THE-IFMCIGAN DAIL Y PAGE FIVU SATUR$DAY,, .?CTOI$ER 16, 19.26 r .. ...® 1 l L1 tll - lid ,.*Aatmr ALUMNUS FEATURES k_ .Ia '' Artiele' Wrltteu .By Pond Aili Pond, Architects; D)escribes Plan Of Structure K, 1WOBECOLLEGE CLUB Featured as the main article of this week's Michigazn Alumnus is a story, written by ,the architects Pond and " Pond orf Chicago, on the plans for the new Womens' league" building. "As in the case of the Michigan Union," writes Mr.: Pond, "the type chosen is a nrpdern ; xpressign of college life- F a college dujtb-eiting in what at, least should, be an -academmic atmos- phere.", ___. The architects in planning the de- _,:.- ails ,,of' the ltftilding did' not try to disguise the domestic 'and academic Muftres of such a structure but rath- erj attempted to combine them in a[ x dignified manner. The article goes on to explain that the main entrance is from the Mall and runs through aj dignified low tower into a. spacious! * chamber but one or two steps above * the ground,. The Alumnus used as ,its cover Illustration a pen, drawing of the proposed entrance.. On the first floor are offices of the league's and other organizations, in- formation desk, personal service rooms, a beauty,.shop, kitchenette, cafeteria and team rboin. On the north end wil. be k. splendid college theater. which at present is the interest of the Chicago alumni, and underneath this the locker rooms and swimming pool. VAVAM, .1i'S"Fl:'A.AL~ .Admlk lpt) ) T jV 1 RY UT S S I1: 8(1 to 1 o'lock today ,at tl e w- (' 1' hi Beuta aunone l V e uoraerefbidnt GIRLS' RIFLE TEAMSim ngM yT e TIYO TKSU CtieIWmnncrgerefbdeno 10 11cBEGIN PbcRA 1u p gii o ~iziblli1tarso,' automobiles in Constantnopl ot blall game. jKpaKappa151 a~in ,in U IouI('hes ~ yodro h oie hbni e TOBGI RATC RreiecPlceI ' nt tryout ' n i~am i lbers of he Lagueof W~omen ~I' ~pdngofMuriel Ilaiile.u'30, j abnodrdf he1jlLilTe-ani Practice will begin next week for i tleis 'iS X e r r1 i 1 eiyi( i ds lbr "1 e OtIsar euettoh resenlllfn- ~ sl, ined to reduce the number of ac- th il'Rifle tam. There are nmany Ut1 ~ 1 Y r lerin 11 l uW 1v ^ asl og r )'Ii're Tite a r tefrs t meqet o ie preset all iKapAlh Tetanoce teicdeits due to careless and fast driv- vacancies which wllb flld aftrthy en will hold rr ^~rfur he tl'Yrlt iiwlhe r h metg o'c helck Thrda, __ -- Kappa_______Alpha_______Theta____ per iod be fle fe hfpledging o Margart 'taplagen, '29 ug pracic byte women who sue - For theC past few years swnming ' 'lokTedyaiitn'ho d2,a IdnNweryrsen.------- ceed in making the best scores. Tile has been regarded by University wo- fiesuaatn women who Avwee nable to Oi 1 tMlnNwer eiec, hours set for practice for those who The toiuiitt dos will be announced'r shot last year- are from 3 to 5:30 o'- a1 pfte io prsbu l nIlsttn nae UI ~I nd plans will be made for taking care clock TushootingThose who desire snto tohois cart i onxpete o ahei a moe n- 1\r ~r .I r tia the girls for the Student Federation; bets w T C an d ies begin sotn r eR o sst inprmnn lc n h tltcck wdg v bat ion for the nexrt i ee e' nd _______________________________ on the bulletin board in Barbour gym- dlar than ever hefort. This is, in a rc retnirjiet to nt end ea 'rimeetiig astm Glasses will begin next week. large sense, due to the kindness of thle 1snd tale part in thren. Initiation will, rentals Tle Candies Supreme Lasbr tea me b eresgvebtyameni in permitting University won lxb at theCend of this unL~na0(1 eriod. nmeofta mebrbyteN-to use the Michigan Union swim ing'n-'____- See the New ~Md oa Rifle association. T'he officers pomoefqunl.No ic sMdlOur ~, NilPack - Hand 11d ofthe club are planning to continue Intramural swimming meets are1V iJ the national rifle matches on the same p-ne-ohefrtsmstradti plan as that used last year. year' a new idea in preparing for these Tile seconi lke of thl e 'n on 01"lB OKB XEfoF O BA LBO E I meets is being forwarded hi order to ! tp' A. A. hoa( pin ots VNul1) held atI The theater and swiming pool are make them more successful. All hous- ISundayh morning, tile groul) heving Pn not included in the original estimate senrigtemtswlbein Barbour gymnasiulvi at 8 o'clock. So osS-O of $1,600.000 so the flunds for thenm the chance to practice with instruc- I rhese hikes will e conducted every will have 'to be raised after the initial tion, if desired, before each meet. In week-end to gve everyonec desring i, repairing cost is paid. this way all participants who have not the 01)1)00111111;Y to go. d, .°" ,r ,J 'I*rlLd r.lIJ"fi The architects go on to say that the entered the pool before will have a All members of (Cron andl Saddle second floor will be devoted mainly chance to become acquainted with and all others nitr si ed in iorseiha.c'k to sleeping rooms for visiting alumnae conditions surrounding it. Those who ridingmot ti Briour gymnasilim and will hold the samue place in the wish to take advantage of this oppor- at 4 :30 o clock 1Aoday, Oct i 1. lives of the women that the' Union tunity call Alleen Miller, 7817, as All University women interest ein~ does for the men. "There will be sooni as possibl. archery report at Barbour' gyminasiun -,i 1RIi &lllil¢llll individuality and a recogntion of the second semester. A11)ecial al lnnen will br sirved tioni TODA. Y ON1Y' TO AY ONLY1 } A 1 f + t1 ' S . modernity linkedi with tne past as is sh~own in the design of the Union. It seems certain now that another of the greater needs of the University will be supplied. The Alumnus h as also printed on the inside of the back; cover a cut of the proposed plans and a statement of the finances up to date. Zeta, Tau Alpha announces the pledging of Nellie Hlamel, '30, Pitts- burgh, Pa. -j Osteopathy D BER 1AiiBI 1t1All Q31 ' I AX'\ AD ST. P1 ) (.'i4 6 DR. BEI'I3I1 I~f1IBNER1, 2S 1WAYIN A RI)'T. Pi1NE -Ati D DR1. I.ELANI) S. Mc'LEIlER 1-2 STATE SAYING'S BANK133 MA.1"U'O I 'iuI)NPSt3 D)R. l)OR{)TIY S1I4A IRDS a ! } y/f i I GODEVTS IMPORTED ___ PERFUME 200 Bottles of 1 -oz. Godet's "Chypre" IUsually $:.oo"0 'fi'e to a. very fortu~nate purcbhase, this popular size bottle of The famous" Godet's "Chypre" is offered at 'this sale price. _ ,t v . I .- air = ~Minnesota! v Come in and try the best luncheons that Ann Arbor can offer. w rOrdainty sandwiches and f ountain spe- cialties that will satisfy you completely. "A 'B0"t of -Pr-ekele's Streets Mdkes a Happy Home" w-SUGAR 130LI 109 South Main St. Pleasant Surroundings - - Excellent Service t11N11111111 I llllllillllll~ ~lllil111111111III~ llli10 11 YPSILANTI NORMAL CONCERT ' SERIES8 I-Dtrit 6--CONCERTS-6 Ocor-2 I-Detroit.Symphony Orchestra - Otbr2 II-New York String Quartet - - Novemb cr 1 7 I Ottokar Cadlek Ludv it Schiwabi IIICarPupil of Rubinstein and Clara Schumann IV-Sgrid Metropolitan Opera Contralto Mac 2 V-Georges Barrere, Flute - - Appal 21 SVI-Extra Concert, to be announced %Course Tickets $4.00 for any reserved scat in Auditoriumn All Single Admissions $2.00, Except Oci $3.00' And sold at doors only Mail orders filled ins order of receipt on and af ter October1 I a if stamped envelope is enclosed and check drawn to 3 ~Frederick Alexander, Dirctor, Ypsilanti, Mich. Reserved Seat Sale Opens (for Course only) Wednes'day, October 20, 1 o'clock, Box Office, Pease utoun - Hands Up!e :tie's going to tbke every. 1.11q J1 you'i e got-A dis- Itictly differenit comedy. thriiller deftly told. +*l fif. Spc t w VocalJs 'N c c's 1Re~view %Orchies News Review O)rchestra , (Perf(,rhi-ances ('omtinuoui, 1 :00tP. 1. to I0):20) That Sensational IMini ri/ash! Thie World 's Most Talked Ab1out 7athlete! I I", " /"°. °.O'" ./ .e ..o'':/'.. . " .e'", .s °,r ./°.i'..P'. !".I. 'i : . ' .0". .!'.d,/.I'./.d./".~. .d: /'. °"r' ,I ..E'.d WAXWT_ 'A«/i i I Large Mums and Pompon Corsages for the Game. SUPPLY LIMITED o aU_ i TOMORROW TON VNDRR"OW With IRENE RICHK" They Clledt u 5i cASPARD /t "THE :WOLF1" BIG BILL EDWARDS GRANTLAND RICE ROB E. SHERWOOD Say Its thie absolute Peer of All College Pictures( ,!tl1111111111li ii III I I iiil iii 1tt 1111111111! 1111111t Most Thrilling' Story; Byron Ever Wrote uRA' IDorso cii 3 jCHILDREN A.DJ In 11-1 r-' ;K a;, .,, :{' !: -(By Arrangement with C. C. Pyle and W. E. Shalenberger) 1 Mitiitlt titlliilllltittliltittt --The Cast- GEORGE, WILSON, All American Half Back Mary McAllister Charles Ogle Lincoln Steadman Red's Chuln Ben Ifendricks, Jr. anud Ohr - r A w - - - LYE Rm ~Qcht (molimenfitmry Ti'eliel s Are Sqisendeil. s a. s Show starts 11:00 a. f^ f r G - AUNnTS II / "l" ( (1 ! _ / JEWPLPW A Re-release of the Picture which Marker Ir JL.T =1LT Ive Urge Parents to Send Your Child:. £'hD ns!'D 17 AID T'V in i L on Chaney s ; In I