F 9. 'Ii,, t SATURDAY, OCTOB!~R 16, 19~I~' I PAGE FOUR 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the-Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated PAs is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.7 ; by , mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nardl Street. Phones: Editorial, 492; business 2I214. EDITjiy;L STAFF TeF pa,:e 4925 MANAGIN EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor_................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor...............Irwin A. Oian News Editors.............Phili C. Brooks Women's Editor.......... .Marion Kubik Sports Editor............Wilton A. Sidpson Tale-rank Editor............Morrik Zwerdsing Music and Drama........Vincent' C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymer Ellis Merry Carlton C'hampe Stanford N. Phelps o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith James Herald Cassam A. Wilson .Assistant City Editors Douglas Doubleday Carl Burger Assistants Marion Anderson Dorothy Morehouse Alex Bochnovski Kingsley Moore ;Jean Campbell Henry Mary miont Martin J. Cohn Adeline O'Brien Windsor Davies Kenneth Patrick Clarence Edelson MorrisQuinn William Emery Sylvia Stone John Friend James Sheehan, Rober t Gessnler Henry Thurnau Elaine Gruber William Thurnau Morton B. Icove Milford Vanik Paul Kern Herbert Vedder Milton Kirshbaum Marian, Weller Ervin LaRowe Thaddeus Wasielewski Harriet Levy Sherwood Winslow G. Thomas McKean Thomas Winter BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. Advertising...............Paul W. Arnold Advertising ............. .William G Tusch Advertising........ .....Thomas Sunderland Advertising.........George H.Annable, Jr. Circulation .............. T. Kenneth Havel} Publication................John H. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants G.. B. An, Jr. T. T. Greil Jr. D. M. Brown A. M. HiniCley M. H. ,Cain E. L. Hulse Uarvey Carl S. Kerbauiry Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer Marion Daniels H. W. RosenblhIM anything, and they should if Mayor Green is a gentleman, Michigan will have for a period of two years one of the most liberal and advanced state governments in the country. He has promised us honest government, some- thing which Michigan has often been without, and, most of all, he has promised to make his state adminis- tration -as representative of the people as possible; decrying the "one man" policy of his predecessor. Representative government is the ultimate ideal of all democracy. To suppose that the people, by the act of election, have given a man supreme power over their government is a de- lusion, but fortunately one from which Mayor Green does not seem to suffer. Michigan is evidently tired of the ma.- chine which has dominated its state politics, as it showed In the primaries, and Michigan trusts that there will be no similar machine developed under its new administration. The high idealism and lofty constructive pro- gram which our candidate committed himself to before the primaries is en- couraging indeed, in politics, and de- serves the commendation that the voters have accorded to it. The University is proud to have one of its graduates so near to the gover- nor's chair. The University is grati- fled to hear the fresh wave of idealis- tic political policies to which Mayor Green has committed himself. The University, most of all, welcomes Mayor Green as its guest, and trusts that he is still, above all, a Michigan man, For absolute impartiality in the enforcement of law, the Seattle inci- dent in which a policeman supplies information which results in a liquor raid on his wife now takes the lead. Arriving home after five years' serv- ice in the colonies, Baron Byng finds that thieves have ransacked his man- sion of clothing and jewelry. If he lived in America, the baron could get the same climax for his return by just stepping out for the evening. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1926 Night Editor-COURTLAND SMITH WELCOME, MINNESOTA! Welcome, Minnesota? For our first meeting on the gridiron this year under the arrangement which allows us twice our ac- customed pleasure, we welcome you. It is our fondest hope that you will receive the cordiality -which has always been extended us when our teams have visited your institution. DEDICATION Next year Michigan will have ready for dedication a new football stadium, seating more than 70,000 spectators and furnishing a new background for the games that have made Ferry field famous. In connection with the new stadium, there are two question that predomi- nate: first, what is to be its name; second, what team will meet Michigan in the dedication game? As for the fir,t question, it is one in which all students should be in- terested. The vmm: (ement to name the new Literary builling Angell hall was started by undergraduates, and the suggestion accepted by the egents. The npine for the new stadium should come from an undergraduate. Sug- gestions, if mailed to The Editor of The Daily, will be placed before the campus. As to the second question, the mat- ter is, of course, up to the Board in Control of Athletics. However, there has been considerable discussion as to what team should face the Wolver- ines that day, due to the agitation concerning a game with Harvard. While the student body would be glad to welcome Harvard, or any Eastern institution, to Ann Arbor for an inter- sectional football game, the honor of dedicating the stadium should be given to one of Michigan's worthy opponents (and close friends) in the Big Ten Conference, preferably Ohio State, Illinois, Minnesota or Wiscon- sin. Michigan has been honored by invi- tations to either dedicate or open sta- diums in three of these institutions. Now that it Is Michigan's turn to be host at a similar ceremony, the com- pliment should be returned. TIlE CANDIDATE Early last month the people of thei sta'te of Michigan chose their candi- date for governor in the party 4n which nomination is practically equivalent to election. Mayor Fredl THE GUILTY CO-ED To The Editor: Since Michigan discovered, that it was a co-educational institution, about three days ago, much meaningless nonsense has been written about everything from the low morals at Dartmouth to the relative ages of ma- turity of men and women. All of this is interesting, and as profound as col- lege thought ever gets but so far the hand of guilt has pointed very little at the most responsible group on the campus for our present low state of morals, if such exists, and that is the co-ed, herself. Now Michigan men are no saints, as everyone who knows college stu- dents can testify; but on the other hand they are not the licentious beings that certain parties believe; taking innocent girls from the seclusion of their homes and kissing them good night and petting on the boulevard. If the college woman, who is also a party to all such orgies, were as un- blemished as she seems to believe that she is, the student would be forced to go to Ypsi for his dates. As it is now, the high moral standards of the Ypsi girls give them a great competitive disadvantage in obtaining dates with college men. The assertion was made that co- eds who refuse to pet can find no dates and consequently are left lone- some at home when all the other co-E eds are out. This i's so false a state- ment as to make the respectable male students rise in anger. Personally, I know of one girl who could have had all the dates she wanted with a gentleman who never expected to have a petting party with her. All went well until a balmy evening in spring, when, her sorority was giving its spring party and the back yard was equipped properly. so that the cha- perones could not see it and there was a full moon and said co-ed invited the immoral student out there and if any man could help himself in such circumstances, it was not because she was willing to lend her aid. One of the first dates I ever had in Ann Arbor was with a professor's daughter. She was good looking and I expected that with her cultural background she would be interesting. She smoked, drank, and asked me if I didn't love her before we had been to- gether half an hour. I didn't! How many male students have had the same experience? How many times have university men been asked "Are you afraid of me?" when they weren't punctual about petting these high minded co-eds who obiectnso A CHALLENGE TO EDUCATION To The Editor: Deeply interested in the instructive discussion going on in your columns on the subject of co-education, I sub- mit the following observations for the consideration of your readers. First of all, the revival of this con- troversy suggests that, like prohibi- tion, co-education is still an open question in America. That gives us a further opportunity to understand it and revise our opinion, if necessary. Any discussion on the subject ulti- mately turns upon the question of morality. It may be worth our while, therefore, to understand what moral- ity is. In its simple and unsophisti- cated form it implies a degree of con- formity to certain accepted notions of right and wrong and rules of conduct, especially bearing on the sex relations of men and women. A careful observer, not to speak of a student of traditional morality, would notice that this morality has passed through several phases and presents itself differently in different countries. In some parts of the Orient, for example, it compels women to go veiled. It taboos the discussion of sex matters among adolescent boys and girls. It enjoins upon them the observance of many other social con- ventions which common sense will re- pell. All this is done presumably to avert the chances of illicit 'relations between the two sexes. Many ortho- dox people in those countries actually extol such moral rectitude. But for one who knows the comedy of those thin veils it is a comical affair. In the West, however, morality pre- sents a strong contrast. Here women not only go without a veil, but fre- quently "lapse" into public dances with their men folk. A perfectly legi- timate and harmless pastime to be sure, but different from the Oriental morality. In France young couples live together without the formality of a marriage and without shocking any- one's sense of morality To an old- fashioned person from the East, such a phenomenon may seem like an irre- deemable sin and the whole civiliza- tion doomed to perdition. 'Fortunately for us we do not entertain any seri- ous misgivings about this. I have chosen these instances at random simply to show the diversity of feeling attached to this hallowed term, morality. This settled we have now to find out the nature of the immorality said to be rampant in some co-educational institutions and especially to inquire whether this promiscuity in sex rela- tions on the part of men and frailty in matters of courtship on the part of women, are due to co-education. I believe they are not. They are a part, a perverted part, perhaps, of human nature. .And anything that is part of our instinctive make-up is not a vice and its expression not immorality. It is a function of their organic whole. Segregation would not help such ex- pression. If you prevent their meet- ing on the campus they will meet in Ypsilanti. That, obviously, will not secue the desired end. So segrega- tion will either evade the issue or send it underground. The point is that if the vital prob-. blems of men and women are com- mon, if they must share the respon- sibilities of life in common, why can they not be tolerated to receive knowledge and understanding of these vital problems on a common plat- form. Mutual understanding between the two sexes is no small part of edu- cation. Such lack of understanding was responsible for the iniquity of the treatment of women in previous times.. Segregation will simply aggravate it. If our education, and especially Uni- versity education, cannot adjust such irregularites of sex behavior as may manifest themselves from time to time, it is a tacit confession of one thing: "Our education is the bunk!" A word as to the suppression of feminine personality in co-educational institutions. I don't know if our "alarmist" friend had Roosevelt or Wilson in his mind when he referred to personality. At any rate, such per- sonality as is desired among women, if not conspicuously manifest yet, will develop in due course. We should not forget that it was only yesterday that man condescended to recognize her equal share in political and social privileges. These matters which, at our present stage of development, must of necessity be handled exclusi- vely by women are being taken care of by women's organizations in co- educational institutions. Look, they are already contemplating a league building. Men can lend all their financial and moral support to such laudable enterprises. These exclusi- vely female activities in co-education- al institutions, further reduce the ne- cessity of segregation.eawraenan i. THE MICHIGAN DAILY IM U S I C DRAMA FRIEDA EIPEL Frieda Hempel, one of the most popular stars of the Metropolitan; Opera Company, and a favorite on con- cert tours will initiate the Choral Un- ion concert series in Hill auditorium on Monday night. Madame Hempel, who has appeared in Ann Arbor sev- eral times in previous years, has been outstanding since her debut over twenty years ago. During that time she has gained a reputation for a love- ly lyric soprano voice-she is a colora- tura-and a personality that scores. And she is more than unique in opera for the fact that she has kept her fig- ure, has collected a minimum of freak 1ure, I rentals Ribbons Carbons The Place of Service Rider's Pen Shop Agency for the Remington Portable repairing High grade and LATEST MODEL, Brand New SUITSL 25 Y Ismall deposit will hold it. Also Topcoats and ties. Stilts Cleaned and Pressed Students' Tailoring Corner N. mitv. Phone and Thayer 8040 IAK MANN Sc ,ME Style - Quality - Service Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory Hats Cleaned and Reblocked Fine Work Onlyj Properly Cleaned - No Odor No Gloss - No Burned Sweats Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) For Ypung Men 'AU agea ,. Come in and Look Over Our Wonderful New Fall Models I F W'GROSS 309 5. MaI Y P ...Y..,,r,.. ; . ,. ... , . Frieda Hempel in the title role of "Carmen" husbands, and does not keep alligators in her bath tub. She is it is true, an anomaly to some: one New York critic said that she has ruined her voice attempting too dramatic roles; another that she is the greatest soprano in the profes- sion. This conflict of opinions fol- lows any great artist in the musical world, and always will until more def- initely objective standards of musical criticism are raised. But Hempel never is an object of much anxiety to the boxoffice, she has a good man- ager, and she is sure fire everywhere. Assisted by Ewald Haun, flautist, who will accompany her in some arias and Rudolph Gruen, pianist, she will present the following program: Rondo Capriecioso......Mendelssohn Mr. Gruen (a) My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair, .Haydn (b) ARIA from the "Marriage Canta- ta"...................... Bach Miss Hempel,. Theme and Variations.........Proch Miss Hempel (a) Prelude in G Minor .....Gruen (b) Prelude in B Flat Minor ..Chopin Mr. Gruen Coffe andTos A cup of coffee and a slice of ,toast way not wholly Stp- ply the attractive force that holds a household together, but one wonders what would happen if. they were absent -or poorly made. They should, of course,,b made electrically, at the table, for the best effects,-the greatest satisfaction. Luk- warm Coffee or soggy to"'st sweetens no home atnios- phere. Your electri4 perco- lator with its hot, fragrant contents at one elbow, arl your electric toaster shed- ding slices of brown, crisp hottoast at the other-whist housewife could desire mnore. x i '_ ~ {{i ' 1 ' };I f; ' ' { ; 1 nf- Y iY '.{ t '1- - . }Y. PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS , ' .... '1 1 rF'. : s rv r ;; ;'( +~ . '-S. ., 3 A ' 4 i f . n r., , , t a t f r . I 7 :1t ;. ; r i r, '[ i r +. } , ,. .. s t , ,y 1 t 4 h {l. L , ' 1 } . i. t 4 !. y A t 'r i w 1.t 1t t- :. 1!l1tllolltt l1l1il l ltlllllli ltilllll I 11f 1#tltl llf il lltlltll11111t11111tllitilit I111t il it tl 1111 1 Fria and Saturday Special $2.25 Laundry Case $1.48 with I extra inside $1,75 At Both Ends o lthe D gnald y ioi 1iIiii 1 1II ti1 1 1 } 1 IN 11i 1 u . _ 6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Ave Maria ............. Schubert Der Schmied ........ Schumann Feldeinsamkeit ........... Brahms Dort in den Weiden......Brahms I Have a Lover True .......Wolff Miss Hempel DETROIT EDISON CO. William at Main , 'I( Read the Want Ads t Spirale.....................Donjon Mr. Haun Folk Songs: (a) Schwesterlein..........German (b) Gsaetzli ..................Swiss (c) Coucou, Canari Jaloux..Neuchatel (d) Lauterbach...........Alsatian Miss Hempel Miss Hempel's program is chosen with care-she has not been a concert artist for twenty years without recog- nizing the value of a balanced menu for all varieties of music lovers. The Brahms and Schumann numbers offer her the widest field for a display of her artistic ability, and the folk songs to conclude the program are designed to chuck the audience under the chin. NEWS FRO1 THE COAST The following comment oil "Mike" Ames, erstwhile leading lady of the Union opera, and now in vaudeville is quoted from "Variety" after a Los Angeles performance: "Lionel Ames in third spot did a new kind of dame. This boy with a stronger voice would be a serious menace to Eltinge or Norman as his slant on fem impersonations is new and good for laughs. Between num- bers he has regular gorilla chatter and kidding on his stuff. Costumes elab- orate and entire act in class and style. Looks like a million in a wig, but the pipes are not strong enough." Several of the other dramatic lights of the campus in previous years are now on the legitimate, or doing big time. Warren Parker of several suc- cessful comedy club productions and a member of the Ann Arbor Players during the summer session, is now in stock company in Des Moines, Iowa playing juvenile leads. Lillian Bron- a ~ .iis -.i . n -. Vnr..i. - hocher~ a ~ mwrmvrw V ammm ._ :Y Cordurol -Coats'. all colors, in Wool, Slicker or Sheep Are bought for less here. Wool Blouses, Leather Coats and For Ladies and "Men skin Lining Jackets ill - Ad~dA~Coa4! ".4 s A large assortment in Tan and Grey Suede, Reindeer Flesher, Black and Brown Napa and Horse Hide, as also Corduroys,, Wool Plaids and Wool Navakots. These are popular with college men and our prices are as popular as the garments. Moccasin Packs and High-Tops Breeches; Wool and Sweat Shirts, Puttees, Wool Hose, Hunting Boots, Laundry Bags, Cover-Ails, Etc. 5 .yk i S t .'.y t ff Y f i { j h i Blankets for the Game Wool Blankets and Shawls All kinds, for every need, just what you need these colds nights. Also a large showing of Auto Robes and Steamer Rugs. i ,, I