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October 17, 1926 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-17

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,"M TT7 AXT/-lT T-T/"'4 A AT T'%.A.TT 'L,?


')VNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1926

4 rr


(Continued From Page One)
The following is the play-by-pla
account of the game:
Minnesota won the toss and electe
to defend the west goal.
Gilbert kicked off to Barnhart o
the 8-yard line and Barnhart returne
the ball to his, own 23 yard lin
Nydahl threw a pass to Barnhart bu
it was incompleted. Nydahl tried th
lft side of the Michigan line an
lbade one yard.
Barnhart kicked to Friedman on th
27 yard line. Friedman slipped bu
returned the ball to the 35 yard lin
Minnesota was penalized 15 yards fo
holding and the kick was recalled. I
Was Minnesota's ball on her 9 yar
line. Barnhart kicked to Gilbert i
midfield and Gilbert returned it si
yards. Time out for Michigan. Gil
'ert was hurt on the play.
Trainer Hoyt administered first ai
and Gilbert resumed play. It wa
Michigan's ball on her 44 yard line
Friedman gained four yards throug]
loft tackle. Friedman passed to Gil
bett who caught the ball and ran t
the 15 yard line before being force
out of bounds. Molenda made fou
yards through the center of the line
Molenda tried the right side of th
line and gained one yard. Friedma
on'a fake buck passed the ball to Gil
bert over the goal line but it was in
complete. It was Minnesota's ball o
the 20 yard line. Joesting hit cente
$br a one yard gain. Barnhart circle
Michigan's left end for a two yard
gain. 'Minnesota was penalized 1
yards, placing the ball on the Minne
sota 6 yard line. Barnhart punted t
Gilbert on Minnesota's 45 yard lin
and Gilbert returned the ball 12 yard
before being downed.
Rich made two yards on an off-
tackle play.Rich passed the ball t1
Iriedman who ran to the 5 yard lin
before being tackled out of bounds
Gilbert failed to gain through center
Molenda gained three yards through
the center of the line. Molenda put the
ball on the one foot line. On the nex
play Michigan was offside. Molenda
went through right guard for the first
touchdown. Michigan called time out
for lolenda who was hurt on the play
']phrs was the first thne Molenda has
been lhurt this season.
Friedman's attempt to kick goal was
successful. Score: Michigan 7, MIn.
nsota 0.
lyulvey was substituted for Huls-
Gilbert kicked off to Matchan on
the 13 yard line. Barnhart raced
around his right end to the 38 yard
line before being stopped. Nydahl
passed' to Haycraft to Michigan's 47
yard line successfully. Joesting made
one-yard through the center of the
Barnhart threw a long pass but it
swas incomplete when no one was there
to receive it. Nydahl made five yards
through right tackle on a delayed
buck. Nydahl threw a long pass but
Friedman knocked ft down near Mich-
igan's goal line. The ball was Michi-
gan's on downs on her 40 yard line.
Friedman threw a pass which was in-
tercepted by Matchan on the Minne-
sota 35 yard line. Nydahl threw a pass
but it was knocked down by Ooster-
Nydahl 6circled right end for no gain.
Barnhart punted to Friedman on the
20 yard line. Friedman standing on
the side lines when he caught the kick.
Minnesota called for time out.
Gilbert punted from his awn 25 yard
line to Nydahl who fumbled but the ball
Was recovered in midfield by Matchan.
Barnhart went around Oosterbaan's
end for 'a first down, placing the ball
on Michigan's 41 yard line. Joesting

ripped through the center of Michi-
gan's ine for 3 yards.
Oa icross-buck Nydahl was stop-
ped by Oosterbaan for no gain. Mo-
lenda was taken out of the game be-
cause of injuries, Walter Webber re-
placing him. Nydahl threw a short
pass over center but Truskowski
knocked it down.
Barnhart punted over the Michigan
goal line. The referee placed the ball
in Michigan's possession on the 20
yard line. Gilbert failed to gain on
an attempted end run around the
left side of the line.
Friedman hit left tackle for three
yards and Gilbert punted on the next
play to Nydahl on Minnesota's 40 yard
line. Flora tackled him after he re-I

turned the ball five yards, as
quarter ended.
Score: "3cligan 7, Minnesota



U Play was resumed with Michigan
yin possession of the ball on her own
20 yard line. Gilbert gained two yards.
iMolenda plowed through the center of
I the line for three yards. Friedman
was thrown for a one yard loss on an
rY attempted off-tackle play.
I Barnhart found a hole in left tackle
and gained five yards. Nydahl gained
two more yards through left guard.
d Joesting fell short of a first down by
inches. Michigan called time out for
n Ray Baer who was injured &n the play. I
d After a few minutes rest, Baer took
e. his place again at left tac.le. Joest-
tt ing made a first down through left
e tackle. Barnhart gained two yards
d through the line. Oosterbaan threw
Parnhart for a 7 yard loss after he
e had fumbled the pass from center.
t Lovette broke through the Minnesota
. line and threw Barnhart for a 10'yard
r loss.
t Flora blocked Nydahl's punt and
,d Palmeroli recovered the ball on Min-
n nesota's 35 yard line. Friedman tWew
x a pass to Gilbert who carried the ball
- to the 5yard line. Webber plunged
through center for three yards.
d Webber fumbled the ball on a line
s buck but the play was not counted,
. since Michigan was offside, being
h given a five yard penalty. Gilbert ran
- around Minnesota's right end for a
o touchdown but the play was recalled
d because both teams were offside. Web
r her failed to gain through the center
of the line.
e Friedman threw a pass to Oooster-
n baan over the goal line but it was in-
- completed. Friedman protested that
- Oosterbaan had been interfered with
i but the referee brought the ball out toj
r the 20 yard line and placed it in Min-
d nesota's possession.
I Barnhartvas thrown for a one yard
5 loss when he attempted to ski't Flora'sa
- end. Barnhart punted out of bounds
) on Michigan's 38 yard line. Rich cut
e back through center and gained three
s yards.'
Rich gained four more yards on.
- the same play. Rich passed to Fried-
man but the ball was thrown too far
for Friedman to reach it. Gilbert
made a sensational punt of 5'3 yards,
. the ball rolling out on Minnesota's six
yard line.
Flora blocked Nydahl's punt and
t Michigan recovered the ball on Min-(
nesota's 7 yard line. Time out was
taken to rid the field of cameramen.
Rich took the ball out of bounds onz
. the five yard line on an out of boundst
play. Webber plowed through the:
center of Minnesota's line, placing the
ball on the two yard line.
Webber hit a stone wall on an at-
tempted line buck through left' guard.
Rich carried the ball over for a touch-
down on a line plunge through center.
Friedman made a successful try for
1point after touchdown, but it was not
counted because Michigan was offside.
Score: Michigan 13, Minnesota 0.
Almquist substituted for Nydahl at
Minnesota elected to receive the
kickoff and Matchan took Gilbert's
kick on the 7 yard line, Flora making
a splendid tackle, bringing him down
on the 22 yard line. Almqui't gained
I three yards through right tackle but
Minnesota was penalized five yards for
being offside.
Barnhart, on a punt formation, ran I
around his right end without gain.
Baer broke throgh and narrowly
missed the tackle, but the play was
stopped by Palmeroli. Barnhart punt-
ed to Gilbert in midfield, Gilbert re-
turning the ball to the Minnesota 41
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yard line. Minnesota took time out.
Gilbert rani around left end and darted
through the entire Minnesota team for
a touchdown, covering 42 yards in his
I sensatioulal attn. Friledniani added the
extri point' after touchdown. Scope:1
Michigan 20, Minnesota 0.
Grinnell was substituted for Ray
Baer in the Micliigan lineup. Gilbert
kicked off to Matchan on the five yard
line, Matchan returning the ball tol
the 25 yard line before Flora nade
the tackle. Greenwald was substitut-
ed for Gilbert. Barnhart gained three
yards on a left end run.
Almquist gained two yards through
right tackle. Barnhart punted out of
bounds on Michigan's 37 yard line.
Greenwald drove through Minnesota's
right tackle for four yards. Green-'
'wald skirted left end for five yards
before being forced out of bounds on
the 47 yard line.



f;r On an off tackle play Almquist center. Joesting made a first down.
gkii.edtwo yards. On a delayed buck ' Almquist was stopped by Molenda
3rd 4th FINAL formation, Almquist added three more !when he attempted to go through right
yards. Barnhart punted out of bounds tackle.
on ilichigan's 33 yard line. Fried- Almquist was stopped by Molenda
an Iwisted his way through right when he tried to circle Oosterbaan's
[a cle for one yard. end. Truskowski broke through and
-Abpass by Friedman was blocked. stopped Barnhart for a one yard loss.
0, a fake punt formationGilbert pass-- Almquist threw a pass which Trus-
to Friedlman who gave a brilliant kowski broke up. Michigan got the
it onf1.ope nfield running, racing ball on downs on its own 16 yard
'N yards before being tackled on Min-I line.
.....' nesota's 20 yard line. Friedman was Gilbert cut back after he crossed the
ond half, giving Michigan its full hurt on the play. Molenda went I line of scrimmage and made five yards.
strength. brough the center of the line for two Molenda tore through the center of
yards. the line for three yard's. Michigan
Barnhart kicked off but the baill linnesota was penalized five yards took time out for Molenda.
went out of bounds on Michiga n () for being off side. Molenda plowed Gilbert punted to Minnesota's 40
yard line. The ball was kikin i b ack;r through center, giving Michigan an- yard line. Joesting made four yards
line for another try, Barnhart ick- rirst. down. Both teams were through center. Almquist missed a
ine for anothGr try, Baruhart hiar side(o n the next play. tirst down by inches when he found
ng again to Gilbert on te 12 yired iOn a criss cross play, Oosterbaan 'a hole in the left side of Michigan'5
l er twiste a ro thee failed to gain. Friedman passed over line.
tacklers to advance the ball to the .) tlie goal lin~ebut the pass was too
yard line. Michigan called for t n10 ftof'rth.e ibut ahe ss s Joesting made first down through
out Mchigrwash Miciga end, giving Mm-enter. arnhart advanced the ball
then kilbert, wasl l th t h p1 nsotta the ball on her 20 yard line, two yards through left tackle. Barn-
tackle for a kai o fouryards. rie lt ing made four yards through cen- hart squirmed through the line for a
man added two more on the same par tw.a. one yard gain. Almquist threw a pass
Gilbert punted to Almniaton the Irhart twted his way through to Barnhart but it was incompleted.
p~ned o li~~luia. Ol hi0'~the Mvicjhigan tacklers on the right side
yard line where the M inne>ota qua o the line for tackrs on Arg ust Molenda made three yards through
'erback was dawned in his tracks by othe lne for a firstdown.Almquist center. Gilbert punted to Minneso-
Baer and Oosterbaan. Mo- ta's 46 yard line where Flora downed
Baerand ostrbaa. hnda onl amiattempted end run. Joest-
Joesting made five yards through on a leiphol int cn oft the ball. Peplaw tore through the
Michigan's right guard. Alnquist made .n lin anl made 13nyards. left side of Michigan's line for five,
a first down when he ciarriedh the thl ln-hgat de two more thrughyards Minnesota was penalized 15
through center for six yards. Iarn- m yards for holding. Peplaw added a
hart was thrown for a two yard los;ot l. Almqist narrowly made Iyard through right tackle. Joesting
on an attempted end run. .Joesting unog right take Ihen hrg- made four yards through center on a
lowed through center for five yards.k.lne buc. Peplaw punted out of
ead through for ten yards and an- ln uh.Ppa utdoto
Joesting added two rrrore on a line other first down. Coachr sent in-boundsonMichigan's 36 yard line
buck. Barnhart punted to Gilbert on .iquier to substitute for Pameroli. Molenda made a yard. Molenda
the Michigan 28 yard line, Gilbert ifoessti tue for andeadd- found a hole on the left side of the
making only a yard in advancing the i n moreds through Michigan's - line and made a five yard gain. Mo-
bail. Friedman made a successful pass nine more yards tnghenthtgrou lenda added two more yards for a
to Ray Baer, placing the ball on - center for one yard, giving Minnesota first down. Rich leaped over the line
nesota's 46 yard line. Iaohr firs down B iarihart made and made two yards. Rich was stop-
Minnesota called for time out. Rich Ithree through the left side of the line ped without a gain trying to buck the
hit a stone wall on a cross buck play. as the quarter ended. line. Michigan was penalized five
A pass, Friedman to Oosterbaan, was Score: ichigan 20, Minnesota 0. ards for being offside.
intercepted by Barnhart on Minne- I / 'Squier was hurt on th a and
sota's 25 yard line. Almquist added a FOURTH QUARTER McIntyre replaced him. Rich made
first down, running down the lido The final quarter was started with up the loss by plunging through the
lines before lie was thrown out of the ball in Minnesota's possession on line for five yards. Johnson substi-
b'nuI. s. 'the 'Wolverine's 27 yard line. tuted for Meile. Gilbert punted to the
Joesting made one yard through con- Joesting made nine yards through (Continued on Page Seven)


Greenwald again took the ball and}
barely made a first down through cen-
ter. Friedman attempted to throw a'
forward pass but could find no Michi-r
gan man uncovered and was thrown I
for a six yard loss. Friedman threw a
pass to Oosterbaan but Joesting
knocked it down.I
Friedman threw another pass, this
time to Greenwald, but it was ground- -
ed. Michigan was penalized five yards
for throwing two incompleted passes in
succession. Greenwald's punt was ,
blocked but Michigan recovered it on - '
its 25 yard line. Minnesota was given
the ball on downs.
Almquist threw a pass but it was "Four Yard" Joesting
grounded. Barnhart threw a long pass I Star Minnesota fullback, who held
to Almquist over right end but Ooster- to his reputation in the game yester-
baan and Rich blocked it. Minnesota ( day by repeatedly tearing through the
was penalized five yards for incom- Wolverine guard. Joesting played one
pleting two forward passes. of the greatest games of his career,
On the next play both teams were and at no time (luring the game was
offside. A mquist threw another pass the Michigan line able to stop his
abut it was incomplete. Minnesota was plunges.
penalized five yards for throwing an-
other incomplete pass. Barnhart threw with the ball in possession of the Wol-
a long pass to Almquist but'Friedman verines on their own 38yards the.
knocked it down. Michigan was given I Score: Michigani 2, Minesota 0.
possession of the ball on its own 35
yard line when Minnesota failed to 'THIRD, QUARTER
make first down. Friedman hit left Coach Yost reinstated Gilbert, Baer
tackle for three yards. The half ended and Molenda at the start of the sec-

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