;4,T TURSDAV" t1CTORER, 14, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAf' F V1R a . n. t! -_ 4. ar. 'a ta Y. FIRST LEAGUE PARTY Give Opportunities IS EVENT OF FRIDAY Social Service ForScalerce TO(BENElTEAP lU .. I Autumnal splendour will usher, in the first Women's league party of this "We can offer valuableexperience I EIFIyear which is to be held at 4 o'clock(fowmewharinrstdns- tomorrow in Sarah Caswell Angell for women who are interested in so- lrs. Carl Kesslr Unlversity Alumna hall in harbour gymnasium. The hall Ketchum of the Social Department of is Designer Of Unusual Piece will be transformed from a barren University hospital at a meeting Of Work room into a colorful scene brightened Tuesday afternoon in Newberry hail by russet leaves, corn stalks and!"Especially is there a call for those S ALETO START DEC. 1 mpkints. who can teach elementary subjects SALE PDancing, to the tune of Caryl Lund- and primary high school work. There quist's orchestra, and prearranged are approximately 300 children at the Work on a "monumental map" of stunts, and refreshments will make hospital who must be occupied in rec- Ann Arbor, is being completed. by Mrs. this first get-together a merry oc- reational and educational work and Carl Kessler of Chicago at the present casion. It is to be an informal affair, anyd time. The map will be ready for dis- and all women on the campus are a scollege woman who can give be tribution by Dec. '1 1926, and will be cordially invited to attend. Junior taking an opportunity to give real a colored representation in perspec- advisers are' urged to bring their lit- service as well as to obtain beneficial tive of all the University buildings, tle sisters. experience." all dormitories, sorority and fraternity Guests will be welcomed by Marie At the same meeting, Miss Carrie houses, churches, main tea rooms and Hartwig, '29, who is chairman of the L. Dicken principal of the Perry other buildings familiar to college life party, and a committee who will act syc , rici ai of Univery at Michigan. Those who are familiar as hostesses. The primary aim of the women to act as instructors and big 'vith -the illustrated maps of London party is to establish greater social sistersoact Asericanizationdworg nd'dt ostton which have come out this contact among all women, and to af- sisters.i Americanization work year will realtze what this mal will ford an opportunity for the new o- among the foreigners of Ann Arbor. yearnluealizeatthisl fo a tuint th n e s w The work can be done either in after- include. men to become acquainted with others. noon classes or night school and no There is a wide border around the -experience is necessary. whole with a pageant of all the prin- According to statistics compiled by cipal social functions of the year rep- Miss Mary E. Hazeltine, preceptor of Classified ads bring big results for resented throughout. In each corner the Wisconsin Library school at Mad-moyssedAd of the illustration is a group picture + ison, Wis., three-fourths of the women money invested.-Ad. typical activities of each class such; who were trained there during the__ -es the freshmmen burning their pots past 20 years never married. Less than on Cap night, and the seniors march-! one-third of those who did marry Ign .caps and gowns. In the middle withdrew from active professional The new Vapor Marcel is is the Michigan seal and a block "M" service. appears in each corner of the border. the only system in the world Little intimate touches, make this map Alpha Omicron Pi announces the a valuable mimento of college days. pledging of Elizabeth Cutter, '30 El- that produces a perfect, pe'r- Down on old Ferry field is a tree fair- gin, II. ly drooping under a load of small boys In_,__manent Marcel Wave with peering over the wall at the game. Patronize Daily Advertisers.p Out on Packard road is a sign "38 pure steam vapor without the Mi. to Detroit," while drifting down the Huron river is a little birch canoe.!P nia kenuseof electricity. All these scenes appear in vivid shades By this time everyone of red, green, yellow and blue. THE MIRROR Mrs. Kessler is a Michigan graduate knows that BEAUTY PARLOR and is well known in artistic circles.P ShI Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive sec- 19 CA Dial7 retary of the Alumnae council says gives pen service that she considers this contribution not found elsewhere. Cor. State and Monroe St. to be the most original and unique that has been given to the, league. Service__ _ __ __ _ _ To Discuss Student 'ENROLLMENT OF Cof e STUDENT NURSES Conference TonighRISES YEARLY This year's freshman class is thess ms SRepiensentatives from various cam-f largest in the history of thle school p s organizations will meet with the' of nursing, numbering 1T25. All women cabinets of the S. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. students who are s i ng; nursing at a 5:30 supper tonight in the -New- are housed in Couzens hal and at berry hall Coffee room. The purpose Lowman house. The former houses of the meeting is the discussion of the 285 students while the tIemlporary National Student Conference of the Y. home which takes care of the over- M. C. A which will be held from Dec. flow accommodates 35. The imiroas 28 to Jan. 1 in Milwaukee, and to ing enrollment in the school m1kes which delegates from both the S. C. A. it necessary to take care of the' st- and Y. W. will be sent. dent nurses outside of the ne.v Mr. Roy M. McCullough, secretary dormitory. of the State Student Y. M. C. A. and Every effort is made so that the 1 memher of the committee in charge home life of the student nirse is as 0t the December conference will come normal and attractive as possible. out from Detroit to address the meet- There are several social organiza- ing, le will discuss the work of the tions, a bridge club, a hiksing club conference and outline the program of and a branch organization of the Y. the various discussion groups to be W. C. A. About 85 per cent of the held. SOCIAL GROUP PLANNED BY GRADUATE WOMEN Women in the graduate school and those with an A. B. degree in profes- sional schools met in Newberry hall Tuesday to discuss the forming of a social club for the purpose of foster- ing a spirit of friendship among grad- uate women. Mrs. Emma Buck was elected tem- porary chairman. A committee was appointed with Miss Marion Lawless as chairman to draw up a set of rules{ and regulations to be presented at the next meeting, which will be held at 7 o'clock Oct. 19, in the Newberry hall coffee room. All graduate women are invited to this meeting. Officers will be elected for the year. The first woman to obtain the bachelor of art degree for architec- ture in the British Empire, is Miss Norah Dunphy of Llandudno, Wales. NOTICES The managers of the intramural hockey teams are urged to sign their names as soon as possible on the list posted on the bulletin board in Bar- bour gymnasium. There will be elective tennis classes at 4 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thurs- days for beginners and advanced play= .ers. Those who are interested are requested to sign up in Barbour gym- nasium. All tennis rounds for the tourna- ment must be played off before 5 o'clock today. All entering upperclasswomen are required to attend a lecture at 7 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall of Barbour gymnasium. This is the second of a series of three dis- cussions covering University Organ- ization, and will deal with campus activities. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. i 1 women are members of these organ- izations. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. ' 1 L ',, rr{I~ll!rlrlrrrrlrf~rrr{{rr~rf rll l{I rr~i{{rl ir{11111 III1 il{IH lllillr: THE - Green Tree Inn Luncheon.: 11:30-1:30 Dinner 5:30-7:00 Special Parties by Arrangement. rr~nrrrrrrr mmmmmImmm HII II IIIflfilIII u mmmIIIII nIIImInlrnum~N= -- lI I- I I -- -- - rrirrrrn wr r' 1 P. 323 S. MAIN STREET SPORT COATS Plaids, checks and tatilored-Fur trimmed collars and Cuffs-Lined and interlined-Sizes 14 to 44. .o , , .. ", .,. i t i "~_"" ,,,lam ;~ ..---- J ' . _ -- - F . _, Football Fashions 11111 a Priced at $17.95 to $65.00 I DRESS COATS-- Ne,. Importations of Mr. Beauty of De Because of their great beauty of their great durability, Oriental R rugs woven. For hundreds of yea recognized as the most luxurious f they must be far beyond the re farther from the truth. Here you hard to duplicate anywhere in th Small mats at $4 up. Suitable si Oriental Rug Mr. K. S. Jamgotch's stay in A Take advantage of this opportuni these beautiful rugs within the rea (TH K. S. Jamgotch Show Unusual sign and Coloring F design, their warm, rich colorings, and Rugs are unquestionably the finest of all ars Oriental Rugs have been so universally loor coverings that people naturally assume ach of their income. Nothing could be u will find rare masterpieces that would be he country at prices that will surprise you. izes for living rooms at $15 up. New versions of Dolman, belted and bloused models-Straight line type still dominates-All the materials and colors of Fall-Sizes 14 to 52. Priced at $24.95 to $125.00 MILLINERY-- New Hats arriving daily-Small and large shapes Before the game, between quarters and halves there is a competition more keenly fought than that down on the field. Eyes travel from box to' box surveying all that glorious galaxy of color and fashion. Whether in sports clothes .or dressed for tea, dinner or dance after the game, every woman should be keenly aware of her apparel for this gayest sports season of all the year. Our fashions will meet the approval of the grand- stands. Raccoon Coats..........$295.00 to $375.00 Natural Opossum ...................$155.0. Suede Jackets at....................$15.00 Plaid Flannel Jackets...............$5.95 Tomboy Skirts at.....................$.90 Sport Hose at.................$1.75 to $4.00 Lined Gloves............$3.50 to $10.00 Sweaters ...................$4.50 Upward Robe Blankets..............$4.95 to $6.75 GOOD YEA R'S g Sale Nears Close 11 I 11 11 --For the Miss and Matron-Felts, Velvets, inn Arbor is rapidly drawing to a close. ty to select rare antiques at prices that put ach of all. BIRD FLOOR) Velours. Priced at $5.00 and $10.00 11 1i ._. ._ .. .® =..m... mmwmm , . r r ', '. /i '. /l. Pl. /dlJllJJ YYlllll~l. a J~l. /lllr °llll. /~llllll. rl. r. r. i O llll. /llYllllJllllf~llJl. ?/lllll~l~ 'lull. l6l~l< e °l lJ . Yl. dl. . rllllll. . %y ^1. i ". ~l. llll. l I. : r ! YR/l. /. /yl. i tllllJlll~ll. /l!. IJ~ll. /lJllllJll~llJ. i~.I./l.IJ./l. ll./r n Ofi fnca Photo ramer for, the M ca,, nannsan 1 VL. i V v