-7-TUESDAY, OCTOBE~R 19, 1926 THE MIC1H1GAN DAILY -- PAGERTHRE1; AU . ..._ . .,... ._.. .* .... .. , _. m .. . }CITY IS VISITED ~ Y LBAIN I-Foreign Guests Of F i stem I('1onvc ajioii Insp~ect Uiiiversih .I jn hariv', t Delegates from 15 foreign countries, guests at the fiftieth anniversary con- ference of the American Library os- sociation a week ago at Atlantic City fl(site( Anti Arbor for a short itme Sunday. t They were taken on trip~s through lthe Williami b. Clements lib)rary and ?$ the Library of the University where. .4hey were shown as much as possible -o the books and general machiniery ,-v c~d -here in conducting the libraries. Particular interest was express ed by th'e delegates in the profus.ion of labor ,saving .devices in use} at thae Library. r.ae telautograph and the hook convey- crs came in for special commendation. The staff of the library was present and assisted in entertaining and guid- ing the visitors through the buildings and around Ann !Arbor. The size of the University and thle number of buildings dIrew a. great deal. of attention. The members commient- ed that wvhat particularly impressed them wwas the fact that here they were shown books mainly while at the other libararies the pmnphasis has been plat- ed on the architectur e of the binhdings. NW COMMANDER ORGANIZE T2A Formation of an ath VJbloolog i+{ 1 a clb to consist of nelbers of tHi tac,' ulty and students that are it er+ t oFiI in some phase of ant hroplogi ;+(al - study is to be considered at. a me ct(lnf; Drie ItYou se at. S'clock( tonightL in iroom 1.009) An- gel) hall. The club) will b)e in the nature M (1i 7 seminvar with contrii1utiuj I:; from Il(1 (A . E 1?IX RD on vario1iS lines in wivn ' .lt ?)a' \ ;1RS interested and general (Ii,_cU ii )wcz the new0XVdiscoveries and tre 'it u= and discovery. eranzs of Foreign Way.r-, wrho ,v a; r -I1 E O cently elected at the coni e D on of I= organization in .1l7Paiso, Texat. 'SI XV R T AN E E Subscrib~e for thle I c gnIaiy See the New IloielCI E S ARM JDRIVE YOURSELF CO. Riat Pe]S~Dil 21516 First and Washington _iers-enSI ESTABLISHED 1818 MADISCM AVENUE COPn. FORTY-FOURTH STREETNWYR :Our representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER Detroit, Toda and Tomorrow SOctober 19 and 20 Soul for BR2OOKS'S Jl.scellavy The October uzuim'r is latrgely coneemrne( with footgear 14 Theodore Stit New national commander of the Vet- B 0S T 0 LITTLE 3UILDIrvN TVATTCDR. 30YLi.TOM P~LAZA EUtJLOItNG COON TY R OA D NEWPORT 6 UDRAIN BUILDING 220 E0,LL~vuu:Avriur NMI. KE E E E ErEsE UEK z f ®{ rI U .U U' U l The COSY CORNER T EA ROOM 330 MAYNARD STREET OPP. NICKELS ARCADE' DIAL 2.1714 RI U U U I U U U U I I U U I U rx c r oom I 0 EET I t yy"N 11 1 I apt'ga- N ,1(";'Ie Night AUDITORIUM Sat, BALTIMORE Oct, W 0 t ;.; :$.; ;: , " T i ..,.s i; ;::::.':'::': . 4) ' t . I -D IN v Jean I c r rehestraeto LUNCHEON 11:30 TEA *Al DINNER 7:30 Return~s from Their Sensational Transcontinental Tour Paris Edlition os re Mi - !® - - Yli - td - - - J - N t\R -11 i UI U U U WE ENEE U le- ..,a Ow . Attenmd liAc a } -. Eloo 2312 With the Added Attraction of the Original MOUNDCITY BLUE BLOWERS Bi ker and Paris EdIit ion affer :1 brief tour of ' a"few cof mte larger !ti:ericai i cities will Itougle, P'aris, France I Gertrude HIloffmiann GI4Iirls Not An Advertisement- Just An Announcement! i. a ANV EVENING OF CLEBRATION TO 2L ERLJENVY/RED . NOW NOW SPECIAL (ONiSI IER AiION 1'f>IWOLVERI NE PATRON S One-half the eut ire main floor for Sa t Urday Matinee and Night shows, have BEEN WI1'TtlI4IEI) l'l3iW SA11l, IN BALTI1'MORE: to permit our Michigan friends to make piurchases with the assurance that their wants will be as well ea redfo ir as though putchased at the box Office. MAIL, ORD'JES accompanied lby remitl aumee in fell and1 self- addressed, sl~tlacedcrivelope, wvill he filled in rotation. PRICES $:1.110 to $4.40, INCLJJI)'iN TAX. Mkeh( checks payable to Leconard Mlelaugh - lin, i1am ager, Aud it orium '1T heal re, Ball iiioe, 1,11 25, c "'"""" -~*~-~ I V 17-COLLEGIATE ENTERTAINERS-17 VICTOR RECORkDING ORCHESTRA Hear thiemi'play 11Tiii-A-Ling," "Aniy Ice. Today?~" and a truly illarvelous Program N~ THEs DOUGLAS MACLEAN "O D THAT Matinee 2:00-3:35 Night 7 :00-8 :35 A,4-- N "1li 1j PEI ORM NC i DAILY-4 0 5, Poplewelcmed Red at~ this theatre Sunday T heE 'r l 77 It TODAY AND TOMORROW r , - r 3 r ' ' } k d.. . , ,.. y ) .,1 ,p ,; x r $ d,,l , :.! t 1 ,. 1 i, 2 ! gait iAk , ( M T i olr1 . ' . I 111 111 i11i 111 111 B111 1It 119 ~QHa s captivrated A ~.nnA r r'IIIIIIIH III1111i1111 . _..hIIhh~lIII~iIl~hhIIIlti~ au dicrcees to the last mian Tose Ts ts we 1~ re unllable 'to gain fmi ;. Sundatfy ililhi hl seatsN t y coi ialy -~~ ji~ j4 '1/ I I It 4 '4 61 OLLEGI.ATE CL OTH ES SHOP Clothes ,' Specially VIP, Cut and /Styled Ii Fit Please f IOEM a ,-=- HISTORIC! /. SENSATIONAL!I A roaring rush for gold ini ,1 fir e .etest 1racCle n rth. Our-s.its are specially stylcd for our tra-de of discriininating; college tmen. Come, in and llko ; r splkvdidlwlection1 oaf =Smart suit. You will be wonderfully Pleased with the values that we are offering. , F ST ORY /BY BYRON MORI~_1GAN -- SULIIAJI i:xr~x- -- a I:(KIlSiXe Showing - PRICES Matinee