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October 20, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-20

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TAT T before the state commnieewhich HARVARD AND DARTMOUTH TO CLASH SATURDAY
PfT C LLIFP[S AB meets in November. Other leading co-N 11~i1J. llC A H ~ X1jX)1
S IULleges of the state send candlidates toi---
the committee. Rutgers And New York University tests. However, the Indians frow New istanding reaches a climax when Rut-
rriiolAlderman won national recognition1 Will Also Re'unie Old Rivalry
SH E HOD SI1 ffU at.ine we.h etatRoad -alishit at the moment are on an 1es and( New Yok university play0 atwier hnhedftdRold;jSudyatheY kesaim.Ts
a(ByAsa Preslunbroken string of three consecutive Saturdayat the Yankee stadium. This
ILocke, o Nebraska, in the (I3 sau0te res)stin discussion of relative football merit
LANSINicOct9r ck k the ial NEW YORK, Oct. 19.-Harvard and victories, winning the games of 1923,I was started in 1890. A total of 22
LANSING, Mich, Oct. 19.-Frederick lash a the Illinois relay carnival, ti- cDartmnouth will continue Saturday the 192, and 192. aeshsrstdin1Rugsvi-
ing Muichison's indoor world's rec- Datot;ilcniu atra h 94 n 95 games has resulted in 13 Rutgers vi-
P. Alderman, Michigaxi State College ord Alderman also broke the West- football argument which started more The Crimson enter Saturday's game tories, 8 for New York and a scoreless
track captain and a world's indoor ern Conference 220-yard dash record, than two score years ago. There have in a cheerful frame of mind as the re- tie. Last year the New Jersey team
sprint champion,has been chosen as and numerous state and college rec- been interruptions since the first game sut of last week's developments. won by a single point, 7-6.
one of the two candidates from the i h t ws, played in 1882, but the Crimson Yale by defeating Dartmouth show- New York university, playing its
college for the Rhodes scholarship at Ar an sals sis noted at East and Green have fought put 32 gridiron ed that it can be done and harvard, first inetrsectional game turned back
Oxford University, Englahd. The two aansing for his scholastic atainmnents. attles in 14 years. beating William and Mary as its first 'ulane last week.
candidates, W. H. Wlter, former(Lnngo _sshlti________ Harvard has won 25 games while victim of the season demonstrated
Highland Park Junion College foot- Dartmouth was annexing five and that it is on the upward grade.
ball star, and Alderman, will appear READ THEWANT ADS toere have ie tn two no -ecitoncon- Another rivalry of many years I READ E WANT ADS


WANTED- -Freshnian's light service
H__________ __________ __________for room and $15 w eekly. 1103 E.
If you are a telephone subscriber eal Jimmie Washington. Phone 6365.
the Ad-Taker. Dial 2114, and your want ad 2-21-22
3will be charged.
TeMichigan D~aily reserves the right to
lassify all wvants ads under appropriate head- WAN"TE)-- Two or four tickets for I1-
ings and to revise cr withhold objectionalle linois game. Phone 5474.
This cohnn closes at 3 P. M. (late preced- 20-21-22
Su{ publication. N otice of any eror must be
given in time for the second insertion. 'VANTED-A few good men to take
Ten cents per readiing line (on the basis of orders among students for fast sell-
five averae words to the line) for one or two ing article. Returns guaranteed.
Ninecents per reading line for three or more Phone 8681. 20
Cash classifieds received at the Daily offce
in The Press Building on Maynard Street. WANTED-Two students to secure
CONTRACT RATES subscriPtions for a worth while pub-
Speial standardized rates given napplication. Good commission. Box 122

FOUND-Automatic Pencils which we
sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that
work as well and last as long as the
best. Rider's Pen Shop. tf
FOR RENT-Student desiring a single
room or double roon with room-
mate in fine location from campus.
912 Monroe. Dial 8741. 19-20-21
NOTICE-First class repair work on
all musical instruments at Schal'!-
erle & Sons. 110 A. Main St. tf

Daily. 20-21-22
WANTED-Unusual opportunity for 10
students willing to sell before Illi-
nois and Wisconsin games. See
Philip, between 4-6. 410 S. Division.






FOR RENT-Single room, warm and
in a quiet home. 1412 Geddes Ave.
Phone 6147. 20-21-22
FOR SALE-Tuxedo; size 37. In good
condition. Price reasonable. Ask.for
Newland, 607 E. Liberty. Call 5807.
FOR SALE-A. Nash Co. Suit, Over-
coat or topcoat, madq to measure.
$23.00. Guaranteed fit. Phone.21073.
FOR SALE-Russian Wolfhound pup-
pies for sale, pedigreed stock, reas-
onable. J. C. Wells, 3853 Torrence
Drive,'Toledo, Ohio. 20-21-22
FOR SALE-Ford roadster, two bal-
loons and three cord tires; excellent
condition; cheap for cash. 513
Thompson. 19-20-21
FOR SALE-Full length Muskrat coat,
good, condition,-reasonable price.
Call 5524. 19-20-21

WANTED-Business grl desires to
share apartment with another girl.
Can move November 1st. Dial 3449.
WANTED-Student and family laun-
dry wanted. Phone 8694.
WANTED-One or two tickets for Illi-
nois game. Box 121 Daily. 19-20
WANTED-Tickets wanted for Illinois
game. Call 5909. Doench.
WANTED-Tickets for Michigan-Illi-
nois game. Dial 4779. 19-21-24
WANTED--Students to pick apples iii
spare time during next two weeks.
Dial. 4492. Delaileld Fruit Farm.
Mr. M. C. Dent, '28, made $4.94,in
two hours last Wednesday after-
noor-his first week. Students
who need money, or merely wish
business trainling will be afforded
every opportunity. Large national
manufacturer withnlocal Branch
Office. Call or phone.
209 S. State St., Suite 5. Dial 9592.



Every suit, every overcoat, every Tux-
edo in our new Fall stock is new.
lrand new! Our slate was wiped
clean-every garment in our old shopa
was disposed of-before the new sea-
son started.
Even our manufacturing connection is new.
A connection that we chose not blindly-not
by chance-but with a definite knowledge of
their ability to take your ideas-your tastes-
your preferences-and accurately translate
them into clothes.
What they have accomplished in the "G
and K Special" is conclusive 'evidence that.

LOST-Garnet brooch at Maj Saturday
night. Reward. 'Call 4918.
LOST--In East stand after Minnesota
game, grey army blanket. Please re-
turn to Betsy Barbour Student Of-
fice. Reward. 20-21
LOST-A pocketbook containing about
thirty dollars, a Michigan Union
card and an Elks card on or near
Ferry field last Saturday. Finder
call 21118. 20
LOST-A gold fountain pen decorated
n yellow and black on the diagonal
or on East University. Finder please
call 21146. Reward. 20-21-22
LOST-Anyone knowing of the name
and address of the girl who found
a Kappa pin in front of the Lit
building Friday, October 8, will
please notify Mary Alice Moore, 1204
Hill St. or phone 7117. Reward.,
LOST-A Culver ring. Initials B. H. L.
Reward. Call Levy at 6947. Address
821 E. Huron. 19-20-21
LOST-Yellow gold Chi Phi fraternity
pin, between Barbour Gym. and
Palmer Field, Monday noon; Re-
ward. Phone 3318-1620 Cambridge
Road. ;19-20-21
LOST-Indian blanket in stadium dur-
ing Minnesota game. Reward. Call
6765. Miss Urivant. 19-20
LOST-Light weight grey tweed, top
coat at Sigma Phi dance Saturday
night. Dial 4631. 19-20-21
LOST-Memorandum book with daily
sales record, addresses, etc. Also
contained papers .bearing owner's
name on Birmingham, Michigan,
check blanks. Reward. Dial 4492.
LOST-Small wrist watch, white gold
with white gold strap. Lost after
Minnesota game between Ferry Field
and Martha Cook Building. Return
to Daily. Reward. -19-20-21
LOST-Boston bull pup, black and
white with white breast and white
front paw. Dr. Classen, 429 Hamil-
ton Pl. 6325. Reward. 19-20-21
NOTICE-New Victor Records, Ortho-
phonic recording. Every week at
Schaeberle & Sons, 110 S. Main St.
WANTED-Two tickets, Illinois game.
Phone Watts, 6543 after 12. 20-211

Maker of Gentlemen's Clothes. Exper-
ienced fitter. Sales and Workrooms,
115/2 So. Main St. 20rt21-22,
NOTICE--Hear Warrings on Victor
Record:: "In a Little Garden" and
"Sleepy Head." Schaeberle and Son
Music House, 110 So. Main. tf
NOTICE-Warring's Pennsylvanians
are exclusive Victor Artists. Schaeb-
erie and Son Music House, 110 So.
Main. tf
NOTICE-Hear Warrings play "Moon-
light and Roses" on Victor Record
Schaeberle and Son Music House,
110 So. Main. tf
NOTICE-Fnr coat remodelling and
repairing. 'hone 9897. 809 E. Uni-
versity Ave. 20-21-22
hundred dollars cash takes my al-
most new, satin silver finish, gold
bell, $200 Conn,,Baritone saxaphone.
Used only few times. Case included.
Write 3015 Columbus, Detroit,.Mich.

NOTICE-Hear all the latestJits on
the Columbia at Ailmindinger's . A
hot new one The Birth of the Blues.
Allmindinger's Music Shop, Mayn-
ard St. 19-21-23



our fgth in them was fully justified. The


and K Special" is a brilliant success! Michi-
gan's outstanding college model! It is dloquent
testimony of the inherent good taste of you
men at Michigan-for you originated it!

1925 Overland Coach-This car has
balloon tires, very good motor and
the finish is fine. Our price Is
1925Ford Tudor-This car has red
wire wheels, exceptionally good
tires, the finish and upholstering
is very clean. This motor is full
.of pep-look at the price, $265.00.
1926 Ford Roadster-Balloons, just
nicely broken in. $265.00 takes it.
1925 Ford Roadster-Disc Wheels-A
dandy little car for $135.00.
Corner Huron and Ashley Sts.
Phone 9314
* 19-20
who are working their way through
school, have a splendid opportunity
with large national institution.
Local Branch Office, Suite 5, 209 S.
State St. Dial 9592. tf
NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for
rent, terms right. Schaeberle & Son
Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf
NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, Teacher and
Soloist; thirty years experience;
banjos, mandolin, guitar and chord
construction. Dial 4757.
8 to 30, incl eod



d 1.
ti i V, i5, .t ii.i . ,

;,y A .,,

,w, ,, . ,.

N i. ..

(Upistairs Over ('alkins-Fletcheri

Phone Watts, 6543 after 12. 20-21
S to 30 mcI eod



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