S TI- RI DAY, OCTBER 14, 1926, Fi 'p4 Sad Muslc Today "EAST LYNNE"' 'Very$- tJ sAr 1.GO AL Tb~y. .COO Him fn fllke. Wolf" Mysterious - Gripp)ing in "THE TRAP" THE MJQHI'GA! DAILY S If you are a telephone subscriber call Jirrimep the ztd-Faker, Dial 21214, and ,your' want at '' will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify alli wants ads tinder appropriate head- ings and to revise or rithhold objectionable. This column closes at 3 P. A1.. date preced- ing ptiblication. Notice of an~y error must b t given n time. for the second insertion. Ten cents per reaiin lne(on The bsso. {fv verge words to the line) fo'r one or two MR insertions. Nine cents per readting line for three or more insertionls. Cah classifieds received at the Daily officie 1in The Press B~uilding on Maynard Street.; CONTRIAC~T1RATES Special. standairdised' rates gzeij on apia PAGE SEVE~N r r. . :. -4 FOUNDl-Automatic pencils whichi weI sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that ~work~ as 'well and last go, long as the test. Rider's 'Pen Shop. t FC'9R4NT - ,squerate 4. l alow- ?en C tuzpes. for. rent."tIrs. Spaul- ding, 115 9;l~.Lberty. Call 3581. 16-16 F( REIN -LA doble., T-0 9or. half interest In a double room. 502 E. efer~z a Da. X1297. 456 FOR RENT I VWTF0 FOR RENT--Double and single room,, dNI A(ouible desk. Call 4613 convenient to downtown. D~ial 8204. ai md askc for House AMager. 15-16 15-16-17 W ANTED - Four seats for Minnesota FOR RENT-New cleaned sinle game. Call Ross 6293. 15 double rooms. For business oar 1rai-1 - uate girl. 322 John St. 13-14-15 WtANTE--Students' laundry. Called Read T ke Daily "Classified" Columns. appli~d~ ..I C, . t' S i (me in--browse aron- and IOQ&thi-Angs over in our i'. _.._ - : t:.. ,... .. ... .... n '9 and GA REATER SHOP FOR RENT-Two rooms (in new' house), one for study, other for sleeping. Price reasonable. Cood1 location. 336 S. Division. 13-11-5, FOR RENT-Large well furnished first floor suite, with good sized pri- I vate lavatory. Dial 6057. 1-41 NOTICE-First class repair work on all1nmusical instruments at Shab- erle & Sons. 110 S. Main St. tU FOR SALEI FOR SALE-Ford touring, excellent condition, ready for any trip. Bum- pers front and rear. $25 cash. Phone Chase, 21917 at meal hours. 15-16 FOR SADE-Tuxedo, size 36. Worn' only once, will sacrifice for half price. all 402 S. Observatory or Phone 3695. 15-16-17 FOR SALE-Ford touring, 5 good tires, $45. Phone 2188, 517 E. Mad- M~on. 15-16-17 FOR SALE-A. Nash Co. Suit, Ovr-. coat or topcoat, made to measure.I $23.00. Guaranteed fit. Phone 21073.! 14-15-16 t FOR SALE-C Melody Saxophone ; good condition. Call 4478 Kuchnle. 14-15-16 FOR SALE-Police pups for sale, 21 males, 2 females, 21 weeks old, weigh 30 pounds; finest ped. dam Judy Stud Astor von Waldort. W. Dickson, 312 N. 4th avenue. 12 ~clo el4 afternoons. Tel. 21262. 14-15-16 FOR SALE-Two tables, 3 ft. x 10 ft., suitable for fraternity or boarding house. Phone 301. 14-15 FOR SALE-B fat Albert System1 clarinet, $35.00. Buescher Silver Plated B fiat Trumpet, $55.00. 903 Mary St. 13-14-15 FOR SALE-Ink is the life blood of your Fountain Pen. You will always get the right kind at Rider's Pen{ Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or kinds which clog-your pen and make it useless. Your pen and ink spe- cialist knows. tf; FOR SALE-Latest model Remington Portable Typewriters. All machinss( guaranteed. For free demonstra- tion phone Dial 3489. 5e..d.tf1 LOST LOST-Gamma Phi Beta pin. Mono- gram of Greek letters in white gold on a black crescent. Name on back. Return to Barbara Wheeler, 1520 S. University. Phone 22217. 14-15 NOTICE-New Victor Records, Ortho- phonic recording. Every week at Schaelberle & Sons, 110 S. Main St. tf. "LOST-All desire to promote highly colored pens, necessarily nmade o celluloid, at a great sacrificla of sta- bility to attract the eye and assist the advertising. Our pens are made, almost without exception of PURE VEGETABLE GUM RUBBER, the most stable material eer found for fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop. tf WANTED-Three tickets for. Minne- sota game. Call 21697 in the ven- ing. 15 WANTED-Tntor. for Spanish. Must knowv language well. Address Box 118 Michigan IDaily, Press Build- ing. 15-16-17 WANTh.D--IS5 students to sell on IFrry Field for t he M\ichigan-Minn- sota gamrne. For particulars see I< IT." Fradenburgh, 116 North State, Spaulding Apartments, Apt. 9, be- tween 12 and 1 or after 5. 14-15 IW A N TrE D -Se nior engineer w ish es room near Washtenaw above South U. Desires to be only student in house. Box 117 Michigan Daily. 14-15-16 WANTED-Young and healthy men weighing 150 pounds or more to act as blood donors at University Hos- pital. Apply at Ilouse Physician's office. 12 to 17 incl WANTED-Hland ironers, presure and mangle workers. Steady work and good pay. U. of M. Laundry. East Washington. I ~10-11-12-13-14-15 WANTED=,-Students to know that we have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled at, the price. Call for Wahs 'ew $5.00 p~en, any style of ?oint and in three colors .Hard Rubber H-olders. Rider's Pen Shop. if AOTICE Thursday, Oct. 15th, the Tapestry Store at 119 S. Main street, Will offer Beautiful Imported Tlapestry Panels," Special price $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 'and $4.98 each. A beautiful Imported Pa- nel given free. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, at 8 p. m. Call for free number on this beautifuil panel, numbers free to all. MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTING) AGEiNCY 14-15 Silk Hosiery YES, THEY'RE HERE 'Those lovely new Real Silk styles fand colors-in fal and winter hosiery. IAll silk from toe to top; . sillk with special process lisle, feet and tops, both full fashioned and regulars; silk 'and 'wool-solid fancy clors; com- fortable out-sizes in twenty-eight Istylish shades. Dainty Lingerie at 'factory prices. (See Ladies' Homne Journal, October, page 74). Also- for men "the best wearing silk (silk and wool,. too) socks in America, bar noise." (See Sat. Evening Post,.,Wt- ber 9th, page 10). REAL SILK HOSIERY. MILLS Suite 5, 209 So. State St. An invitation by. card for phone (9592) will bring our service repre- sentative. 13-tf VOICE CULTURE-Pansy Johnson, contralto;' graduate University School of Music, pupil of Horatio Connell, Philadelphia. Dial 4685. 904 S. State. 11 to 16 mdc NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for rent, terms right. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 . Main St. tf EXPERIENCED piano and pipe organ teacher. Emma Fisher Cross, for- mer faculty member School of Mu- sic and pupil of Leschetzky of Vienna. Studio, Apt. , 610 E. Lib- erty. Phone 3566. lleodt i r s'ti 0~ ,, . ; . You'll find it at the same old address-bu our clothing department with its. impressive collec- tion of exclusiye ollegeclothes, ready-tor-wear,: all fresh and new this .season-is now ,in morp commodious quarters on the second floes. As smart a mnarl's shop as you'll find any- wthere. And as attractive, as convenient, as comfortable as an exclusive club. No detail that could possibly contribute to your convene; 4 I ience has been overlooked. . t There's the comfortably furnished club. room or loungefor instance. A good. place to meet your friends. To telephone. To, write let-o Toer. T'z current newspapers, and miap- i- zies you'll fin~d th ereOr just to smoke and rvs. This room is yo Urs-to use and enjoy. We wnt -you to, use it. And as often as you dike, You'll not obligate yourself in the lest. Why not drp in today? OVi J77., I < '- t .S 1 i - I }} 't- GREENWOOD00.l..,-, and KLGOIL {(Upstairs Over calkins-letcher) To maintain that clean cut appearance Wear a Hart, Schaffner& Marx Tw r ithree hid-I-e F'11 S1i- i 11 11