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Publication in the Bulletin is constructiven
the University. Copy received by the Assistx
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
notice to all members of
int to the President until
, 1926 Number 13
Volume VII
Freshman Women:
Freshman women, whose names begin with thet letters M to Z are re-
qdlred to attend the ecod Organizati n ecture uesday October 12, at
7: 0 o'clock in Sarah CaswellAngell Hall, Barbour Gyninasium.
Alice C. Lloyd, Adviser f Women.
Evelyn Murray, President of Women's League.
S ial Psychiatry 24*,
Social Psychiatry 245 will meet egularly in the Ea Amphitheatre of
the Old University Hospital, Tuesdays 2-4. All studentt registered may be
accommodated and are requested to report at the Psychopathic Hospital
first next Tuesday for such directions as may be necessary.
T. Raphael.
Hygiene 209, Seminar:
Hygiene 209, Seminar, will meet in Room 20, Waterman Gymnasium,
4:00 P. M. this afternoon.
John Sndwall.
Sociology 51:
Miss Groff will be in 108 Ec. Thursdays from 3 to 4:15, to consult re-
garding lecture seats and absences.
R. H. Holmes.
Logan's 10 o'clock Spanish I:
Beginning Tueday this class will meet in Room 1018 Angell Hall.
Albert J. Logan.
Psychology 31:
The seating chart for lectures will be posted on the bulletin board at
the west entrance of the Natural Science Auditorium on Tuesday afternoon,
October 12, and will be taken down at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, October
13, to prevent confusion at the 11 o'clock hour. All students in Psychology
31 will please find their assigned seats some time Tuesday afternoon.
Adelbert Ford.
History'2 and 102:
The make-up examination in History 2 and 102 will be held on Satur-
day, October 16th, at 9 a. m. in 1011 Angell Hall.
A. E. II. Boak.
History Ls:
The make-up examination in History Is will be held on Saturday, Oc-
tober 16th, at 10 a. m. in 1011 Angell Hall.
A. E. R, Boak.
Geography 1:1
Section 1, meeting in Room 21, Angell Hall, at eight o'clock, will meet
hereafter in Room 18, Angell Hall.
S. D. Dodge.
Senior Engineers:
The election of class officers will take plce on Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 11
a. m. in Room 348, West Engineering Building.
E. M. Bragg.
Industrial Hygiene, Course 209:
Course 209 Industrial Hygiene class will meet today at 11 o'clock, in
Room 20, Waterman Gymnasium (second floor.)
Emory W. Sink.
Zoology I:
Seating list for lecture was posted during Monday, and will remain
posted until 10:30 Tuesday. Please ascertain your number before that
and locate your seat before 11 o'clock.
A. Franklin Shull.
IL 0. T. C. Advanced Course:
The tailor will be at R. 0. T. C. Headquarters from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Wednesday, October 13th, to take measurements of those students of the
Advanced Course who are entitled to new uniforms. All such students are
urged to come in for measurement upon that date.
Relnold Melberg.
0. S. U. Alumni and Former Students:
There will be a short but very important meeting of Ohio State Uni-
versity Alumni and former students in Room 223 West Engineering Building
Thursday, October 14, at 4:15 p. m. All alumni and former students who
have not previously affiliated with the O. S. U. Alumni club of Ann Arbor
are urged to attend. Any one not able to attend is requested to call upon
me at my office.
L. M. Bricker.
Graduate Women:
Tuesday, October 12th, at 4 p. m. there will be a meeting at the Y. W.
C. A. C ee Roomsin Newberry Hall for all women enrolled in the Graduate
School and all women having a Bachelors degree from a recognized col-
lege. The purpose of this meeting is to organize a club that will furnish a
means whereby, the graduate women of the different departments of the
University may become better acquainted with each other and with the
work in the different departments.
E. Wilson,
H. Green.
Committee on Organization.
Botanical Journal Club:
The Botanical Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, October 12, at 7:30
p. in. Room B173, Natural Science Building. An account of the Interna-
tional Congress of Plant Sciences held in August will be given by members
of the department who attended.'
E. W. Erlanson, Secretary.
Negro-Catucasion Club:
Mr. A. Phillip Randolph, editor of the "Messenger," New York City,
will address the club this evening at 7:45, in the Upper Room of Lane Hall.
As this will be the first meeting of the school year, all members are urged
to be present, as well as those who are desirous of affiliating with the club.
A. S. Pride.
Reserve Band: -
Reserve Band rehearsal at 7:00 p. in. tonight. Tryouts will be held for
those who have yet not tried out for either the Varsity or the Reserve Band.
Nicholas Falcone; Director.
I Mathenatical Club:
Regular meeting will be held in Room 3201 Angell Hall, on Tuesday,
October 12, at 8 p. m. Professor C. J. Coe will present a paper; "On the
Existence of Singular Solutfons and Envelopes." All persons interested are.
cordially invited to attend 'the meetings of the'"Cub.
W .W. Denton, Secretary.
Adelphia House of Representatives:;
The next meeting of Adelphi will be on Wednesday, October 13, at 7:30
p. in. instead of Tuefray evening because of the conflict with program of
the Oratorical Association. The bill of the evening regards the economic
aspects of prohibition. Members and all men on campus interested are
urgently requested to attend.
IL i. Sanderson, Chairman Membership Committee.
Athena Literary Society:
Iryouts for Athena will be held in the Athena room, fourth floor of
Angel Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at 7:15 p. in. Tryouts are to consist of three
minute original speeches on any subject the speaker chooses. Freshmen are
eligible to try out.
Florence A. Pollock, President.
Gargoyle Editorial:
There will be a meeting of the editorial staff of the Gargoyle, Tuesday
afternoon at five o'clock. All try-outs and staff members are asked to be
C. R. Swinehart.
Alpha Nu:
Alpha Nu debating society will hold this week's regular meeting on
Wednesday, October 13th, so that the members may attend the lecture
of Mr. Byrd on Tuesday evening. The meeting on Wednesday will be held
at 7:30 p. in. in the chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Any
man interested in public speaking is invited to attend.
Robt. E. )Linnich, Pres.
Ta Beta PI:
The initial meeting of the year will be held at 6 p. in. at the Michigan
Union tonight. ,e
Joseph D. Ryan, Secretary.
The first meeting of the year will be held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Oc-
tober 13, 1926, at 1954 Cambridge Road. H. P. Scott will present a paper on
"Something about the Philippines."
N.C. Fisk, Clerk.
Ann Arbor House-Holders:
All Ann Arbor residents having rooms available during the weeakene
of the Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin football games are requested to
call the rooming committee at the Michigan Union, from 1 o'clock to 5
o'clock any day this week.
W. Roger Greene, Chairman.
Asen 3eid O CU
Aoused By Ch
iiet, 3tuaetls m y Ei
iurch For Unclaimed Mail
SAt Main PostofCe
Mail for the following persons has
been received and is undeliverable at
the'Post Office. It may be claimed by
the owners if called for at the general
delivery window, main office, on or be-
fore october 16:
R. Aoki, Elizabeth Arlick, Gregory
Armstrong, Herbert Arthur, Helen J.
Bee, Helen Beeny, W. H. Bennett
August F. Bleismer, Margaret A. Bo-
nine, Kenneth Bramble, W. S. Brown,
Joseph Brunswich, Norda Butler,
Carol Carson, Paul Cool, Stephen
Doran, Harvey C. Emery, M. E. Every,
William Finch.
Donald Fleming, Lawrence Gold-
berg, George W. Covert, A. W. Grif-
fiths, Ruth G. Gruesmer, Prof. F. E.
Haynes, Prof. J. Edward Heidner,
'Mary L. Higgins, Robert A. Honn,
Marvin Jacobs, John Johnson, A. H.
, nt, Paul Y. Kirimura, Betty H.
Loren (or Corn), Harriet Lowrie, Al-
fred Ludington, William McKelvey,
Robert W. Manly, E. C. Mathierett,
Elda Miechmann (or Wiechmann).
Alette Morton,- Henry A. Moses:'
Samuel Mettler, Eddie Nolan, Henry,
SK. Norton. Arthur Pineau, Everett
Poor, Malone Pritchard, Irvin.
IPr onge, Alfred S. T. Pu, Henry Regg;,
Bertha McLeon Reinhart, Robt. Riggs,
1 E. H. Robinson, Marvin C. Roger,
Ferderick Schmidt, Harry Siedell, F.
A. Stilgenbauer, Laurence C. Stuart,
J. Judson Thompson, Florence Tilton,
Catherine Tong, Farrington Tweedy,
E. G. Upjohn, Howard .Weaver, Ruth
Weaver, Florence Winn, R. and Eddy
John J. Manning, secretary of the
Union Label Trades department of the
American Federation of Labor, will
spoePtk tonight at 7:30 at the labor
temple on Washington street. All in-
. terested are invited to attend.
CANTON-The Chinese government
has levied a heavy tax on articles
passing between its provinces of
Kwantiung and Kwangsi and the re-
iainder of China and also on ship-
m Ments to foreign countries.
William Green.
President of the American Federa-
tion of Labor, who is aroused by the
action of the Detroit churches in clos-
ing their pulpits to officers of the fed-
eration, and the withdrawal by the
Y. M. C. A. of a speaking invitation
extended to Green.
The time to have your
pictures taken is at hand
--You will receive an
announcement from us,
through the mail, which
will outline the method
of procedure.
State St. opposite Law Bldg. Dial 5031
Classified ads bring big results formoney invested.-Ad.
RIO de JANEIRO.-The British coal
strike is crippling Brazil's transpor-
tation facilities, the government hav-
ing cut down train service to reduce
the consumption of coal.
High grade and LATEST
MODEL, Brand New
small deposit will hold it. Also
Topcoats and ties.
Snits Cleaned and Pressed
Students' Tailoring
Corner N. Univ. Phone
and Th-ayer 8010
ftcw HAV&, CoN
-is the da
Am 'Arbo
Allen, T
Thursday, October 21
! EAsT 47:s SY.
New YO
woolens at
at Hotel
ay we will show our new Fall
r Representative Jerry Coan
hursday, October 21.
.. .
.. ....
Jt i -
xwwR mo .
rh~'r~er ro ~ r~ s ~ mrrr_.._
" national Istitution om Comt to Catcas
Benefit Women's League.
Leave films for developing,
printing or enlarging at the
Candy Booth
"U" Hall
Vim! Vigor! Value!
Vjariet ! Everything yo loo for in
-N Wth 2
New Fall Suits rosers
has been tailored into these smart Browning King
Productions, which are so moderatelj priced at
o. 'I
These are not to be confused with the usual suit offer-
.. ..
rrrerrsrs. .rrrr. .rrr. rrrrsv rrrrrrrrrrrrr.rr,.
Get Your
. "
ff '
ings at these prices.
could bear a higher price tag without a blush.
45 Cents--Regular Price 75c
These Browning, King
are possible only because we are our own manufacturers and
enjoy a coast to coast volume-created by 28 stores that
The prices
make no compromise with Quality.
are imported.
Many of the materials
"Eventually-Wy ot No
Get a Rader
And save the sacrifice on a trade-in for one later.
There is the additional safeguard of Penmakers Fitting
A fine showing of new Topcoats
at $30, $35, $40