PAGE EItGHT THP MTCT4TflAN F)AT.V .,.T',NnAV- OCTnnnp. it). ii - ___________________________l______________________a lA AYl.l\..A ...l 1 r1kV L.Lt'L 4 ^ A OTX. AV T PlP IAIll- t.1 ..u" A.ult IV, JU G DILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturdays). Romance Club: The first meeting for the year of the Romance Club will be held Tues - dlay evening, October 12, at 8:00 o'clock, Room 323, Michigan Union. All members of the staff teaching Romance Languages are cordially invite(I. I . H. P. Tliimc. B3RUSSELS.--The Belgian govern- Sh1ANGflAI.-- Aerial transportation I'BlI.T7 The Nat icnal Council.o moent, under powers conferred by Par- between Japan and China started yes- thy, ,WOmnu of Ireland hals w nt lo Sliamient,. is expected to announce terday with the arrival here of two the Iri h Free Site dele;-ates to tlf) shortly a plan for the stabilization of commercial airplanes from Koreo. cotiniug imtpeial conferenice a memo- the Belgian franc. - randuin claiing xr women the righlt C (lassified ads bring big results for to retalin their nationality on nri Subscribe for the Michigan Diy money invested.-Ad. agc . i oreiguei'S. V olume VII SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1926 Number 13 Freshmnan Women : Freshman women whose names begin with the letters A to M are re- qUired to attend the second Organization Lecture Monday, October 11, at 7:00 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell' Hall, Barbour Gymnasium. Alice C. Lloyd, Adviser of Womnm. Freshman Women : Freshman women whose names begin with the letters M to Z are re- quired to attend the second Organization Lecture Tuesday, October 12, at 7:00 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium,. Alice C. Lloyd, Adviser of WAomen. butch Society Will Award Essay Prize: "The Netherlands .Abroad," a Dutch society which has its headquarters in Amsterdam, has just announced a contest for a prize of $200 for the beat essay on modern Dutch history written by a student either from Col- umbia university or the University of Michigan. The essay will be of about 10,000 words in length and will he upon one of three subjects: "Holland's relation to Belgium in the twentieth century," "Holland's colonial administration in the twentieth century," or "Holland's economic development in the twentieth century.!' A.IHyena. istory 3: The seating list for Tuesday and Thursday lectures is posted on the Bul- letin Boards of Angell Hall and Natural Science Auditorium as announced in the last lecture. W. A. Fray er. Fr'encha 31 at 11 :04 o'clock: Students in French 31 at 11:00 who took the placement test may find out the section to which they have been assigned by consulting the bulletin board in the south hallway in South Wing of University Hall, just outside tre door of room 104 South Wing. Student's should go to classes according to this new division on Monday. Lafayette F. Dow. SCourse in Theory of Spectra: "Students interested in Dr. Laporte's course in Theory of Spectra will meet on Tuesday at 3 In Room 1041, New Physics Building, to arrange the details." H. 3L. Randall. Senior Engineers : The election of officers will take place in room 348, West Eng. Bldg., on Tuesday, Oct. 12. E. M. Bragg. School of Education Men: All the men of the faculty and of the rstudent body of the School of Education are cordially invited to atteiid a get-acquainted meeting to be held ih- Room 316 of, the Michigan Union; Monday evening, October 11, from 7 to 8 o'clock. WV. L. Carr. Harvard Club of Xichigan:, There will be a dinner for all members of the Harvard Club at the Michigan"'Union Saturday, October 16th, at 6:30. 1 A. L. 1Dunhamn. MNathematical Club: Regular meeting wil be held in Room 3201 Angell Hall, on Tuesday, October 12, at 8 p. m. Professor C. J. Coe will present a paper, "On the Existence of Singular Solutions and Envelopes." All persons interested are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Club. W . Denton, Secretary. IrHAVE YOUR CLOTHESSHPI R.i 0. 1). Meeting: The meeting will be held Monday at 8 P. M. in room 306, Michigan Union instead of Tuesday. R. X1. Balthaser. lloany 1, Laboratory Section 3: Matcrial collected on the field trip will be studied in the laboratory on Monday, October 11. Be certain to bring all your material to class. F. tG. Gustafson. Interfraternity Council Meeting: TIhere will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council Mlonday, Oct. 11, at 4:15 P. M. in Room 304 of tie Union. All fraternities in the Council are requested to be represented. John R. Bol mid, Jr., Pres. y Univermity Library Sunday Opening: The main reading and periodical rooms only are open on Sunday. The hours are 2 to 9 P. Mt. Books shelved in other parts of the Library Building may be put on reference in the main reading room for Sunday use on appli- cation Saturday evening at the, desk from which they may ordinarily be drawn. This does not apply to books shelved in buildings other than the Library. Most books in the Departmental Libraries may be drawn for home use over Sunday during the last hour the Departmental Library is open on Saturday. Wm W. Bishop, Librarian. Read The Daily "'Classified" Columns r SKILLED REPAIRING A £pPEN~ " E ventuallywhy Not Now" Get a Rider And save the sacrifice on a trade-in for one later. There is the additional safeguard of Penmakers Fitting Service at Rider's Pen Shop. These pens are made in Ainn Arbor and sold direct to you. Adjustments and replacements while you wait. Five other selected gtandard makes of pens ranging in price from $2.75 to $mo.oo Rider's Pen Sop Jd MO 24-HOUR SERVICE To Old Friends and New Friends: MICHIGAN STATIONERY SPECIAL SALE 4 C The Forest Lunch, 538 Forest, is under new management. Give us a trial. We serve quality foods only. HARRY'S RESTAUR ANT Open 6:30 A. M. to Midnight. THE BOX MICHIGAN SEAL--NE ANDSA 45'lie.nts-Regulasr Price 75c: IwA ' 5 UIi I IT IA Y ---- ------------------- ----- ~GAR~IcK WEEK BEGSOt~__- EDETROIT SUNDAY c 1_ AN UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITYF 1Lr~t Luxury at the Price of Mediocri y M RECO D b _) 18RfAING -Heirloom Handmade Chinese Rugs ' _- COMEDY7_ ..E.ese Are So Thffercn t" L FIVE THOUSAND IFEET AriLESSTH ]AN T11111,NEW \ OXid VlOI I 'XALN PRICE OF TH1E ORDINA'RY GOOD COMMERCL JC HIN 'SE RUG The Knd I Could Import to Sell at a Muh Lower Figvue (w If I Camed to Deal in that QIuality. IV THERE , SUCHI A THING AS EXTRAVAGANT ECOINOMIY, The 0old adage "Penny wise and poundl foolsh,'' applies in the buyinmg of rugs egurnethcatcotmsadseeyto be equaly a as well as in other purchases. 1-ow much have your domnesit rugs or your "Bargain good as seen ini New York at the Republic Theatre. . have you had to replace them? How much real enjoyment and PriFleof many essiomI Wegurnteth es, otuesnddcney pOretaiodhiee"cotyofine ophosbgusoueeeins1soionytme - have you had in them ? PRICES: = DOMESTIC RUGS AND CHEAP ORIENTAL AND C'IINE S1 COsT )IORI N' 1-Popular W~ednesdaiy Matinee, 50c to 811.514, plus Tax I a THE LONG RUIN TH1AN THIESE LUXUR~IOUS iJANIJM.1ADEls'IE ?IRI,4JI CHIiNESE ?-r Saudy Mtie, Sc to $2.40, plus Tax -q' RIJP USWHICH ARE ABSOLUJTELY THEii BEST AND) iMOsT 'E QI'Sl'E CIINESE - Nghts, 75e to $2.54, plus Tax RUGf' ~ (S MONEY.,CAN BUY. IF YOU HIAVENEVER SEEN TI':SE RUGS YOU J IM"AVJS - NEVER ]KNOWN WHAT REALBEAUTY IN A ('iIlN1CE R G iV4 = Heirloom Rugs are priced in the first place within the reach of every purse. ______________________________________________ J You need no longerHIIIIIIIII11i1u1envy theo nwealthyongrheirytbeautithyuleirugs.tiAu ruArborn Aeor ularlar pices are only a little over half the Newv York retail prices ol these same rug'-s. (They II __ 2 are not -sold in Michigan except through my agents. I am sole Mihia reprseita-A t - 1 ! i tie.) he rugs are priced in the fist place with no idea of furtre special cut-price sale. Mypolicy is not' to get "all the traffic will bear" at the time peopla, are inter- r estedinfmrnishings, and then make a. clearance lby special sales to get rid of undesir- abl LetOvers. -There is not one rug among my tII*)uall(s of feet of rugs that is M ATITA L Ro desirable and that will not adorn soenhlomie.j; WHETNT RUGS It EN DED) FOR CIRISTNIAS (1AME TOO) LATE, AND) ,1511 NOW, Funiture 112 East Liberty St. RugFs I WIINAWHLTHSEIA E .e I UN AVOFDABLE-ASLAST WITERO D HN(3UE T$'AN ERROR INTlETlQ )i'rI(01A AIEOR RFR 'IIi ANR iTEUJG 10RSTOCK, TIHE MANUFATURERS IN ('H1INA HAVE SENT !-I ( O H WYAD ILARRIVE ANY DAY. 1118TIES UP C(API'TA14 III(21 ( > rmuST BE' USEI'T0' PAY FOR AND PAY D)UTY ON '6s'0 FEET OF THlE LARGER I 1SIZES NOW MEN91ADE O ALREADY SHIPPED. t BU NOW. YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN HAVE SUCH A CHANCE 'CHeirloom Rugs are entirely made by hand-each little knot tied by hand on PR hand-made warp with the best of hand-spun wool. Look through the rug advertisements, note how few Oriental and Chinese rugs are spoken of as handmade. Did you know that many of these rugs are made of i r U4 machimne spun wool, which is featured as better thanm the hand spun, and usually caled "w orsted"; and', machine gnotted andl sheared as wll? I b ave samples of theseW t machine made rugs as well as of the usual commerciatChuiese rug that you may JJ) compare them with 'Heirloom Rugs. ~ You are especially invited to come and see the wonderul display I now have on hand, even though you do not plan to buy until some future date. -'WHAT ROOM WOULD DENY TERMS IF DESIRED, OR A RUG WILL PE HELD IF A DEPOSIT IS MADE. STHIS GOVERNOR WINTHROP " MRS. H. B. MERRICK DESK? Correctly designed - Properly made Genuine Mahogany or Genuin Walnut Temporarily at Corner of Liberty, i$8 00-St. and Fourth Ave.,r READ THE WANT ADS READ THE WANT ADS 1 L1~_ 4 'There is no need to let your shirts go unrepaired. W turn collars and cuffs, mecnd tears and sew buttons on,an your garments are returned to you clean, well ironed,an repaired., We and and ' THE MOE LAUNDRY 204 North Main St. Dial 3916 I nmq I Osteopathy D)R1. BERT HABERER, 338 3MAYINARD ST. PHIONE W169 DR1. BETH HIABERER, 3::5 MAYNARI) ST. PHONE 5660 DR. LELAND) S. McCLEERY 1.2 STATE SAVINGSBANK BLD)G. PHONE 5003 I)R. IT. S. TWILLS, 616 FIRST NAT. BANK BLD)G. PHIONEF, OFFICE 830", RESIIDENCE 5303 DR. DODROTH-Y SE LLARDS 1111 FAIR OAKS PARKWAY. PHONE '5-403 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns * . .' i YOIiCiptYllY IY ', I _ t , .rw ®® U r',...r% . h ,i 'r9/ See what El I -- I 641' I ______ - I Ai ii 1- '.: