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January 17, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-17

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"After 150 Years" will be the sub-
ject upon which Sir Robert A. Fal-
coner, president of the University of
Toronto, will speak at the University
fconvocation at 10:30 o'clock next Mon-
day, in Hill auditorium, in commemo-
ration of Washington's birthday. This
date as announced in the calendars
included in the University announce--
ments will be a University holiday.
Dr. Falconer's address will be a
comparison of the political, social, and
scientific situation of today with what

it was in the time of the height of
Washington's power.
le was selected to speak at the'
dean's meeting held last week. He
had been scheduled tosspeak at the
convocation last year, but due to the
death of President Marion L. Burton,
the gathering was called off. As a re-
sult he was again requested to speak
at the convocation this year.
Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, has arranged a musical pro-
gram to be given during the morning


Engineering Professor Discourages,
Use Of Three ILatne Roads As
Hazard To Traveling Public


vnOrr in AnnRfri

Discussion of the problem of public * I u1 'J1 I l UII.." U
safety and highway construction was9
taken up yesterday in the morningS
and afternoon sessions of the 12th
annual conference on highway en -___
gineering, which is being held underS
the auspices of the engineering col- Journalistic Societies Will Entertain
lege. High School Editors Here
Declaring that the "less traffic is 3tarch i and 6
controlled, the better," Frank T.I
Sheets, chief engineer of the Illinois TO ATTEND OHIO GAME
division of highways, advocated a
policy of liberal regulation in his ad-
dress in the morning session. An Delegates to the high school editors'
excess of traffic signals, he explained, convention to be held here March 5
may actually decrease the capacity of and 6 under the auspices of Sigma
a road. In rgard to road safety ac- Delta Chi and Theta Sigma national
cessories, he particularly stressed the journalism societies, and the jour
value of the center stripe. Ju'alsm.citi.,ad ~ejor
nalism department of the University
Road Patrol Praised will hear an address by Coach Field-
The Illinois director also empha- ing H. Yost, director of intercollegiatet
sized a special unit of the highway )athletics at their banquet Friday night.
department which was recently or- Final arrangements and other details
ganized to patrol roads and maintain of the program are being made at the i
law enforcement without the practice present time.e
of useless and malicious arrests. The Those attending the convention, a
criterion for i speed laws, he said, members of the Michigan Interscho-
should be public safety, rather than a lastic Press association, will arrive1
specific limit. , Friday morning and register from 8f
Construction of three lane high- to 12 o'clock at the Union. Upon reg-
ways should be discouraged as a haz- istering, they will be given tickets to
ard to the traveling public and the the Ohio State-Michigan basketballt
use of four or six lanes substituted, game Saturday night at the Yost fieldt
according to Prof A. H. Blanchard of house.
the civil engineering department, who A luncheon is scheduled for Fridayt
spoke on "Multiple Lane Highways" noon, which will be followed by a
in the afternoon session. The con- general meeting and round table dis-t
elusion was drawn after a review of cussions in small groups. SaturdayI
the present status of multiple lane morning a prominent newspapermanc
roads, and a study of traffic distribu- will talk, and in the afternoon thet
tions and road capacities. Research delegates will be conducted on an in-
in this field was carried on at the spection tour of the University. Ther
University during the last summer basketball game is the last event ont
sesseOn, as well as in other parts of the program.
the country. Various tests showed Theta Sigma, women's honoraryt
that the three lane roads should be journalistic society, is taking part inc
from 27 to 30 feet wide with the middle the convention for the first time. Coin-
Lane marked off from the outer two. mittees from this organization wills
Results, however, show this type of arrange for the housing of the woment
highway to be a dangerous thorough- delegates and their faculty advisors,t
fare even at its best. and entertain them at a tea to be giv-v
The big problem in state highway en Saturday afternoon at the Martha
work was characterized by G. C. Dill- Cook building.
man of the state highway department, Chairmen of sub-committees for the
as the maintenance of the 16,000 mile convention have been appointed by W.
system of gravel roads until they can I C. Patterson, '27. Printing, awards,P
be replaced by hard surface pave- registration and housing are in charge
ments. Its solution was described by of R. S. Mansfield, B. G. Baeteke, M.B
the speaker to be the application of A. Houseworth, '26, and H. W. Perce,t
a thin layer of asphalt as a resurfac- '26, respectively.
ing material. Two members of the journalism de-
Describing the "Development of partment will assist, Prof. John L.
County Parks in Iron County," H. F. Brumm acting as judge of the publica-
Larson, county engineer predicted tions entered in competition and How-
that the upper peninsula will become ard P. Jones heading the publicity
a lake resort and summer playground committee. Waldo M. Abbot of the
for tourists in the next five years, rhetoric department will arrange the
because of the intensive development tour of the University which takes
of park sites. place Saturday afternoon.
Engineers Geve Papers {
Three engineers of the state high-
way department presented papers UI
during yesterday's session. Harry L. 1
Brightman, engineer of surveys, dis-
cussed the development of modern H IUU
highways from the original Indian ! c
trails. An interesting incident was
pointed out in the location of the pro-' Tentative figures on the University's
posed Grand River cutoff at Farm- total enrollment placing it at 10,085,
ington, which will follow the old exclusive of extension students, were
plank trail of 1830. issued at the office of Registrar IraI
Discussing "Highway Right-of-Way M Smith yesterday following a pre-
Widths," C. F. Boehler, engineer of liminary check of second semester
designs an( plans, explainedlthe (registrations.I
transit plan scheduled for Detroit. For the second semester, 663 new i.
which will secure right-of-ways of registrations were received. It wass
140 and 204 feet on principal arteries pointed out, however, that this num-
of tranfsportation for 15 miles from ber includes several duplications
the city hall. Slides were shown through the enrollment of students I
giving cross-sections of the highways in more than one college. The Nov.
of the past and of those which are 1 count of the University's enroll-
planned for the future. The program ment totalled 9,422, exclusive of du-
of construction calls for the setting plications and of extension students,
of trees at regular intervals, as well including 759 extension students the
as for the laying of the pavement. Nov. 1 enrolhnent was 10,181.
The third speaker from the highway1
department was V. R. Birton, engine- L L cu res
er on special assignments, who spoke SL n s Lectures 1
on the technical results of "Subgrade
Investigation of the Michigan State Dr. G. A. Lindsay, of the physics
Highway Department."(s
HDea Drtme Cooeyoft department, spoe before the Physics
Dean Mrtimer E. Cooley of the olloquium yesterday afternoon on
engineering college will preside at the "Fine Structure of the X-Ray Ab- t
the dinner of the Michigan Associa- sorption Spectra of Calcium and Oth-
tion of Road Commissioners to be held er Eieenos," illustrating the lecture
at 6 oclock tonightin the assembly!with plates made in his own experi-
hall of the Union. The engineers ments.
who will speak are: Prof. Henry E., .....o...

Riggs of the civil engineering depart-r
mont; Col. H. U. Wallace, generalI
manager of the municipal system of _Or______
street railways in Detroit; and George

MIlle. Lenglen Retains World's Tennis
Title By Spectacular Victory j
Over helen WillsI
SCORE IS 6-3, 8-6
(By Associated Press)
CANNES, France, Feb. 16.-Suzanne
Lenglen remains undisputed women's
tennis champion of the world by vir-
tue of her victory today over Helen
Wills, but, for a few minutes it seemed
as though her reign might end.
It was a wonderful match between,
the greatest women players of the old
and new world, this final match in
the singles of the Carleton tourna-
ment, which packed the stands with
enthusiastic supporters of the two,
contestants, and brought together
huge clamoring crowds, outside the
gate, who were unable to get in.
The score was 6-3, 8-6, in favor oft
Mlle. Lenglen, after one of the most
dramatic matches in the history of
tennis, ending with both near the
verge of collapse.
The California girl took the lead in]
the first set, as had been hoped by hert
supporters, and the score stood 2-1 at
the end of the third game. But the
French champion, playing with her
old time skill and finesse, evened mat-
ters in the fourth, .and won also the
fifth and sixth. Helen Wills took the
next game but Mlle. Lenglen finished
the set with careful placements.
It was in the second set, however,
that all the dramatic features of th
contest were displayed. From start
to finish it was give and take, each
striving at the end for the extra point
that would spell victory. Miss Wills1
performed far above her usual game
while Miss Lenglen, at times tremb-t
ling with emotion, stroked like one
in pain. .
From the point of view of tennis,}1
the contestwas not what had been ex-
pected. But, after all, the interest iayt
in the meeting of Mlle. Lenglen and
Miss Wills, long deferred and at one
time felt never to come.
(Hy Ascated Pro )j1
CHICAGO, Feb. 16.-Rumors were
persistent tonight that Walter Ecker-
saill, former all-American quarterback
and one of the country's greatest foot-
ball critics, will be elected president
of the American Professional Football
league tomorrow at an annual salary
of $15,000.
The League, sponsored by Red
Grange and his manager, C. C. Pyle.
will be formally organized tomorrow
with the allotixment of ten franchises
Franchise holders are to select the
president immediately afterward.
Pyle is reported to have proposed
Eckersall, but the sports authority to-
night declined to comment on his pos-
sible election.
Columbia Offer
Is Declined By
Local Librarian'
William Warner Bishop, University
librarian, will remain at Michigan de-
spite an offer made to him by Colum-
blia university, he stated last night.
Representatives of the New York in-
stitution came to Ann Arbor to pre-;
sent the offer, which included a po-]
sition as head of all the libraries of
Columbia university and control of a
library training school involving insti-
tutions in all parts of the state.
His home and associations near Ann]
Arbor and the hope of future develop-]

ments of the University library fa-
cilities here were factors in Mr.j
Bishop's decision.
Wisconsin Loses

Quartets Of University Girls'
Club Sing; Wolcott Renders
Accordian Selections


Four members of the faculty of the
University gave radio talks last night
in the eighth regular radio program
of the University, broadcasted through
station WJR, the Jewett Radio and
Phonograph company of Pontiac.
hDuring the program four groups of
musical numbers were offered by a
double quartet of the University Girls'
Glee club and by Fred C. Wolcott, '27,
on theaccordian.
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the
University, was the first speaker on
the program, the subject of his talk
being "Some suggestions to young
men and women who are thinking of
earning their way through college."
During the last 15 years Secretary
Smith has watched the failures and
successes which have followed the
experiments of students who earn
their way through school, and it was
on the basis of what he has seen that
he offered the hints to those who may
be contemplating entering school with
a small investment.
"This generation needs earnest-
ness," he stated. "Self-denial, also-
almost a lost art if we may believe
the pessimist--is an ability worth ac-
quiring; wealth is only power to
Secretary Smith continued by show-
ing how the personal element works
here in the University as in other
communities, in determining who
should attempt earning his own way
through college.
"The Value of a College Education
to a Girl" was the subject of the talk
given by Miss Jean Hamilton, dean o !
women, the second to speak to the
radio listeners. liss Hamilton show- I
ed how the natur' of women's work
in the last three generations has
changed, more than in all the pre-
vious ages since history began. Con-
sequently, she must be trained in a
new way, which is the reason, she be-
lieves, why most universities have as
many women students as men at the
present--Michigan being a marked ex-!
Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the po-
litical science department, discussed
the prohibition situation, its unsatis-
factory condition at present, alnd the
solutions that have been offered. 1
"The present state of affairs is un-
satisfactory and intolerable," he stat-.
ed. "We cannot remain half lawless
and half law-abiding. The four so-
lutions that have been offered thus
far are repeal of the 18th amendment,
nullification, modification, and stricter
enforcement of the law as it now
stands. It is along the lines of the
third and fourth proposals that the
real battle will be waged."
The concluding talk on the pro-
gram was given by Prof. Benjamin 1.,
Bailey, of the engineering college,
who spoke on "Radio Development."
He described the possible future uses
of the radio, as experimenters see
them, such as the transmission of
power, and as a means of viewing
things at far distances at the exact
time at which they occur.
The program last night was arrang-
ed under the direction of Waldo M.
Abbot, of the rhetoric department,
manager of\ University broadcasting.
Court Rule Favors Trade CommissionI
In Aluminum Compiany Case
(By Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Feb. 16.-Over
the vigorous protest of counsel for the
Aluminum Company of America, Maj.
W. W. Shepard, federal trade commis-
sion examiner, in the alleged monopo-
listic practices by the company, today
ruled that some 800 letters and con-
tracts on the company's files be ad-
mitted to the records.
The protest came when I. P. White-
ley, commission attorney, sought to
have George R. Gibbons, vice-presi-
dent and secretary of the company,
identify the exhibits. W. W. Smith,'
company counsel, objected to admis-

sion of the documents, contending that
they were irrelevant and did not tendl

Seat Sale For I
Mimes' Farce '
Starts Today
Seats for Hlolberg's burlesque, "Beg-
garmanm", whichm Mimes is presenting
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, of
next week, in the alMmes theater, will
be placed on sale at Wahr's, Graham's,
and Slater's bookstores at noon today.
All tickets are reserved and priced
at 50 and 75 cents.
Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English
department has done the translation
of "Beggarman", and the present per-
formances will mark the first produc-
tion of the farce in America. The
costumes in the period of the early
17th century are being furnished by
Van horn and company of Philadel-
phia, and the settings have beenc de-
signed by Walker Everett, '26, who al-
so executed the scenes for the Comedy
club production of Shaw's "Great
E. Mortimer Shuter, who is devoting
his entire tinme to Mimes this year,
has complete charge of the direction,
and Milton Peterson, '27L, composer
of the music for "Tambourine", is
writing special theme music for "Beg-
garman." He will also have charge
of the jazz orchestra which is being
introduced to heighten the farcical at-
mosphere of the comedy.E
Davis Defers
Settlement Of
Countess CaseI
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-- -After a
day of conferences, surrounde d by a
veil of official secrecy, Secretary
Davis of the labor department an-
nounced tonight that a decision on the
question of admitting the Countess of
Cathcart to the United States wouldj

I (By Associated T'ress)
SCRANTON, Penn., Feb. 16.-
The anthracite miners today rati-
fled the agreement settling the
coal strike.
The mimners in convention ap-
proved the contract by a stand-
ing vote after the scale commit-
tee explained the terms of thej
agreememg and emphatically de-
clared that it does not contaim
Iarbitration as proposed by the
operators. No voice wasraised
{ in opposition to the agreement.
- The mine workers after an
idleness of five and one half
months are now free to return
to work Thursday morning. The
new contract will be formally
signed tomorrow at a joint con-
ference of operators and miners
in this city.
President Maintains Modern Education' .
System Takes Away Childrens',
"False standardization in educating
children takes away the most price-
less thing they have-their individual-
ity," declared President Clarence CookI
Little in his talk on "New Tendencies
in Education" last night in Pattengill
auditorium. Under the auspices of the
Federated Parent Teachers associa-
tion of Ann Arbor and the Teachers'
club, President Little addressed a
gathering of more than 500 persons.
Maintaining the view that present

Senators Eliminate Revenues On
Autos, Theater AdmissIons,
And Dues
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-House
conferees on the revenue bill assured
fellow members on the floor today that
they would not yield to the Senate in
its demand for repeal of the inheri-
tance tax.
Today's efforts of the Senate and
House conferees, failed to bring any
agreement on the sections inserted in
the bill by the Senate which added
$125,000,000 to the total of tax reduc-
tion voted by the House, although
many of the less controversial dif-
ferences between the two chambers af-
fecting the administrative provisions
were adjusted in the five hours of de-
Representative Green, Republican,
Iowa, who heads the House conferees,
told the House today that, while he
would favor an inheritance tax for the
District of Columbia if the federal
levy should be repealed, he thought
the latter action a "remote possibil-
Representative Garner, Democrat,
Texas, another of the conferees, as-
serted that the "House has expressed
itself on the inheritance tax, and, in
my judgment, the conferees will never
yiel cd."
In addition to voting for- repeal of

be delayed, possibly for several days. day education systems fall short in eliInate from the bil' t ason
The announcement was made after trying to turn out pupils that have automobiles, admissions and dues,
it had been stated that a final order ( been forced to learn under one stand- which the House had proposed merely
in the case, which involved charges and of progress without regard for to reduce. These are the main points
of moral turpitude, growing out of their separate abilities, President
the elopemnent of the Countess with f Little stated desirable improvements Iiboth sides today refused to yield.
the Earl of Craven several years ago, I along general educational lines and With only these disputed rate sche-
would be issued late today. suggested that Ann Arbor, as a city dules left to be acted upon, the con-
Attorneys for the Countess, who 1 closely related to the state educational ferees will sit tomorrow to break the
has been denied admission to the work of the University, had certain deadlock. Administration spokesmen,
United Staes by immnigrat-ion officials facilities for research in education not meanwhile, are demanding not only
and is now held at Ellis island, were possessed by more distant communi- that the Senate give in somewhat on
given a hearing yesterday by the de- ties.ssx d
partment's board of review. Because The importance of research work, some of its generous tax reduction
of the inmortance the case has atain-sevarnasnreatedl policy, but that the conferees reach an
ha attain- even in early years, was related by early agreement so that tax reduction
ed, the board's recommendations were President Little, who gave a some- will be assured by March 15, when
given personal consideration by Sec- what more informal interpretation to I first returns are filed.
retary Davis and his decision to defer the word. "Research amounts to the
final action, he explained, was due advancing of one's knowledge beyond
to his desire to satisfy himself on all the facts that are available in books lIERIO
points involved before defining the de- and persons at hand", he said. "Re-
partment's position., search work such as this, or similar
tests should be applied in an educa-
tional system to determine an indi-
[NATE PASSES NAVY lvidual child's inventiveness, accuracy,
curiosity, energy, resourcefulness, and
initiative. All these definite assets are Governor Seeks Additional $2,000,000
money in the bank; things which are For Construction Of Roads
vital factors in the child's later suc-
( cess in life. Twenty-five per cent of (By Associated Press)
(By Assocated Prvss) our energy should be spent on testsl LANSING, Feb. 16. - Highway
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-TThe Sen- such as these. finance, accompanied by three less
ate, without a record vote, today "The crux of the thing is the assur- controversial proposals, was laid be-
passed the naval appropriations bill, ance to the parents that it is unkind fore the state legislature when it c'on-
carrying $316,433,440. to the child of average ability to try vened in special session here this
mThe imeasure carried $4,121,153 more to make it think it is a 'world-beater', I afternoon.
than was approved by the House, but to develop it to think it can run a race In his special message Governor
was $4,521,590 below the estimates I much too stiff for it. The probable Groesbeck urged a rearrangement of
of the bndget bureau. It now goes to ultimate prospect of failure to a child highway finance so the state will have
conference. !of this kind is cruel. an additional $2,000,000 for construe-
The $316,433,400 total carried in the ( "The new system aims to recognize tion. IHe asked that two appropria-
bill included $18,900,000 for aviation. average ability and to prevent failure tions be made, one to rebuild the Mt.
Of this amount, $4,962,500 was for I before, effort has been spent to go 'Pleasant Normal college recently
new planes and $4,100,000 for planes ahead in education-college--and to ( damaged bfy fire, and another to de-
authorized in the last aprropriations raise false hopes of success. ( fray the expenses of special legisla-
bill, bringing the amount to be spent "Under this new system of educa- tive committees to study and codify
for new planes and equipment for the tion every child should be educated ( the criminal laws.
coining year to $9,062,500. In addition up to the last himit of individual abil- Asserting that the state is anxious
to this ,authorization was given for ity, and there would be no false stan- to wipe out the last special charter
! construction of $4,100,000 worth of new dardization which pretends to en- granting railroads tax exemption and
equipment, appropriationsfor which courage the child to go farther than that legislative action is necessary
Swill no be made, however until next it is able," said the President. 1 to accomplish this end, the governor
year. Briefly, President. Little suggested I placed before the legislature the re-
that there should be much less con- cent agreement between the state and
tent in high school courses and that the Grand Trunk railway for ratifica-
"Stay On Walks" subjects should be taught in a "liv- tion.
ing way." The modern high school The legislature got underway
Students tUrged course expects the pupil to do much promptly. After listening to the ex-
more than can be easily mastered. If ecutive message in joint session, two
An appeal that students "keep off,; courses were to be simplified and a bills were introduced, one in'each
the grass" was issued at the Univer- less amount of work done thoroughly E branch. Senator Burney E. Brower,
sity offices yesterday through Secre- and well, there would be a remarkable ( of <Jackson, submitted a measure pro-
tary Shirley W. Smith. gain in the benefits received, lhe as- viding that the state accept the Grand
"It costs the University from $500 I serted. Trunk agreement.
to $1,000 each spring" Secretary - -
Smith said, "to repair (lalmage done 7"af1'#) P 1V ,1 e s ,iromen Battle


by students who make paths on the
campus. At this time of the year
there is a tendency to leave the walks
and to make paths through the snow.
As the path freezes the ice down, grass
roots are killed, and as a result, con--
siderable money must be spent eacht
spring in re-seeding parts of the cam-
pus," the secretary pointed out. t
Turks Decide To
Rebuild Smyrna'

Crew Of Steamer
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Feb. 16.--Tme nation,f
through New York, yesterday flung
wide its arms and took to its heart
Capt. George Fried of the liner Presi-
dent Roosevelt. It also received as
heros his crew who transcended sea
traditions in rescuing 25 seamen from
the sinking British freighter Antinoe
in mid-ocean on Jan. 27.

40-Story Blaze
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Feb. 16.-Forty stories
above Broadway, firemen today waged
a successful and spectacular battle
against fire in the $30,000,000 Equita-
ble building, one of the largest office
structures in the world. Most of the
damage, estimated at $60,000 was in
the 34th and 35th floor.


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