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October 14, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-14

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Legionnaires Will Sail From Seven
Ports On 28 Ships 'When Trip
To France Is Made
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 13. - "To
Paris in 1927" was the decision made
by the American Legion today.
Reaffirming the action taken at the
Omaha convention last year, the
legionnaires voted to hold the 1927
convention in the French capital from
Sept. 19 to Sept. 23, inclusive, and to
reconvene in New York on Oct. 18,
1927, to take action on all business
brought before it.
A motion by the Montana depart-
ment to delay the, vote on the Paris
recommendation 24 hours was over-
whelmingly defeated and then the
convention adopted the report of the
committee without a word of debate.
Some "nays" were heard when the
question of adoption was put, but they
were few and feeble compared with
the mighty roar of "Yes" that pre-
ceded the negative vote.
National Commander John R. M-
Quigg immediately took the floor and
addressed the delegates.
"By your affirmative vote," he said,
"you have committed the legion to one
of the most spectacular, one of the
most beneficial events in its history
a pilgrimage to Paris to visit the
graves of our fallenheroes.
"It behooves us to (do everything
possible to make it one of the most
gigantic successes the world has ever
seen. No event in recent times has.
the significance this event will have,,
internationally and for the legion."
The pilgrimage will be known as
the "second A. E. F."
The legionnaires will sail'from
seven ports pnd 28 ships with the
giant Leviathan as the flagship are
expected to be needed. The sailing
ports are Montreal, Boston, New York,
Hampton Roads, Charleston, Jackson-~
ville and Galveston or Houston, with
New Orleans a port of call.
Among those who addressed the
convention today were Senator Reed,
of Pennsylvania; Major General Le-
june of the marine corps;Rear-Ad-
miral Coontz of the navy, and K. M.
Landis, baseball commissioner.
Sir Walter I. Cowan, second in
command of the British fe'et, who is
in port on the cruiser Calcutta, was
welcomed by the delegates when he
and his staff appeared.gThe admiral,
in a brief speech, proudly mentioned
the fact that he was a member of the
British Legion which brought cheers
from the American legionnaires
Senator Reed, a member of the
legion, in his talk referred to the
mustard gas treaty.
"My hat, is off to the American Le-
gion for the firm position that it has
taken in opposition to that treaty," he
said, "and so far as I know there is
not an ex-service man in the Senate
who will not fight that treaty to the
very last ditch."
The senator spoke for law enforce-
ment. "If we legionnaires will only
demand that the policing of our towns
and our states shall be in the hands
of such men as were company com-
Manders and first sergeants in our
army in France," he said,'"and not in
fact, elderly gentlemen who hold the
job only for the pay they get, we are
going to get decent enforcement of
the laws against the crime of violence.
"The present disorder throughout
the United States is a disgrace to our

nation and our legion can, if it will,
make itself the greatest vigilance
committee that the world has ever

London Bishop Disappointed At Lack
Of Young Peoples' Religious Ideas

Closing his three day stay in Ann
Arbor at an informal tea yesterday af-
ternoon in the Union, Rt. Rev. Arthur
Foley Winnington-Ingram, bishop of
London, expressed feelings of disap-
pointnient at finding so many young
people who had no definite ideas re-
garding religion. "Faith cannot be
found by merely poking about", the
lord bishop stated, "but must be
searched for diligently and under in-
The Bishop said that he had been
greatly surprised during his tour of
the States at finding so many people

who were "flitting about like so many
butterflies without any definite aims
or ideas regarding religion." St.
Thomas is the ideal which the doubt-
ers should follow, the Bishop be-
lieves, for he was sincere in his doubts
and left no stone unturned in his
search for the light. "The light wa;;
finally revealed to Thomas and he fell
down and acknowledged Jesus as his
Lord, God. Those of you who search
diligently will also find the same
light. Don't spare any trouble in
looking for it," were the Bishop's
parting words.

Republican Organization Functions
With Intention Of Creating
Interest In Politics
Fred W. Green, '98L, Republican
nominee for governor, and for 12
years mayor of Ionia, who will speak
at the luncheon of the University Re-
publican club Saturday noon at the
Union, will arrive in Ann Arbor to-

The University museum is in receipt
of a shipment of 71 specimens of stone
implements donated by Heywood Wal-,
ter Seton-Karr, noted English ex-I
plorer and hunter. The collection In-
cludes speciments from the Fayum,
and Thebes in Egypt, Tunis in Africa,
and also many things from England,
France and India. It will be housed
in the permanent exhibit in the new
Mr. Seton-Karr is one of the best
known of the English explorers and

Museum Receives Stone Collection
From English Hunter And Explorer

hunters. It was he who discovered
unknown mines in the region around
the north of Egypt and has been one
of the foremost of the explorers in
that region. In addition to his tame
as an explorer he is famed as a hun-
ter, having figured In over forty big
game expeditions to different parts of
the globe. He is also a benefactor of
educational institutions having placed
collections in over two hundred mu-
seums and institutions of learning in
the world.




Schools of Business Administration
And Education Also Choose
Senior Class heads

Senior elections will be con-
cludedthis afternoon with the
exception of the Law school
where the senior election will
not be held until next week.'Two
other classes will choose their
officers today. The time and
j place for voting follows:
Dental school, 5 o'clock, room
221 Dental building.
Pharmacy school, 5 o'clock,j
room 303 Chemistry building.j
Vice-Presidential Opinion Of Primary
Voting System is Met With Strong
Denials As To Its Failure
(By Associated Press)



WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-Vice-presi-'I
ent Dawes' advocacy of the abolish-
nent of the primary system in his
peech before the American Legion
ras assailed today by both Senator
Borah, Republican, Idaho and Senator
udwards, Democrat, New Jersey. At
,e same time, without mentioning
Dawes' address, Senator Johnson, Re-
ublican, California, issued a state-'
nent charging that nation-wide prop-
ganda was being conducted to break'
own the primary system.
"The idea of the people who want
.he repeal of the primaries seems to
e to make corruption of the people
a office safe," Senator Borah de-
"The primary is a guarantee of the
xposure of the use of large funds
whereas in the old days they used
normous funds and none knew it."
Senator Edwards objected that if
the primary is abolished at advocated
by the vice-president, "Vareism and
Smithism will be raised to the "nth"
degree in every state of the Union."
He declared the primary system
was just as perfect as any system of
government which is not infallible.
"The wanton primary corruption un-
covered by the Reed committee in
Pennsylvania and Illinois is an un-
preventable and incurable disease,"
the New Jersey senator added. "The
people themselves must be thir phy-
sician and legislator and the only
medicine they need is their vote."
Senator Johnson said, "This is a re-
markable thing and an astounding
condition that every individual who
spends money illegitmately in a di-
rect primary; every individual who
profits by the illegitimate expenditure
of such money and every individual
who belongs to a faction which seeks
to spend money illegitimately is in
full cry against the direct primary to-
The California senator said he did
not mean by this, however, "that the
direct primary was not opposed by
many who were entirely sincere in
their views."
Chairmen for the Student Christian
association committees were announc-
ed by George H. Likert, '27, president
of the association, yesterday. William
B. Palmer, '29, will head the friendly
relations committee, Martin Mol, '29,
will have charge of the extention de-
partment. Luther Carpenter, '28, is
chairman ofthe new students com-
The finances of the association will
be in the charge of Mathew Hudson,
'28. Donald Doubleday, '28, was se
lected to lead the conference commit-
tee. The fraternity discussion com-
mittee is under the direction of
Charles M. Moore, '28.
CThe other committee chairmen are:

Served As Congregationalist rastor Commendation of the efforts of the
In Ann Arbor After Receiving Republican club in bringing promi-
Doctor's Degree nent men to the campus was expressed
yesterday by Dean Henry M. Bates of
IS NOTED THEOLOGIAN the Law school, and by Dr. James K.
Pollock of the political science depart-
Dr. Carl Stafford Patton, of Chicago, Dean Bates stated that any groupI
who will give the address at the sec- which endeavors to interest students
ond student convocation next Sunday in politics and to develop an intelli-1
in Hill auditorium, is well known in gent electorate should be encourag-t
Ann Arbor, having preached here for ed. "Less than 50 per cent of those
a period of 10 years. eligible to vote in this country go tot
Following his graduation from Ober- the polls," he pointed out, "and in a
tiin college, Dr. Patton attended the democracy, such a situation is highly1
University where hehreceived hissPh. deplorable. Therefore any movement
. degree. In 1901 he became pastor which will tend to bring to the polls 1
of the First Congregational church in more educated voters is desirable."
this city which position he held until Students should hear political can-
1911. Dndidates on both sides if possible,
In 1.1 Dr. Patton went to C oLmh Dean Bates said, in order that they
bus, 0., where lhe was pastor of the may judge them personally and see
'First Congregational church of that the type of candidates who are placed
city until 1917. Moving to Los Angeles in office.
in that year, he became pastor of the rP offgcz. I
First Congregational church there Dr. Pollock declared himself in fa-
where he remained until the early Vlofany studntin which wi
part of this year. Recently he ac- encourage studeit interest and parti-
cete a position as a member of the cipatioji in politics. "The greatest
faculty of the Chicago Theological enemy ofhdemocracy," he said, "is
apathy. The intelligent people do not
sSince obtaining his doctor's degree exert the influence which they should
at thne Ubniverig Dr. Pattor's werit. in this country." The students of
at tha nmbersofyoDr.Painghas wit- universities will be influential in a
'ten anumber of books dealing with fe yars, lie explained, and should
religious subjects. (few yerh xlieadsol
Te gattendance at next Sunday's become interested in politics here.
convocation is expected to be consid- The dniversity Republican club is
erably ,larger than that of last week. one of the oldest in the country, and
The series of Sunday services aver- has achieved nation wide recognition,
aged an attendance of 2,500 students, according to Dr. Pollock. It was or-
faculty members and townspeople last ganized in the 90s, and has brought
May whereas there were scarcely numerous political candidates here
more than 1,700 present last Sunday. for speeches, as well as sending out
hundreds of absentee ballots for the
GOPHIERS LEAVE IIn 1920, he said, the club sent 900
student ballots to the state of Ohio
FOR ANN ARBORI alone. At times states as large as
1 O or New York have been turned
one way or another by only a little
(By Associated Pro~a more than 1,000 votes, it was stated,
(BNALsocd . hI so that the ballots of Ohio -students
MINNEAPOLIS, Octb..11. - Thirty- at the University might be of the ut-
three Gophers will embark tonight f most importance. There are more
the stronghold of the Wolverines in tan 4,000 eligible voters in the Uni-
quest of a little brown jug. And with Versity, Dr. Pollock said, and it is the
high hopes of scoring a Minnesota vic- aim of the club to have all of them
tory against the strong Michigan elev- cast their ballots.
en at Ferry field Saturday. The club is represented on th
Dr. C. W. Spears selected three full 1 iheal comitteeornied tuena-
teams to make the trip, but other fo a ommittee of organized student
teambestofmk the atr wichwbutothe R epulican clubs by Harold A. Marks,
members of the party which will make '29L, president of the local associa-
up the full list of 40, maximum num- tion.
ber permitted in the Western Confer- Dean Bates will introduce the gu-
ence, will be selected today. bernatorial nominee at the luncheon,
The list was drawn up after the at which Dean Hugh Cabot of the
Gophers had a long drawn out scrim- medical school will be toastmaster.
mage with the freshmen last night, Mr s Green will speak on "Football
and after the yearlings had gone four ! and politics."
touchdowns by using straight line
bucks and long forward passes of Ladies are welcome to the session,
which will be held in the third floor
Michigan variety,. Iof the Uninn T -.

audeville Artist Anid Coiimedienne,
Appearing In Concert Tour, Is
Here For First 'Tlime
Having successfully demonstrated
ier versatility in vaudeville, musical
omedy, farce comedy and drama,
Elsie Janis has temporarily abandoned
he legitimate stage and is now en--
raged in her first concert tour. Miss
anis is appearing in Ann Arbor for
,he first time at 8 o'clock tonight.
Unlike most concert entertainers,
Yhss Janis is a combination of the
opular and the artistic, and her pro-
ram is arranged for the widest pos-
ible appeal. In this respect the com-
nedienne has broken away from the S
;enerally accepted form of musicales
ind mapped out a program based upon
her concept of real entertainment, be-
ieving the people are interested in
ood, wholesome amusement, whether
n the theater, or the concert stage or
in a circus tent.
Miss Janis has written and directed b
most of her stage productions and has f
selected as her first program a num- -
ber of character songs varying from
ghe impersonation of dldgmen to youngr
irls. She is also bringing her owna
company of musicians.
Caroline Lazzari, contralto, has sunge
with both the Metropolitan and Chi-1
cago Opera companies. Miss Lazzarir
s an American by birth and has hadf
opportunity for study with the great-
est teachers in the world.s
Robert Steel, the young Americana
baritone, made his debut with the Chi-f
cago Opera company in December,1
1925. Previous to this Mr. Steel hade
sung in opera in France, Italy andt
Austria. He is a Cornell graduate of
the class of '21. During the war Mr.
Steel served in the navy.
Lauri Kennedy, cellist from Aus-
tralia, has long been accompanist to
John McCormack.t
Dorothy Kennedy, the young Aus-
tralian pianist has been identified3
with many of the world's greatest
artists and recently in RoyalgAlbert
Hall, London, with Lauri Kennedy re-
ceived a great reception from audience
and press.
Tickets for the entertainment to-
night are on sale at Slater's rather
than at Wahr's bookstore as was stat-
ed in yesterday's Daily. They may
also be obtained at the box office.
Four freshmen were elected to the
Adelphi House of Representatives at
their weekly meeting held last night
on the fourth floor of Angell hall. Eu-
gene Zemons, Jack Wilcox, Fred
Hicks, and Milton McCreey were the
freshmen voted into the society.
The house voted in favor of the re-
peal of the Eighteenth Amendment in
a political debate. The question for
debate at next Tuesday's meeting is:
"Resolved, that this house stands op-
posed to co-education at the Univer-
sity of Michigan." Repesentative
Shrade, '27, will support the bill with
Representative Taylor Grad., opposing
the measure.


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-Sale of
the North American Review to
Walter Butler Mahoney, New
York lawyer and writer on econ-
omics, was announced today by
George Harvey, former ambassa-
dor to the Court of St. James.
I Mr. Mahoney will take over
the periodical with the Decem-
ber issue. Mr. Harvey who had
been editor for 28 years, will
continue as an occasional con

I udent Council Inaugurates Plan Forn
.Acquaintinig Undergraduates With v
Aimi of Health Service a
In an effort to educate the student a
)ody to the purposes, advantages and ja
'nctions of the Health service of the
Jniversity, the Student council, at its t
egular meeting last night, appointed b
Lcommittee, 'headed by John Snod- 11
,rays, '28E, to inspect the physical 1
quipment and general service adman-
stered there. The committee wille
nake public its findings in the near
The council believes that the Health
yervice maintains a worthy purpose
nd that in its growth during the paste
.ew years it has now become indis-I
enrsible to University students. The I
ouncil is of the opinion, however,I
>hat the service is not generally un-
lerstood and, by conducting a survey,
ropes to point out the advantages
vhich are offered thereby. With the t
icreased tuition this fall, a part of
which will go to the Health service,
hat institution plans to widen its
acope considerably during the present
It was reported at the council meet-
ng last night that two college coun-
ils have now been organized with a
view to begin functioning at once in
coordination with the general council.
Tyler Watson, '27, has been chosen
president of the literary college coun-
cil, and George Meads, '27D, has been'
elected to head the dental college
council. Representatives of both
these council who were elected last
spring met recently for the purposet
of choosing officers. The other coun -
cils will be organized at once and
each president will become an ex-
officio member of the general council
beginning with the meeting of the lat-
ter organization next week.
The council decided to hold the last
of the senior elections next week when
the senior law class will select its of-
ficers. Junior class elections in all
schoolsd will also be commenced next
week although it is expected they will
not be concluded until the following
In an effort to increase the attend-
ance at the Sunday convocations, the
council will send communications to
all fraternities and sororities on the
campus within the next few days,
urging their cooperation in making
the second series of convocations a
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his-
tory department, will be the principal
speaker at the first meeting this seme-
ster of the Army and Navy club which
is to be held at 6:30 o'clockutonight
at the Union. The subject of the ad-
'dress will be "The Political Situation
in Europe with Particular Emphasis
on Italy."
Professor Frayer recently returned
from Italy where he spent the past
summer in studying the political sit-
uation there.

Henry Maentz was elected president
f the senior literary class yesterday
fternoon by a majority of 106 ballots
ver Calvin Patterson, the only other
andidate. Maentz polled a total of
46 votes as compared to 40 for Pat-
Virginia Fox won the senior liter-
ry vice-presidency over Marion Le-
and and Helen Kagay. Miss Fox re-
:eived 39 more votes than Miss Le-
and and 48 over Miss Kagay. Miss
ox polled 87 votes; Miss Leland 51;
nd Miss Kagay 39.
In the race for the secretary of the
lass, Esther Tuttle easily defeated
ielen Ruth with 127 ballots, as com-
>ared to 50 for the latter. Russel
'ryce was elected treasurer when he
>olled 113 votes as 'compared to 65
or Tyler Watson.
There were only two candidates in
he running for the offices of presi-
ent, secretary and treasurer of the
iterary class, the winners in each case
eing elected on the first ballot. Fol-
owing the nominations for' the vice-
resident, secretary, and treasurer, a
notion was carried before the vote
vas taken to the effect that, inasmuch
s there were only two candidates
or the offices of secretary and treas-
rer, amnd only three for vice-presi-
lent, a plurality of votes should de-
ermine the vice-president, doing
way with the necessity of a second-
.ry ballot.
in the elections of officers of the
enior class of the School of Educa-
ion, Earl Lillie won the presidency
y a scant majority over Leroy Sel-
meer. Lillie polled 19 votes against
6 for Selmeier.
Mildred Schamahorne was elected
o the vice-presidency of the senior
education class. Mary Cummings
vas chosen secretary, and Ernest
Hildner was elected treasurer.
In the third election yesterday,
Hugo R. Hustad was elected president
of the senior class of the School of
Business Administration. Raymond
Perring was chosen vice-president;
Donald Doubleday, secretary; and
Alexander Teppert, treasurer. All
officers in the class were elected
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-H-. H. Tota-
kyan, former imperial Persian con-
sulate-general was instantly killed to-
day in a fall from a window on the
seventeenth floor of the Yale club
across the street from the Grnad Cen-
tral station.
The window from which he fell was
in the hallway of the club building
and adjoining a room occupied by F.
Dudley Kohler, an attorney with
whom he had an appointment. The
attorney was not there when Tota-
kyan arrived, and the former consul-
general is believed to have been await-
ing him in the hallway. No one could
he found who saw him immediately
before the fatal plunge.
Police were inclined to believe that
the fall was accidental. Persons in
the streets who saw the body come
hurling through the air said two small
suitcases preceded it and police be-
lieve the cases fell from a window sill
and Totakyan lost his balance in at-
tempting to recover them.
Mr. Totakyan was about 60 years
old. He was appointed consul-general
in New York in 1909 and for many
years had been a prominent business
man in this city. He was Persian
commissioner and director of the Per-
sian and Ottoman exhibits at the
World Fair in Chicago in 1892 and
Persian commissioner-general at the
Panama Pacific exposition.
In 1909 he presented a silk jeweled
Persian rug to President Roosevelt
which was valued at $50,000 and was
said to have been one of the most
costly gifts ever given the nation by

an individual.
Mr. Totakyan was honored by Presi-
dent Taft with an autographed phot-
ograph and among his effects was
found a letter from President Wilson
thanking him for the gift* of a spe-
cimen of turquoise from his western

Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of the
romance language department, will be
the principal speaker tonight at they
Catholic Students smoker which will
be held in St. Mary's hall.J
Following the talk of Professor Mc- 4
Laughlin a musical program will be3
presented, and entertainment will be
furnished by Mart Ryan and Will Mc-
GIrath, of Detroit. Frank Atkinson,
'26, and John F. Banks, '26, are in
charge of arrangements for the smok-'
er. (


Members and faculty of the school
of business administration will have
'a smoker and mixer at 8 o'clock to-
night in room 318 of the Union. Ed-
mund E. Day, dean of the school, will
speak. New students of the school
will use this opportunity to become
acquainted with -the faculty and older
members of the school. Refresh-
ments will be served.

ULonCu111. 'hey may obtain in-
formation and tickets from Elizabeth
Kennedy, '27, chairman of the wo-
men's committee. Due to the limited
capacity of the hall, reservations will.
be restricted to 250.
Tickets are on sale at $1.10 at the
main desk of the Union, and by mem-
bers of the club.
GRANADA, Spain.-The town of
Molvizar has been isolated and most
of the houses destroyed by a flood
following torrential rains. Molvizar,
in the province of Granada, has a pop-
ulation of 4,000.

President Of British Labor Union Declares Guild System
NIore Advantageous To Worker Than Modern Conditions

Cites Unemployment As Argument;I
Says More Than 1,500,000 Are
Idle In England
"The position of the worker under
modern economic conditions is not as
advantageous as when he worked un-
der the guild system," declared
George Hicks, president of the Brit-I
ish Trades Union congress, in an in-1
terview yesterday afternoon. "The
machine though it gives him more

although it has made some attempts
to relieve this condition through sub-
sidies, is not ina position to do much
except by providing employment
through the building of public works,
roads, and making public improve-
"The unions themselves do not do
much social work among the unem-
ployed," continued Mr. Hicks. "The
only aid given to the families of men
out of work is through the local

Britisher Is Firm Believer In Right
Of Workers To Strike, But Says
It Should Be Last Resort
shows that all progress toward better
conditions for the laborer has been
made by strikes. I firmly believe in
the right of the worker, to strike. Of
course, walkouts bring immense
losses to both capitalist and laborer,
and should be called only as a last
resort. But the threat of a strike,



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