_,-. *... E DAY.S *O*
-TOWER 12, 1926
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Haroldl Barnhazrt9 Sophomore Halfback,4
,.. ydie On Sideines With Injuiry
Received Saturday
(Bly Associated Press)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 11.-
Minnesota's eleven was told tonight
It would have to face one of the great-
est passing machines ever perfected
*hen it meets Michigan at Ann Arbor
Sid Harris, freshman coach and for- I
mner Gopher star, brought back this
report from the Wolverins' gameI
with the Michigan Staters which he,
Harris gay~ the freshmen some of
a Michigan's plays as used in the State
game and tonight, Tuesday and
Wednesday, they will form~ the oppo-
sition to the varsity scrimmage.
Freshmen had better than average
luck with the Michigan plays against
the varsity tonight, and Coach Spears
turned to the task of perfecting a de-
fense for them. Drizzling rain late
today slowed up pracce somewhat,
but Spears had his men at it as long
as possible.
Only three days remain for the
Gophets to practice here, as Spears
will take them away Wednesday, to
1spend Thursday and Friday at Ypsi-
lanti, moving into Ann Arbor on the
Morning of the game.;
Harold Barnhart, sophomore half-
back, may be out of Saturday's game
as he is still somewhat weak tonight
from exhaustion suffered in the Notre
Da~me game.
Minnesota's allotment of tickets has
been sold out and money is being re-
funded to late corers. Campus hopes
are not as buoyant, however, as last
Six Swim Contests
Sch~eduled at Union
Planning to -get an early start in
uncovering material for future Var-
sity teams, Coach Matt Mann yester-
day announced that swimming races'
"would be held from 7 to 8 o'clock Fri-
day night in the Union pool.
Six races will be held, and the win-
ners will be given gold medals donated
by the intramurl department. Coach
Mann ad that Varsity swimmers will
not be eligible to compete in these
events, so that all competitors will
all have an equal chance to win. He
also has made arrangements that all
racers will be admitted to the pool
free of charge.
Beginning next Saturday morning,
M'ann, will have charge of a special
children's class for boys and girls
under 10 years of age. From 8:30 to
9: 30, children who& have had no swim-
muing experience will be instructed by
the coach, and from 9:30 to 10:30
More advanced pupils will be given a
Coach Mann also announced yester-
day that Milo Oliphant, Varsity diver
in '24, will act as assistant coach of
diving for the coming year.
Ribbons Carbons
The Place of Sevicee
Rider's Pen Shop
Agency for the
By Wiltoni A. Shupsfon lilg1im'- t V\, i,;eoIi lSattr Ll
-Tickets, for..Phe lit aesol"t,galeK r ~~ 'I h aino.Ddy u icv e hansa; lV'.;. e"ir vcvls ell the cl
money refuuded too'?\ sch'-lool colr 'now 'thiat'the xxor
is giying a iccture ,011 tile '4i, no-s. lollv xis )Vc to z:13 to Q: screQ
of Tickets,'' to-all those wx1ohad their 1 -e--
checks returned andl heatri <in,,the baru E Tod 1okxell, loriner 'Ml4
ber shop that there is sbone11intrigue t trIei h n h. ems to -be;
in this ticket :business. wneing difficulty coachling
______ N on h Dakota football teami
The MIichiigani Pally is piu n I th iI e openinig gontie of the
out ,in extra. edition Saturday I 31iiiesota scored 51 point
afterniooni forlbte hbenefit of1 I1lac last Saturday the Uiiivers
fresuneii 'whio have choice seatis ew-a overwhelmned the nor
in: the west stands ntear Jacksonii. ors 40I to 7.
We ivil l)print the score and a
comphllete record of the pjlays, so Louis Gilbert has traded his+
they will not be iMi (omplete to some freshman and is exp
Ignoranice when. the folks back I h insha'pe for the Minnesolncakyui hysi h
Miones e a myopiltay sawt la, is one or thne other--the
l~linesot teampla1 cyclone will have to pass ova
Fresmen ho ave otIhd fteldwhen Michigan has toi
Fresmenwhohav notlea th 'eseGilbert must he in shat
esteemed pleasure. of sitting, in theI the kicking against the M.
West stands. will profit by followving~ team.
these directions: " .Take aiu; interur-
ban to Jackson and walk~ back two
blocks." The seatst will: undoubtedly ' ain Babcock, who w.
be close to the field- near the hot- ~ired illthe li 1ichigan State
tom of the stands. vas on thie field yesterday3
_______condition. It seems he at
The freshtnieji will hiold a fresh- ai nerve iwhich proved exec
mAn-faculty smoker in the stancds, j ' painful.
as some o£ the menmbers of the I
faculty bnpvo . drawni seats over in Jack Lovette is expected to
the stands ,ncar the new sta~dubiii, n out his scholastic difficu
The allotment of 2,000) tickets for fore the end of the week, so
the faculty members ha-s been can play in tile opening co:
oversold and that of course, mecans gamne.
tha~t the freshmen will have an -
excellent chance to become ac= here is a way to solve
qiuaited with their instructors. ticket probleims! There ax
________a. few $1 box seats availal
Coach H-arry Kipke used a team of alhl the ]ionice gamnes.
freshmen, schooled in the Minnesota
shift plays, in a scrimmage on Ferry Coach Yost dropped four in
field yesterday. Xipke scouted the the Varsity squad yesterday,
Gophers last season and has seen the size of the roster to 41 n
them play twice this year. coaches will probably use the
T .... shears again next week, andt
In the openhig minul es of play ,following to bring the squad
I thl N~r -Dtr~~hn c ilnesola about 35.
game, Joe hioland, :gianit Iri hII ac--
kle, broke hils leg, and two. hlalys In a world series storyI
later red Collins found'iut' sonei lypuihe51(d in a D~etroit
one lrffI ~ogled,- tlieyi4Wi Ilbflin there appeared1 the fog
of hilti4Mr tja. Wl"ht-ianne statement : "If Manager 11
of men cal hen n (f lpayr oes; not start a right lban
°* °"tomjorrow's game, lie will
be i7e le sfol snli go
sign behind the 11110;-igaii line, a ~soiitlilpiw." Well! Perha
will be meeting some, itti me Yanks have a. side wheeler
$aturay. ..armiless :wonder on the sq
Franklin Cappon made an auspici- READ 'THE WANT
ous showi2 n . his , "-perngt I gamE'
ay. I;is
"ardin al 5
ld lby its
rId series
chlilgait ;
g time
1. 111
s aind
dlv~ of
ia game.
,r Ferry
punt, or
,pe to do
Sinne sota
-as in-
in fine
ities be-
that he
e your
re still
Acl for
nen from
men. The
the week
down to
ider ini
alps the
- or ant
Coach. Steve Farr ell's cross. country
track team. will engage in its-fir st race
of the season -whe-n the .Purdue team'j
inivades Ain Arbor- on -Saturday morn-r
inlg, Oct. 23. thle date of the Illinois
football game.
Althoug-h the regular Conference
race is a five mile contest, tile meet
scheduled with the Boilermakers will
le over a four mile cour~se. All can-
dlidates for positions on the Varsity
team will hold tryouts Saturday in a
race of 3%r miles. The first ten to
be chosen as the team to run against
Pu rdue.
The second meet of the season will
be against Michigan State college on
Saturday, Oct. 30, at.Lansing. ,This
will be run over the regulation five l
'mile route. Following this, on the l
following Saturday, Nov. G, a triang-
ular meet will be held between Ohio
State. Illinois, and the Wolverines on
thne morning of the Wisconsin grid
con test.
Freshlmen cross country candidates
will begin practice today under, the~
direction of -W. C. Shadford, newly ap-
pointed coach of the freshman har-
riers. Shadford comes to take the
place of L. C. Furnas, last year'sf
coach, Furnas hnaving accepted a gov-
eminment chemist's pasitid'n in Minne-
All prospective candidates for the,
squad are requested to' report to
Coach Shadford between 2:30 and 5:30
o'clock tod at Waterman gym-
Semi-final matches of the all-can-{
pus golf tourney will be played dur-1
ing the next two or three dlays.
J. W. Harrison was forced to de-
fault to David Warql who will meect
Vyse in the upper bracket of the semi-
final round. In the lower bracket,
the winner of the I-Iastings-Krave
match will P lay Goodspeed. The fin-
als are scheduled for the week-end.
E ight - Te~am
its hill 'PPa-y Conferen ce
3 C'hicago And Ohio
To Play Inl East
(By Assoiated Press) -
CHICAGO, Oct. 11:-Football passed,
the experimental stage today on every
Western Conference practice field.
Practice games and speculative coin-'
binationis of backs and .linesmen were
history as eight of the Big Ten began
grooming for the first Conference tilt
of the season next Saturday and the
other two, Ohio and Chicago, groomed-
themselves for games with Columbia
and Pennsylvania.
Four Big Ten teams have double-
headers on their schedules this year,
and the first two of these double-
headers will materialize Saturday,
when Minnesota meets Michigan .,
Ann Arbor, and" Indiana comes to
Northwestern field.:-
Unhurt by the Notre Dame trim--
ming, Minnesota prepared today to
meet, the Wolverines with condence
that the Notre Dame game had bet- a
tered its equipment.
Indiana, 'the, unknown quantity of
the conference, worked on a defenses
against Northwestern. Illinois, Grange-
less but confident, has been pointing ;
{ in -practice again for Iowa, and hiopes a
to find in "Frosty" Peters, a successor?
to the redoubtable Grange. Iowa
worked to season the material which ~
eked out victories over the Colorado
State teachers and North Dakota.
¢Wisconsin meets Pur(Uie Saturday
1 an theBadgers looked in their '
Iachel for some offensive tricks. Pur-
$due has a stout offensive, but its resis- ;.
tance hlas been .weak in early games. -
LISBON-The' Lisbon garrison is',
confined to barracks as a precaution-
ary measure while authorities seek
Col. Joan de Almeida, who recently
was dismissed from the governorship
of the Cape Verde Islands.
CGross Country TeamCOACHES LOOK TO,
F reshme'n Get Call1n it uru;B16 TEN CONTEST
Dutch Reuther and Allan Sothoron of the Yankees and Cardinals re-
Ispectively are two 'pitchers who failed to play the big part -expected of
them in the World series just ended, but they will draw checks just the same.
Sothoron saw no service on the mound while Reuther's stay on the
hill was a short one. He was elected to start the first game in St. Louis
against Jess Haines, but only lasted until the fourth inning when the Cards
'Scored three runs and sewed up the game.
NEW YORK, Oct. 11.-Negotiations
have been completed" to bring to the
United States this winter, Paavo Nur-
mi, the famous Finnish runner, and
his two foremost rivals, Dr. Otto
Peltzer of Germany and Edwin Wide,
Ithe Swvedish schoolmaster, for a series
of indoor meets.
The three foreign stars, according
to reliable information reaching the
Associated Press, will appear in a
countrywide; tour.
Three vacancies still' exist in the
personnel of the coaching stagf at Le-
high university, althgh.. appoint-
ments to fill these fare expected at the
next: meeting of the Board "of Athletio
.~ CO A
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