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October 15, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-15

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R15, 1926



Tf-IF Ni i7Y44lW.'" .: n M TCT-i.FQiTCAN ? 'Yw sF.A, Y PAG

no dfnt announceient as to they 8011 take the Brown JTug up,1 to
o.)cning lineup for the Minnesota liifico poiis on Nov. 21: but xwe
game, but Coach Wieman intimated are buying a round trip ticket
yesterday that the men wvould line as for hier,
follows: Oosterbaan and Flora,ens
Baer and Gable, tackles; Palmeroli H~arold Barnhart, star sophomor(
and Squier or Lovette guards, Trus- halfback of the Gopher eleven, ac.
lQwsid, center; Friedman,, quarter- coinpanied the team to Ypsi, but may
back; Rich and Gilbert at the halves; not start against the Wolverines Sat=
and, Molenda at fullback. rd~cay. Since being taken out of tht
Notre Darte game last week, he was

Lst minute flanges are al-
wvays in order, but Its not like-
ly that Coach Yost will' vary his
lintep befoe Satrday. In the
Minnesota game last year, Coach
Yost put Weber at halfback ii
order to bolster the le ihigan line,
and Ie nity 41o the samie agin
this seaLson. Although Waii"itr
Weber may not start, it Is a ce-
tainty that lhe will see action be-
fore tihe final whtle.
In the backfield, Yost will undoubt-
ely use Greenwald, Hoffman, Bab-
cock and Puckolwartz at some period
of the -game. Greenwald "establish-
d" himself in the opening game
against the Oklahoma Aggies and may
be called upon to substitute foe cli
at left half-back. Puckolwartz and
Hoffman have been making excep-
lional showings of late and may be
useful in turning back the Gophers.
If Truskowski should weaken
under the strai of an Imortant
Coiference gamie, Schoenfelt -will
get thte all at center. CragIn and
Steinecker arc also reserve cn-
ters aind may substitute at the
pivot poi~ton, 'Nylad has been
substituting for Flora at end and
is expctci to have an opportin-
ity to tackle a few Minnesota
players.. Oade and Griniell are
two substitute tackles who are
certain of getting their first taste
of Conference competition Satur-
9t~i Wolverines will hold their final
wo kout at Ferry field this afternoon,
anc then journey out to Barton Hills
whore they will stay until game te
The practice today will be a light
pa Ving and signal drill to polish p
theyattack to be used against the
Jack Lovette has not -Worked
tif his incohplete, but Is expect-
e~to take his examinaton tis
alternoot. Ii the evet that he
14 not declared eligible, Squier
will start at right guard.
We made a special trip over to
Ypsilanti yesterday afternoon to see
-the Minnesota team, but we found
that the advanced newspaper reports
had been erroneous. The Gophers did
not arrive in Ypsi until 7:15 last night,
too late to practice, but just ifn time
for their "social engagements."
After their long journey, It is
likely that the Minnesota teami
will hlave a light workout this
morning to limber up, ani ten
hold( a signal drill this afternoon.
The Ypsilanti Normal team prac-
tices too, so don't mistake the
Identity of that Green team. Thej
Minnesota team will wear gold 1
colored, jersies, and will shift to
the tune of a Swedish swan song.
According to d. Detroit paper yes-
terday, Dr. Spears is going to throw
his Minnesota-West Virginia shift
formation to the winds. "I don't be-
lieve it, but say it again." After us-
infg the shift play all season, is it
reasonable to suppose that the Goph-
ers are going to play without the
Tite Little Brown Jug, the cov-
eted trophy of the Minnesota and
Michigan teams, has beeni remov-
ed fromt its place on top of the
show case In the athletic offices,
and is now getting a dressing uip.
This is one time we are dressing
it up, but 1t e no intention of
taking It on a journey. "All
dressed up and no place to go!"
Minnesota usually sends a few
men, down here to take the jugI
home, but they haven't had much

confined to the university hospital
with a severe cold.

Althiough we failed to see the
3innesota team practice at TOMi
yesterday, we are going over, to
tiheiDetroit subarb again today.
Wfe saw a large squad! of Ypsl
woman practicing football and
discovered the reason Slaughter
tnirned down a. prof essional foot-
ball offer t*~ coach a girls' foot-
ball tealn. . We would give a re-
4 ort of the prractlce but It 1.140f
only space that prohibits.
There will be three teams holding
p~ractices at Ypsi today, the Ypsi Nor-
mal elIeven, the Minnesota squad and
thie girl's gym class. Duit5 demands
we scout the Minnesota team, but later
we will meet all the Ann Arbor spec-
tators at the girls' footbalr game. Mr.
Tillotson reports a ticket sell-out.
K.~~ 114.L~



Sp~eed ballResults
Yesterday's games were as follows:
Phi Kappa 6, Tau Epsilon Phi 3.
Phi Gamma Delta. 10; Sigma Pi 3.
Delta Upsif,"- 15, Phit Beta Delta 2.
Alpha belta Phi 30, Psi Ji S*4on 3.
Sigma .Alpha Mu 12, Phi K~appa Sig-
as 7.


1Ddeta PapaEpsilon 1,
Chi 0 (forfeit.
Phi Chi 10, Phif Kappa
Phi Lambda Kip]a e,
ma 3.

Theta Delta
Kappa S"g-

W'ednesday's resalets:
Tau Kappa Dpsilon, 10, Theta 3 .
Alpha Kappa Lamlbda 1, Zeta Wlta:
Tau 0 (forfeit).
Phi kMu Alpha 22, Sigma.P1i2.
Sigma Zeta (Delta Tanu Vpelon) i
Phi Delta Theta 0 (forfeit).:
Phi Sigma kappa 10, Sigma Phi
Epsilon 9.
Kappa Nil 14, Triangle 1.
Theta Chi 1, Alpha Chi1 Sigma 0
Delta Alpha Epsilon 1, Alpha Rho
Chii 0 (forfeit).
Acacia 1, Phi Rho Sigma 0 (forfeit).
Alpha Sigma Phi 15, NOl Sigma
NuO0: .
Alpha Tau n ~oga 1, Delta Sigma
Delta 0 (forfeit).
The first of a series of all-campus
swim meets will be held at 7:30 to-j
night at the Union under the direction
of Matt Mann, Varsity swimming
coach, gold medals to be awardesd to
the winners of the various events.
Six events are on the program, the
prizes to be glyen out by theo intra-
mural office. Contestants will be per-
mitted to enter the tank free of
English Wain From Yanks at Soccer
(BY Associated P e'ii)
STOURBRIDGE, England, Oct. 14.-
The soccer football team of the
Sportsmanship Brotherhood of Wor-
cester county, Massachusetts, playing
its first game on English soil, today
was defeated by the Stourbridge team
5 to 2.
CHAMPAIGN, lnt--lair, French
diminutive halfback who carried the
balil 'twice againset Butler and gained
72 yard s, Bids fai to become an 1111-
nois regular. Coach Zuppk6, us~rig
this week's practice on offensive work,
iis favoring the youngster.
1Subscribe for The Michigan. Daly.

p Inincvdualized SmartFariishli - gsL
This Tal fr Yu
- -T Of biege and L.nglish pearl
IMa -
a$ -
y-- 4
MI _
W -b
. with widely paced pencil
stripes i l esirable
shades that carry or newr
$ featured loo c4Ir
Of brilliant stripes for suit-
ings in fall patterns-
- "b" !,
SCA RFS .,±)101 14t
=In rich foreign colored silks, : I
cretedin-'En gland s novel+
and distinctive fasio
$8 -
PI an si
Glve. aand n ue
wihu eo h ri -
$-a;PIGndand DiRsknI
2.25 wndulie

- a1
w.Ii . . n ~ A M u& N UN-
o a I-
Ir A Tom o

FOUND-Fountain pen corner of Pros-
pect and Volland. Phone 7234
FOUND-Autonmatic Pencils which we
sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that
work as well and last as long as the
best. Rider's Pen Shop., tft
FOR RENT-Masq urate and Hallow-
e'en Costumes for rent. Mrs. Spaul-
ding, 115 Ei. Liberty. Call 3581.
FOR RENT-A double i oom or half
interest in a double room. 502 1.
Jefferzon or Dial *21297.
FOR RENT-Double and single rooms,
convenient to downtown. Dial 8204.
NOTIC-First class repair work on
all musical instruments at Schaeb--
erle & Sons. 110 S. Main St. tf
FOR SALE-Two Ford tourings, in
good running condition,',$30 and $65.
Dial 6592, S. Robinson, 1115 Forest,
7-10 p.m. 1-17-18
FOR SALE-Ford touring, excellent
condition, ready for any trip. Bum-
pers fronit and rear. $25 cash. Phone
Chase, 21917 at meal hours.
FOR SADE-Tuxedo, size 36. Worn
only once, will sacrifice for half
price. Call 402 S. Observatory or
Phone 3695.+ 15-16-17
FOR SALE-Ford touring, 5 good
tires, $45. Phone 21888, 517 E. Mad-
ison. 15-16-17
FOR SALE-A. Nash Co. Suit, Ovr-
coat or topcoat, made to measure.
$23.00. Guaranteed fit. Phone 21073.
FOQR SALE-C Melody Saxophone ;
good condition. Call 4478 Kuchnle.
FOR SALE-Pollce pups for sale, 2
X'males, 2 females, 21 weeks old,
weigh 30 pounds; finest ped. dam
Judy Stud Astor von Waldort. W.
Dickson, 312 N. 4th avenue. 12
o'clock afternoons. Tel. 21262.
FOR SALE-Ink Is the life blood of
your Fountain Pen. You will always
get the right kind at Rider's Pen
Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or
kinds which clog your pen and make
it useless. Your. pen and ink spe-
cialist knows. tf
LOST-A long grey purse belonging
to Elizabeth Struthers. Phone 21858.
Reward offered for its return. 16-17
LOST-Redf Cocker Spaniel, license
No. 12, name "Rusty." Substantial
reward. Call 9692 16-17-18
LOST-Between Library and Madison
Street, a set of zoology instruments.
Call 9479. 16
LOST-Grey suede jacket at Arcade
Cafeteria, Wednesday noon. Call
21241. 16-17-18
NOTICE-New Victor Records, Ortho-
phonic recording. Every week at
Schaeberle & Sons, 110 S. Main St.
LOST-All desire to promote highly
colored pens, necessarily made of
celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta-
bility to attract the eye and assist
the advertising. Our pens are made,
almost without exception of PURE

most stable material ever found for
fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop.
WANTED-Office space near campus.
M. Mack, 945 Dewey, Dial 21882 .
WANTED-Students to sell arm bands
at Michigan-Minnesota game. Call.
9568, 1341 Wilmot. 16
WANTED-Two tickets for the Minne-
sota game. Call 8450, 207 S. Ingalls.
16-17 .
WANTED-Three tickets for Minne-
sota. Your price. Talor 5917.

~Ia~ifi~ A nrrt~iu~ WNTED TO R'ENT-Four rooms for
the week-end of the Wisconsin
If you are a telephone suabscriber call 1im gaE9dme, location near- Cambridge at
the AdTaer Dial 21214, and your waont ad i Forest. Dial 5618. 16 -17-1"
will be charged.,__________________________
The Michigan D~aily reserves the right to
classify all wants ads under approriate hcadI- \VANT.PD--Stuidents: Free trip to
ings and to revise or withhold objecctionIable Txs(uin oias.Fr1fr
copy.Tea duighlay.Frifo-
This column closes at 3 1'. M. date PreCed- Ilat ion write at once. Box 119
inkg publication. Notice of any error must be Mcia al.1G1-i
given in time- for the secoinserMthianDalyon-1-.
Ten cents per reading lute (on the basis; of 1iVANTll-A double desk. Call 4618S
five average words to the line) for one ortwo
insertions, and ask for House Manager. 15-16
Nine cents per reading line for three or muorc
insertions.#WATD S
Cash classifteds receivedl at the Daily ofie W TD-trdents' laundry. Called
in The Press Building onl I ta:'iard Street. for and delivered. Call 7992.
Special standardized r-ates given oar applicd-
tion. WANT6D--Tultor foi" Spaniishi. Mattt

know language well.. Address Box
118 Michigan Daily, Press Build.-
ing. 15-16-17
IWANTED- Senior ellgineer wishei
room near Washtenaw above South
U. Desires to be- only s;tudlent in
!house. Box 117 Michigan D't.ilv.
WANTED-Young and _. healthy men
weighing 150 pounds or more to act
as blood dlonors at University I-os-
pital. Apply at Hlouse Physician's
office. 12 to 17 ie
WANTED-Eland ironers, pressure
and mangle workers. Steady work
and good pay. U. of 'M. Laundry.
East Washington.
WANTED-Students to know that we
have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled
at the price. Call for Wahls new
$5.00 pen, any style of paoint and in
three colors Hard Rubber Holders.
Rider's Pen Shop. tf
NOTICE-Amnbitious college students
who are working their way through
school, have a splendid opportunity
with large national institution.
Local Branch ,Office, Suite 5, 209 S.
State St. Dial 9592. 16-17
Fri. & Sat., Oct. 15-16, the Tapestry
Store at 119 5. Main street, will offer
Beautiful Imported Tapestry Panels,
Special price $1.98, $2.98,'$3.98 and
$4.98 each. A beautiful Imported Pa-
nel given free. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, at
8 p. m. Call for free number on tis
beautiful panel, numbers free to all.
AGENCY - 16-17
NOTICE-Dressmaking, general and
altering. Promipt service. 'Miss
Eisele, 509 Thompson, Phone 22340.
NOTICE-Tutor, University Graduate,
will tutor in mathematics and
science. Phone 4805. 16-17-18
NOTICE-Miss - Elsie Janis used a
Baldwin Piano last evening during
her concert. We have them for sale.
Allimendinger Music Shop, Maynard
street. 16
NOTICE-Bear the latest knockout!
The Birth of the Blues, on the Col-
umbia at Almendinger's, Maynard
street. 16-17





OR Display





213 E. Liberty




a new Swidelast,

Exclusively shown, all
{ sizes carried in stock.
'r~sni~ Tt n " "1 AA llU .1'l.

VOICE CULTURE-Pansy Johnson,
contralto; graduate University,
School of Music, pupil of Horatio
Connell, Philadelphia. Dial 4685.
94S. State. 11 to 16 mdc
NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas :!or
rent, terms right. Schaeberle & Son
Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf
NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, Teacher and
Soloist; thirty years, experience;
banjos, mandolin, guitar and chord
construction. Dial 4757.

8 to 30 mci eod

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