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October 21, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-21

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Frayer, Muriin, Itenderson Will Speak
At Annual Uniyersi y Banquet
li Honor of Journalists

Wood Substitutes
Have Ill Effect On
Lumber Interests,
Declares Speaker'
"If the lumber industry is to de-
velop as it should we must fight this
insidiuos substitution which is going
on today," declared Mr. E. P. Ivory,
who is representing the allied lumber
interests of the country, in addressing
the Forestry club last night.
Mr. Ivory pointed out that substi-
tutes for wood in innumeiable forms
such as steel, bricks, sugar-cane, ce-
ment, stuce, and ashphalt, which arel
flooding the market today have re-
sulted, notwithstanding an increase in

More than 200 state journalists are population, in a decrease in consump-
expected to arrive in Ann Arbor this tion of lumber in the United States in
morning to register for the eighth the last 10 years. Oil and hydro-
annual meeting of the *University electric current have figured promi-
Press club of Michigan which will nently in the substitutes for coal.
open for a three day conference at 2 "There is bigger competition today
o'clock this afternoon in the main as- than ever before and the lumber in-.
sembly room of the Union. dustry has felt the inroads of substi-
Chief among the speakers for the tutes perhaps more thian any other,"
convention are Prof. William A. Fra- averred Mr. Ivory.
yer of the European history depart- In concluding his talk Mr. Ivory
ment, Prof. William D. Henderson, di- cited advertising, knowledge dissem-
rector of the extension department, inated by means of the mails, trade
David Lawrence, president of the Con- extension, and research as the medi-
solidated Press association, Eric C. ums of bettering the present lumber
Hopwood, president of the American conditions.
Society of Newspaper Editors, and Huxley Coulter, club president, pre-
Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric de- sided at a general business meeting'
partment. preceding the lecture.
At. the annual University dinner'
which will be held at 6:30 o'clock to
night in honor of the press delegates,
Professor Frayer will represent Presi- A SDE O N E
dent Clarence Cook Little who is now
touring the West coast. Regent James
0. Murin and Professor Henderson INTAL TOLEAGUE
are also scheduled to appear on this'
The first session of the convention Defense of National Honor Is Not An
will be opened at 2 o'clock this after- Excuse for Host lities, Says
noon following luncheon meetings of Dorothy Detzel
the various journalistic organizations'
which are represented at the general ADVOCATES ARBITRATION
gathering. President A. R. Treanor,
editor and manager of the Saginaw D
News Courier will officially open the Decrying claims of "defense of the
assembly by delivering an address of national honor" as an excuse for war,
to the delegates. Miss Dorothy Detzel, executive secre-
SLee N. Woodruff of the Grand Rap- tary for the Women's League for In-
ids Press will give the first speech of ternational Peace and Freedom, said
the symposium on editorial practice in her address to members of the War
which is scheduled for this session Resisters' league yesterday, "National
on "The Editorial Point of View." Fol- Honor is an unworthy patriotic dis-
lowing a discussion of this material, I play. A nation's honor can not be
the lumnist's viewpoint will be pre-- tarnished by what is done to it by
sented by Curt C. Bradner of the De- other nations-it is only tarnished by
troit Free Press. The tomen's de- its own actions.
partrnent of a publication will then be This statement came from a speecb
I adocaingarbitration in the settle-
discussed by Florence C. Davis of the mentofinteration ictie ss
Detroit News. George M. Hunter ofadw ntofinternational difficulties. is
the Port Huron Times Herald will Detzel is an ardent advocate of the
speak on "The District News Writer's principlet"notmore wardh
Point of View," and the presentation justification of her stand she
of material on editorial practice will I said that the expense of the World
be concluded by A. E. McCrea of the gWar exceeded 80 milliards of pounds
Muskegon Chronicle, who will talk on sterling, for which sum every family
the viewpoint of the managing editor. in the United States, Canada, Belgium,
The ideas and practices presented will France, England, Germany and Russia
the b geerllydicusedby heas-kkcould have a house and furniture.
then be generally discussed by the as- "After all this was done," she went
The main speakers for the annual Ion, "there would still be enough left
The ainspeker fo th anialto endow every town in those coun-
University Press club dinner tomor- triesnwesepyuton thoeedd2n-1
row night will be Eric C. Hopwood, 000 iwhose population exceeded 200,-
editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer 000with a library, a university, and a
and president of the American Society hospital.
of Newspaper Editors, and David Law- SMiss Detzel charged the United
rence, Washington correspondent, Sates 'with "imperialism" in the ac-
who will speak on newspaperdexper, tidns advocated through the press to
ces andnwspapewprapie.expe-take Mexico for its oil and to hold
ences and newspaper practice. the Philippine Islands because of their
During the session tomorrow morn- rubherilpp l.f
ing, the convention will hear several ber \sup l.
membrs f te fcult wh wil seak The speech closed with another ap-
members of the faculty who will saper peal for advocacy of arbitration in the
on subjects correlated to newspaper settlement of international disputes
practice and theory. In the afternoon
meeting, Prof. Herbert 11. Hobbs of and was followed by an open discus-
the geology department will tell of thei
experiences encountered while on the
University's expedition to Greenland LEID Y TO SPEA
during the past summer. Considera- AT LAW SMOKER
tion of newspaper practice will be
continued at this meeting. j Prof. Paul F. Leidy, secretary of
Saturday afternoon the delegatesIthe Law school, will be the principal
will attend the Illinois-Michigan foot- speaker at the annual Law club smok-
ball game as guests of the Athletice er, which will be held tonight at the
association. er, hi
U, ab

To Baltimore With
! TO I F Game Against Navy
Doubt concerning the possibility o:
SECOND DEVASTATING STORM the Varsity band making th/e trip to
OF THE MONTH STRIKES Baltimore for the Navy game on Oct.
HAVANA 30 has been removed by a statement
RELIEF WORK IS BEGUN issued by Robert A. Campbell, treas-
urer of the University and business
manager of the band, to the effect that
Hurricane Reaches 120 to 139 Mile the trip will be made.
Velocity, Uprooting Trees And The party will leave Ann Arbor
Breaking Windows Thursday afternoon on a special train
-s t rprovided for the occasion by the
(By Associated Press) alumni groups of Philadelphia ar
MIAMI, Fla., Oct. 20.-Leaving de- New York, at whose invitation the trip
bris-littered streets and flooded build- is being made. All arrangements for
ings in its wake, the West Indian the tour will be in charge of Mr.
Campbell who will be in attendance.
hurricane that lashed Havana and the 't'his special division will go through
West area of Cuba throughout the Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, and Pitts
day was striking at the island, Key burgh enroute to Philadelphia, where
West tonight. it will arrive in time for the national
While the fag end of the storm still alumni banquet on Friday night at the
was blowing between 45 and 50 miles Bellevue Srtatford hotel. It will arrive
wasbloingbeteen45 nd 0 mlesin Baltimore Saturday noon in time
in Havana the outer edge caught Key iBr the ae.t
West with an 80 mile velocity at mid- MiechiganDame.
afternoon, uprooting trees and causing Michigan Day will be celebrated
minor damage. Indications were, Friday, Oct. 29, at the Sesqun-Centen-
however, that the full force of the gale nial in Philadelphia, and the band
would not strike the island but that will give a concert at this time and
the center would pass in a northeast- will also play at the banquet in the
erly direction over the northern Baha- evening, at which President Clarence
ma islands. Cook Little and several prominent
The hurricane which attained a ve- faculty members and alumni will
locity of 120 to 130 miles while it speak. The Board of Regents and the
raged over the Cuban capital, uproot- deans of the various colleges will at-
ed trees, smashed plate glass win- tend in order to hear President Little.
dows, and made impassable the fa_ The alumni banquet is expected to be
mous Malecon driveway along the one of the largest events of its kind
water front. ever attempted.
Forewarned of the storm, every pre-
caution was being taken in Key West
and a relief plane with doctors,
nurses and medical supplies was or-1
dered there by the American Red
Cross. Relief workers also were dis-
patched to Tampa and Fora Lauder-
dale to await developments.
Extra police protection was provided g Will Talk on "Education and
in Palm Beach, West Palm Beach,D.E
Tampa and Miami, as news of the International Relations;" Is
progress of the storm was received. Philosophy Authority
First warning brought immediate,
steps to close the schools in Miami l HAS WIDEEXPERIENCE
and at West Palm Beach. The chil-
dren were sent scurrying home from Prof. S. N. Dasgupta,
Prof.iS N.lDasuptaprofessor of
their classes' mphilosophy in Presidency College, Cal-
Tampa, warned that a 60 mile gale cutta, will deliver a lecture this after-
was expected in that vicinity tonight, noon at 4:15 in Natural Science audi-
took steps to provide shelter for per- torium on the subject "Education and
sons who might be affected by the International Relations." Professor
storm. Dasgupta has a wide knowledge of the

Union Tap Room To Conduct Similar
Gathering At Close Of Hill
Auditorium Meeting
Judge Frank Murphy, '13L, of De-
troit, and Prof. William Frayer of the
European history department, will
represent the alumni and faculty, re-
spectively, on the speakers' program
at the first pep meeting of the year to-
morrow night in Hill auditorium, ac-
cording to announcement made yester-
day. The student and athletic associa-
tion representatives, who will also
give brief talks at the Illinois rally,
will be announced tomorrow.
Judge Murphy, as one of the most
enthusiastic alumni of the University,
' well known to Michigan students.
It was he who gave the famous
"Heroes of Athens" 'speech at the
memorable pep meeting in 1920 pre-
ceding the Chicago game. Despite de-
feat the previous weel, the speaker
fired 'the team to tremendous efforts
and Michigan won the next day 20-0.
Judge Murphy also spoke at the Cap
Night ceremonies in 1921 and at the
Ohio State pep meeting here three
years ago. An orator of much elo-
quence, he is expected to make an
unusual appeal to the student body
for its support at Saturday's crucial
Professor Frayer needs no intro-
duction to University students. A,
member of the Board in Control of,
Athletics, he has always taken a keen
interest in campus activities, partic-
ularly in athletics. His ability as a
speaker is well known.
The Varsity band will be present at
the assembly, and cheers and songs
will be led by William Warrick, '27,
Varsity cheerleader. Thomas Cava-
nagh, '27L, president of the Student
council, will preside.
The doors of the auditorium will be
opened at 7 o'clock, the program be-
ing scheduled to start promptly at
7:30 o'clock. The meeting will last
approximately an hour.
Following the pep meeting at Hill
auditorium, there will be a gathering
of the same nature in the Union tap-'
room. Included on the program as
it is being arranged by the Union
house committee, will be entertain-
ment features, and two or three cheer-
leaders-to lead yells and songs.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi-
cal science department, Prof. Udo J.
Wile of the medical school, Elton E.
Weiman assistant director of inter-
collegiate athletics and Carl L. Hubbs,
curator of fishes in the Museum, will
be speakers on the second of the
Michigan Night radio programs which
will be broadcast at 8 o'clock tomor-
row night from University hall
through the Detroit News, station
Four vocal selections will be given
by Royden Susumago, S of M, a resi-
dent of the Philippine Islands, and two
piano solos by Miss Maude Okkelberg,
instructor in the School of Music.
BRUSSELS-The Belgian cabinet
,has given its formal approval to the
'terms of a $30,000,000 stabilization
loan which has been negotiated in

Socialist Party
Leader Succumbs


Eugene V. Debst
Fred Hlarlocker Named President And1
Ellen Nylands Wins Office Of t
Vice-President 1
Fred Harlocker was elected presi-
dent of the senior law class by a ma-
jority of nine ballots over John Ben- t
nett yesterday afternoon. Harlocker
polled a total of 42 votes as comparedt
to 33 for Bennett.
In the race for the viNi-presidency
of the class, Ellen Nylands defeated
James Weadock two to one. Miss
Nylands received 50 votes against 25(
for Weadock.
John Mikesell was chosen secretary
over Walter Kleinert and Wayne1
Shawaker. Mikesell polled 48 votes
in the final as compared to 28 for
Kleinert. Shawaker was eliminated(
on the primary ballott.
James O'Neill was elected treasurer
by a substantial margin over Roi
Becker. O'Neill received 50 votes
against 26 for Becker.
The Law school election yesterday
concluded the senior class elections
in the University.
In the first junior class election of;
the year yesteray, in the business ad-
ministration school, John Yeasting'
was unanimously elected president.
Myrle St. Austin was chosen as the
J-Hop committee representative. The
remaining officers of the class are as
Clyne Crawford, vice-president;
Julian Goldman, secretary; and Mil-I
ton Bofsky, treasurer.I
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20.-A new
cathode ray tube, which has renewed
hair on an animal and seemingly grew
hair of a different color on -the same
spot, which has made cold stone lum-
inous as it heated, and produced sur-
prising results on gas, was officially
announced here tonight by Dr. W. D.
Coolidge, its inventor. He is assistant
director of the research labratory of
the General Electric Co. His an-
nouncement was made before the
Franklin institute which presented
him with the Howard N. Pott's medal.
Dr. Coolidge said he has not tried
the tube ray on humans, nor yet found
practical application for them. The'
tube apparently opens limitless fields
I for electrical experiments and re-

arting Career as Railroader Debs
'Pushed Forward Until Ile Became
Presidential Nonminde
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 20-Eugene V.
ebs, outstanding apostle of socialism
the United States, died in a subur-
n sanitarium at 7:44 o'clock tonight.
Mr. Debs would have been 71 years
d had he lived until next November
He suffered a nervous breakdown
month ago and retired to the sani-
rium in which he died.
Because of his advanced years and
art disease, which had persisted vir-
ally throughout his life, he offered
t slight physical resistance when a
rn for the worse occurred.
He lapsed into a profound Boma last
.turday and failed to recover con-
iousness. It was his will to live
hich stayed death, said the attend-
g physician, who also remarked
ion the period of coma as very un-
With the aged socialist leader at the
d were his wife, Katherine; brother,
ieodore, and two sisters. At his
dside during his last moments also
ere socialist party leaders, including
illiam H. Henry, the national execu-
e secretary.
Eugene V.yDebs, leader of the So-
glist party in America and five
nes its nominee for the Presidency,
as born in Terre Haute, Ind., on No-
mber 5, 1855. Upon leaving school
obtained a job as a fireman on the
rre Haute & Indianapolis railroad
here he worked from 1871 to,1874.
he next five years he waA employed
a wholesale groceryrhouse and in
80 returned to railroading. Mean-
hile hehad become city clerk of
rre H-aute, serving from 1879 to
83, and in 1885 he was elected to the
,diana legislature.
He was grand secretary and treas-
er of the Brotherhood of Locomo-
re Firemen from 1880 to 1893. As
esident of the American Railway
nion early in 1894 he directed and
on a strike on the Great Northern
,ailway. While managing the still
trger strike of Western roads that
aime year, Debs was charged with
nspiracy but was acquitted. Later
e was held for violation of an injunc-
ion and sent to jail at Woodstock,
u., for six months for contempt of
The American Railway Union strike,
rhich paralyzed traffic in the West,
ad been broken however, by the in-
ervention of President Cleveland who
rdered federal troops to guard the
rains. Released from jail, Debs urged
he workers to "sell your shovel and
uy a gun" and announced he would
onsecrate his life to their emancipa-
ion. He became a Socialist lecturer,
vriter and organizer and travelled all
ver the United States. In 1897 and
898 he was chairman of the National
ouncil of the Social Democracy and
nd in 1900, as the candidate of that
>arty for the Presidency he polled 87,-
14 votes. In 1912 his vote had grown
o 901,872 and in 1920 to nearly 1,-
00,000. He was nominated by the
ocialist party as its standard bearer
he last time while he was a prisoner
n the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta;
a., serving a ten-year sentence for
ioation of the Espionage Act during
,he war.
Debs' conviction came as the result
f a speech he made at Canton, O., in
.918, in which he attacked the gov-
rnment's part in the war and assailed
he terms of the Selective Service Act,

under which the American army was
being raised. He was found guilty in
september, .1918, of trying to obstruct
the draft and was sentexced by Fed-
eral Judge David C. Westenhaver to
ten years in the. Moundsville, W. Va.,
penitentiary. Debs made no effort to
prevent the imposition of the penalty.
John Brown of Ossawatomie was his
favorite examplar. He offered no evi-
dence in his own defense and made
his own address to the jury.
Debs finally was released from the
penitentiary Christmas day, 1921, his
sentence having been/ commuted by
President Harding along with those
of 23 others convicted on various
charges of having hindered the gov-
ernment during the war.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Oct. 20.-The council of the


educational problems of the different
Dates Of Literary, sections of the world through his ex-
perience at Calcutta, his period as a
Engineering Junior Harris Foundation lecturer at North-
western university and his exchange
Elections Are Fixed professorship as lecturer in Bengali at
the University of Cambridge.
Professor Dasgupta is an authority
Dates for the junior elections in the on Indian philosophy and is the au-
literary and engineering colleges were thor of several books on that subject.
fixed by the Student council at its Among these are his "A History ofi
regular vegkly meeting last night at Indian Philosophy," The Study of'
the Union. The literary election willi Patanjahi," and "Yoga Philiosophy in
be held at 4 o'clock next Wednesday relation to the other Indian Systems
afternoon, in Natural Science audi- I of Thought."
torium, while the junior engineering He was in attendance at the Inter-
class will select its officers at 11 national Congress of Philosophy at
o'clock tomorrow morning in room Harvard university in September and
348 of the engineering building. ! it is while he is on his way to the
Besides the election of regular class West that the Department of Philoso-
officers, representatives on the J-lop phy and the School of Religion were
committee will also be chosen at the able to obtain hir for his lecture. The
junior elections. The literary class public is invited to hear the address.
will elect five representatives, and theI
engineering class will select three, as Noted Pastor To
in past years. The total membership
of the committee is 14, the remaining Head Convocation
six being chosen from the other
schools and colleges in the Univer- } Here On Sunday
Kenneth Michel, '27E, was elected
senior representative of the council 1 Dr. Joseph Fort Newton of Phila-
last night to fill the vacancy caused I .Ja e y F o w n ocl Prgy a-,
by the resignation of Theodore Horn-wl dlbphia, widely known clergyman,
berger, '27. Michel was the fourth jwill be the third speaker at the week-
highest candidate for the three seno ly services of the student convocation
highst anddat fo th thee eni, 1series next Sunday in Hill auditorium.
council officers in the spring elections si esvngxpunda vensHile cr eer
last May, finishing six votes behind Having pursued a versatile caree
Russel Baker, '27E chi-of clergyman, lecturer, editor, and
RussesBayer,'27,Ewas:author, Dr. Newton's ecclesiastical
James Boyer, '27, was named cr- followings have been no less varied.
man of the committee on arrange- He has expounded the doctrine of ex-
men for the second annual congress atly five different churches.
of the National Student Federation DlNetnbgnpacigsa
of America which will be held in Ann r Nwo{bgnprahnga
Arbor Dec. -4. Baptist minister inthe South. He
The presidents of the councils of the sectarian church in St. Louis, and
literary college, dental college, and next a Universalist church at Cedar
Law school assumed their seats at the Rapids, Iowa. He again preached tc
general council meeting for the first many non-sectarian congregations in
time last night. I 0



In spite of all the propoganda dis-
t'ibuted about the superiority of Eu-
rope in the matter of commercial avia-
tion, the United States still leads the
world in this respect, according to E.
Le Roy Pelletier, president of the De-
troti civil air corps, who spoke be-,
fore the aeronautical society last
last night.
This, he explained, is due to the fact
that all persons in Europe owning1
several ships are required to register
their companies regardless of whether
they run a commercial route or not.
COPENHAGEN-The Danish Fiscist
party has issued a proclamation
against the parliamentary system of
government and also against the pres-
ent Socialistic cabinet.
LENINGRAD! - 'rhree Esthonians
were arrested recently charged with
.itmr~nt f .nninoA rindir,

The entertainment for the evening
will be principally of a musical nature
and will be featured by several xylo-
phone numbers by Kenneth A. Midg-
ley, '28b. Refreshments will be serv-
I ed.
'These smokers which are held at
I the beginning of every year are open
only to members of the club.
ST. PAUL, Minn.-The prohibition
law is wiping out slowly but 'surely
the liquor traffic of the United States,
according to Andrew J. Volstead,
sponsor of the dry enforcement act.


"Little Brown Jug" Displayed At Union
Dance Saturday Night Was Not Original
One As Supposed By Many But Imitation

First Fall Issue Of-Gargoyle To Appear
On Campus Today; Humorous Impressions;
And Glimpses Of Freshmen Are Features'

a number of cities, including City '
Temple, London, during the World
war. Dr. Newton spent some time in
the Church of the Divine Paternity,
New York city, but is an Episcopal
clergyman in Philadelphia at the
present time.
Dr. Newton is the author of many
books on various topics, religion in-
cluded. Seventeen of his most promi-
nent works are listed in Who's Who.
The Philadelphia minister is also
an associate editor of Christian Cent-
ury and a Mason of considerable

Confusion as to the identity of the
"little brown jug" which figured as i
a feature of the football decorations
at the Union dance last Saturday night
has led the Union dance committee tof
correct the asumption that this wasc
the real "little brown jug." The jug,
prepared as a realistic imitation of the'
prized trophy at the Field house, was
secured from an Ann Arbor resident,
of many years standing, after a long 1
search by the dance committee. It is
older than the original it represents,
and was decorated by the same man
who has added the score of the Min-
nesota-Michigan game to the genuine
trophy every year.
It is intended to niace this dunlicate,

and Minnesota.
"In 1903 Michigan and Minnesota
played to a tie," Coach Yost said "As
a result of this tie game, there has
grown up one of the most interesting
traditions of football history, the tra-
dition of the "little brown jug."
"The "little brown jug" was used
by the Michigan in 1903 to carry drink-
ing water. After the game, it was dis-
covered by one of the Minnesota care-
takers, who concealed it until after
the Michigan team had departed.
Whenever Michigan and Minnesota
have played since 1903, the "little
brown jug" has been displayed at the
game and has gone as the trophy or
prize to the winning team."
Minnesota has succeeded in carrying

As a "Fall-Opening Number," spe-
cializiig in "Frosh," the year's first
Gargoyle will appear for campus sale
I today as the largest magazine in its
In this issue the authors have at-
-I - .V .1.-. ._._ . _.A. , . -t .

The cover which indicates the nature
of the material treated is the product
of Vyse, while the frontispiece which
furthers the theme of the issue was
produced by Hill.
In the literary sections, "The Ad-
.:.+,,, . f T - -f o+ n ftn O l

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