PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14,- 1928 ,._... . .._..,-..... _... ._-- _ ____r_.__ . _ . ..r. I gesteci that possibly a mistake had CHIGAN ltlI1111tl1111f111t1l11t11111111111111111t11N1 I ClaieRjvnainiI been madeC in reporting the dliscovcry, BU L T NP ITDMto ac sB s=snetepoes spbihdwss 1 -ithat in the case of hardening of the "Library Notes," the official publi- I ' - Professor at Hospital Says Ilrocess of arteries, phenol might beiusedto kll cation of the University of Michigan 'F= MVE. Artery-brrushing Is Not Passibl the nerve fibers controlling the Cali- genc al library has made its firste her o1f the passages. These nerves pearance of thecurn semester. Th Tha th sttemnt adethrugha :ordinarily cause the arteries to con- bulletin is in the form of a four-page Ths. batue st eemardeirogh a (tract, andi if destroyed, would result pamphlet published monthly through -- new process of artery-brushing to in dilatation of the same and wvould Ithe office of W. W. Bishop, librarian bring about rejuvenation had either permiit I ho flow of a maximum amounti The first edition contains personal been confused by the correspondent or of blood. This state would then only not"s and news of interest to the staffT m'a n d else was without truth, was the opin- be temporary of the library. There is a message_ ion of Dr. Louis H. Newburgh, pro-, Other members of the hospital staff from Mr. Bishop in which be expresses fessor of clinical investigation in the' and of the medical school faculty were' his pleasure in the opening of the De- department of internal medicine at the of the (same mind in regard to the p'artment of Library science in the University, expressed in an interview Viennesec discovery. University.) yesterday. The article in questionT oaI concerned a Vienna physician, Dr.ey° von Cemes Nagy, who had announced { a new rejuvenation process, perform-, : ed by brushing out the -main arteries -= with a solution of phenol. By this system all nervous contraction ofte e a t r e wa av i e an fr e =°B su p y g a cl h s'b i g s r i e circulation of the blood assured. Dr.-v splyn acote byngsrvc 2adta2heewsn that men want._ Newburgh si ht hrsasn means possible of brushing the ar- - - teries without opening there, and, if !, the latter course were resorted to,- !=A~T~\T"T tePotient. would, die from°hemor rhg.If. there were any way of ° solution would probably kill the pat- 22 A inaccording to Dr. Nwbrh. -= The latter physician, however, sug- NU111t11111111-11t111111111l11111t111It1-11tfIIQIItE~ ry,- Is a big, helpful factor to the men who want A Ne 1-gh CassRestura t 2to wear better clothes. Wearing better clothes- and. a N w HihCops u eytu an is an undeniable. asset to the mat of today. "T'HE COLLEGIAN" OCIETY BRAND and - And Other Good Makes AnIetheyH arloe-ghsts Ritz-Carlton srvice, highest class of food, and Switelies, cats, bats, owls, gro-peantnvrmn. uotsfacnes and likiong,. brgh fo rangeprintedi pbakeon Favors given away on the openi'ng day-today, An initiad payment of $10 will open a e % and read yfor your party. ; Ten Pay charge acountt with the purchase° See directions in The Boge Thiursday. Bo,1 et oy faSrao vrot Mayer-Schairer 113 South Main St.- - Near Sugar Bowl ' outh Main Wad= , 11I11!t1i111111i1l1111111 1 1I. rIQ -uun w1111t 1~~Qrltl tEltltn l~ Q~tultn~ tntr SSTARTING NOWXV Corner Main and Washington Streets. TODAY -fSHOWING = nEli1111 2l1111ft1~liQll~i11f Et~tt1Itr1~tl 1t1flr Read The Daily "Classified" Columns a a TON ' Don'tFai ° rmm~ o- -m w r r rW And her company of _ unuulEntertainment R J'-: vaudeville, musical coir a" r- -b - KFit.HlWu _. jVidiil elie ik t t o fiei 2 Th Tw KetuckansA soile, pmpeed cllee grl, luned ° - .. . , .....(VA -. nh jg ~..,-,,-1 s M. S.,sumnma cum laude A rare degree of true col- lege style earned a rare degree for the "U"- M. S., summa cum laude,f Master of Style" with. honors!I No wonder it's- the- favorite among well- dressed college men. Ift's} at the head of its class. ti Tailored by K-uppenheimer i 9 Y" $41.50 to Other Good ' Makes $27.50 tp $40 i C a- MASTEN & CHASE, 21 1 South Maip St. "Whee04o. CAR Buy winth Confidence?' r . 4. ( ,r Zoom- T i$ If t; .1 .4$ I, [1 To See: Y #', Y .; JA is ;s ' . ., . : ;r . Musicians in a most aedy A combination of r and. concert. ,- ,; °;i ..i t It ltoiurn H ill A.uditorium Today i i- O I