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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated P s is exclusively en-
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credited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Entered at the postolfice at Ann Arbor,
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Offices:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..............W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian
News Editors.......... leri Ck Shillto
Women's Editor....... .Marion Kubik
Sports. Editor........... .. Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama....... Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Chaimpe SaneordN. Phelps
o Chamberlin ourtland C. Smith
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Assistant City Editors
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Telephone 21214
Advertising................Paul W. Arnold
Advertising................ William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising..........George H. Annable, Jr.
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication........J... .John H. Bobrink
Accounts:............... Francis A. Norquist
G. B. Ain, Jr. T. T. Greil Jr.
D. M4. lBrown A. M. Hiuley
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Harvey Carl S. Kerbaury
Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer
Marion Daniels H. W. Rosenblum
and scarcely know how to make more.
It is true that quite a few have upper-
classmen to help them but most do
not. That will be the purpose of the new
system, to give the first year men the
benefit of acquaintanceships in their
own class, to cultivate the faculty-
student relationship, and to break up
a huge and heterogenous class into
more personal and human groups. It
promises much and will be of benefit
to many.
If those men and women who are
devoting their lives to the teaching
profession in the higher institutions
of learning and those \who are prepar-
ing to follow their footsteps had taken
seriously H. L. Mencken's article en-
titled "The Rewards of Virtue" print-
ed in a recent issue of the Chicago
Tribune, the colleges and universities
in this country would be face to face
with a faculty famine today, even
though it is but a few days since Mr.
Mencken told the public in his usual
radical manner how much more use-
ful are bricklayers than college pro-
His charges against the college pro-
fessor in substance are:
1. He is a lazy fellow who has
chosen to be a teacher so as to escape
more difficult labor.
2. He is one who falsely holds
himself up as making vast sacrifices
for the rising generations.
3. He is one who opposes the in-
crease in knowledge in a violent man-
ner, by not keeping pace with progress
in teaching subjects.
4. He is one whose respect for
learning is meagre. In fact, he is one
who has more interest in it than a
congressman has in statecraft or a
prohibition agent for law.
All these charges are made against
the college professor to show the pub.
lic that he is much less useful than a
bricklayer and consequently worth
less money.
It is unfortunate that Mr. Mencken
has not a deeper insight into the]
worth of the bricklayer and profes-
sor He is so busy idolizing the brick-
layer whom he has placed on a high
pedestal, that he cannot see the true
worth of the college professor. He
evidently does not realize that had it
not been for the college professor or
one who held the same position in
the world of education under a differ-
ent title, there would be no brick-
layers because there would be no de-
mand for them. It has been the ad-
to disseminate, and students would be
given a chance to entertain visitors
who have to leave before the regular
dances start.
-C. W. T., '28.
To The Editor:
Although one of the questions to
come before the people at the next
general election is whether or not the
State shall have a new consitution,
the major parties have not made an
issue of the event. Official organs
and prominent men of both parties
have declared in favor of the present
constitution. However, when these
newspapers and leaders say, "Michi-
gan has, a good constitution," there
are doubts that anyone has bothered
to read the document; because, in re-
ality, the constitution is not a good
one. Investigation reveals the true
worth of it.
The constitution is too long. True
it is that the document is not as
lengthy as the law book which Okla-
homa uses for a constitution; but,
nevertheless, it contains many pass-
ages which are too voluminous or un-
necessary. The form of government
is obsolete. The representative sys-
tem in use is dodged because one sec-
tion of the State is entitled, under the
law, to control both branches of the
legislature. The administrative board
has added to the executive branch.
These few instances show that the
present constitution has faults. A
more thorough investigation and rem-
edies for the existing condition are
Article I of the constitution defines
the boundaries of Michigan and states
that the seat of the government shall
be at Lansing. Neither of these pro-
visions are'needful, and the State is
thus adding to printing costs, of they
are allowed to remain in the docu-
Article V provides for a legislative
of a Senate and House of Represen-
tatives and reserves the Initiative and
Referendum to the people. The por-
tion dealing with the Initiative and
Referendum is both bulky and faulty.
For instance, it reads, "At least 8 per
cent of the legal voters of the state
shall be required to propose any
measure by petition," and then to in-
sure the correct meaging states as
follows: "Every petition shall be cer-
tified to as herein provided as having
been signed by qualified electors of
the state equal in number to 8 per
cent of the total vote cast for all can-
TONIGHT: Eugene O'Neill's "S.
S. Glencairn" in the Mimes theater
at,8:30 o'clock.
TONIGHT: The State Federation of
Women's Clubs' recital in Hill audi-
torlium at S o'clock.
Musicale in the Assembly hall of the
Union at 3 :30 o'clock.
Recital in 11111 auditorium at 4:15
* * *
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Weinvite inspection ,of Our Carefully Selected Personal Christmas Cards.
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A Review, by Professor Oscar J.
Mimes' revival of Eugene O'Neill's
S. S. Glencairn opened effectively the
promising season of undergraduate
productions last evening. This cycle
of three related one-act plays is made
for acting by Mimes. The characters
are all men or women without morals
or charm. The work, like much of ard Keybo
O'Neill's, is a melo-drania with a dif-
ference. The action is bold, violent
and intense, yet every bit of it is filled
with the mystery of the sea and the
sad futility of man's life upon its
The first play is superficially a raw
hunk of fo'castle life, of drunkenness,
lust and brawling. Yet env eloping r ~t
the brutal action is the romance of an
enchanted night in the Caribbean. The See the New Mod
cast conveyed vividly the double im-
pression. Seldom have I seen an en-C Fs
semble of uproar given with more in-
dividual abandon yet controlled for RiderS Pan SI
the dramatic purpose of the group. a
The second play is the slenderest rentals
Rider's Pen :shop
is now Ann Aror headquarters for
The lightest, smallest and most compact Portable with Stand-
ard--Wonderful touch-Unequalled durability.
In a week and a half Premier Benito vance in civilization that has brought didates for governortat the last pr
Mussolini will have finished his fourths forth bricklayers, ceding general election at which
year as dictator of Italy. During this The bricklayer is the result of governor was elected." The Stal
time the signature of the King has progress, progress is the result of the Supreme Court has decided that th
been considered a mere formality to men who have directed education, call last portion determines the corre
all the measures of the Fascisti. It them college professors or what you percentage of signers for a petition
has been intimated several times that will. The educator has worked hand All will agree that the powers of in
the King owned his throne to Musso- in hand with progress and it was he terpretation have been remarkabl
lini, and that the Premier was pre- who saw the transformation of the used, to determine that the second o
pared to relieve him of the encum- dark ages into modern civilization in two contradictory statements is th
brance at any time. which men are educated on a larger one that should be regarded as cor
In view of the haughty attitude that scale than ever before. rect. Then, too, why is it necessar
the Fascist head has assumed toward But Mr. Mencken holds that it has to give a percentage twice?
his king it is quite surprising indeed been other men rather than the col- The infamous Article V also con
to learn that Victor Emanuel has lege professor who have fostered tains the provisions for apportionmer
ceased to be submissive, and that he modern inventions and scientific dis- of both Senators and Representative
has served notice that he will refuse coveries-men who have been educat- according to the population. Tl
to sign a certain bill proposed by the ed or educated themselves in other nimble brains of retired merchaw
Premier for the -opening of the legis- fields of endeavor than that of teach- lawmakers have been unable to se
lative session. Such an open defiance ing, or those who were born with any loophole of escape from this con
is full of significance. It means either natural genius. dition. A new basis is easily con
that Mussolini is losing his iron grip Does Mr. Mencken realize that all ceived. There are eighty-five counties i
on the people or that the King will men who have been educated are the the State and what would be easie
lose his position and throne. products of college professors or their or more just than that each count
Either outcome will be interesting. equivalent? Does he realize that all should have a representative, regard
Men who are familiar with the situa- ( men who have educated themselves less of the population of that county
tion are inclined to' believe that Mus- have found a great portion of their With a fixed schedule electing th
solini will quietly drop the bill-a education in books written by college representatives, dodging the law, wit
moral victory, at least, for the King. professors or their equivalent? Final- its resultant disrespect for other law
Others believe that it is the beginning ly, does he realize that all men are as well, could be avoided. This meth
of the end for the King of Italy. In born with certain mental capacities od will insure slightly better qualifie
either case someone is bound to lose and unless the capacities are develop- representatives by making the posi
power. In either case there is bound ed by college professors or their equi- tion a prominent one in each county
to be at least a tacit shift of author- valent they will not be able to develop Article VI deals with the makeup
Ity from one point to another in a to the highest degree of which they I of the executive branch of the govern
great political unit of the world; in are capable? Perhaps, if he did, Mr. ment. The election of such depart
a government that has been under the Mencken would not place the brick- ment heads as the Secretary of Stat
thumb of one man for four years. layer on the pedestal for worship and and the Attorney-General of Michigan
Something is going to happen in Italy. trample the college professor in the is provided for by the constitution
It is the end of four years control by ds.Teeofcssol efle yt
______________________________executive through his appointing
the Fascists-perhaps behind their
celebration will be the more sombre power and the officers should b
side; perhaps it omens the outset of a CAMPUS OPINION chosen for their qualifications for the
great political struggle in their na- Anonymous communications will be post, and not because they are party
grea poltica stuggl In heirna- disregarded. The names of communli- ledr.Tseofcswnapit
lion. Dictatorships don't seem to cants wil', however, be regarded as
thrive in civilized countries. confidential upon request. ed, should make up the administrative
board, which should serve as an ad
T HE "MAN'S" UNION vising body. An advantage of remov-
FRESHMEN WILL BENEFIT To The Editor: ing all heads of executive departments
The inauguration of the new per-! Last Saturday night after I had from the elective list would be to
manent freshman advisory system, as jIfinished studying I went over to the shorten the ballot and, inasmuch as
announced yesterday by Joseph A. taproom of the Union to get a' bite to people vote for the department heads
Bursley, Dean if Students, marks a eat. As I had done in the past, I went unconsciously, in most instances, their
further step fortyarid in the Univer- over in my shirt sleeves, tieless, but removal from the ballot would bea
sity's policy of l)mrraaizing college life I found when I got there- I should have great reform.
and making th transition from high I prepared for a social gathering, for The investigation of the first six
school days to - ,se on the campus there were girls at nearly every table articles of the constitution has shown
easier and less confusing. waiting for their escorts to get their that the basic principles of two 01
The new plan, though necessarily food. three branches of government are
somewhat experimental, promises to Perhaps I have been disillusioned, j faulty. Is it necessary to have all
show the best way of meeting this but I understood that the taproom was three faulty before the constitution is
serious problem. Two hundred and one of the few places in the Union changed? Absolutely not. A new
fifty freshmen, selected by various reserved for men only. I think it constitution is needed and the year
methods, have been divided into would be an idea heartily approved, if 1926 is the chance to relegate the old
groups or twenty-five, each under the the exclusivcness of the taproom was one to the junk heap. Also, it is not
leadership of a faculty member. The restored. necessary to continue to attack suel
- {
- E
sort of incident, Yak dies in the arms
of his pal-that is all. His thwaited
soul goes out into the fog announced
through the act by the rhythmic
blowing of the foghorn. Too great
praise cannot be given to Lorain Nor-
tonfordhis skillful restrained acting
of the difficult role.
"In the Zone" is an incident put
effectively into dramatic idiom with a
fine use of surprise and swift crisis.
It is toldin a spirit of satire and sar-
donic amusement at the innate senti-
mentality of the sailor. Richard
Woellhaf gave a sympathetic per-,
formance of "Smitty" and Donald
Lyons as the Irish Driscoll was snirit-
ed throughout, though he, with most
of the others at times fell out of his
dialect. Kenneth King as the Donkey-
man and Richard Lutes as Olson gave
two bits of comedy acting much ap-
preciated by the audience.
A Review, by Marian Welles.
There is something about a surprise,
something which makes the green-
sward of an oasis seem even fresher
and lovelier than its exact replica
on a castle terrace; and thusly, the
appearance of Barre Hill on the pro-
gram of the State Federation of Wo-
men's clubs was delightful. His ren-
dition of tlpe Prologue to the Opera
"Pagliaci" was a stupendous thing.
It was powerful, virulent, grosse, and
bombastic-a fitting oasis in a not un-
pleasant desert of greetings and
"Youthful Needs."
"In Dreamsl Hear the Sea," written
especially for Mr. Hill by Frank Taber
was an interesting bit on the pro-
gram. In itself, the piece represents
the best work of Mr. Taber, and Barre-
Hill breathed into its rather haunting
lines a rhythm and feeling which made
the number one of the sympathetic
interpretations of the evening. The
musical program was sort but perhaps
that made the few excellent numbers
stand out all the more. One thing is
sure, The Prologue will stand outgal-
ways in our memory.
* * *
The program for the opening con-
cert of the Matinee Musicale series
which will be given by Beryl Ruben-
stein, pianist and Andre de Ribaupier-
re, violinist, at 3:30 o'clock this after-,
noon in the Assembly hall of the Un-
ion is as follows:
Sonata in C major, No. 8......Mozart
Allegro vivace
-Andante Sostenuto
Rondo Allegro
Mr. Rubinstein and Mr. de Ribau-
Variation on a theme by Correlli-
Hymn to the Sun (Kreisler Edition)-
Polonaise in D..... .....Wieniawski
Mr. de Ribaupierre
Siciliano (arranged from sonata for
flute and cembalon in G minor)-
Rosamunde ballet music-
........... Schubert-Ganz
Fantaisie in F Minor ....... ...Chopin
Mr. Rubinstein
Sonata in A major .... Cesar Franck
Allegro ben moderato
Recitation Fantasia
Allegretto poco mosso
Mr. Rubinstein and Mr. de Ribau-
Associate membership for the six
concerts ofered is two dollars but a
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The music for the mid-week party is
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