t MSA1,UR.DAY, OCTOBE~R 16, 1926 TH17E MICHIGAN DAILY. r21GL 1 111L, 1,P -" -~ ~ I PAGE THREE -CRAD5ESLOWER T"HAN IN, 1913, FIGURES SHO WI Judging from the number of "A" and "B" marks given by professors in 1925-1926 :compared, with those given in 19124913, the relative, chance of a student's obtaining a high mark is rapidly diminishing, according to fig- ures shown yesterday by University authorities,. The figures were corn- piled for the literary college only. Of courses given in 1912 *and 1926, 23 were selected at random for a basis, of comparison; Of these 23 represen- tative courses, there ,has been an aver- age decrease in 16 courses, 'in tje Jtmuber of "A" ,marks .given, of four *~one-half, per, ,cent.-,*In,but five courses has there been any increase in the number of "A" marks, two courses awarding about- the s~Ame marks las9t year as in .1912. In 14 courses the number of. "B" marks given was six per cent less last year than inf 1912. And in practically every course of the representative 23 the number of "C" marks given out was higher last year than in 1912. The five courses of the 23 in which any increase in the number of "A" marks g).ven out was noted were those in French, Spanish, fine arts, biology, and German., The grades of the rhetoric" and mathematics depart- hients were practically the same last year as in 1912. ;As a whole, courses showed generall decreases in the number of "A." and "B3" grades given, and slight increases1 In the unber of "C" marks. B3ELGRIADE, Jugoslavia.-The Ju- goslavia' cabinet under Premier Ou- zounovitch resigned yesterday. The foreign Atinister, Dr. Ninchitch, may be the flew premier. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. WVISNGTON GOVERNOR Beethoven Mass UNDER UNIVERSITY FIRE., To Be Presented At Next Festival' "Beethoven Mass in D", has been chosen as one of the numbers to be given by the Choral Union at this sea- son's festival, according to Earl V. Moore, director of the chorus. This 'work, which is considered as one of, the best known choral compositions in all musical literature, has been heard in the middle wvest only a few tingesi. This fact, according to Mr. Moore, will make this season's festival an outstanding event. _ A1 Roland If. Han '&Y Governor of Washington, against whom itis rumored impeachment pro- ceilings may be begun, as a result of the removal of Dr. Henry Suzzallo, head of the University of Washington, by the regents of that school. th. Catholic Students' Chapel Willia m and Thomipson "Th~Je One Thing Worth While" by the Chaplain Sundtay Masses 8:00 and 10:00 Rev. M. P. Bourke, Chaplain i1 WHITNEY THEATRE Monday, October 18 TRIUI yAL TRANS -CONTINENTAL TOUR ASSISEI inclsOerhelmingdresseEnlo. AKeiaing Sentinretor byTe uho f"The Coinge"its EnclseelfAddrss Othneroeat.e ,:"1111111.I/iill t111111111 I111111111111111 li ii11111 1111111111 1111111111 111 I11111111114111,1111111 NOW & ,~ "I'e Gtt." r ' tel I0 ue a i' R ~~i gly into the ia t CM . . 3 g. ,, S i? . J i 1 P 1; r i !d ", i ,. (t . , ti: , 9 E 4 rt /. ", [ - S (a C L ', l '. t ^ ^ t'. , R f? ,. ( t i , ' + '9 :.. The Cozy Corner Tea Room 330 Maynard St. Fourth Season See the New Model at R1,4er-'sPenShop repairing, - Lunch eons Dinners Daily 50c and '65c 85c and $1.00 11:30 to 1:30 5:30 to 7:30 12:30 to 2:00 , ,,u'. I T 'e - v 4' c , / II _ i 4 I I I SUNDAYS Dinners, Chicken or Steak- $1.'-0 Suippers a ia Carte - - 5:30 to 8:00 Dial 21714 -1 Cast DJ 2100 Q0 Qwzil GERr~f',GE'-BRIEN ~ OLIVE BORE ,. FARRELL MAcDONALD - TOM SANTSCHi -- FRANK CAM PEAU" WOUTELLEOEN-ALEC Wl'ANCIS-PRISCILA BONNER nd the PRAIRE BEAUTIES Ole P, P, .Classited ads bring big~ results for floiIey invested.-Ad. 0 .® , . . * aljad * lo a 1&4a 4R/ V .,° .ri .°'. O.i".c".n '"t °". '".ei".WI" ""A°"wype ..p°'e. "'.d' , <' ° <. .., i ; '..o r' oc @ 'Fy .1o'V FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State anid Wash iNgton Streets 10 : 30-- Sernmon, "The Viid elba able," Dr. Stalker,. PRESBYTERIAN CH3URCH IRST BAPTIST CHURCt4 4 i 12: 00-Student Bible Wesley Hall. 6: 00-Wesleyan Guild tin Moll. Classes at led by Mar- C'orner Ihuron anti DIvision -Sts. Merle 11. nderson, AMinister Lewis C. ieihianl Mrs. Nellie 11. Cad-weli Studlent Secretafries "r k 9:30--Church School with Student Class led by Dr. Albert Hyna, Assistant Professor of History, onl " ide history of Religilons." 10 :45-"iDigging Ditches;" by the Minister. Five minute talk on the new church. project by Prof. J. B. Ednmonson. 12:00-Open Forum led- by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, Ph.D. 5:30-Social Hour and Supper. 6:30-Young People's Society. Ad- dresses by Chinese Students on "The Student Movement in Cluitn ." Id i RI. 1'hi ard S4ayles, .Minister llowvaid It. (lapl)mn I, Minister of Students 's'i III tEiA40NhON )F IOYAJLTY"1 will he the subject of Mr. Sayles' sermon at 10():45 Sunday. 10: 00-Dlr. *Leroy Watermuan will mleet a student clas., at the Guild H ouse to discuss "Sci- elc an3ld ReliiAon in the 11ible." 12:00-A second student class -=ill mleet at Guild house. 5 :30 ---Friendship hour for student,) andl young people. 6: 30-DcvotionaI meeting. Open discussion. Miss Gladys Saun- ders, leafier. Topic: IIV~im tioiis-1o They thy?~" CWRC, Herbert A. Jiump, M.,is' er HeenmItRami say, St nientD'I)Xreto~r 10:45-Mr. Jump will preach. "h Feligioil of 4 IIe~jiere 4 P. Mx. and S P. 't4.---Mot ion pictture services. I fafolil Bell Wrighl 's "Whellit vMn aMt.' '1s Thelma Lewils, soloi. 5:30-Student supper an dl,(1iul- sion, "Tbe lModern Idea.(~ Geld," Smal groups for discus- s ion. 7: 00-Open House and, refresh- ments for students. ':30-Edgar A. Guest, Wesleyan Guild Lecture Course. 1 r UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Sidney S. 'Robins, Ph.D.,- Miiister Oct. 17, 192d. 10:45 A. M. Morning Service "The React ion Aga inst Intelligence" 5:45 P. M. Candlelight Supper 6:30 Professor E'. Blythe Stason of the Law School " Super-"Power" FIRST CHURCH .OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Di1vision St. 10:30 A. K.-Regular mornin g ser- vice, subject: "Doctrine of Atonejuent." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:45-Wednesday evening testi-, monial meeting. The Reading room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank building, is openl daily. from 12 to 5 o'clock. except' Sundays and legal holidays. BETHLEHEM' EVANE3LCAL CHURCH (Evangelical Sync(,d of 'N. A.) G. A. Neullmann, Ilinislci' 9 :00 A. .fit.-Sanday sc oocl. ST. ANDREW'S E2PISCOPAL CHURCH D ivision anldCthrn Street s Ifhenrky Ieis ,Refctor 8 :0 GA. 11I.- -holy Communion* (in the Church). 9:00 A. IVI.- Holy Communion (W iliiarim;s Memorial Chapel, llmr TaV lil). 10 :00 A. All,-- Student discuss ionr c''n _ Ha