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remembered to be the unusual rather
than the usual.
Such things, although they are rare
at this University, are happening the
entire world over. It must not be
thought that a University is an excep-
tional place. It is not possible to
make a "Utopia" out of an institution
drawing its members from every walk
of life. "A student runs no more dan-
ger of becoming morally corrupt than
he would were he to remain in his
home town, in fact, the mental de-
velopmentwhich he gets should make
him better able to meet the tempta-
tions of life.
There is no cause for alarm at the
much-talked-of student immorality,
nor is there reason for condemning
co-education as a contributing cause.
The system may said to still be in its
experimental stages, but so far, the
experiment may well be said to be a
The chief criticism of intercollegiate
football for years has been that while
22 men do all the work, the thousands
contribute nothing more that a little
vocal exercise. And now, judging
from the attitude at the Michigan State
game, even that small bit 14 to be dele-
gated to a specific group of approxi-
mately 900 students, while the rest of
the crowd behaves after the fashion of
the mythical gentlemen in the geieral
store-they "sit and think."
This attitude defeats the whole pur-
pose for which the special section at
Ferry field was established and makes
worse than worthless all the work
the Student council has done to make
the idea a reality. The purpose of a
cheering section is first, to act as a
nucleus for a larger organization,
composed of every Michigan man and
woman in the stands, for general
cheering, and, second, to furnish short,
rapid cheers for individual players or
special plays, when there is not sliffi-
cient time to get the, whole crowd
into vocal action.
The men in the section last Satur-
day filled their part, of the program
with an enthusiasm that fully justified
the belief of the students who origi-
nated the plan, that such a section
would help Michigan's cheering. But
the rest of the spectators were either
overcome by admiration of the section,
or else struck dumb by the score, for
they maintained a silence that ever
touchdowns could not disturb.
This situation was partly caused by
the fact that oinly two cheerleaders
were on the field. This Saturday there
will be five, and there-will be no ex-
cuse for a lack of response on the
part of those not in the section. All
the real exercise is performed by the
men on the field; the multitude should
at least contribute a little vocal ex-
ercise to the afternoon's performance.
with, and that is the inveterate law
governing dictatorships. No civilized
nation has ever stood this type of gov-
ernment long. Mussolini is entering
his fifth year. Ominous rumblings, now
suppressed become more insistent day
by day. Sometimes it is a socialist
editor; sometimes an attempted as-
sassination; sometime the tide will be-
come overwhelming, and Fascism, sup-
ported by its blind oaths and over-
bearing arrogance, will go the way of
all dictatorships in the past; and the
black shirt will become a memory.
Although it is now almost eight
years since the World war, the re-
habilitation of the war torn areas
of France is still going on. Buildings
are being reconstructed, roads re-
built, and land restored to cultivation.
This reconstruction, which is being
carried on by the French government,
started soon after the Armistice, but
there is yet about a third of the work
to be done. About three years will
see the task finished and the devas-
tated areas will appear much as they
did in 1914.
The Department of Commerce of the
French government reports that to
date about $3,500,000,000 has been
paid out to war sufferers, 541,484
buildings have been reconstructed,
30,000 miles of roads have been re-
built, 1,500 miles of railway track re-
laid, 4,500,000 acres of land restored
to cultivation, and 9,615 schools re-
built. The bulk of the work has now
been completed though considerable
remains unfinished.
It will be impossible to completely
restore the beauty of the northern de-
vastated areas or those of Alsace Lor-
raine. It will take time to grow trees,
fors nature to repaint war scarred
landscapes, and citizens to reconstruct
their buildings. Yet the work is going
on. Three years should see it finished.
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4 G R$?4IIA J S At Both Ends o61the Dingonal
Scatliiig in its condemnation of the
co-educational system at this Univer-
sity, a letter addressed to The Editor
appears in the Campus Opinion col-
rmn of this issue. Written by a senior,
who has witnessed University life foi
three years, there is little doubt thai
there is some justification for the
ih arges._
Two bad effects which co-education
nas on the University seem, in the
opinion of the writer of the communi-
tation, to warrant its extermination
1 'r t is mentioned the impracticability
and difficulty of dealing with men and
m en in the same classroom. The
th'ory that women mature much
earIlier than men is somewhat explod-
-d, in so far as college students are
conrs---d, and were it entirely true,
i. could not be fairly applied to the
'araied dl.room. Those who are
n ' au or intelligent are ad-
:nced ;un thoe who are unable to
m;k' tIt grag. who are below the
u age fail and enter classes with
i 'v1w'o are their equals intellect-
Also, college men and women are
of sufficient maturity, or should be, to
diifnss any matter whatsoever in the
elass room, Heredity and subjects
talling with delicate matters such as
lif( and sex can be discussed in class
with perfect freedom, because college
students regard such matters from an
adult standpoint. If the men and
women should be trained separately,
if they are not capable of taking the
same subjects in college, the same
argument would hold true in regard,
to our whole civilization. Men and
women should live in separate coun-
tries; they should not communicate
with each other-oceans should keep
them segregated.
University life is merely a minimiz-
ed cross-section of the life of the
world, and what applies to one should
be applicable to the other. Grade
schools do-not find it necessary to seg-
regate males and females; should it
be necessary when the same individ-
uals become more mature and able
to make decisions for themselves?
At irregular intervals there culmi-
nates a mass of dangerous evidence
showing that student morality is low,
that there is little regard for the
proper relations between sexes, that
men and women students hold riotous
liquor' parties, that wild orgies are
being held or have been held. Such
"I swear to follow without discus-
sion the orders pf the leaders of
Fascismo, serving with all my fac-
ulties, even with blood, if necessary,
the cause of the Fascist revolution."
Such is the oath of the Fascist, to
follow blindly, without reasoning or
without daring protest if he does rea-
son, the dictates of the leader of the
party. The blind allegiance of the
illiterate mercenary in the Middle
Ages becomes supreme intelligence
and Decatur's sublime error when he
pronounced "My country, right or
wrong" becomes profound thought ber
side the utter resignation of this oath.
To follow a dictator, without even the
power to choose that dictator, is the
high state of democratic government
which one of the great nations, of t':
earth has reached, after spending five
years and millions in dollars and men'
to make the world safe for democracy,a
as we were told.
At times, perhaps, dictator is a wisee
policy for a government. In times of'
great national emergency when quick<
and decisive action is necessary, then
there is no excuse. To perpetratet
such a form of government, however,t
by means of oath, upon a people
which is thereby bound for life to its1
policy, is not only retrogression, it is
positive danger, and a challenge tor
democracy the world over.N
In a little over two weeks the Fas-v
cist party in Italy will celebrate thea
anniversary of its march on Rome,o
and thousands more will take the oatht
'which has already become a menace
to civilization. Mussolini will official-
ly take over the militia on that date, h
another step toward militarism for aa
government which has already assum- 1
ed an arrogant and aggressive for-n
eign policy and an attitude of haughty
superiority at home. e
The danger is very apparent. There, h
in southern Europe, is a nation or- v
ganized plainly on lines of militarism a
and a ruler who holds office by force. i
Already France has changed its cen- i
ter for mohilizatiAn frm-i +.R in-a 1 n
Anonymous communications 'will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
Visitors on the campus, namely Al-
bert Parker Fitch and his Highness
the Bishop of London have revived a
question of discussion which has re-
cently 'been ignored, namely co-edu-
cation. Co-education as a theory has
been-accepted on this campus either
as a necessary evil or an advantage.
'OU iIstitution. Upholders of both
theories have been dormant, satisfied
and complacent on the subject, and
although we do have co-education on
this campus now there is no reason
why it should continue ad infinitum
if it is proved detrimental to the best
interests of the University and the
students enrolled here.
The presence of men and women in
the same college increases the prob
lem of education in two fundamental
ways. First, in the class room: the
fact that women mature mentally at
an earlier age than men, that they can
do superior work to men in classes of
the same age, makes the actual teach-
ing work of the professor much hard-
er and he never can obtain as good
results. The treatment that appeals
to women does not appeal to men.
The second and greater evil of co-
education comes in the social life of
the student. The constant proximity
of the men and women students dou-
bles the complexity of the social life.
Whenever members of both sexes
mingle with each other, a moral ques-
tion always arises, and the more they
are together, the more serious be-
comes that moral question. From ob-
servation at Michigan and other col-
leges, it seems to me that student
morals here have reached a pretty low
ebb and that whether co-education is to
blame or not, at least it should be
carefully investigated.
Being a state university and admit-
ting women, this school naturally at-
tracts all types of women and men.
There are the good and the bad among
both sexes, but the very fact that the
organization of this institution per-
mits them to be together brings the
worst type of men in contact with the
worst type of women with the inevit-
able result-student immorality. Any-
one who has attended fraternity par-
ties on this campus will realize that
Michigan is no exception.
I realize that no critic of society
has the right to be entirely destructive
and so as the alternative of co-educa-
tion I would suggest an older but
more successful method-segregation
in institutions of high learning. The
eastern colleges, such as Wellesley or
Mount Holyoke for women and Har-
vard or Dartmouth for men provide
a much fuller life for their students
ndependent of each other. Especially,
n the case of women students is this
noticpablp. Wh A on m nr - --n
Last year the American stage was
flooded with a wave of realism-even
to the extent of surpassing the nat-
uralism of Zola and De Maupassant, so
the critics thought. The Pulitzer
Prize was awarded to "They Knew
What They Wanted", which even the
liberal minded Jessie Bonstelle
thought was a shocker; and more, a
noisy majority thought that "What
Price Glory" the Anderson-Stallings
war comedy which was infinitely
worse, should have received this
award. The Eugene O'Neill "Desire
Under the Elms" played to capacity
houses in a middle west tour and laid
Iowa farmers low: the candid expres-
sion and the treatment of matters
which formerly were talked about in
whispers was too much for them. And
in the face of the gasps from Anthony
Comstock and his playmates, Flor-
ence Reed scored' atriumph as Mad-
anme Goddam in "The Shanghai Ges-
On the Michigan campus the more
flagrantly salacious of such plays
were avoided-for Michigan, despite
a growing reputation is still a con-
servative state-owned university.
Mimes therefore pioneered somewhat
in the field of the drama when "The
Moon of the Carabees", "Bound East
for Cardiff" and "In the Zone" all by
Eugene O'Neill were announced by
Mr. Shuter. O'Neill even in his mild-
er moments is not calm, and this tur-
bulent angel of modern decadence on
the stage has created a most vigor-
ous and lusty melodrama "soaked",
so the posters claimed, "In fog and
rum, and the far-off sound of the sea."
The plays were admirably present-
ed, and the reviews wee unanimously
favorable. But the usual post-prandial
Jeremiads ensued with the result that
the Mimes were accused of perverting
campus dramatics, and truckling to
low curiosity......
This tintinnabulation about censor-
ship soon subsided, however, and the
merit of the plays and their excep-
tionally fine presentation under Mr.
Shuter's direction received the ap-
proval of the drama-lovers of the
campus, and more than warranted
their revival. The rest of the Mimes
productions for the year will present
varied theatrical material including
"London Assurance" and "Hell Bent
fer Heaven".
« * *
Eight major productions either
have been presented in New York or
will see light later this week, while
several other new plays and revivals.
are in final rehearsal this week and
will tempt the metropolis in the very
near future. On Monday night "Juarez
and Maximilian" by Franz Werfel, who
is also the author of "Goat Song", be-
gan the season at the Guild theater.
The company which is the first to be
presented as the so-called "perman-
ent company" will include Clara
Eames, Margalo Gilmore Alfred
Lunt, Dudley Digges, Arnold Daly and
Edward G. Robinson. On the same
night two other productions, "An
American Tragedy" a dramatization of
the much-discussed novel by Theodore
Dreiser and "Rain" with Jeanne Eag-
els will be given. The first named
show will open at the Longacre The-
ater, but will not have Glenn Hunter
in the leading role as was originally
rumored. "Rain" which will play two
weeks at the Century theater will be
the swan song of Miss Eagels in the
role of Sadie Thompson.
Last night at the Globe theater
three Ann Arbor favorites, Fred and
Dorothy Stone and Roy Hoyer opened
in their new show "Criss-Cross." The
tunes which are unusually good are
supplied by Jerome Kern, while Anne
Caldwell and Otto Harbach collabor-
ated with the book and lyrics. "We
Americans" opened at the same time
at the Sam H. Harris theater, while
the same night also saw "They All
Want Something" with Charles S.
Abbe, Katherine Renver, William T.
Tilden, and Billy Quinn preented in
Wallack's theater.
Tomorrow night a postponed pro-
duction by Richard Boleslavsky of
"The Straw Hat" will play at the
American Labratory theater, while
"White Wings" Winthrop Ames first
production of the season will open at
the Booth. "White Wings" is by
Philip Barry whose last play was "In
a Garden".
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