ESTABLISHED 1890 it IH 1 . - MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 12 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE C ENTS RIES \Of S ON9t1 THREE BANDS AND NEW CHEERING SECTION FEATURE FOOTBALL GAME BE OPENED TODA FITCH WILL DELIVER FIRST ADDRESS AT MORNING MEETING INSTRUCTOR AT CARLSON Will Take "Successes That Fall And Failures That Succeed" As Isis Topic Opening the second series of Sun- day convocations, Dr. Albert Parker Fitch of Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., will give the address at the non-sectarian service at 11 o'clock this morning in Hill auditorium. "Suc- cesses That Fail and Failures That Succeed" is the topic of the address. Dr. Fitch spoke at the third Sunday convocation under the auspices of the Student council and Women's league last May. The School of Religion is co-operating this fall in arranging the convocations. Dr. Fitch, who is professor of the philosophy of religion at Carleton college, is an ordained minister and a liberal leader in the Congregational church. In 1900 he received his A. B. degree from Harvard university, and his B. D. degree from the Union Theo- logical seminary three years later. In the same year, he was ordained a minister in the Congregational church and became pastor of the. First Con- gregational church at Flushing, L. I. In 1905 he left there for the Mount Vernon Congregational church at Boston, meanwhile continuing his graduate study, and receiving his D. D. degree from Amherst college in 1909. He became president of the Andover Theological seminary at Cambridge, Mass., which position he held for eight years. Williams col- lege awarded him a D. D. degree in 1914. Following his long term at Andover Theological seminary, Dr. I Fitch went to Amherst college where he became professor of the history of religion from 1917 to 1923, resigning with Alexander Meiklejohn. In 1919 and 1920 he was also the Beecher lec- turer at Yale university. le assumed his position with Carleton college two years ago. It was at this institution that the late President Marion Leroy Burton received his A. B. degree and later taught Greek for two years. Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the University, will preside at the serv- ice this morning. Dailies Frantz will b e at the organ and Otto Koch of the School of Religion, is the soloist. The program follows: Organ Prelude "Air From Rinaldo". .............Handel Mr. Frantz Hymn-"The Son of God Goes Forth to War"........... Haben-Cuter Congregation Scripture .........................I Shirley W. Smith Offertory Solo-"How Beautiful Are Thy Dwellings" .......... Liddle C Mr. Koch Address-"Successes That Fail And Failures That Succeed"...... Dr. Albert Parker Fitch Organ Prelude-"Adoration" Rockwell Mr. Frantz The Student council has requested all townspeople take seats in the bal- cony in order that the main floor may be occupied entirely by students and members of the faculty. The congre- gation is further requested to omit applause after the address. Dr. Fitch will receive any students and faculty members who wish to meet him this evening and tomorrow morning at the Union. BADGERS DEFEAT KANSAS, 13 TO 0 (By Associated Press), MADISON, Wis., Oct. 9.-Wisconsin defeated Kansas 13 to 0 today, on an 80 yard run for a touchdown by a Crofoot and two goals from placement by Leitel, giving the victors their margin. Crofoot made his long run in the first Badger play from a scrimmage sifting through the middle of the Jay-1 hawk line and eluding half a dozen Kansas tacklers with the aid of good interference. Leitel made good a place kick from the 20 yard line in the third period and duplicated the boot from the 25 yard line in the clos- ing moments of play. SENIOR ARCHITECTS1 WILL CHOSE OFFICERS Election of officers in the senior class of the architectural school will be held at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow in room 311 ofj i Three large bands and a special block "M" cheering section added novelty to the Michigan-M. S. C. game yesterday on Ferry field. The block "M", composed of nearly 1,200 students, marked the first suc- cessful attempt of the student coun- cil to place a well organized cheering section in the stands. Its main body of blue outlined in yellow presented a clearly defined letter, in contrast to the block located in the west stands in former years. ume than is usually the case at early season games. The Varsity and K. S. C. bands were augmented by the United States Marine band which also played in Hill auditorium last night. The bands en- tered the field at 2:15 o'clock and each paraded in turn, while the other two stood at attention. The three bands then merged under the leader- ship of the Michigan drum major and marched to the flag pole, where they halted and the 200 musicians played the "Star Spangled Banner." Between the halves there was more parading and the formation of the "M" by the Varsity band. Forming the letters "M. S. C.", the Michigan State organization evolved into a "U. of M." and played a stanza of the "Yellow and Blue." Sousa marches and the "Victors" were played by the United States Marine band, under the direction of Capt. Santelman. Good seats yard lines int ning with the all occupantsc of tickets in the Yost field and practiced. direction of cheerleader. between the 25 and 45 the south stands, begin- 19th row, were provided of that section. Holders that block gathered in house before the game several yells under the William Warrick, '-27, According to reporters ,UNIVERSITY WIL WELCOME LONDON BISHOP TOMORROW PLAN PERSONAL CONTACT WITH STUDENTS BY GAMES AND TALKS HERE FOR THREE DAYS Will Address aculty-Sfudent )lixer In Union Assembly Hall Monday Night Official welcome to the University ,will be extended to the Rt. Rev. Ar- thur Foley Winnington-Ingram, Lord' Bishop of London, at a luncheon to- morrow at 12:15 o'clock in the Union. President Clirence Cook Little will preside and deliver the formal address of welcome to the famous prelate who will make a three-day visit in Ann Arbor for the purpose of meeting and conversing With students. This luncheon will be with mem- b ers of the faculty and will be the only one which is not, designed especi- ally as an opportunity for the Lord Bishop to meet students. All members of the faculty who expect to be pres- ent at this luncheon are requested to communicate their intention ot the committee in charge of the luncheon. Following the luncheon, a rest and conference period has been arranged WOLVERINE STAR RETURNS TO FORM i PASSIN6 AND PLUN6ING ATTACK OF MICHI6AN SMOTHERS M S1 C1. A9GGREGATI6O BY955 TO 3 SCORE. Molenda, Rich, And Weber Are Effective Trio Through Line; Oosterbaan And Flora Star In Aerial Offense Showing a decided improvement over the form displayed in the opening game against the Oklahoma Aggies, and using its usual strong forward pass attack, Michigan overwhelmed the Michigan State foot- ball team by a score of 55 to 3 before 35,000 persons at Terry field yesterday afternoon. Although Michigan State crumpled under the superior aerial at- tack of the Wolverine eleven, the Lansing team displayed strength that was out of proportion to the huge score. Coach Yost's team was powerful on offensive and defensive line play, but was woefully weak in curbing the double-pass attack of the State team. from the press box, the cheering was better organized and had greater vol- 1 PHAMCSSHOLD' FIRST"C ONFERENCE State Board Inaugurates Series Of i Regular Gatherings: Initial Meeting Successful CONDUCT CAMPUS TOUR On Friday the Union was the scene of the first of the Pharmaceutical con- ferences inaugurated by the State Board of Pharmacists. The meeting was attended by the secretary of the state board, members of the education- al committee appointed by the state board, members of the pharmacy -de- partments of the College of the City of Detroit and the Detroit Technlcal institute, and members of the Pharm- acy college of the University of Mich- igan. Dean Edward 11. Kraus, of the Col- lege of Pharmacy of the University, was the chairman. The conference was for the purpose of considering questions of mutual Importance to the state board and the educators. At the close of the meet- ing at the Union the members in at- tendance at the conference went on a tour of the various pharmacies that are maintained by departments of the University. These included the phar- macies that are maintained by de- partments of the University. These included the pharmacies in the phar- macy department, the health service, and the University hospital. The results of the meeting were re- garded as so satisfactory that it is planned to make the conference a reg- ular affair. The second meeting will probably be held in the early spring at Lansing. Scholarship Donated By California Woman Yesterday the University received a gift of $10,000 from Mrs. S. H. Boal of Oakland, Cal., to establish what will be known as the Robert Campbell Gemmell Memorial scholarship. Fresh- man or sophomore engineers who are deemed worthy,- will be awarded the scholarship by a committee of three members of the engineering faculty of which the dean will be one. Robert Campbell Gemmell, in whose honor the scholarship was given, graduated from the University of Michigan with a B. S. degree in 1884, and a C. E. degree in 1895. His repu- tation as an engineer grew throughout the West, and in 1913 he received an honorary degree of Master of Engi- neering from the University. He died while travelling on a train, Oct. 25, 1922. Mrs. Bqal, the donor of the gift, is the sister of Gemmell. The money has been deposited with Robert G. Campbell, treasurer of the University, and it will be formally accepted by the Board of Regents at their next meeting, Nov. 4. FUND GIVEN FOR WORK IN BELGIUM Commemorating the work of the Relief commission in Belgium during the World war, the C. R. B. Educa- tional Foundation announces a lim- l ited number of advanced fellowships I for study in Belgium which will be awarded-annually. The idea is to pro- mote closer relations and exchange of intellectual ideas between America and Belgium. To be eligible, a candidate for a ARHOUSE PARTYIRE Unusual C Developments Are At Coming Party Congress Expected SCORE LEADERS ACTION Victory Proves Costly Two Of His Regu Seriously Inji For Rockne, lars Are red (By Associated Press) for the Bishop during which time he Mwill confer with students by special MOSCOW, Oct. 9-Discipinary iea- appointment or play tennis or golf sures against Trotzky, Zinoviev and with picked students. These periods Piatakoff for their recent attempts to have been arranged through the ex- air the views of the opposition, within ! press wish of the Bishop who is an the Communist party are foreshadow- ardent enthusiast in the field of ath- ed in a resolution adopted yesterday letics. Students who wish to play by the political bureau of the party. with the Bishop may make appoint- This resolution characterizes their ac- mnts with him through his chaplain, tion as "unprecedented and a flagrant the Rev. H. C. Thomas, who is travel- violation of the basic principles of ing with him. party life." Students Will Extend Welcome The all-Russian Communist party Ten representative men and women congress is only two weeks off. That students will extend the formal wel- startling developments are likely at come from the student body to the the congress was indicated by the Bishop at a reception at 4:30 o'clock speeches of Trotzky and his opposition in the Pendleton library in the Union. associates last' week, when, at a meet- This reception marks the beginning ing of aviation workers, they made a of the Bishop's personal contact with sensational attempt openly to under- the students and the committee urges mine the majority by pointing out to as many students as possible to take the workers the evil policies of the advantage of this opportunity of meet- forces now in power. ing London's distinguished bishop. Minoviev's case is regarded as par- The Bishop's main address will be ticularly serious by the political bu- 1 given at a "Faculty-Student" mixer reau, because, despite previous warn- at 8 o'clock Monday in the main a'- tings, he made another attempt sembly room of the Union. Prof. H. at Leningrad Thursday to de- C. Sadler, pf the engineering college, liver a factional speech. Yesterday's will preside at this gathering of stu- resolution declares that his action dents and faculty members. Owing to throws discredit on the party and the nature of this reception, it has calls for apropriate punishment by the been necessary to restrict the invita- Central Executive and Control commit- tion to only those who are directly tees, which will decide the fate of the connected with the University in some opposition when it meets two weeks capacity. hence. No definite program for this mixer has been announced as yet by the com- mittee in charge but it will tend to M any Are Expected be informal, aside from the main ad- dress by the Lord Bishop. Following At Detroit M eetinol the addresses, refreshments will be I I,,z vtU LONG RUNS FEATURE I Beiy Oosterbaan Stellar Michigan end, who is stead- ily regaining the form that brought him All-American honors last season. A junior this year, Oosterbaan has two more years in which to repeat his feat before he is finally lost to Michigan's Varsity eleven. I Indications show that a record breaking attendance will be had at theI annual Convention in Detroit, Oct. 12th and 13th, of the Michigan Tuber- culosis association, The Michigan, Trudeau society, and the Detroit and Wayne County Medical society. A re- vision of the state code of tuberculosis law will be given serious attention, especially by Percy Angove. Distinguished foreign tubercular au- thorities, Dr. Hans Jacobacus of Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Ernest Loe- wenstein, of Vienna, Austria, and Sir Henry Gauvain, of London, England, are among the speakers for the meet-! ing. An attractive feature of the con- vention is the o'pportunity that will be given guests to visit the After-Care1 Colony, near Ypsilanti, for patientsI discharged from the Detroit sanator- ium. This institution has been but re- cently established, and is onej of the few ' in operation in the - United States. NOTRE DAME DOWNS MINNESOTA, 27 TO 7 serveu. Will Be Guest of Twenty At luncheon on 'Tuesday, the Lord , Bishop will be the guest of twenty selected men and women students in one of the private dining rooms of the Union. At this gathering the Bishop will discuess informally any questions which the students wish him tondiscuss. It is through met- ings such as this that the Bishop hopes to become acquainted with students and understand their problems. The only other opportunity for the student body in general to meet Dr. Ingram will be at the tea and in-, formal gathering which will be held. in the main assembly room of the Un- ion on Wednesday at 4 o'clock. At this time, the entire student body will act in the capacity of hosts to the Bishop. There will be, however, a number of special hostesses which will be selected from among the wo- men students of the University. This tea will conclude the Bishop's stay in Ann Arbor, as he is leaving immediately afterward for Detroit. KELLOGG 6SUGGESTS1 CHINESE ARMISTICE! Secretary Of State Directs Consul At hla'kow To Advise Chinese Eactions To Make Peace AMERICANS ARE SAFE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.-lmpelled by humane consideration, Secretary Kel- logg directed the American legation in Peking today to suggest an armis- tice to the warring Chinese factions so that non-combatants might evacu- ate the beseiged city of Wuchang. These suggestions will be relayed by the legation to Consul-General Frank Lockhart at Hankow, across the river from Wuchang. The aid of foreign relief agencies will be extend- ed to the city residents. Graphic reports of extreme suffer- ing among the civilian population in Wuchang, prompted the secretary's action. A report from Lockhart was sent from Ilankow on Thursday, shortly after the secretary had cabledI his instructions to Peking. This re- port stated that the accounts of the situation in the beseiged city had been greatly exaggerated and there had been practically no death from star- vation. Lockhart's report, however, con- firmed earlier official advices that women and children had been tramp- led to death at the gates of Wuchang in their rushing to escape when for- eign relief work first 'began. An earl- ier estimate placed the number of deaths at 50 and today's message said Americans who visited the city Wed- nesday confirmed the report. - Should fighting at Wuchang be ter- minated by agreement, Lockhart said there willbe no occasion for American diplomatic and consular intervention in the name of humanity. The message today reported all Americans in Wuchang and Manchang safe and well and also indicated de- cisive military developments were expected soon in the vicinity of Kin- kiang, where General Sun Chuan Fang, ally of the northern faction, had been attempting to cut Cantonese com- munications about lHankow and Wu- chang. The message added that the Cantonese were close to Kiukiang and that General Sun was .aboard a gun- boat and many of his troops had been withdrawn from the city, although it had not been completelyy evacuated on Friday. EAST LANSING, Mich.--A new high I total enrollment of 2.7';0 for Michigan (By Associated Press) i MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 9. -n Notre Dame showed real power in d downing the fighting Minnesota team, a 20 to 7, before 47,000 spectators in the h Memorial stadium here today.y Held to a 7 to 7 count in the first, half, Notre Dame came back with0 a dash and displayed strength in theg last two periods that definitely marked their superiority over the Gophers. o It was a costly victory for Coachd Rockne, Joe Boland, his 200 poundd tackle playing in his senior year suf- p fered a broken leg in the first fewt minutes of play and Fullback Fred ; Collins was taken out with a broken jaw two plays later. Two brilliant runs of 59 and 72 h yards, the first by-Dahlman and then second by Flannigan, and Heardan'sa dash through his right tackle for 15 b yards were Notre Dame's touchdown b plays.g Minnesota's score came in the sec- - ond period when Geer tossed a long forward pass to Wheeler, who rant away' from Flannigan to cover 18 yards to the goal line. Notre DameF quickly showed its strength, scoring a touchdown on the third play whens Dahlman darted around left end forb his 59 yard dash through the Gopher line. Several times the Gophers advanced - to Notre Dame's 25 yard line, andv once or twice threatened from wellI inside that point, an attempted drop kick by Peplaw from the 20 yard line missing by- inches. In .the last min- utes of play, Coach Spears' men vainly tried for a touchdown by the forward1 pass route. ON TH E GRIDIRONj WESTERN t Ohio State 47, Ohio Wesleyan 0. Illinois 38, Butler 7.1 Missouri 14, Nebraska 7. Purdue 21, Wabash 14., Wisconsin 13, Kansas 0., Iowa 40, North Dakota 7. Notre Dame 20, Minnesota 7.j Chicago 21, Maryland 0. Northwestern 33, Carleton 3. Indiana 14, Kentucky 6. EASTERN Colgate 44, St. Bonaventure 0. Drake 7, Navy 24. Army 21, Davis-Elkins 7. Dartmouth 21, Virginia Poly 0. I Cornell 49, Williams 0. Columbia 41, Wesleyan 0. Georgetown 78, Washington Col. 0. Holy Cross 19, Harvard 14. Penn State 48, Marietta 6. Princeton 7, Washington-Lee 7. Yale 19, Georgia 0. 1 Pennsylvania 44, Swarthmore 0. Brown 32, Lehigh 0. Dies While Watching I Football Game Here Overcome by heart trouble, Henry Schneider, 56 years old, of Ypsilanti, dropped dead while watching the Michigan State game yesterday. He was sitting in the north stands, andl was stricken during the first quarterI Smith, the sensational runner and kicker of the Green and White eleven, ccomplished a feat which his team has not been able to perform since 1918, when he scored against Michigan with a field goal in the second period of the game. With his uncanny punt- ing ability and brilliant running, Smith was a serious menace to the Michigan goal throughout the contest. Twice he broke away for apparent touchdowns, only to be tackled by Friedman after he had run far into Michigan's territory. March Down Field After receiving the ball on the open- ng kickoff, Michigan made a steady march down the, field for a touch- down, Molenda and Rich alternating at plunging through the State line for long gains. With the ball on the eight yard line, Molenda plunged through. center for the first touchdown of the ,'ame. Friedman's attempt to kick goal was successful. Michigan State gave Michigan an opportunity to score its second touch- down when the ball was forfeited on downs on their 40 yard line. Friedman placed the Wolverines in scoring posi- tion when he caught a long pass from Rich and ran to the State six yard line before being forced out of bounds. Michigan was penalized 15 yards for holding on the next play, but Fried- man made up the loss when he threw a short pass to Oosterbaan. Ooster- baan leaped high into the air for the ball and squirmed his- way across the goal ine, making the score 13 to 0. Friedman again made a successful at- tempt at kicking the goal after the touchdown. Interference on a long pass from Friedman to Oosterbaan placed the Wolverines once again in position to score. The pass was incompleted, but the referee ruled the pass legal when Hornbeck interfered with the receiver. On the net play, Flora made a spectacular catch of Friedman's for- ward pass and raced for a touchdown. Friedman kicked the goal. Oosterbaan Intercepts Pass Oosterbaan intercepted Smith's pass to Boehringer and ran to the 13 yard line before being downed. Greenwald substituting for Miller, skirted State's right end on the second down for an- other touchdown. The score was 28 to 0 when Friedman kicked the goal. Friedman returned Barrett's kickoff to his own 25 yard line, and started another march down the field. On an attempted forward pass, Friedman lost nine yards, but made up the loss on the next play when he made a wide end run for a 40 yard gain. Babcock caught a 15 yard pass on the next play and dodged his way to the goal line. Friedman added the extra point. Smith Kicks Goal Molenda kicked off to Smith, who brought the ball to Michigan's 43 yard line before Oosterbaan stopped him on his sensational race for the goal. State put the ball on Michigan's 21 yard line when Hornbeck completed - a short pass from Smith. After making three unsuccessful attempts to pene- trate the Wolverine line, Smith drop- ped back ten yards to attempt a kick from placement. Smith sent the ball directly over the bar on a perfect drop drop kick for his team's lone score. With the resumption of play in the second half, Michigan resorted to the same tactics used in the opening per- iod. Making a steady march down the field on repeated line plunges, Walter Weber brought the ball to State's eight yard .line."However, Coach Young's line bolstered and repulsed the Wol- verine attack on the one yard line. Smith punted from behind his own goal line to Friedman on the 28 yard line. The Michigan leader, twisted, zig-zagged, and dodged his way to the 14 yard line before he was brought down. Rich threw a short pass to the corner of - Germans May Adopt - . UNION WILL HEAR Monarchism--House , FINAL BALL GAME (By Associated Press) I Final world series baseball returns NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-Colonel Ed- will be received by radio this after- ward 'M. House, close advisor of Presi- I niOOni in the Union Tai room. T his dent Wilson during the World war, feature of Tap room entertainment, thinks it is possible Germany may re: organized by the house department of vert to a monarchical form of gov- tie Union, will enable students to fol- emnent, because of inefficiencies in low the Cardinal-Yankee struggle the present government methods or play by play as it is broadcast di- unwise action of the allies. rectly from the Yankee stadium. First Writing in the current issue of Mc- results of the game will be received Call's magazine, Colonel House says: shortly before 2 o'clock. Amplifiers "Many competent observers believ will enable a capacity crowd to hear that the present republic will finally the game' merge itself into a monarchy with more power than the King of England PARIS.-The Bank of France in the and somewhat less than the former past week has issued 170,584,000 pa- raiser Wilhelm." wIekI as-iss,,,1, 8,00a- I I