,THE. MICHIGAN DAILY ' _. _ '-" ' v , omps 11 t' °, , .r.. , cs INThIUTIIIT ~auri~ RANSFORD WILL AID SHAPLEY iivirvnM Ii imvri IN NAVY BACKFIELD THIS YEAR FEATUREWEED iII1 11 9E P TPAGE MAKES CONFERENCE fli vrn 'm 1W flfhnfT! L R 1 L H I N D Uat r C i i s A e ) a~ o D Irt~ i't~l (d~.'iIi Th est Play'er in A cerlfica R Majority IFa V ,r 3)"4 ltrdIs OTIIHER SLAKE-UPS SEEN (13y Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 1'r.-Metropolifaii critics already have taken up) the un- official task of ranking; American ton1- nis star for 1926 with a sharp dlivisioni of opinion as to whet her William T. Tilden or Vincent, Richards is ent itled Ito number one position. Admitting that the ratinug problem has been complicated by thle sweep of French rackets through t he No- tinlchampionship evet.;dt h (1le passing of Richards from the amateour fold, some observers contend that Ithe season record of the former Olympic champion etitles him to the top posi- tion. Although rTiflen'gs(downfall iniithe title tourmnment was hastenued by in injured knee, these -commentators point out that Richards won three of his four matches against the (de- thironed king, and that he was the only American player to reach the semi- final round. Other critics, however, feel that "Big Bill" should top the list for the seventh time. A shakeup in the 1925 "first ten" lineup also was seen as a result of the rise of two young players, Alfred 11. Chapin, Jr., of Springfield, Mass., and Edward G. Chandler of California, t he intercollegiate title holder. Dr. George King of New York, who up~set Takeiichi Harada, also was picked as a new "first ten" player. The official ranking committee of the United States Lawn Tennis asso- ciation will not undertake its task un- til midwinter, but critics see before them another p~roblem of fixing the position of two veteran members of the "big four"-R. N. Williams and William M. Johnston. Neither reach- ed the final round of a single compe- tition during the season., Critics considered it possible that Williams would not be ranked this year, owing to his infrequent appear- ances in singles play, while Johnston was concedled generally as entitled to third place ranking. John Pesek is claiming the world's heavyweight wrestling title as a result PLOOmI-NGTON, hId., Oct. 1.1--Pat iemergfing triumphantly by large mar- l P'ace. Indliana. coalch, will niuke his I gille but since then the scores have (1c)Iu as a Coufereueforn1)0l u'uior 'beefn close with but little to choose e1mo r ow witen hi zCriiln ?I Ivon Ibe t w