.SATURDAY, OCTOBE'R 9, .1926 PG EE THE MICHIGAN , f9LY" PAGE SEVEN' Non-Scouting Agreement Between Roper' BIG TEN WhAMS REACHT And. Tad Jones Leads To Controversies'FNA!- iIG bit~~ur ~t lu (By Assoiated Press)1 t .1'1~ lt 7 .~efrn I'-f i If you are a telephone subscr iber call Yinitiiie POR RUtST Lo) ~T W}A]NT gEl) f 1 1 G 1 1 /[ fR l 1 3 1 When Bill Roper of Princeton and 'ers, all of which would do no good( kecela o u .t - (,tr Y nterpe a ai n f r t e Sc n Tad Jones, head coach of the Yale rind a great deal of harm.- l~e maini- week's gamnes of the 1926« football sea-' football team, recently signed anI talus that the present, system is fair son reaclied its final strenuous stages agreement that there would he no for all, and cannot see any reason for wihaothl rtetascn more "scouting" between the two! a change. cetaigo!ltns hl h te teams, they little thought that theE There are 10 prominent coaches that hafwokd.natak mov woldraie a bg a controversy ;favor the rule in the East, two that Defenisive football received a major! as. it has throughout the country. l oppose it, andl four that are undecided. share of attention at Minnesota, in Tihere is nothing peculiar about the, Hawley of Dartmouth, and :Reggie 'anticip)ation of Notre Dame's offense1 history of scouting. For the past 20 Brown of Boston University, aretoandtPuuewhrteBil years It has tak~en a prominent place! standing with their backs to the pref.- today, ansoughatoPuruwhr the Boi- In >coaching system in every part of ent wall. th onrai t areso u- Colyo ouba agno bash game gaps through which the the ounrya~d itsfaines orun- rowey f Clumba, Garan f fnavy plowed to victory in the opener. fairness was given no thought until Fordham, White of Amherst, O 'Don- Flaving found their offense working the recent move of two of the Big: nell of Holy Cross, McLaughry of well against lDepauw, Indiana's reg- Th'tee mentors. Brown, Young of Pennsylvania, Bez- uMars completed a week's schooling on r he majority of football coaches , dek of Penn State, McCarthy of Man- :the plays Kentucky is supposed to use questioned thus far are in favor of iaatten, McCracken of Lafayette, andI Saturday. At Ohio State Wilce di-' banning the scouts. Some add a } nprofLhg nss htscuig1ided his time on both offense and de- qualifying clause to the effect that{ be abolished.. Tense for the Ohio Wesleyan contest, t they would like to see how well the . Horween and Bingham of Harvard, as a result of a growing hospital list. I plan would work in practice, while I Reid of Colgate, and Reynolds of Attack plays were given overtime still others are opposed to any change Syracuse are the four men who have tninatCcgowhhwllme whatsoever. tt ae ptermid.Fwo Maryland. Northwestern, taking a( Harvard, the so far neutral mem-C the western coaches have Conmented cmaaieyes o nCreo ber of the Big Three, feels that it can as yet. college, also sought to add power to mnake no changes this year. Arnold i fits offensive play. Iowa's varsity; Horween7 head coach, says he must MNUR~ RQT wound up a week's work chiefly oil; have time to think it over. offense on the eve of its conflict with Jess Hawley, whose Big Green team ( Northi Dakota, while ate Illinois, Zup- of Dartmouth was ranked by some ThsewshnIt ryot+o pke divided final. preparations for crtc(steladn emo h intramural managers please -re- lButler ciisa h edn emo h with sonic heavy advanced country last year is strongly opposed report at the intramural office work in anticipation of entertaining to 'the rule. Hie feels that if such a I in Waterman gymnasium any day Iowa at home comning a week hence. ruling were passe~it would sooii send this week between 3 and 6 o' -___________________ to'i the coaches a flock of letters and ( clock. ; information from the alumni and oth- ['Read the XW ant Ads the \d 1';ler Dlial 212at4, and yotur want Ad w~ill b e charged. ]'h M \ichigan DI aily reserves the righ tto c( l :ify all wants ads under appropriate heaq[ 1igs andi to revise or withhold objectionable (copy. This column closes at 3 1'.NI. date preced- i n~ pubhlication. Notice of any error dust be gveni in time for the second insertion. J CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) f(,r one or two insertionis. 1Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. lCasli classifieds received at the Daily_ offisce. in The P'ress Building on 'Maynard Street. i CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- tionl.1 FOUND-Automatic Pencils which we sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that work as well and last as long as the 4best. Rider's Pen Shop. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Strictly modern six room~ house, furnished, fire place and ;;stry age. 1116 White St. 11-121'3 FOR RENT-Large single room in nice house; conveniently located'. iquiet assured. Mrs. Eaton, 421 Thompson. 10-11-12 FOR RENT-Very nice double room for men; private ,ifamily; garage; one block from Ferry. Field. 801 Granger. Phone 21125. 10-11-12 FOR RE~NT-Large double room. Hot water heat; one block from. Engin- eering Bldg. 615 Church. 10-11 -12 NyOTICE-First class repair work onI. .all musical instruments at Schaeb- erle Son, 11 8. ain t. t er~e& Sos, 10 5OMN 1St. tf" FOR SALE "'OR1 SALE-Ford roadster, 1926 mod-l el, Four months' old ; in excellent veondition. Call Dr. Andrews, lini- versity' Hospital. 10-11-121 FOIR. SALE-A. Nash Co. Suit, Over-} I cot or topcoat, made to measure, $23.00. tGualanteed fit. Phontb 21073:! "~1t1-11-1"2 FOR SALE-Ford for $05"00, model '24, 'in fine condition; ready to run. Dial 6592. 1115 Forest "A' .' Robert- F RSL4 n stelf l fyour Fountain Pen. You wil alwvays get the ,right- kind at Rider's Pen Sbop). We sell noo in1k subsatitutes or kinds which; clog your pon and make it useles.'Your pen t4nd ink spe-" cialist.'knows. tf I- FOR SAL ~Latest model' Remington:. Portable"Typewriters. All maehinss guaranteed. For free demonstra- +ti on phone Dial 3489. 5e.o.d.tfj LO Sir 10-11-12 1 $5.00 ;pen, any style of pointL anti iii tI three colors Iard Ruibber lloldera LOST-A pearl stadded U. of M. pin, Rider's Pen Shop. t Sunday night. Finder Dial 4624. 9-10-11 NOTICE PbR RENT--1'o large rooms fors LOST-Finder of black brief case on; WANTED-Room near campus to ft'rtr stu aiits. 227 S. Ingalls St. Tuesday forenoon by Alumnae practice music one hour a day. No "Phone 379-2. 10-11-12 j building please return to Michigant piano required. Write BoX 115. tf Union check room. 10-11 FOR RENT-Front suite and side WANTED-13y A-i colored chef autl suite with fireplace. Will rent to LOSTl-Old fashionied heavy i~old ; wife, fraternity or club, strictly tern- 'students or others. i1308 Geddes.; bracelet. R~lward if returned to 83 peranee. C. F. Embry, 121 least Anti 9-10-111 Tappan. Phone 7717. 11-12-13 St. Phoine 4548. 8-9-10-11-12-13 FOR RENT -A fine double room for 2 LOST-Waterman Ideal fountain pen, ANT2I-Studetits to know that we men for $6.00 a week at 1002 Corn- sterling silver case. Has initials h lave a $ 5.00 pen whichI is utw~clualled well Place. 9-10-11! M. S. S. Reward. Dial G979. at the price. Call for WVahls, itow LOST-An orange suede jacket on E'XIPERIJ4IN(IED piano) and pipe organi Glen Drive, near the Hospital, Mon- teacher. Emma Fisher. Croasq, for- day afternoon. Reward. 0. McCall. meir faculty member School of M- 95'17. $9-10-11 sic and pupil of Leschetizky of _______________________________ -Vienna. Studio, Apt. 8;° 610 E.{ Lill- LOST-All desire to promote highly erty. Phone 3566. lleodltf !coloredi pents, necessarily made of celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta- bility to attract the eye and assist the advertising. Our pens arc made, almost Without exception of P~URE VE GET-ABLE GUM RUBB1ER, the I most stable material ever found for fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop. tfI NOTICE-New Victor Recprds, Ortho- phonic recording. E~very week at: Schac-berle & Sons, 110 S. Main St. tf VOICE CULTURE-Pansy Johnson, contralto; graduate University ;School of Music, pupil of Horatio Connell, Philadelphia. Dial 4685. 904 S. State. 1 1 to 16 inc-I CHINESE RUGS SPECIAL DISPLAY AND SALE OF RUGS AND THINGS CHINESE. Corner Liberty and Fourth Ave. Mrs. 11. B. Merrick. 11-12-13 NOTICE--_Pianios and Victrolas for rent, terms right. Schaeberle & Soni Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf SING ING LESSONS given by experi- enced singer. Call Mr. Susumnago at dial 7103.7-8-9-10-11-12 f WA NTED lCofftee Mousse }Maple Nut I Vanilla, A delicious three-layer delicacy for the week-end entertaining. Specialty of all fancy ices and ice cream 'I x by arrangement. Dial 4101, ANN ARBOR DAIRYI '"tIII~~tfh U HIIIIIIII tof Ptrre111Milk11"111 t1I11H1 t~flfi1 11i~ !#111 F~ftlllllN 1 I1tW'=tlt^iIIiIl4II 1 ltl liItlfl hi °# I Poultry Meats of the } ...Finest , , . " , Quality at Fair Prices WANTED-Tuxedo with svest, size 37 or 38; must be in good condition and price right. Phione 7505 or call at 215 S. Thayer. 11 WANTED-Would like to work in fra- ternity or sorority house every day Ifor four or five hours. Specialty is cleaning. DMal 6374. 11-12-13 LOST-Book was left on seAt No. 63,: ~ room 348, Wednesday, -October 6,"11 i -A. 14. Please return to owner. Call 5671, 6-7 P. M. A. lPetroff. 11 NOTICE WILD THE TAILOR HAS OVERCOATS AND) SUITS TO FIT YOU-ALL STYLES AND FABRICS $22.50 UP FLANNEL ;TROUSERS, $5.00 UP Altering and Repairing. Come in to see us now. 109 E. Washington. Phone 50610 WILD, THE 'TAILOR 10-11-12 LOST-Large leather note book left. in+' WANTED-Hand ironers, pressure 'room 402, Masron Hall, yesterdayI and mangle workers. Steady work noon (Oct. 7). Name of owner on and good pay. U. of M. Laundry. notes in notebook. Finder 'pess at ahntn dial 8632. Reward. 11-12-13 EstWshnto.10-1112-13-14-15 Dancing Every Sat. Nite STARTING OCT. 9-AT THE ARMORY Our meats are all of the choicest cuts guarantee to supply you the best in this justifiable price. and we litre at a AT Sag LAST-A place where respectable dancing can be. enjoyed on the as° well as Couple plan-Where the Music will be of the Best- And where Pep Predominates. A. R. GFELL 223 North Main St. Phones 3 100-3 101 I t"JOEL' BURROUGHS' TROUBADOURS wo PW ._.,... ~unba Cburcb e rvief e Dow '5 CHURCHt 'state and Wg -go Streets. 1wj30-Morning w4grsh1p. "RelIloft - and Ytirne." Dr. Stalker., 12:00--Student Bible Classes at- Wesley HiU. &, 00-Wesleya'A Guild meeting. Miss Ruth Deem-er will lead. - Subject: "Thbis Dhay We Siled_ West:, Sociadl hour following., 7:30-Evening service. "Self-Mas. tory." Rev. Binghamn. Pulpit editorial by Prof. 3.J. 4Bram.tn. UNITARIAN CtUR('Ht State a~lUnroit Sinecy S. Roblasi P.4) MVister October W0,I .% 10:45k A. 1X.. Morning Service; t PRESIWERMAN CHURCH II FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I C er~nes Nuron ad liision Sts. Merle; R. An s n,Milnister Le- IS C. ienmn Stet Secretaries 9: 3- = r l schocl. special class far Stareita 10: 45--Moraing,wojihip. "The For. getten Writepot" 12:0 :OPpeu Fra frui !FStu-dets, l'ed by Praf. V. N. Menefee orn: "my hapressionso Europe." 5: 3-Sociallour and Supper. ~~~:~ a-~--o Weles S cety. R. Edward Sayles, Minister A iwwd . Chapman, Minister of Students 10:45--Mr. Sayles, speaks on: "The- TpI~fedChristr" 12:00-Student classes in Guild; House, conducted by Dr. Wat- erman and Mr. Chapman. -5:30-Friendship Hour for stu- dents and young people. Guild House. 6:30-Devotional' meeting in charge of the president, Earl Ruetz: t'opic "Courage."l Guild House. CONGREGATI ONAL CHURCH Herbert A. Jump, Minister, Helen Rmay, Student Direetor 10:45-Sermon by Mr. Jump, "IWhen Paul Fell Down."' 4: 00-Vesper Movie service. 5: 30-Student cafeteria supper. 6:3r-F'ellowship discu shin i n small grobups. Topic, "MOdern. Vie' of BIbleGO- 8:00-Motion picture service, '"The Tallor Made Mn." Every Thu'rsday, 7:00-7:45,- Mr. Jump's "Friendly Hour" td discus. religion. Pilgrim Hall. Quality and' Price Our Clothing is of Highest ---------- i 11 _. .1 !f 0 FST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST U#S South Division SL. t r 0:4~ A.' M.-iRegular morning ser- yiev, subject: ."Are Sin, Dis5. r ew and Death& teal 1 11:45. A. U.-Surnday school follow- inn the, morning Aservice. P- BETHLEHEM N LC C UC (tEvangeical Sy nod of N. A..) Fourth Ave. gear Packard St. G. A. Neumann, Miniser 9:00 A. M.-Bible classes. Thie Attemtpt to P1iosokb~e 5:45 P. M.~ Candlelight SuPer I ST. ADREW'S EPISCOPAL CJURCII Division and Catherine Streets NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTR tTRINITY Henry Lewi's, 'Rector Tkom as La Horris, Assistat 8:00 A. M.--Holy Communfon :l 10: 00 A. M.-Student Discussion Classes (H-arris - Hall),. 11:00 A. .-Morning 'prayer atd; sermon by the Rev. Thomas L. Harris=. 9:00 P. M.--Student supper (Iar- ris Hall). 5:00-4:00 P. M.--Open Houise'for, students, every Wednesday aft-, ernoon in Barris IHall. tation suggests. I ? : 4&'ednesday evening monial meeting. J+ 1, Quality, and although our cloth- ing costs more than the ordinary clothing sold, our prices are not excessive-such as a high repu- tesdi- .,I a 6:30 Professor Norman L. Willey - "he Truth .Abut esicno" The- heading room, 1-0 and 11 -Sete Savings Dank building, is{ open .daily from 12to 5 eielock, ex~cep-t Sundays and legal holidays. 10:00 A. M. -Morning worship. Sermon by the pastor: "From Blindnfess to Sight"l 11:00 A. M.-German service. Suits from Fifty Dollars Tailored by Scheyer kk.Ma Guy Woolfolk & Co. 336 South State ,- '; j' ' $ .. .w.s ..+s UQN LUTHERAN COURCS W~asington SL rad iFmfk Arse.Ictoi Suens hnef 1%6Ax Z"F V A F . C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00-Bible study hour. 1:30 A. At-An address by Dir. W. H. Lehman, district president, CHURCH OFCHRIST DISCIPLES Corner 11111 and Tappan Kenneth B. Bowen, Minister 10: 30-Morning worship. "Dives," by the pastor. Chorus and male quartet. 11:45-P ilte school. Students' class ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Hurou Streets C. A. IIRAIJE1 IfInister.' I - I i 4 9:00 A. M-German -_I I1 i William and Thompson I E