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October 15, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-15

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Miitary Affairs Committee Reports
That Regular Army Should Be
125,000 Enlisted Men
(By Associated Pr.s)
American Legion in national conven-
tion today refused to reaffirm its
position it took at Omaha last year,
when it favored adherMnce to fhe
World court. A resolution reaffirm-
ing that action was rejected by a large
vote after speeches had been made
that the World court had become a
political question and that to adopt
the resolution would be violating the1
Legion constitution which provides
that the organization cannot be used
for the dissemination of partisan prin-
ciples. The merits of the World court
were not discussed by those who op-
posed the resolution.
The question of a unified air service
for the army and navy went over for
another year after the convention
committee on aeronautics had adopt-
ed a recommendation that there be.
one department of air services with
secretaries of equal importance for
land, sea and air forces. The com-
mittee after long conferences was
prevailed upon to "change the recom-
mendation to an expression that "it
looks with favor upon" the proposi-
tion. The committee also agreed to
the appointment of a committee of;
nine to study the entire question, and
report to the next convention. ,
San Antonio, Texas, won the 1928
convention of the legion after a con-
test with Miami and Denver. Detroit,
withdrew her invitation with the un-
derstanding that it will be renewed
for the 1929 meeting.
Next year's convention will be
held in Paris, France.
The convention will adjourn tomor-f
row after the election of a national'
commander and five vice-comman-
Asks Army Increase
The report of the military affairs
committee, adopted by the convention,
stated that the American Legion be-
lieves that the minimum requirement
for national defense should be a reg-
ular army of 12,000 officers and 125,-
000 enlisted men, in addition to the
recently authorized increase in the
air corps. There also should be, the
report stated, a national guard of
190,000, to be increased by annual in-
crement to 250,000 by 1936; the train-
ing of all field, line and staff officers
of the reserve corps, together with
the enlisted personnel of the organized
reserves for a period of 16 days every
three years; a reserve officers train-
ing corps adequate to provide 5,000 of-
ficers annually; a citizens military
training camp of 50,000 men and the
procurement, development and main-
tenance of such material and camps
as will properly equip all the afore-
mentioned components and the further
maintenance of an adequate war re-
serve for three field armies.
Support Draft Bill
The delegates cheered when the
committee reported that it favored the
immediate passage of the Johnson-
Pepper bill, known as the universal
draft bill, "not as only as a measure
of preparedness but also to prevent
future wars, thus eliminating slackers
and profiteers."
The committee endorsed the work of
the National Rifle association in its
efforts to spread the doctrine of rifle
marksmanship in high schools.

The report also contained the fol-
lowing: "Believing that teaching of
national defense to the youth of the
nation is the highest patriotism, the
American Legion stands resolutely for
military training in the high schools,
coleges and universities, and pledges
itself actively to oppose those pacifists,
radicals, communists and others who
are endeavoring in every possible way
to stop such training."
Thefts Reported In
University Offices


(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 14.-Wil-
liam J. Bingham, director of athletics
at Harvard, announced tonight that
the University of Indiana would ap-
pear on Harvard's 1927 football sched-
ule. The game between the Crimson
and the western conference eleven
will be played at Cambridge on Octo-
ber 29.I
At the same time it was rumored in
Harvard athletic circles that a tem-
porary interruption of football rela-
tions between Harvard and Dart-
mouth was possible, due to the fact
that the powerful western team had
been added to the schedule for next
year. Officials declined to confirm

ule is that which Tufts fills this year.
Director Bingham let it be known
that only four of Harvard's 1927 dates
had as yet been decided definitely.
Negotiations with Indiana were
opened after a home and home series
with Michigan for the season of 1927
and 1928 had been discussed and
abandoned. Reports that Harvard
1 planned to drop its Princeton game
next year in order to meet Michigan at
Ann Arbor resulted in a conference of
Big Three athletic heads in New
Haven last week. After that con-
ference, it was announced that there
was no danger of a rupture of Prince-
ton-Harvard athletic relations.
Director Bingham of Harvard later

Sawyer Will Show Interdependence
Of lT,,jversity, State; Ilobbs
To Describe Expedition

"It's like digging up your buried
relatives," exclaimed Elsie Janis yes-
terd'y afternoon, "when you start
discussing co-education at this time
in the game. As far as I can see,"
she added, "the women are here to'
stay and that is all there is to it."
Co-education or not, Miss Janis is
very enthusiastic about Ann Arborl
and the Union and as she wandered
up the long corridors, recounted many
experiences that she had had playing
in the old Michigan Union.
She was very much interested in
the college and all that is connected
with it. Commercialism, though, she
feels is getting its hold on all that is
American. "The interest shown in the
study of Spanish in American colleges
is evidence that the commercial.
spirit is creeping into our institutions


of higher learning. Especially in the
west, the number of students enrolled
in Spanish is twice that in any other
language and mainly because of its
value as an economic medium. Of
course," she said, "French used to be
the political language of Europe and
it still is-except in France." Regard-
ing languages, Miss Janis is skilled'
in Italian, French and German her-
self, and is studying Spanish at the
present time "between jumps."
This was Miss Janis' second visit to
Ann Arbor and she expressed her de-
light at appearing before an entirely
new audience at each performance.
"A new audience," she said, "gives me
a chance to make more people laugh,
and that after all, I4 what I would
rather do than anything else in the

or deny this report on the ground that explained that the Michigan game had Edwar F. Kraus, dean of the Col-
the 1927 schedule of games had not been given up because a faculty rule lege of Pharmacy and the Summer
as yet been fully drawn up. The date at Harvard limits the teams to one session, Regent Walter H. Sawyer,
allotted to Indiana on the 1927 sched- game a season away from Cambridge. '84H1, Fielding H. Yost, director of in-
tercollegiate athletics, and Prof. Wil-
liam -I. Hobbs of the geology depart-
mint will be speakers on the opening
PRESSCL B WILLr W RITINGadSCRFICE io program which will be broad-
castat 8 o'clock tonight from Univer-
sity hall. The program will be relay-
ed through the Detroit News station
A WWJ, and will resume the broadcast-
ing from the University which was
Prominent Newspaper Men and lMem. Rhetoric Instructor Speaks Before inaugurated last year.
hers of University Faculty Will Michigan Authors' Meeting; Dean Kraus will deliver the first of
Speak To Visiting Journalists Discusses "White Write?" the four minute talks and will explain
the purpose and plan in presenting
Ile will also trace the development in
the use of the radio in the colleges
Newspaper men of the state of "Authorship involves a spirit of throughout the country in the past
Michigan will meet at the eighth an- sacrifice" declared Lawrence 1H. Con- few years. Dean Kraus is chairmann
rad of the rhetoric department speak- of the committee in charge of the
nual convention of the University ing before the annual meeting of the broadcasting, which is oiie of the
Press club of Michigan to be he'ld in Michigan Authors' association in De- phases of the University extension L
Ann Arbor October 21, 22 and 23. troit last night on the subject "Why work.r
Headquarters will be established at Write?" Regent Sawyer, in his talk, will
the Union, where all sessions and din- Anyone engaging in the pursuit of emphasize tie value of tie University
writing must give up many major in- to the state and how they are inde-
ners of the club will be held. terests of life in order that his mind pendent.a n-
The program for the convention in- might be free and enable him to de- le will be followed by Coach YostV
cludes dinners, discussions and ad- vote his time to his dominent idea. who will tell of this year's football
dresses by prominent newspaper men Since the writer must know more whomilndtlsoftiar t o tballnih
and members of the University faculty. than his readers, he must spend his teamr an tls newi taumniche
On the first day's program is an ad- time not merely gathering bare facts nature of the new stadium which is
under construction.'I
dress of welcome by A. R. Treanor, and statistical data, but come in con- Professor hobbs will close the
president of the club; talks by jour- tact with actual life itself..s
nalists; and in the evening the Presi- Mr. Conrad went on to say that in rsries of four minute speehes with a
dent's dinner at which the visiting addition to having a well-stored mind,i hresume of his summer in Greenland
writers will hear Prof. William A. the writer must have a genuine ce- of the influences of the plateaus of
Frayer, Regent James 0. Murfin and sire to put his experiences on paper. the region upon the weather of the
Willam D Henderson He must be in full sympathy with allt
Atlaticaoas lin.HAsthiewasonl
On Friday, the second 'day, there the cares and trials of his fellow-men, Atlantic coast le. As this was only
will be more addresses including talks putting their interests and problems a preliminary expedition he will giveg
by Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, of the ahead of his own concerns. Inspira_ something of his future plans in
literary college, Prof. Fred Newton tion will come even to a writer of Greenland and what will be done inC
Scott and Lawrence H. Conrad of the normal mind that is given over whol- the future to establish weather bu-s
rhetoric department. In the evening ly to writing, and is engaged upon reaMs in that region which will giver
the journalists will attend the annual something that his fellow-men both early warning to ships of impendingI
Press club dinner, at which they will need and want. storms.i
hear Eric C. Hopwood, president of In the business meeting of the as-I Each of the speeches will be follow-t
the American Society of Newspaper sociation, Mr. Conrad was elected vice- ed by a musical number by the Var-
Editors. president of the organization. sitv hand, the first selection of which
On the final day of the convention I Awill be the "Victors." The next of
all unfinished business will be handl- FRENCH RADICALS I the numbers will be one of the
ed, and officers for the year will be . E marches to be played on Ferry field
elected. In the afternoon the press ATTEMPT REU N IN tomorrow, "The American Red Cross
men will be the guests of the Athletic March." At the close of Coach Yost's
association at the Michigan-Illinois (By Associated Press) speech the band will play "Varsity."
football game. x BORDEAUX France Oct. 14.-The The third musical number given will
thrice spit Radical party, which be- be "The University of Dayton March,"
OWNER OFthcaee iterical s it - and the radio program will be eon-
came, the master of the political sit- eluded by "The Yellow and Blue."
DIES SUDDENLThetisecondFofcethiseseason'sctbroad-
DIES SUDDENLY 1924, only to lose its grip through the The second of this season's broad-
difficulties of the financial situation casting will be the night before the
"Back to Joe's and the Orient. and internal strife, today began here Il s game, Oct. 22.
"Back to some of the money I the difficult task of reuniting its vari- STUDENT VO ERS
spent." ous factions.
The three-day convention and the MUST REGISTER
Joseph S. Parker, 67, famed among decision that it made are of vital i - R G S E
'Michigan alumni as the owner of terest to the present Poincare cabinetK HERE THIS W EEK!
"Joe's," a popular bar-room of the which may stand or fall on the result.
pre-Volstead era, died suddenly at his The extremists within the party have Registration of Ann Arbor students
home early yesterday morning. taken the attitude that the present 'for the November elections must be
The walnut table tops of the old coalition with the Socialists must be made at the city clerk's office on or
saloon, which are now hanging on the revamped and that the party members before Saturday, according to an an-
walls of the new Joe Parker's safe, must be summoned to retire from the nouncement made. by officials of the
are mute testimony to the thousands Poincare cabinef. This would mean University Republican club last night.
of men of Michigan who gathered in the downfall of the present ministry The office will remain open until 8
the gry and noisy place to celebrate as soon as parliament convenes. o'clock Saturday might.
another victory, or to pep up for the Edouard Heiot, radical Socialist In an effort to enable out of town
coming conflict, or just to "have a ; leader, who is minister of education students to vote, the club will offer
round." in the Poincare government, is the notary and mailing service for regis-
"Joe" opened his first saloon on center about whom most of the con- tration, applying for absentee ballots,
Main street, on the present site of the troversy will evolve. If his participa- and voting, at no expense to the voter,
Kresge store, 40 years ago. It be- tion in the government should be dis- and with no obligation as to party
came the popular meeting place of avowed, it is felt that the National preference.
the university students. union cabinet of Poincare would suf- Headquarters will be maintained at
Later he moved to the corner of fer a swift break-up. the Union for men and women, and
Ann st., and Fourth ave., where now in University hall for women, begin-
stands the Chamber of Commerce COLUMBUS, 0.-Songs of all the ning Monday, it was stated last night
building, and here he opened a restau- Western Conference universities, by Harold A. Marks, '28L, president of
rant and hotel, the "Catalpa Inn." It merged in a march specially arranged the club. At the presidential elec-
was five years ago that he moved to for the occasion, will be played Sat- Lion two years ago, ballots were ent
the present location of the cafe, which urday by Ohio State's 135-piece band out to 24 states other than Michigan.
has been conducted by his daughter, and drum corps when the uckeyeAR
IreneParker, since his retirement, eleven meetsrColumbia at the Polo UNION ADDS NE W .
three years ago. grounds, New York city. - AIDS FOR ALUMNI
COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD TAKE Union facilities for assisting re-
INTEREST IN GOVERNMENT.-CABOT turning alumni have been enlarged in
scope, and the aiding committees will
operate in the Union lobby for the

Says Business Men Must Be Convert-
ed to Idea of College Preparation
For Business Careers
At the annual smoker of the school
of business administration held last
night ini lie Union, D~ean Edmund S.
Day of the School of Business Admin-
istration imformally addressed the
faculty and students of the school on
the problems confronting the school
at the present time.
He stressed the point that business
men and college students must be con-
verted to the idea of college prepara-
tion for a business career. An increas-
lng minority of business men, iclud-
ing many leaders, recognizethe ces-
sity of this training, accordin to
Dean Day, and with the period of
transition for the business school
nearly over, more college sudekits are
beginning to realize this truth.
Although freely admitting that cer-
tain types of students do not need ex-
tensive university training to enter
business, Dean Day advocated for the
great majority of men who have no
special business capacity, a program
of study containing a period of indense
specialization, as weltl as a' well-
rounded view of the whole subject.
He concluded his address by emphasiz-
ing the importance of the right at-
titude of the students in their col-
lege training for future positions in
the business world.
Plan Mass Protests
For Queen's Arrival
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 14.-Preparations
were completed by the New York sec-
tion of the International Labor de-
fense for an open air mass meeting
on the day that Queen Marie arrives,
protesting the "medieval tortures" it
alleges are being inflicted on 2,500
political prisoners in Roumania.
. A call was issued to the city's
workers to meet in Union square,
shortly after the hour of the Queen's
debarkation Monday, to "express their
condemnation of the Roumanian au-
thorities for thir brutal treatment of
lpolitical prisoners."
In nmany cases, the announcement
said, the men and women held in jail
"by the government represented by
'Queen Marie," have no charge against
them more serious than expression of
opinion or the reading of some labor
journal which is freely circulated in
the country."
Los Angeles Begins
Flight Io Detroit
(By Associated Press)
LAKEHURST, N. J., Oct. 14.--Head-
ed for Detroit the navy dirigible Los
Angeles was flying through the dark-
ness tonight on a course considerably
to the north of the air trail that ended
a year ago in the fatal crash of its
hangar mate, the Shenandoah.
Delayed four d"ays by inclemen
weather, Lieut. Com. Charles E. Ros
endahl ordered the dirigible cut loos
at 11:05 this morning.

Alpha Omega Alpha Invites Prominent
Speakers To Participate In
Lecture Series
Four speakers will appear on the
lecture series of Alpha Omega Alpha,
honorary medical fraternity, this sea-
son, according to an announcement
made by officers of the organization.
Dr. William Darrach, associate editor
of Archives of Surgery and dean of
the college of physicians at Columbia
university, will deliver the first ad-
dress on "Why Study Medicine?"
Tuesday in Natural Science audi-
Dr. Charles Phillips Emerson, dean
of the medical school at Indiana uni-
versity, has accepted the invitation
to be the second speaker. Invitations
have been extended to Dr. Hugh T.
Patrick of Chicago and Dr. Simon
Flexner of the Rockefeller institute
although definite arrangements have
not yet been made.
Each of the speakers will treat his
subject in a non-technical manner, ac-
cording to officers of the honorary
fraternity, In order that the lectures
may be of interest to the general pub-
lie as well as students of medicine.
Safety Men Taken
rom British Mines
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 14.-By a district
vote in the coal fields, the miners have
endorsed the decision of the recent
miners' delegate conference to with-
draw the safety men from the mines.
The delegate conference decided
upon withdrawal of the safety men
when it was found impossible to reach
a settlement of the strike under the
government proposals.
The miners' federation will meet to-
morrow and decide whether to act on
the vote, but as the federation con-
trols only 40 per cent of the safety
men, while the union controling the
other 60 per cent has emphatically de-
cided against withdrawal, it is con-
sidered doubtful whether .the confed-
eration will go to this extreme.
LONDON, Oct. 14.-Lord Oxford
and Asquith whose criticisms of the
policy adopted by former Premier
David Lloyd George during the general
'strike last May, revealed serious dis-
cord within the Liberal party, today
resigned his leadership of the Liberal
His resignation probably will be
followed by the election of Mr. Lloyd
- Georgle, now Liberal parliamentary
leader, to the leadership of the party,
The withdrawal of Lord Oxford as
leader of'the Liberal party constitutes
the latest chapter in the dramatic
political controversy which has been
going on between him and Lloyd
t I George since December, 1916, whem
- Lord Oxford, then plain Mr. Asquith
e was forced out of the premiership t
be succeeded by Lloyd George.

Investigate Charges That Mc~inley
Spent $350000; Smith $250,000
In Illinois Primary
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 14.-The reopening
of hearings in Chicago was announced
today by the United States Senate
campaign funds committee, and sub-
poenas were issued to five persons to
appear as witnesses.
At the request of Hicklin Yates,
secretary of the committee who came
to Chicago after conferring at St.
Louis with Sen. James A. Reed, Demo-
crat, Missouri, chairman of the com-
mittee, the United States marshal sent
summonses to Dr. George A. Safford,
Illinois superintendent of the Anti-
Saloon league; James D. Simpson,
president of Marshall Field company;
Elmer William, chairman of the Bet-
ter Government association and Cle-
ment Studebaker, public utilities ex-
To Conclude Testimony
The hearing was called for 10
o'clock Monday morning, ostensibly to
conclude the taking of testimony not
heard at the previous session here
when the committee developed the ex-
penditure of $250,000 in the primary
campaign of Col. Frank L. Smith, Re-
publican senatorial nominee and of
$350,000 by Sen. William B. McKinley,
seeking renomination.
It was pointed out, however, that
the place of meeting is convenient to
Indiana, where charges have been
made that political corruption in-
volved United States senatorships, and
that the committee can summon Indi-
ana witnesses handily if they conclude
the charges come within the scope of
its authority.
Secretary Yates said he had no in-
formation that the reopening of com-
mittee sessions here was prompted
by the Indiana charges, or that those
charges would be considered.
No subpoenas were issued here to-
day for Indiana witnesses, and no re-
quest 'was made to Palmer Anderson,
United States marshal, he said, to
summon any.
Safford Testifies
At its former hearing in Chicago,
the committee represented by Chair-
man Reed and Senator Lafollette, Re-
publican, Wisconsin, summoned Simp-
son, Studebaker, Safford and :Mrs.
Morrisson, but adjourned without
hearing any but Safford.
The committee developed contribu-
tions of $125,000 to the Smith cam-
paign fund by Samuel Insull, public
utilities executive, and was told by
Allan Moore, Republican national
committeeman and Smith's primary
campaign manager, that Studebaker
had been a contributor.
Safford testified that the Anti-Sa-
loon league gave its endorsement both
to Smith and McKinley in the pri-
mary. Simpson was reported to have
been a contributor to the primary
fund. Mrs. Morrisson was mentioned
by officials of the McKinley campaign
as having helped to arrange meetings
among clubwomen to endorse Ameri-
can adherence to the World court for
which McKinley voted.


Senior class elections were- con-
cluded for the week yesterday after-
noon with. the selection of officers in'
the College of Denistry and the Col-
lege of Pharmacy. - The one remain-
ing senior class election, that in the
Law school, will be held next week.
Robert Turner was elected presi-
I dent of the senior dentistry class. The
other three offices were filled as fol-.
'lows: Frank Orliman, vice-presi-
dent; William Riley, secretary; and
Sherwood Lee, treasurer. All officers
were elected unanimously.
In the pharmacy election, Darwin
Sacheroff won the presidency over
Ray Patelski by a substantial margin.
Saul Cohen was elected vice-president
although there remains a question as
to his eligibility. In the event that
'his name is not approved at the office
of the dean of students, Helen Young
will fill the office. Herbert Noel was
chosen secretary of the class, and
Stanley Pettier was elected treasurer.
Thei W ifhprI



Four robberies were reported yes-
terday as having taken place late
Monday in and about the University
offices. Miss Frances H. Buntin, a
clerk in the Recorder's office reported
the loss of a bag containing money
and football tickets. Miss Helen
Loftus, grad, also reported the loss
of a black mesh bag, containing $9
and football tickets, from the office
of the rhetoric department. Several

If the universities do not enable
their students to learn politics and to
judge candidates from personal 'ap-
pearances, they are failing in one of
their important functions, said Dean
Hugh Cabot of the Medical school yes-
terday in commenting on the activi-
ties of student political clubs. "We
cannot separate democracy and edu-
cation," he continued, saying that it
is essential that college students take
an interest in the government of their

The number of college graduates is
increasing, Dean Cabot explained, and
the government will probably be con-
trolled almost entirely by college
trained men. "It is not characteristi-
cally American," he stated, "to learn
from others. We must learn by our
experience." Therefore these students
who are to govern the country must
hear candidates speak, judge them,
and cast their ballots in the elections.

football game tomorrow.
A general information desk will be
located in the lobby, at which will be
found a campus directory, map of the
city, and railroad, bus and electric car
Rooms for alumni will be in charge
of a rooming committee which will
list rooms available. Ann Arbor resi-
dents have already listed, and may
still list rooms for football games with
this committee.

"I believe in the retention of the
primary system, certainly till we dis-
cover something better to which to
go," declared Prof. Thomas H. Reed
of the political science department in
an interview given out yesterday. The
interview followed an attack upon
NV'ice-President Dawes' stand on the
system by both Republican and Dem-

When asked as to the relative ex-
penditures of money in the two sys-
tems, Professor Reed remarked that
"it may be true that less money was
spent in getting nominations under
the convention system. If so, it is
chiefly due to the fact that conven-
tions could be bought more cheaply
than the electorate."

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