4:E aai i
Proposal To Expend Between $300,000
And $400,000 For Independent
Candidate Is lilselosed
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 1.-Delving into
Illinois' bitterly contested senatorial
campaign, the Senate campaign funds
committee heard testimony today
about a $300,000 or $400,000 campaign
fund raised or proposed to be raised
in the interests of Hugh S. Magill, of
Chicago, independent candidate.
Two dry leaders-F. Scott McBride,
national superintendent, and George
B. Safford, state superintendent of the
Anti-Saloon league-quote a Methodist
minister, the Rev. Robert O'Brien of
Chicago, as saying that it was pro-
posed to expend that amount of money
for Magill and that there were enough -
"holes" in the corrupt practices act to
get by on a big campaign program.
Called To Testify
Both Magill and the Rev. O'Brien
were summoned to appear before the
committee for questioning as to the
genesis of the Magill candidacy and
the financing that has been done to
date. This may lead to the summon-
ing of a number of other witnesses.
Resuming its inquiry here after a re-
cess of nearly three months, the com-
mittee in the person of Senator Reed,
Democrat, Missouri, took no steps
looking to an inquiry into the politi-
cal situation in Indiana where there
has been charges of Ku Klux Klan
domination through UniteduStates
Senators. Senator Reed stated that
he had not decided whether he would
go into that subject.
Safford and McBride were the prin-
cipal witnesses of the day and the
former was questioned somewhat
sharply by Reed as to the Anti-Saloon
league of the Frank L. Smith candi-
dacy, in view of the -revelations heret
last summer that $250,000 had been
spent on behalf of that candidate in
the primary and that part of this sumt
came from officials of public utilities.
Condemns Expenditures ,
Condemning the expenditure of such
sums for political purposes, Safford
said his organization realized the fu-I
tility of supporting an independent t
candidate and consequently had to
pick out the dry candidates nominat-
ed by the two major political parties.t
Safford testified that when the Rev.
O'Brien first approached him on the
senatorial situation it was with a pro-l
posal that the state Anti-Saloon league
support Col. A. Z. Smith, state attor-
ney of Lake county, stating that in-
fluences were at work to get Frank L.f
Smith to withdraw.1
To Eliminate Smith
Questioned by Reed, the witness saidl
O'Brien had told him that it was pro-
posed to eliminate Frank Smith by
having the Coolidge administration
give him an appointment to office.-
Both Safford and McBride quoted
O'Brien as saying that even if Magill
could not be elected his candidacy
would at least result in the election
of George E. Brennan, the Democratic
senatorial nominee.t
Paris Philosopher '
To Lecture Today
In Science Building,
Professor Emeritus Lucien Levy-J
Bruhl, professor of history of modern1
philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris,
will lecture at 4:15 today in Natural
Science auditorium on the subject:
'Primitive Mentality." P r o f essor
J~evy-Bruhl is the author of several
'books on philosophy and this lecture!
is based on the material in a book of
the same title, Which contains all oft
the lectures given at the Lowell insti-
tute, Boston, in 1917. At this time
Professor Levy-Bruhl was the ex-1
change professor of the University of
Paris at Harvard.
Professor Levy-Bruhl has just re-
turned from a lecture tour including
the University of California and the
University of Chicago, and will lecture
at the 50th anniversary services of
Johns Iopkins university before his
return to Paris.
Professor Levy-Bruhl's visit to this t
country was made as one of the five t
members of the French delegation at 1
the sixth international Congress off
Philosophy held at Harvard universityF
last September. The lecture here ist
Patton Believes Social Life In Large
School More Broadening Than In Small
Statistics Show Union Accommodates
Great Crowds On Football Week-Ends
In the opinion of Dr. Carl Safford
Patton, of the Chicago Theological
seminary, social life at a large uni-
versity such as Michigan affords a
broadening influence which is far
greater than' that obtainable in the
small college. "I believe that the life
is more liberal and more human in a
large co-educational institution- far
more so than at a small men's or wo-
men's college," remarked the former
Ann Arbor minister in an interview
following his address at the student
convocation Sunday.
Dr. Patton does not see any excuse
for alarm over the trend of modern
youth nor does he feel that morals are
endangered at a co-educational insti-
tution any more than among a segre-
gated student body. "If a student,
man or woman, is intent upon study
-which is really the primary purpose
for which he is sent to college-he will
take care of the morals, and the rest
of it himself. As far as the desirabil-
ity of co-education is concerned, it is
necessary and unavoidable at a stat
university unless separatecolleges
for each are established by the state."
In contrast to the views of Dr. Al-
bert Parker Fitch of Carleton college,
on the marriage question, Dr. Patton
expressed the opinion that no definite
ages could be laid down for marriage.
"We cannot say when to marry or
Governor Who Dismissed University
Head Faces Charges Specifying
Violation of Office
(By Associated Press)
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct., 18.-A pe-
tition for the recall of Gov. Roland
H. Hartley of Washington, was filed
with the secretary of state today.
The petition charges the executive
with violating his office and the comI
mission of wrong acts in office.
Committees of ctiens, including
labor union men, immediately prepar-
ed to campaign for 97,576 signatures
to the petition, the number required
for holding a recall election.
Recall proceedings against Gover-j
nor Hartley are the direct outgrowth
of the dismissal of Dt. Henry Suzzalo
as president of the University of
Dr. Suzzallo was ousted by a vote
of the members of the university board
of regents appointed by Hartley.
The recall petition charges the ex-
ecutive with appointing members of
the legislature to administrative posi-
tions for the "purpose of preventing;
the free expression of the will of the
people through their representatives
in the legislature.". Concerning ap-
preciation and levies for state insti-
tutions, including institutions of high-
er education, it was charged that the
governor "failed; neglected and refus-'
ed" to enforce them and since their'
passage, "has attempted to prevent
and has prevented" their enforcement.'
James Schermerhorn,.humorist and
orator, will address the Chamber of
Commerce this noon at their regularI
weekly luncheon, on "The Soul of the
City." Mr. Schermerhorn is known as
the founder of the Detroit Times and
has spent his life in the field of jour-
After nine years as editor of the
Hudson Gazette, he became Washing-
ton corespondent of the Detroit News
for one year and then transferred to
the Detroit Free Press as editorial
writer and then political editor. In
1900 he established the Detroit Times,
which was then known as "Detroit To-'
day," continuing as its owner and
manager for 21 years.
Since that time he has become noted
as a speaker on questions regarding
the ethics of journalism- and holds,
among his ideas, the position that
newspapers should be totally inde-
pendent of business or social ties.
when not to; it depends entirely upon
the individuals in every case." Dr.
Fitch recently contended that no men
should marry before reaching the age
of 26.
Dr. Patton declared he thought the
student convocations an excellent plan
and felt highly congratulated when
asked to speak at the service last Sun-
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Oct. 18.-Comment-
Ing on the progress of the 1926-
I192 7 program of the Michigan
High School Debating league
Prof. Ira M. Smith, registrar of
the University yesterday stress-
ed the importance of debate in
preparing students for higher ed-
ucation. He spoke before a ses-
sion of executives of the leaguef
. at the ,extension division of the
Juiversity Republican Club To Manage
Out-Of-State Applications
Through Stations
In order to enable students from
other cities and states to vote in the
November elections, the University
Republican club will open different
offices upon the campus today to take
care of all arrangements. The service1
is being offered at no cost to any who1
wishes to take advantage of it, and all1
will receive the same consideration]
regardless of party affiliation. The
pint which the committee wishes to
stress most is the necessity for im-
mediate action.I
The' ervice offered will be of the
following types: first, for all those-
who are residents of Michigan but are
unregistered; second, for all residents
of Michigan who are registered; and
third, for all those who are residentsE
of the states named below, but who
are already registered. These states
which allow this form of absentee
balloting are: Alabama, Arizona, Cali-
forimia, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indi-
ana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Mon-
tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey,
North Dakota, New York, North Caro-
lina, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Vir-.
gini, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wy-
oming, and Washington. All residents1
of Michigan should see members of
the committee at the earliest oppor-
tunity if they are not already register-1
ed. Notarization of registrations and'
of ballot applications will be done'
free. The real work of the committee
consists merely in sending in for the
applications for the latter will be sent
directly to the applicant.
Three offices will be established
upon the campus beginning today.1
Headquarters will be at the Union in
room 306; another booth will be oper-
ated in the main corridor of Univer-
sity hall, and still another In front of
the library. In case of rain the latter
station will be found within the lobby
of the library. The headquarters will
be open today from 2 until 5 o'clock,
as will the other stations. After to-'
day the Union office will be open from'
10 until 5 o'clock, excepting Satur-
days, when the hours will be 9 to 12
o'clock only. The other places will
have their hours from 9 until 3 o'clock,'
but will not be open on Saturdays.
The club has experienced workers
who will be prepared to help any who
is interested. Those on the campus
who wish to gain some practical ex-
perience along political lines are ask-
ed to report to the office in the Union.
ALBION.-+-Albion college has a total
attendance of 652 this fall in the four.
classes of the liberal arts school. The
freshman class of 277 is the largest in
the history of the college.
Statistics, announced by Walter
Kuenzel, '27E, recording secretary of
the Union, show that 14,554 persons
entered the Union between 8 o'clock
in the morning and midnight Satur-
day. The check was made to deter-
mine information regarding football
crowd attendance at the Union, and.
men with tally comptometers were
posted at both Union entrances.
New Yorker Will Speak Tonight Under
Auspices of Alpha Omega Alpha
On "Why Study Medicine?"
Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medi-
cal fraternity will give the first of
its series of lectures at 8 o'clock to-
night in Natural Science auditorium
when Dr. William Darrach of New
York will speak on the topic, "Why
Study Medicine?" The lecture will be
open to the public as well as to medi-
cal students. The initiation banquet
f of Alpha Omega Alpha will be held
immediately preceding the lecture at
the Union, and Dr. Darrach will ad-
dress the initiates. The banquet will
begin at 6 o'clck.
Speaker Is Dean
Dr. Darrach is dean of the college
of medicine at Columbia university as
well as professor of surgery and edi- i
for of Archives of Surgery, a medical
publication. He writes articles on
surgery and anatomy for other medi-
cal journals. During service overseas
he was director of different base hos-
pitals, and afterwards was acting as
consulting surgeon for the 42nd di-
vision. In this capacity he managed
to get into active campaigns among
which were the Chateau-Thierry, St.
Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne offensives.
Others Invited
Other speakers have either been in-
vited to appear or have signified their
intention of appearing at other lec-
tures sponsored by the society. The
first of these will be Dr. Charles Phil-
lips Emerson, dean of the medical
school at Indiana university, also a
writer. Dr. Hugh T. Patrick of Chi-
cago, eminent neurologist and pro-
fessor-emeritus of Northwestern uni-
versity has been tendered an invita-
tion to appear, as has Dr. Simon Flex-
ner of the Rockefeller institute, path-
ologist, chevalier of the French Legion
of Honor, and fellow of many Europ-
ean medical societies. The attendance
of the last two has not been guaran-
teed as yet.
Board Of Directors Makes New Ruling
For Students And Alumni
At a meeting of the board of direc-
tors of the Union last Friday it was
decided to reduce the price of admis-
sions to the Union pool from 25 cents
to 10 cents, to take effect on Monday,
Oct. 23. The ruling will apply only to
undergraduate and alumni members
who pay yearly Union dues, and does
not affect the admission fee for girls,
junior members, or high school stu-
This action will also necessitate
the cancellation of all swimming cou-
pon books, which will be void when
the change goes into effect. Until next
Saturday at noon, these books will be
redeemed at the main desk in the
Union lobby, and the remaining cash
value of the unused coupons will be
repaid to each holder.
Together with the declaration of
change in the swimming rate, an
altered' swimming schedule was an-
nounced. The pool is open to Univer-
sity women Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday, and Thursday mornings from
8 to 11 o'clock; Saturday morning
from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock; and
Thursday night from 7 to 10 o'clock.
Hours for University men are Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday from 11 to
11 o'clock; Friday, 8 to 11 o'clock, at
night; Saturday, 10:30 to 11 o'clock;
and Sunday, 8:30 to 11 o'clock at
night, with the exception of the above
hours for girls. Junior boys, and
boys from the University high school
may use the pool from 10:30 to 1
o'clock Saturdays.
University girls may secure their
admission cards at the office of the
Dean of Women, high school boys at
the University high school, and junior
boys at the Union.
Membership cards will be required
for admission from all those desiring
entrance to the pool.
Announcement was made yesterday
that the election of officers in the
senior class of the Law school will be
held at 4 o'clik tnmorrnw aftennnn
More than 650 tickets for the
Michigan-Illinois football game
are to be placed on sale at the
jAdministration. building at 9
o'clock Wednesday morning, ac-
cording to a bulletin 'issued by
Harry Tillotson, business man-
ager of the athletic association,
late yesterday.
The sale is open to anyone,
but each purchaser will be limit-
ed to two tickets. Those who
ordered extra tickets earlier in
the season are given the priv-
ilege of buying additional ones
in the sale. All those purchasing
tickets must bring their student
coupon books.
In addition to the check on persons
entering the Union during the day, .
other Union facilities were watched
and recorded to further the statistic
work for the recording department.
At the general information desk,
four men were kept busy from 8
o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock
at night answering questions, and as-
sisting with other information. An
established rooming committee en-
abled more than 50 alumni and visitors
to secure outside rooms from the list
of rooms, on file for football games.
An alumni directory was maintained,,
and due to the need of alumni and all
other Ann Arbor football game visi-
tors for a temporary-address direc-
tory, it was found advisable to estab-
lish a separate directory. This will be
continued during the succeeding home
The main and ladies' dining rooms}
catered to 1,277 people in the course
University Press Club Conference
Will Open With An Address
By A. It. Treanor
In an effort to provide the best pro-
gram in its historyifor its eignth an-,
nual gathering which will start here
Thursday, the convention committee
of the University Press club has se-
cured prominent editors of state and
national publications as well as out-
of the day, while more than 2,00 standing faculty members as speak
people used the Tap room. Admis- ym brs k
Former Attorney-General To Discuss
American Entry Into Court Of
International Justice
George W. Wickersham of the New
York bar and former Attorney-General
of the United States, will deliver a
public address here Friday night, Nov.
19, under the auspices of the League
of Nations Non-Partisan association,t
it was announced yesterday. Mr.I
Wickersham, who has just returnedi
from a summernn'Europe, part ofl
which he spent in Geneva, will dis-
cuss the present status of American en-,
try into the Permanent Court of In-
ternational Justice.
Mr. Wickersham's last visit to Ann;
Arbor occurred in November 1923. At
that time he inaugurated the local ac-
tivities of the League of Nations as-
sociation, but was compelled to speak
in the Congregational church. becauseo
of a ruling of the Board of Regents
denying him permission to speak in;
Hill auditorium on the ground that the
building was not available for "po-
litical propaganda." The Regents
subsequently reversed their positionI
and the association has presented a
series of speeches and debates on mod-t
ern World affairs.. Among these have]
been the Hobbs-Slosson debate, the
Darrow-Hudson debate, and addresses
by Dr. Irving Fisher, Raymond B. Fos-;
dick and Dr. Manley 0. Hudson.
The League association's plans for
this year include- an address next;
March by Dr. James T. Shotwell, of
Columbia university, one of the au-
thors of the "Bliss-Shotwell" plan
adopted in the Geneva Protocol, andi
an address in January by John W.
Davis, former ambassador to England
and Democratic candidate for the
presidency in 1924. Other events will
be announced later.
Mr. Wickersham, who graduated
from the law school of the University
of Pennsylvania in 1880, has been a
member of the New York bar for more
than forty years. In 1909, President
Taft appointed him attorney-general
which position he held until 1913. He
has been president of the American
Bar association, and chairman of the'
Judiciary committee of the New York
Constitutional convention of 1915. Al-
though a life-long Republican, Mr.
Wickersham has been an ardent sup-
porter of American entry into the
League of Nations, and he is now head
of the council of the National League'
association. He is also a member of
the League of Nations committee on
the codification of international law.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School will preside at the meeting.
Opera Tryouts Make
Chicago Trip To Fit
Costumes For Show
Opera pictures and preliminary
costume fittings were the objectives
of a selected half dozen tryouts for
"Front Page Stuff," the 1927 Union
Opera who returned yesterday from a
two day trip to Chicago accompanied
by E. Mortimer Shuter, Opera direc-
The group of students who ac-
cnmnnied Mr. Rhuter to Chicago to
sions to the swimming pool showed ae
count of 144, the billiard room a countc
of 93, and the bowling alley one of
137. There were 203 persons desirousl
of shoe shines, and' 256 made use of'
the barber shop. A capacity crowd
attended the regular Saturday night
dance in the Union ball room.I
It is the intention of the recordingd
department to continue work of thisI
nature for the remaining games inJ
Ann Arbor.I
Student Council Designates Two Massd
Meetings Before Illinois And I
Wisconsin Gamess
With the announcement yesterday
that the Varsity band will be present,
arrangements are nearing completion2
for the first pep meeting of the yeart
Friday night in Hill auditorium.
In keeping with the tradition of re-
cent years, the Student council has
arranged two such mass meetings
again' this "fall to arouse an extra'
amount of enthusiasm for importantt
football games. Coming on the eveI
of the Illinois clash here Saturday,
which will figure prominently in thec
Western Conference title, a capacity
gathering Is looked :for Friday night.
'At every pep meeting in the past Hilld
auditorium has been taxed to the limit.t
Besides the band, there will 'be a
program of four talks by a student, a
faculty member, an athletic associa-t
tion representative, and a prominentv
alumnus. William Warrick, '27, Var-
sity cheerleader, will be present to
lead the assembly in cheers and songs.
As has been the custom at pept
meetings, men students will removet
all coats and vests upon taking seatse
in the auditorium in order to givea
vent to their enthusiasm more com-
pletely. In past meetings, the spirit'
has been aroused to the highest pitch.
The meeting Friday night will not
last more than an hour, according toc
George Stanley','27E, who is in charge.
The other pep meeting this fall wille
precede the Wisconsin game.t
Gives Inaugural Talk At InductionI
Of New University President
President Clarence Cook Little gave
the inaugural address at the inductiont
into office of Arnold' Bennett Hall ast
the President of the University ofc
Oregon yesterday morning at Eugene, I
Oregon. During his stay in Eugene, I
he also delivered a scientific papert
before a group of investigators at the a
The inducting ceremony is one of
the events on President Little's tour
of the Pacific coast which he is mak-
ing with the idea of addressing the
various alumni associations on the
coast and soliciting funds .for men's
dormitories, at the University.
Leaving Eugene last night, Presi-
dent Little journeyed to San Francis-
co,where he will be the guest of Wil-
liam Wallace Campbell, '86, president
of the University of California, who
was instructor in astronomy here 1888
to 1891. While in San Francisco,
President Little will address the
alumni association.
From San Francisco, he will go to
Los Angeles and Pasadena before'
traveling back across the continent to"
Philadelphia where he will address
the Michigan banquet at the Sesqui-
centennial celebration. He will not'
return to Ann Arbor until Nov. 1.
ers for the six sessions and banquets
of the convention.
For the President's dinner to be
held Thursday night, the speakers'
program, which willbe filled entirely
by members of the University lists
Prof. William A. Frayer of the history
department as the representative of
President Clarence Cook Little, Regent
James O. Murfin, and Prof. William
D. Henderson, director of the exten-
sion department with Shirley W.
Smith, secretary, as toastmaster.
Hold Club Dinner
Friday night at the annual Press
Club dinner, David Lawrence, presi-
dent of the Consolidated Press asso-
ciation, and Washington correspon-
dent, and Eric C. Hopwood, editor of
the Cleveland Plain Dealer and presi-
dent of the American Society of News-
paper Editors, will be the principal
speakers. A film, entitled "The Ro
mance of the News" will be shown at
this dinner.
Registration of the delegates will be-
gin at 9 o'clock Thursday morning at
the Union which will be the head-
quarters of the convention. More than
200 newspapermen are expected to at-
tend the various sessions during the
three day gathering.
Open Formally
Following the group luncheons
which will be given by the Michigan
association of Weekly Publishers and
the Michigan Daily Newspaper pub-
lishers, A. R. Treanor, editor of the
Saginaw News Courier, will formally
open the conference with the presi-
dential address. At 2:30 o'clock Thurs-
day, a symposium on editorial prac-
tice will be opened. In five addresses
there will be presented the viewpoints
of the editorial writer, the columnist,
the women's editor, the district news
writer and the managing editor. This
session will be closed with a discus-
sion of the material considered.
At the second discussion session
which will be held Friday morning
the relation of journalism to other
subjects and professions will be con-
sidered. Prof. John B. Waite of the
Law School, Dean Wilbur R. Hum-
phreys of the literary college, Prof.
F. N. Scott of the rheotric department,
and Lawrence Conrad of the rhetoric
department will be the members of the
faculty on this program. Student
speakers have been invited to present
their point of view in the study ,of
journalism at this meeting.
Reed Will Speak
"The Newspaper and International
Relations" will be the subject of an
address by Prof. Thomas R. Reed of
the political science department at the
session to be held Friday afternoon.
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology
department will give an account of
the Greenland expedition which he
directed during the last summer, and
the meeting will be concluded with
talks by S. B. Conger, correspondent
of the Booth papers, and by George
L. Adams of the Fowlerville Review.
Members of the Press club will be
the guests of the Athletic association
at the Illinois-Michigan game.
Dramatic Cycle Of
Sea Plays To Open
'Tonight At Mimes
As the opening production of the
Mimes of the Union, Eugene O'Neill's
cycle of sea plays, "S. S. Glencairn,"-
will bebpresented for three perform-
ances beginning at 8:30 o'clock to-
night in the Mimes theater. This is
the same cycle of plays that was given
for three performances last spring,
at which time the house was sold out
completely, and the cast this fall is
largely the same.
The presentations which are to be
given tonight, "tomorrow, and Thurs-
day, consist of three almost distinct
plays, "The Moon of the Caribees,"
Oil-Burning Locomotive To Replace Two
Ordinary Engines In Handling Freight
More than 250 students and faculty transmits power to four 95 horsepower1
members inspected the new oil-elec- motors, one of which is geared to each
tric locomotive which was stationed at /Wheel. The weight of the engine is
the Michigan Central depot for a half '60 tons and it produces 300 horsepow-
hour visit o a stop over from Sche-. !er, replacing two steam locmotives. A
nectady, where it was built, to Chicago Maxim mechanical silencer is installed
where it will be put into use. Inspec- ,on the exhaust, trapping all the smoke
tors were allowed access to every part and making the engine noiseless as