TUE~SDAY, FEB3RUARY 16, 1926 T~lE Mi,'iIHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN ._ PAGE S~EVFJI~ CLOSES LASSIFI ATs . ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 11VA NT 1:I sttzdlett . ('all aI i';c\7tc', 1)1111 6539. 0 -1I-2. eTodaY, 1ikiv C 1.(, LOST NOTICE LOST-Onq ski, mahogany color, 7 1-2 Arnl~d's State St. Jeweler ft. long, strand makte. Finder please is fnow carrying a complete line of call 6292 and ask for H. Krave. fountain pens-all makes, ail prices.; 98-99-0 Whatever type you may need, comle inl --- and see us, we can, satisfy you. sistepin Arnolds State St. Jeweler LOST-Theta Chiifraternity 1302sSeStateSt. tf inscribed with name G. Reid, Delta 132S tt t '2.Call Walthour, 3818. 98-99-0 IYERTN IE~A'IN LO$T-During M-op week end, over-I Promptly and neatly done by compe- coat. Finder please call 4917. tent operators at moderate rates. '..99-0-1 College work a specialty for seven- ______ ________- -- teen years. NOTICE O,0. D. MORRILL, ANIVRAR EE a lsn!Te 17 Nickels Arcade,r ANIESRGEK a lo h Typewriter & StationeryStr Beauty Shop. Starting January 18.AU Shampoo and Marcel, $1.50 with a PE It';1ItIi W lemon rinse tree. Mlarcel 75 cents. your fountain~ pen is a (lli:att 111- Elson Beauty Shop, strulnent. Let no tinker work on it. 321 S. Main, Phone 4404. Rider's Pen Shop has the parts, ma- ___________________________ chinery and skill to do it right. It; FOR ALI1Olt ENTcosts no more. Quick service. 315' FOR raL~rit, rNT agjeS. State* St. 99-0-2 FraternityS6r.,o Lau Liyr Fra te .1 is vnlocated ptwo' Friday. You'll always find thelat- blocks from campus on Hill St. see-1 est anid best on Victor Records.I tion, 17 r6dins, dorito~ry, two show- Scbaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St. ers, large living, dining room and t . 1'0141RENT ['O it I, ,1:,N'z )esra ble single room, l eiehron St., 1 1-2 b)locks \VcSI 1t ( of ti . ell lighted andl ItORlt i'ixrr c e site' of 4 rooms, Est ablislied general practitioner for 1ell yoars'. :Dentist and eye, ear, nose aui iroat man already. in the buildin. Dr. W. J. Voorheis, 10619 EJefferson, Detroit, Mich 93-99-0 FOltRTE I _ -: sI inent, :teadly work1 Mln., Wed., etc. l4'cCI'ae, 3701, Pox r Q 1)ail",. 99-4-1-2-: All Expenses Afloat and Ashore $290 Up T RAVEL Student fashion, with us, the only organizaition hayving the entire Tourist Ill Class of two Occan Liners reserved exclusiv ely. Find out the m~ason. Our greatest Student Sail- ings,' with special orchestras and enter- tainments: S. S. ANDANIA........June 30 M. S. GRIPSHOLM.......-------July 3 11Over zoo colleges represented on our toBiih Isles, otiet, Egypt, ot Afloat and ashore, llaranents remde accordigt hnelligent deanzd of the yot ftday. Suents Trvl Club 14Bradway New York . r WANTED- -OrIgan1izer Marks, 915 Sybil. for F:ii'o1)emn 1. la to WANTJ,'E)--Jiidividlu;!N who should like to earn a good coinmis';ion so- licu itg orders for Encyclopaedia Bril annica, comunicjate with. travel goups. Call 22251. 9-1. WANti'':})- l~le<.ass orgadual(, girls to ('at with small group at S816 East Washing-toni St.. 9s-!Y-0-11 FOR RENT F011% S!UN-- (as range suitable for 'restaurant or fraternity use, 8 burniers andc 4 ovens. Call 7117 or 1204 Hill.,9-- F i' OPS 1 iE To{U99 0- S tetson hats are made of the finest furs, fashioned into smart shapes by experts. ~STETSQN HATS StyJc~d for young mene i i An instru'tctor' who has spent many ye,,tr alii'ail is organizing a vacation- t0ou1 to Eur'ope, Write for information 'Read. the to Box 59 at Daily 0. Want Ads; r , I FOR RENT---Single room, with steam heat. 413 S. D~ivision, 9s-9'.-0 FOR RE±NT--Sinigle room 10)30 Church Call 22230. 99-0-1-2 1 FOR RENT-One single room. Reas- onable. Dial 2232 or call n t 1.;. 9 r----- $35 k " lot. Rieasonable in price with. small payment 'down. -Call 3224. 98-99-0-1-2-3 WHjIEN ITS' any thing tonAMusic or Musical Instruments' see Schaeberle &Son, "f10 S. Main St. tt. i TRY OUR Beauty Parlor.aRain Water1 liv11 ot F0-1-2. T Y O R B a t Pa l r R a n W t ri D v s o.Sa p o fa e a d s a p t e t e t --- --Special prices on all appointm ents. , VO l R EN T- Four r'oo m i a p~artnment, 2 Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. ' llock,,. south of campus. Call 7233. University, side entrance. Phone 0-1- 2. $535. tu, th, sat.-tf.{ FOR RENT-One block from campus, 'VlWANTED 1 single an(d 1 dole r)I 1ooln, well furnished, warms, well lighted, beds WANTED-Work wanted for mien and Ito suit. Cheap. Phone 3292. 320 women, Washtenaw Emplomoent ; 'Thompson St. 0-1-2. i .FOUNTAIN PEN INKE B3uy your fountain penl ink at Rider's Pena Sh~op and yod will ket REAL ink, fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper andi. won't fade or entirely dis- appear after it has set when moisture is applied. Ink substitutes are dang-1 Brous and spoil your pens.1 RIDER'S PEN SHOP' Pei and Ink Specialists 315i S. StateI TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and bests service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILiL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store' Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. $40 t a $45 _______$50 TAILORED TO ORDER CLOTHES F. W. GROSS 309 S. Main St. l i i i I f k i i ,,,,, . , ;l Agency, Dial 21405 224 Detroit Av.I- 0-1-2. PAY YOUR sUTTISCRIPTION NOW. I Read The Daily "Classified" Columns i U' 1K U U. U Us U U. A Service That Pleases TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 MAYNARD Dead the Want. AdSs; . ** ....a..s*Ron,** U a N I I U I I I I I Ani ever in cesn of people are learning that of over 200 brandsof cigarettes on the market, Lucky Strike is } r~ unique. Its flavor is distinctive. Because sit's i E. ' i II iN I0 1 ~004, 12 7-J 10 e r iK o I 0- gy,,°o I 3 S I' y Y 1 I1 11V Y "_ 0 j I/ o II r0 t00 DE The(C Treat . 1-' ,, -'i i. ICE A4 Triumph In' Qua . ? ' . . , "I'll S ; .- i ,, Adak f CREAM and that's a reason few can resist. Toasting brings out the hidden flavors, of the world's finest to- baccos-a costly extra process for us but one that gives you added pleasure. A reason mill ions ca9 esTI.-; Ili 4 ._. . j«,. ' .;;... 4 / lity y- O ao/ -. t aa 0 Made 0- whole (x/2%) of tramel reamr. 9 "Factory Packed" In Pints Only--To Carry H N4ew ! Richer, smoother, more flavorful! exclusively of sweet cream, cane sugar, milk, natural flavorings and a tiny pinch pure gelatin. Vanilla or Chocolate or C N4ut- each a delight to lovers of real ice c Ask 473 w W2 0. V*40