cleveland Plain
Dealer, who will talk on "Newspaper
Mr. Lawrence, a veteran political
correspondent, who is now editor of
the new United States Daily, started
his Journalistic career upon gradua-
tion from Princeton university by
joining the Associated Press staff in
Washington In 1910. During the next
two years he was detailed to Mexico
to write the Madero revolution in 1911
and the Orozco outbreak the following
year. After two years with President
Wilson at Washington, as well as at
Sea Grit, New Jersey, during the presi-
dentialpelection, Mr. Lawrence
was placed in charge of news
for the Associated Press rela-
tive to neutrality and relations
with Germany, at the outbreak
of the World war. For three years, be-
ginning in 1916, he was the Washing-
ton correspondent for the New York
Evening Post. Mr. Lawrence has writ-
ten many political magazine articles
as well as a pamphlet on "The Truth
About Mexico."
Is Cleveland Editor
Mr. Hopwood, a graduate in 1901 of
Adelbert college, now Western Re-
serve university, likewise began his
journalistic duties immediately after
college commencement. Joining the
staff of the Cleveland Plain Dealer as
a police reporter, he occupied various
positions on this paper until 1920
when he was appointed managing edi-
tor and editor, positions which he now
Following the addresses, a film en-
titled, "The Romance of the News"
will be presented at tonight's pro-
Throughout today, the convention
will devote itself to general group and
luncheon meetings. The morning ses-
sion, which will begin at 9:30 o'clock,
will be opened with an address by
Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric de-
partment. He will consider "The
Standards of English and the News-.
The second address of the morning
will be given on "The Bible and the
Newspaper" by Dean Wilbur R. Hum-
phreys of the literary college. "The
Way It's Written" will be the topic
of a talk by Lawrence H. Conrad, of
the rhetoric departm'ent and author of
"Temper," while Prof. John B. Waite
of the Law School, who is the fourth
faculty member on the program, will
speak on "Crime Waves."
After discussion on the subject mat-
ter presented, the delegates will ad-
journ to special luncheons which will
be served to groups within the con-'
vention. These organizations are the
Michigan Associated Press and the
Michigan Weekly Publisher's associa-
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geol-
ogy department will give an account
of Michigan's first Greenland expedi-
tion which he directed during the last
summer as the first address of the
afternoon's program. This trip which
contained many hazards for the mem-
bers of the party on their return was
organized to make the preliminary
preparations for a regular Greenland
expedition which will be undertaken
next summer.
"The Newspaper and International

Relations" will be the subject of the
second address which will be given
by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi
cal science department.
Other Speakers
The other speakers of the after-
noon's program will be S. B. Conger,
Detroit correspondent for the Booth
newspapers, who will talk on "Ex-
periences Abroad with the Associated
Press," and George L. Adams publish-
er of the Fowlerville Review, whose
subject will be "A Half-Century of
Newspaper Work."
During the morning session tomor-
row the routine business of the con-
vention, including the reports of com-
mittees and the election of officers for
the coming year, will be conducted.
At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the
delegates will make an inspection trip


_,_xc -- 41- e- I +-;4-+n +n +lin +nam i

night as the final tribute to the team which toe spirit wholly dominates the
before the important Illinois game. I o tme re whollys
Th'' r f h uioru ilb reason and the reason, in turn, wholly
The doors of the auditorium will be( dominates the body."
opened at 7 o'clock, the program be- dofes Dasgupta
giningproptl a alfhou laer. Professor Dasgupta then went on
ginning promptly a half hour later. to tell of the functions of the educa-
tion of the kind that he had defined.
W ILD TO SPEAK IHe told of the advances that had been
made in the application of spiritual

Instructor 11 ill Lecture Tonight
At Lane Hall{
"WIat is Theosophy?" is the title of
a public lecture to be given by Dr.{
Henry D. Wild, instructor in the de- I
partment of English, at S o'clock to-
night in Lane Hall.
Dr. Wild will define theosophyin
an abstract way. He will give a his- I
tory of the derivation of the word it-
self as well as the movement it stands
The meeting is being sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Lodge of the Theoso-
phical society of which Dr. Wild is the
president. He will also describe the
society and explain its purpose and
The Theosophical society was
founded in 1875 ,to combat the mater-
ialistic skepticism of the inieteenth
century. I
BUENOS AIRES.-Traffic in the bus-j
iest tsection of Buenos Aires soon will I
be regulated by a system of lights
similar to those employed in Detroit
and other American cities.,

feeling. He laid these to the under-
standing by the individual that there
was something more to life than the
mere laboring so that he might possess4
the things of the world and that these
things might give him power.
Inter-city telephone service between
Detroit and Ann Arbor that compares
with local service in manner of use
and speed has recently been establish-'
el, according to an announcement is-
sucd by J. J. Kelly, district manager '
for the Michigan Bell Telephone com-
pany yesterday.
It is no longer necessary to place
the call through the long distance de-





In accordance with the humaniza-
tion plan instituted by the University
last year for the freshman class, the
Union this year has divided.the mem-
bers of the class of '30 into small
groups which will meet from time to
time during the year. It is the pur-
pose of these meetings to acquaint the
freshmen with each other, to further
|interest in class activities, and to pro-
vide organization plans giving varied
programs and conducting an active
form of interror n (mnetition

ned to vary programs with entertain-
ment and talks. Speeches will be
given by interesting and prominent
faculty members, athletes, and other
upperclassmen. Refreshments will
also be included in these programs
As the gro.ups start active organiza-
tion, further plans will be announced
by the underclass department, in the
nature of intergroup competition. Bil-
liard, bowling, and swimming tourna-
ments are some of the activities un-
A or cnoncidArntinn T I inkn rnnnc


"When I consider the educational
systems and institutions of America
and compare them with the institu-
tions of Europe and the East I find
something lacking in the former,"
said Professor Dasgupta after his lec-
ture in Natural Science auditorium
yesterdayafternoon. "There is a cer-
tain spirit of cultural, depth, and con-
secration to the ideal that one misses.
I do not think that this is due to the
f a.r +hat A ,,orina n ,',-1oooa iPacto an

universities have over the universities
of the rest of the world. He said that
where "the rich men of the United
States are able to hand out huge
amounts of moneys for endowments,
the universities of fhe old world must
find their money where they can."
There are no rich men, there are no
huge endowments by institutions,
there is no huge national treasury, he
said. They must exist as they can.
'Th ara l n. +'. hI rs t a ic ,n e +

Officers of the junior engi-
neering class will be elected at
at 11 o'clock this morning in
room 348 of the engineering

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