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October 12, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-12

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litr t u





Talk To Be Illustrated With Moving
Pictures Taken During Actual
Flight to North
Opening the 1926-1927 lecture series
of the Oratorical association course,
Lieutenant-Commander Richard .1
Byrd will speak at 8:15 o'clock tonight
In Hill auditorium on the subject:
"The First Flight to the North Pole."
His lecture will be illustrated with
motion pictures. The Pathe company
was in charge of the motion picture
photography and took views from
aboard the ship "Chantier," whichi
brought the expedition to King's Bay,
the only port in Spitzbergen, where
the naval base for the flight was es-
eablished. On the flight, where there
was no professional photographer,
Commander Byrd took pictures from
the plane during the actual flying and
also while at the Pole. The pictures
Commander Byrd will use at his lec-
ture will be more complete and con-
siderably different from those that
have been distributed to the motion
picture theaters.
Brother Is Governor
Commander Byrd is the son of
Richard E. Byrd, Sr., a lawyer in Aus-
tin, Texas. Byrd has a brother who
is governor of the State of Virginia.
After graduating from Annapolis
Byrd's first prominent appointment
was his being placed in charge of the
navigation preparations for the trans-
Atlantic flight of the NC flying boats,
during which the NC-4 was the first
craft to cross the Atlantic in air.
Byrd is the inventor of two instru-
ments which made his flight possible.
These two inventions are the drift in-
dicat and the bubble sextant. Byrd
also used the new invention of Albert
Bumstead bf the National Geographic
society, that of a sun compass.
He had only one summer of Arctic
experience before he conquered the
North Pole in 15 hours and 51 min-
utes, less time than it takes to go
from New York to Chicago by the fast-
est train. His first trip was with Mac-
Millan's Arctic expedition of 1925 in
which Byrd flew 6,000 miles in explor-
ing and mapping out new territory with
Floyd Bennet, who was Byrd's pilot
on the Pole trip.
Plane Had Three Engines
In exploit Conmander Byrd proved
the usefulness of heavier-than-air
craft for exploratory purposes. The
plane used had three engines and wa
a product of the United States navy.
The ship was christened Josephine
Ford -and is at present on an exhibi-
tion tour of the United States.
Byrd froze his face and one of his
hands while on the flight in taking
sights and observations with instru-
ments from the trapdoor on the
What was considered by the leaders
as a distinct step toward creating
more intimate relations between the
student guilds of the churches in Ann
Arbor took place when representa-
tives of the various churches met in a
conference at the Fresh Air camp on
Patterson lake last Friday and Sat-
More than 80 students attended the
conference, the purpose of which was
to afford them an opportunity to get
acquainted with each other, exchange

ideas 'and formulate plans for the
coming year. Discussion groups con-
sidering the work of the different com-
xnittees occupied most of the time.
Howard Y. McClusky, instructor in
educational psychology, spoke to the
conference Saturday morning, and
ferry M. Hayden, '25, spoke Friday
'night and assisted in the discussions.
Miss Ruth Campbell, Baptist student
secretary at Ypsilanti, and Dr. Howard
Chapman, student secretary of the
Baptist church in Ann Arbor led dis-
cussion groups. This conference was
the first of what is planned to be an
annual fall event. -
Ann Arbor residents may make ar-
rangements for listing rooms avail-
able for the Minnesota, Illinois, and
Wisconsin football games, by calling
thA, Unrion ,fvrmi1 to 5So'clock any

,9 f Ia


Lieutenant-Commander Byrd
Naval aviator, who was the first
man to fly over the North Pole and
who will lecture tonight in Hill audi-
Boland, Graham To Go To National
Convention at New York
As Representatives
John Boland, '27, president of the
Interfraternity council, and Frank
Graham, '27, treasurer, were elected
by the council at its first regular1
meeting of the year yesterday to act
as delegates t9 the convention of the
National Undrgraduate Interfratern-
ity council to be held in New York
city Nov. 26 and 27. Principal col-
leges and universities throughout the
country will be represented at the na-
tional meeting as in past years.
Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric depart-
ment and Charles W. Graham of Ann'
Arbor were appointed by President
ClarencerCook Little and Dean ofI
Students Joseph A. Bursley, respec-
tively, as faculty and alumni represen-
tatives on the council's judiciary cor-
mittee, it was announced yesterday by
Dean Bursley. They will serverterms
of two years. One other faculty mem-
ber and alumni representative, from
last year, and five students, elected
at the council's special meeting last
week, comprise the committee of nine.
Dean Bursley gave a short talk on
the liquor situation, asking the coun-
cil to continue its cooperation of last
year which was instigated with the
three plans suggested by President
Little. Practically all of the frater-
nities have elected the student-plan
again this year whereby a committee
of five or less students are pledged to
report to the dean of students any
violations, or disturbances arising
from the use of liquor which occur
within their respective houses. Dean
Bursley emplained that this was the
most desirable plan inasmuch as stu-
dent government is afforded in this
The cooperation of the council, and
individual fraternities, was also re-
quested by Dean Bursley in the matter
of helping to enforce the new auto-
mobile regulations governing student
driven cars.
The next meeting of the council
will be held the first Monday in No-
Students Are Urged
To Get Union Cards
Freshmen and all other students
who have not yet completed registra-
I tion at the Union are urged to finish
this matter by reporting at the Union
student offices on the third floor, from
3 to 5:30 o'clock up- to Friday of this
week, and all next week. After that
time. registration will cease.
Union membership cards are needed
' for all Union dances in the ballroom
and for entrance into the swimming
pool. Froni time to time they wil
also be required for presentation, be
fore entrance into the building is pos
'sible, according to an announcemen
made 'yesterday by Walter Kuenzel
'27E, recording seci'etary.

Dorothy Stone And William M. Leis
Also Assist in Composing
Musical Numbers
Michigan's 1927 Union Opera has
been' named. "Front Page Stuff" is
the, selected title of the 21st annual
Opera of Mimes and the Union, E-.
Mo'rtimer Shuter, director, announced
f yesterday.
Milton A. Peterson, grad. is the an-
thor of the manuscript, and the com-
poser of most of the music and lyrics.
Additional musical numbers and lyrics
were written by Dorothy Stone, who
was made an honorary member of
Mimes last spring, and by William Al.
Lewis, '29, who will play the feminine
lead in the 1927 production.
Dances By Hoyer
Dance numbers were arranged, as
in former years, by Roy Hoyer, danc-
ing partner of Dorothy Stone in "Criss
Cross," the new Fred Stone show
which opens tonight in New York.
The costumes are again the creations
of Lester of Chicago.
Mr. Shuter is convinced that "Front
Page Stuff" will equal in every re-
spect the successes of former Union
Operas, though through a slightly dif-
ferent form of popularity.
''With an extremely well-written j
plot," Mr. Shuter declared yester-
day, "excellent singing possibilities, a
number of exceptional musical num-
hers-the Opera is to have 23-and as
talented a dancing group as I have
ever worked with, the Opera this year
will be an undoubted success from
every standpoint."
Sets Are Elaborate
Neither are the settings and cos-
tuming effects to be disregarded in
the least, for, according to Mr. Shut-
er, the sets are equally elaborate as
those in last year's Opera, and there
are to be even more costumes than
there were in "Tambourine."
"Front Page Stuff" is a two-act
production of the musical comedy
type, differing noticeably in its efforts.
from the spectacular, loosely-woven,
revue show, and yet more compact
and lighter than the romantic, cos- ;
tume-show it is said. It has a decided
collegiate atmosphere, as compared to-
recent Operas, particulhrly in severalI
of the song numbers.
Scene in College Town
The first act is laid in a modern
college town, and the plot centers
around the financial desperation ex-
perienced by a noted scientific pro-
fessor, because of his family's social
climbing proclivities. Shortly before
his condition becomes hopeless the
professor through a reluctant and
questionable stroke of luck, is forced
into carrying out a program of lavish
money-spending and swift living in
order to secretly effect a permanent
cure for his ambitious wife, daughter,
and.son. With the second act opening
in St. Mauritz, Switzerland, at the
height of the winter social season, the
resultant action becomes a succession
of rapid, ingenious, plot unfoldings.
Interwoven with the main action is the
"love interest," complicated by various
stealthy seekers for the hand of the
professor's daughter, and a riotous
comedy vein provided by the self-at-
tached member of the touring party, a
Swedish countess.
The selected name is peculiarly ap-
propriate through the suggested journ-
alistic association it bears to th plot


Prussian _Believes
Ex-Kaiser Desires
To Recover Throne
(By Associated ;Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 11.-"The former
Kraiser is the only nian in the, world
who repeatedly cherishes the hope that
some day lie will triumphantly re-en-
ter Germany and re-establish himself
on the throne from which he ruled for
30 years," a high official of the Prus-
sian government remarked to a cor-
respond'ent of the Associated Press.
The official was speaking of a Hohen-
zollern indemnty and property settle-
ment agreement signed by the estate
of the former emperor now before the
The reading of the compromise bill
relating to this settlement raised a
gret uproar in the Prussian Diet to-
day, the Communists assuming a
threatening 'attitudesand denouncing
the terms of the settlement which
provide for a payment to the Hohen-
zollern family of $3,600,000, the allot-
ment of 67 acres of the former estate
and the castle at Homburg for the ex-
Kaiser and his wife Hermine.





Reservations Limited To 250 Due
Capacity Of Third Floor
)ining Room




Intending to Compete Asked To
Meet This Afternoon At
)Iiines Theater

Competition in the annual Opera
poster contest, the winning design of
which forms the basis of Opera pub-
licity, will be opened this afternoon
when all students interested in sub-
mitting poster designs will meet at 4
o'clock at the Mimes theater for a
preliminary discussion of "Front
Page Stuff."
The winning poster will be featured
i all billboard and theater advertis-
ing in the cities of the Opera itinerary.
It will also be used as the cover de-
sign for the Opera program and the
musical scores.
As an additional incentive, three
prizes have been offered. A cash
prize of ten dollars will go to the win-
ner, and three tickets to one- of the
Ann Arbor performances will be
awarded as the second prize. One
ticket will be given for the third
Judges of the contest will be Prof.
Bruce M. Donaldson, of the fine arts
department, Prof. William C. Titcomb,
of the architectural school and E.
Mortimer Shuter, the Opera director.
Originality in theme and artistic ex-
ecution will be the determining fac-
tors in selecting the winning poster.
Milton A. Peterson, grad., author of
"Front Page Stuff," Ward Tollizien,
'27, general Opera chairman, and Mr.
Shuter, director, will meet the en-
trants at this first discussion, and
will confer with them.
The time limit on the poster contest
will be announced shortly.

At the invitation of the Republican
club of the University, Fred W. Green,
'98L, Republican nominee for gover-
nor of Michigan, will speak at a
luncheon to be held at 12 o'clock Sat-
urday at the Union. "Football and
Politics"' will be the subject of his
talk, according to an announcement
made by officials of the club last night.
Dean Hugh Cabot of the medical
school will be the toastmaster, and
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law
school will introduce the speaker. The
meeting will be adjourned in time for
the Michigan-Minnesota football game,
which the gubernatorial candidate
will attend. Due to the limited ca-
pacity of the third floor dining room
of the Union, where the luncheon will
be held, reservations are limited to
Nominated At Primaries
Mr. Green was nominated at the
primaries in September by a majority
of more than 140,000. Later in that
month, led by the Haggerty-Smith-
group of Detroit, who controlled the
Republican convention there, nomi-
nating their entire ticket. His victory
was the final stroke in the defeat of!
the Groesbeck faction of the state Re-
publican party.I
The nominee was educated in the
high school at Cadillac, at the Ypsi-
lanti Normal school, where he grad-
uated in 1893, and received his degreeI
rom the law school of the University
n 1898. He is head of the Ypsilanti
Reed Furniture company of Ionia, and
president of the National bank of
onia. Mr. Green has been mayor of
onia for 12 terms, and treasurer of
he Republican state central commit-
tee for ten years.I
Tickets for the luncheon are on saleC
it $1.10 each. They can be obtainedc
it the main desk at the Union, or from
)fficers of the club.c
Case Against Miller and Daugherty
Culminates In "Hung Jury"
(By Associated Press)t
NEW YORK. Oct. 11.-An "hung
jury" today ended the five weeks' con-
spiracy trial of Harry M. Daugherty
and Thomas W. Miller, government
officials under President Warren G.
I-larding. The jurors had been out
more than 65 hours, longer than any
other jury in the history of the fed-
eral building.
Former Attorney-General Daugher-
ty was the first man to be brought to
trial on a charge of conspiracy to de-
fraud the government, who served
while a member of a president's
Daugherty and Miller, former alien
property custodian, were indicted for
conspiring to defraud the government
of their best services in permitting the
leak in 1921 of $7,000,000 war im-
pounded assets of the American Metal
The case was given to the jury at
9:43 o'clock Friday night. Saturday
failure to agree was reported, but
Judge Julian Mack insisted on further
deliberation. Again yesterday the
jury was told that not yet could any-
thing but a verdict be acceptable to
the court.
At 3 o'clock today, however, the
talesmen were called into the court
room for the last time and again re-
ported inability to agree, whereupon
Judge Mack said:
"I shall not hold you longer, gen-
tlemen. You have deliberated long
and earnestly, and I thank you for all
that you have done."
Members of the literary faculty held

I their first meeting of the year 1926-
1927 yesterday at which elections of
committee members were the prin-
cipal matters considered.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.-New
York was permitted by the Su-
preme court today to join Mich-
igan in its complaint against Illi-
nois and the Chicago sanitary
district, growing out of the di-
vesion of waters from Lake
Michigan. By inclusion of the
Empire state questions will be
injected into the case of the
proprietary rights over the wa-
ters of the Niagara and St. Law-
rence rivers and the develop-
ment of hydro-electric powers.
Michigan, by order of the
court, must stand upon its orig-
inal complaint challenging the
validity of diversion from one
water shed to another under any
circurgstances. It broadened the
Wisconsin complaint which at-
tacked such diversion without
the permission of Congress, and
'at the same time denied Michi-
gan permission to amend its
complaint to embody features of
the complaints New York will
Illinois and the sanitary dis-
trict opposed injection into the
controversy ' at this time of
questions which they asserted
related to the powers of the Fed-
eral ,water power commission
and might involve the constitu-
tionality of the Federal Water
Power act. They pointed out
that Michigan already had given
notice of its intention to parti-
cipate in the hearing of the Wis-
consin side of the case before
Judge Charles E. Hughes, and
that New York should be per-
mitted to bring the hydro-elec-
tric matter into the controversy.


Choruses Practicngu
Both men's and women's chorases
are now engaged in daily practice and
final chorus selections are to be an-
nounced this week, according to Mr.
Shuter. Cast rehearsals are also] to
begin this week, and an announce-
ment of the picked cast will follow
the chorus appointments.
The Opera will open a week's run
at the Whitney theater on Monday,
December 6. Following the series of
Ann Arbor performances, the show
will rest and rehearse for the two-
week vacation tour of the principal
cities in the East and Middle West.
On Friday, December 17, the entire
company will start on an itinerary
as extensive as was the one last ye4r.j
The substitution of Indianapolis for
Flint is the only change to hie made
in this year's tour of cities
R.0.'I .C. Students

Senior Engineers Choose Officers; 1
Other Elections Tomorrowt
- -f
Officers of the senior architectural
class were elected yesterday afternoonE
at a meeting of the class in the En-
gineering building. Senior engineer-I
ing students will elect their officers at
a meeting of their class at 11 o'clockc
today in room 348 of the Engineering]
building. Senior elections in the li-
terary, business administration and
educational schools will be held to-
Lawrence Oliver was elected presi-
dent of the senior architectural class
yesterday. The other three officers,
are as follows: Earl Meyer, vice-
president; Roland Schuholz, secre-
tary; and Kenneth Michel, treasurer.
All candidates running for office in
the senior engineering election this
morning, and all students voting
therein, must have 100 hours credit.
Members of the Student council are
conducting all of the elections this
The same type of official ballots which'
were used last year are being used
in all of the elections again this fall.
The ballot is perforated and divided
into four sections. One is for, the
presidential primary or nomination,
another for the presidential election,
the third for the nomination of vice-
president, secretary and treasurer,
and the last for the election of theI
three latter officers. Nominations are]
first made orally in each election, theI

Professor Of Philosophy At Carletonu
College Asks For Justl
Moral Code t
Advocating a new philosophy of re-
ligion, Dr. Albert Parker Fitch, ofF
Carleton college, who opened the sec-v
ond series of student convocationsc
Sunday morning in Hill auditorium,d
declared that a more just and exact-t
ing moral code must be worked out.
"Two Lives" was the title of the Carle-t
ton professor's address.r
"I am anxious to see the young men.
and women of today tackle the funda-
mental problems of the world," saide
Dr. Fitch, implying that there was
none more fitted for this work than t
university students. "Men-under-
neath-today are just as religious asj
they ever were, you know. And the
world is dying for constructive criti-
The speaker cited the life of the
rich, young ruler in Biblical history
who sought eternal life, but who wast
unwilling to make some great decision,
or sacrifice, as a means for that which,
he was seeking. Taking this illus-
tration as "the success which failed,"
he compared it to the life of Jesus,1
"the failure which succeeded."
"The rich, young ruler had an op-
portunity to ally himself with the,
greatest creative movement in history
when he appealed to Jesus for -help,
but he cast it aside," continued Dr.
The speaker stated that both types
of men are indispensable to the com-
munity. "We have no right to say
which life you should choose. The
life of the ruler was an illustration of
social sophistication, that of Jesus was
intellectual sophistication.
"What we need is a new philosophy
of religion," concluded Dr. Fitch. "A
great deal today is unconscious con-
formity. It must be remembered that
inherited religious thinking gives us
the mile posts-but no goal posts."
Shirley Smith, secretary of the Uni-
versity, presided at Sunday's convoca-
Registrar Smith
Addresses Group
Registrar Ira M. Smith, returned
early yesterday from the three day
meeting of, the Seventh District Edu-
cation association of Michigan which
was held In Marquette Oct. 7, 8, 9.
Registrar Smith addressed a divi
sional group of the association com-
posed of High school principals and
teachers onm the subject "New Col-
lege Entrance Requirements." Mr.
Smith explained the University poli-
cies in detail and discussed general

Speaker Says There Is No Danger
In Co-education If Students
Are Christians
Admitting that most people are
christians because they are born and
brought up as Christians, the Rt. Rev.
Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram,
Lord Bishop of London, in his address
on "Why I Am A Christian" at the
faculty-student mixer last night at the
Union, admonished students, especial-
ly, to learn more of and follow chris-
tian principles.
"Christianity is the only thing that
enables us to carry on our work, and
gives us the hope and strength to go
on in this life," the Lord Bishop said.
He then declared that unless one is a
Christian he does not really know
what life is.
Christian Principles Important +
In emphasizing the importance of
students following christian princi-
ples the London prelate said, "There
is no danger in co-education if the stu-
dents are christian men and women
and live iin accordance with Chris-
tian principles. Where there is a mix-
ture of men and women in a student
body of 10,000 as there is in this Uni-
versity, there is danger in co-educa-
ion if christian conduct is not the
standard. Christ set the standard of
conduct for men and women, and all
should try to conform to this stand-
In enumerating the reasons why he
s a christian the Bishop stated them
as follows:
1. Because I was born and brought
up a christian.
2. Because I wouldn't know what
ife really was unless I was a chris-
3. I am a christian because I
couldn't live without being one.
roman Indebted
Stopping the general trend of his
speech for a moment he reminded the
women in the audience how much they
owe to christianity. "You women
don't know what you owe to chris-
tianity" said the Lord Bishop. "You
are free and respected according to
the highest standards while the wo-
men in those countries where chris-
tian principles are not in vogue are
slaves. The best friend that woman
ever had was Jesus Christ."
Stating that he belived in evolution,
the Bishop call man "the crown of the
world." Touching further on the sub-
ject of evolution he remarked, "No
sane person will say there is a con-
flict between science and religion, be-
cause they are in different planes."
Church Has Stood Test
To point out the strength of chris-
tianity the visiting churchman stated,
"While states and kingdoms are
crumbling in the world today the
church goes on successfully as it has
for centuries. But we must get back
to the united church. Christ establish-
ed his church while on earth as a liv-
ing society to carry on and propogate
christian truths, and he stated plain-
ly that the gates of hell shall not pre-
vail against it."
Bishop Ingram arrived in Ann Ar-
bor this morning, after visiting sev-
eral of the other conference schools.
At noon, he lunched with a group of
faculty members at the Union, at
which time he was formally welcomed
to the campus by President Clarence
Cook Little.
Plays Golf
Following the faculty luncheon, the

Bishop was taken to the Barton Hills
Country club where he played golf
until after 3 o'clock. He then return-
ed to the Union to meet the student
committee which accorded him a wel-
come from the student body.
Instead of lunching with a selected
group of students at the Union this
noon, Bishop Ingram and his party
will be the guests of the Lawyers'
club. After luncheon, the Bishop will
be taken on a tour of the club.
Will Visit Fraternities
During the afternoon, he will visit
several fraternity houses on the
campus in an attempt to get into close
contact with the students. At 4:15
!o'clock, the Bishop will give an ad-
dress before the School of Religion
in Natural Science auditorium.
The informal supper with the Epis-
copal Students' club which was to be
held at the Union, will be held tonight
at 6:15 o'clock in Harris hall. Fol-
lowing this supper, the Bishop will
be taken to Hill auditorium where he

Will Get Uniforms!




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