a " PAGE FTV :SU~tNDAY,' OCTOBER' 10, 1M2 LE14TT4CA ~T TT4P ]kATrT4Tr. AN DATT V IM . t".IP ,-1',1uHnaw w .n't~fl" 1 __________ * LEGUETO AID IN GOINVEENTION PLNE hlicibcrs Will Entertain Delgatesl '4,;ioi;tae Clbs October t 19 To 21l APPOINT COMMITTEES Asa junio'ir nember of the Feder-I ation of Women's clubs, the Women's1 league is cooperating with th~ Ann Arbor women's club and the American.c Association of University Women, asY hostesses for the state convention ofc the Fderation of Women's clubs, tot be held in Ann Arbor, from Oct. 19 toc '21. For this reason, since all women automatically become members of the league upon their entrance in the Un- iversity, and hence become jun-f ior members of the Federation,E all student women are urged, tot offer their assistance in welcomingc and entertaining the guests during their visit Sororities and dormitories are being asked to reserve at least one room for a guest during the convention, the tes of'ihiici 'hv* e -a4Nbeen made own. Any women intrested in co- ,,, grating in,Vntertaining are invited to a tea, to be given under the a- spices of other junior members of the FederatioUOiiSavaii Caswell Angell hall, 'the afternoon of Thrsday, Oct. 21. Several committees have been a- ranged and, chairmen-chosen , for the purpose of aiding the women about the campus and adding to their general comfort. Jean MKaig, '28, as general chairman of the undergraduate wom- en has called a meeting of the chair- men of the various committees for Monday afternoon. f;The ,commttees and chairmen are: W~:ages who will carry messages to any or for any of the delegates, chairman, Laura Soule, '28; parlors, Katherine Kelder, '27, chairman; guides, Jean Greenshields, Wheeler, '28; exhibits,, Helen Rtuther- 811rd '29i.telephone. and post office, . Eli1zabeth Crouen, '28. This under- aduat. ,cotnmittee of chairmen will geet at'the eecutive" banquet to 'be heasld Oct. 18 at the Union, with the eti o mitoplans. d exectvecmmttetodicus.e Tours will be conducted every aft- Ienoon from 4 to 6 o'clock under ides, for the delegates, and will ter- inate in the entertainment of the uests at teas. The Univrsity hos- ptal is cooperating in this respect, Ilserving tea-every afternoon for the Ivisitors. The object of the plan of urging the cooperation of every league member is to interest them in the work the league is doing and to offer them an opportunity to take an active part In league activities. NOTICES f Intramural hockey games will start Itomorrow. The first week will be practice games. The health service will have doctors at the field house {every afternoon to give heart and lung examinations to all women who have not yet been examined. Intramural managers will meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow 'in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. It will be ne- essary that everyone °be present.' If any of the teams are playing, mana- gers must call Louise Cooley, 29, 7817. Patronize Daily Avertser. c T Ni'l 011r) I CAMPUS ACTIVITY IS, GM SCHEDULE TOPIC OF DISCUSSIONI FOR IN TRAMURP From 4 until 6 o'clock tomorrow, PLAY A N U C the Y. WX. C. A. 'will hold its secon I D r ~awxs lhave been completed for association day of the year in ?dew'- intramural hockey tou rnamnent berry hall. The "Ho0w and Why of play will begin ait 4:30 o'clock to: Campus Activity" will be the topic toj row. The tournament this year be discussed by the various interestedl be conducted under the league groups of the meeting. Noc only similar to the basketball tournar freshmen, but upperclass wornen as of last year. each team will pla well will find something of value i least four games. The schedule the discussion since an attempt will{ the entire week is as follows: be made to give the 'women some basis League 1, Monday, 4 :30 o'cl by which to judlge which activity will Gamma Ph'i Beta vs. Kappa A be the most beneficial to theum, the Theta; Alpha Clhi Omega 'vs. K one that will answer their p~articular Kappa Gamma. League 2, Wedne: needs. Neat week the subjec to '-e' 4 o'clock, Alpha Gamma Delta considered will be "W1hat part should Chii Omega; Kappa Delta vs. Zeta the Y. W. C. A. play ini the lire o a Alpha. League 3, Wednesday college woman, and how does it fit in o'clock, i Beta Phi vs. zone w~ amon~g the other activities of campus will be announced later. Delta life?"' will play Delta Gamma. 11Women Of Graduate kD !School rio Orranize rthe All women enrolled in the Gr'aduateo and Il School and those with a Bachelor's de- )mor' gee romi a rec'ognized coliege are in- ilplanvie to attend1( a meeting at 4 o'clock .eat Tuesday at the Y. r1%. C. A. coffee ay at c oom. The purpose of the rmce, m efor is to organize a club that will fuii ish aineanus wher'eby the graduate women lock of the different deparments of the piha U niversity may become bettoi' ac- Qa L ffitedl with one another and(1withi , the work in the dliffereint dIepart- T" y i ' 'I ' 'I GTau y a 'liich Zeta The first 15 minutes of each meet.-1 League 4, Friday, 4:30, Adelia Chee- ing will be devoted to a purely social ver vs. Phi Gamima Mu, Alumnae gathering, at which some member cif house and Zone combined vs. Theta the Y. W. Advisory board will act Phi Alpha. League 5, Saturday 9:30 as chaperone. Mrs. Clarence CookI o'clock, Alpha Phi vs. Helen New- ittle will ,spor'soi' tonmorrow~'s metet- berry, Martha Cook vs. zone. League inn if, Saturday 10 :30 o'clock, Betsy Bar- bour vs. Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Delta Subscribe for the Mlichigani Daily. Delta vs. Zone. RUYRN FullFashoned~$i~ Hos If yo reqire d~lilonalproo 14' moest o pine stockings-htetha j in America." MAIN AT LIBERTY ments. It is desire ( that repn'eseita- t ives from every school on. the cam-s pus, medicine, dentist ry, law, as well as from every deparitment of the Graduate school will be present. All women who feel that t here is a need of such an org':iiza t ion can the c'anmpus are asked to attend1 the Ineet- iug and brie,- any plans which theyF care to have ('onsiered. A fter1'the1! business discussion there will be ani informal soc'ial period and refresh- ments will be served. Pen makersE By this time everyone knows thatI Rider's Pen hop gives pen serviceG not found elsewhere. Service f iR SECOND FLOOR The Sweater Season Has Just Begun VP lihng little sweaters that are smart, comnfortable, gay and economical. After which there remains very little to say except that you will find a most interesting collection here that you will delight in adding to your wardrobe. If you play golf these (lays, you'll need several. If you like sports clothes, they are exactly right. Interpreted in stripes, Jacquard pat- terns, plaids and solid tones. $3.95 up. 0O. . .' Read The Daily "Classified" Columns }': I I i I I i i I I I i , i , i a, i it e i, e s i! i! i s s ' i' s i i 1 1 a -I- . do ' ~on Oe" Lift Up Your Eyes! ~.AC 1P2Star of c",. i ber' rrn:st attractive role--- l\'amrna M~olly" to a lroiiid of hole'eless lids. Here is life's song of love, heating wil. 'uglhs and solos, is mely in tune with vo' own heartstringls. A wonderful picture, a mighty ac *evement for the worlds sweetheart. , r . _ .. _ l ,/ /: :.- ,/ .. ° .,, ' r 4" r / P j/ 3 / aS, ' y r . { i r r \ ? ' a7 "' r u . , n - ° tG u.. ,, p.t ,,. t « See It! You'll Love It! / 1 /.iI'.isfas"".r , ",r .1"./sr le"./"././°./' .r:. :/. ./:I 1.f./"./:t"'t.%".!"./, f " , , . !. f. . .r ". .e".f '., . ". ".11. +"6, e" ". a". ,d" ", ". '.. . P".e .. .e". . '.r ^do: /" ""F P« TICKETS AT SLATERS FOR r AN Addpqb AIM n d 4 , j 4 r 00r 5 o ien Thursday. Evening, Oct. 14 I at 8:00 O'clock HILL AUDIORIUM BE PREPARED FOR '. AN EVENING OF H L R O S F N" :: 6 aI Oh!f Whata girl is Nary Oh ! What a treat for you. "The Polar l 2A.I'iI G TOD)AY *8 ,:-f The World Before Your Eyes Pathe News k , I I I lii 4 : i-iuo PZUSlerforitiami 1 ::3-:321 ii- .0- AL*L SEATS RESERVED Conti fill lI I 11