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October 19, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-19

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TUESDAY, C TOBER Z,19, 1921,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume VII TU.ESIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1926 Number 19
University ILeture:
Professor Lucien levy-Bruh, Pofessor of History of Modern Philoso-
phy at the Sorbonne, in Paris, will (deliver a lecture on "Primitive Mental-
ity" at 4:15 p. in. Tuesdlay Octoer 19, in Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
's F. E. Robis.
Commitltee tau Student Loans:
There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Loans, on Tues-
day, October 19th, 1926. Studens applying for loans should present them-
selves at Room 2, 'University 1all, the following hours:
Literary College .. ................... .....................2:00 o'clock
Engineering & Architecture ..... ............. ...............2:10 o'clock
Graduate School.... .... .................................2:30 o'clock
Law School....................................... .....2:50 o'clock
Medical School ... ..............................3:20 o'clock
J. A. Bursiy, iDeai
To All Department Ifetids:
Kindly call at the Secretary's Office to 0. K. your payrolls.
Edith J. Smit, Payroll Clek.
The first lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in Waterman Gym-
nasium, Thursday and Friday, October 21st, and 22nd., at 3-4 and 5 p. i.
This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training
classes and others that have been excused from these classes.
Geo. D. May.
Faculty, Colleges of Engieering and Architecture:
The plan for faculty meetings this year is to select Tuesday as the lay
of the week on which meetings will be called, and the members of the
facutly are, therefore, requested to reserve Tuesday aftrnoons at 4:15 for
these meetings and to make other engagements for this time tentative.
Notices for the meetings will be issued in the usual way. The first meeting
will be on October 26.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Hygiene 101:
Hygiene 101 lectures will be held in Room 165, Cheiistery Building
beginning Wednesday, October 20th, for the remainder of the semester.
The new seating list will be posted Tuesday, Room 3, Waterman Gymnasium.
Roll will be taken Wednesday.
Jhn Sndwall.
Sociology 51 (And. Others) :
My quiz section meeting on Monday and Wednesday at 11 will attempt
to meet hereafter in Room 216 Angell Hall, which has been assigned to us.
This information should not be divulged to any other departments for fear
they will ask us to move a fourth time.
Glen E. Carson.
Hygiene 210 Semiar:
Hygiene 210, Seminar, will meet in room 20, Waterman Gymnasium this
afternoon at 4:00 p. i.
John Sudwal.
Sociology 141-Field trip to House of Correction Farm :
The busses for the trip to the prison farm Tuesday afternoon, October
19, will leave the West Side of Hill Auditorium at 2:15. The round trip fare
will be $1.15. Those going by private car will take Pontiac Road througi
Salem where they should inquire for route to the Farm which is four or five
miles from the village of Salem.
A. E. {food.
Geology 2:
The supplementary final examination in Geoogy 2 for those who missed
the regular examination in June will be given Tuesday, October 19, from 2
to.5, in Room G437 N. S.
. D. Scott.
AIR Journalism Students:
Laboratory fee of $1.50 must be paid by Wednesday, as receipt stubs
twill be collected in Wednesday's classes.
Prof. J. L. Brmmm.
Public Lecture:
Under the auspices of the War Resisters' League, Dorothy Detzer, of
Washington, D. C., Executtive Secretary of the Women's International
League, will give a ]ceiure on "Present Problems of Disarmament," on
Wednesday, October 20, at 4:15 p. i., in Room 1025 Angell Hall. All per-
sons interested are cordially invited to attend and take part in the discus-
W. W. Denton.

Those lntcrcstcel in Medicine:
"Why Study Medicine" will be the subject of a lecture to be givern by
Dr. William Darrach, Dean of College of Physicians and Surgeons at Co-
lumbia U~niversit y. The lecture will be held in the Natural Science Audi-
toriv in Tuesdaiy evening, October 19, at 8:00 P. M. under the auspices of
Alplig, Omega Alpha.
Fred I1. Harper, 1Pre5.
Gradu-ate Wo~nei
rl)bere will be a mfeeting of graduate women Tuesday, Oct. 19, att 7 P. M.
in the Coffe Rooma of the Y. W. C. A. (Newberry Hall) for the final or.-
ganivza ion olfhtie Grad nate W4o-men's Club. All graduate women are urgedl
Ito atltend I his meett ig.
Mrs. Emma S. Buack, Actinig Chuiian.
1a Socied ad 1.l#i'panlca:
The lir;t. regu la r meetinug of the year will be held tonight at 7:20
o'clock in the "U pjwr )Room" of Lane Hall. The topic of the evening v ill be
''Porb to hec episif:+: 41 by Senor F. A. Mercao. As plans for thoe yea
will be ftorjmmlo 1f cd 'he presence of all members is urged.
Charles T. Lee, Pres hi out.
A thenia Liera ry Socetdy :
Thm regular meeft lug of Athena will be held in the Athena room Tu< s-
day, Oct. 191.1, at: 7:15 p. m. Freshman tryouts will be continued) and there
will be a short program of extemporaneous speeches. Girls who were elect-
edl fromt last weekl's tryouts are expectedI to be present.;
Florence A. Pollock, Fresdentm.
Landscapte (lub Meeting :
The Univeirsity of 'Michigan Landscape Club will meet NWednosday eve-
flning, October 20, 1926 at 7:30 p. m. at the Fire Place, Cedar Bend tDrive.
1All landscape studlcents are requested to be present.
Fred A. Cuallibert, Presidenit.
Scablbard and Blade:
There will be a very important meeting of all Scabbardl andl Blade
members ait the .Union Wednesday, October 20th, at 7:30 p. im.
J. W. Ilickunian.

urged to be present.
31iriamui 31. (Olden, President.
Ant iropologicaal Club:
Th'lere will be a meeting for the purpose of organizing an Anthropological
club, in Room 1009, Angell Hall, Tuesday, October 19, at 8:00' P". M. Inter-
est ed inler s of the faculty are cordially invited.
Carl L. Gnilhe.
Alpha, Nu
1.'he, subj"ect which will he (debated tonight before Alpha Nui chapter of
K lappa 'IN Sigma is, Resolved that, "The Eighteenth Amendmient to the
(Constitution should be Abolished." The meeting will be held at 7;130 in
++cha iter room on fourth floor of Angell hall. Visitors are invited.
Rtobt. F. 3,11uniel, President.
I'M 1)elta .Kappa:
A luncheon will he held today noon at the Lantern Sho;..An important
lmsii's , session wili follow, hence all members are urged to attcind. Bring
your '"Candidate List!"
Robert A. hIoun, President.
A. Es. 4. I. eefing^:
;special meeting of the Student Branch A. S. C. E. Tuesday evening,
October 19, at,7 :00 o'clock at the Union. Important. Be there.
3I3io IF. O11r, Sect.

Opport iity to I au n l speranto, t im
intern..tioal la;gnguagen, will he op :rA'
'to till s dns ftilniversil y when
t~ olstoy league holds1 ithe first class->
on of a course in ils-ra iv 0o.at
t:1) o'clock todlay in room l10i ':
11sl hall. Dr. Tobiash Sige'l, pe
Widet of the Detroit E!speranto assoc (-
Lion, has been secured to addres,; this
I me(ting . lie will -spoakc on the "is-'
tot y and( Prospects of l sprainto."
Esperanto, according to r. Onder:
(louk, hioad( of the Tolstoy league, isy
the most pr'ominent of all it ernationi-
al languages. Tpher~e are more than
2,000 F speranto clunbs in the wiorld'
withi a total membership of more than~
40,000. This sumimer, a full course of
Esperanto wias br-oadcas t fromt radlio
stations in Cleveland, Minneapolis,
Vienna, Tokio, andI Moscow. A Inat%
was passed recntly by the Parlia~ment.
of Prazil making it compulsory to
teach EIsperanto in the normal schools
of that count.r.

Michiga's FavriteColgSns

New Edition

IReaiiii rly Illustrated

Pore a leranry Society:
TWhere will be a mecting of Portia
19th, at 7 :15 p. m. in the Portia Rooms.

IWAm. mtiR S


Literary Society Tuesday, 'October'
All new meinbers are particularly


Students Plan Trip 1
To Amnerican Legioni
Convention In.Paris
Thirty legionaires of the Irwin
Preiskorn post, including fifteen stu-
dents, have already signified their in-
tenition of going to Paris with the
American Legion expedition next fall.
The Michigan delegation, which willI
number S00, will combine with the
Wviscon sin group in making the trip
across the ocean. The legionaires of
the two slat es will embark from Mon-
ti'eaI. The railroads have agreed to
transport the ex-service men to andl
ta,,m Montreal for half fares. The
"E'mpr ess of Britain," of the Canadian
Pacific steamship lines, has been I
chosen for the voyage and will leave
Mont real (luring the latter part of
next Aug'uct.
The leligt ii of the expedition has k
bpeen set 1 thirty days, to cover thef
Journey o;,er and across and also the l,
saeven day convent ion. The ship car- i
ryig fu' ichs~a-Wiconingroup
will luad in liEurope first at Antwerp,f
1;clIi s, where the passengers will
b le given a three hour shore leave.
From Ant werp tihe expedition will go
direct to P artis to at tend the annuall
conv('ntion. All extra excursions will
be maide out of Paris.
The committee in charge of tihe
finances for the trip) have decided to
hlave thbree d.iff(eent ratesa, the lowest
of which is ,)7500, to cover all ex-
penlses i transit andl abroad. The
fdifference in pr;%'e will be according6
to the class of aceominodations de-
The t rip is opea to all ex-service
nen who are mzemibers in good stand-
inl( of a L egion past for the ye~ar

_ _dmtm - KuM

PHONE 6262


kinds of

Sandwiches, and H-ot
P.M.to 1A.M.

and Cold Drinks to your room. 7

Five Minute Service.

[A47ftioHnaInstitution ront oast to Coast"
B~efore you spend
sixty for a s Uit,
see, what Brown-
ing-King can do
for you for' fifty.

6 11 East Liberty'
Excellent Steaks and Chops

Day and Night

. -


A nnouncing
Formal Opening

YOU owe it to yourself and your
pocketbook to investigate before you
invest inl your Fall Clothinga. Be-
cause of our 28-store volume and
manu..actiring 'teconomies ewe can,
and DO, sell custom-like clothes for
leas than the same quality costs else-
OuT en.'s Furnishing
is prepared to show you the new
things in dress accessories





PIZ -4..-(2


. , S f .., hi

Get a"atepn
And save the sacrifice on a trade-in for one later.
't h.ere is the additional safeguard of Penmakers Fitting
Service at Rider's Pen Shop.
These pens are made in Ann Arbor and sold direct to you.
Adjustments and replacements while you wait.
Five other selected standard makes of pens ranging in
price from $2.75 to $10.00.

._- I


(Sniccessoys to I- yndon & Co.)
Kv xD "r
Eastman Films, Photographic Supplies, Developing and
Printing for the Amateur, Enlargements, Flashlights, Out-
side Groups, Lantern Slides, Etc.

Ncc n'icar
Dressing Gon'ns

Tuxedo Vests
Handberchief s
Underw ear


As a feature of our formal opening,

we will develop, free


of charge, all films that are bIrought to us on Wednesday,
October 20, 1926.


319 South Main St.
Near Liberty


719 North University Ave.

Dial 45 14

AR ,ep{y , ;




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