ESTABLISHED 1890 -.91muslo -d oomll iaw aU41 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 100 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS Will Discuss COMPROMIS N RECO3MMN A China And FarB**T"O 1~I (Y Ascoc. RESSES H gFTI EastQuestionED WASIIINGT I' increase of alm nr, theaprpito Dr. Pal uthinson, editor, au-lO ti thor and student of Chinese condi-sI ENGNERS HE H iPu ucisn te;:Ea~ILDUGTI ON FIGEHT thernexotfiscal tions, will speak on "The Far Eastern the next fiscal Question in its Relation to Chia" at STATES EICATIONAL SYSTIIM 4:15 o'clock Thursday in Natural SENATE ANT) hOUSE CONFEREES mended today b NEEDS CLOSER (CONTACT OF I Science auditorium. This is the first LPHOLD ACTION TAKEN BY poriations co FACULTY AND STUDENTS I of the second semester series of 1(- OWN CHAMBERS porting to the S PPROPRIATION A~VAL AVIATION I, Feb.15.-An nost $5,000,000 in n for naval avia- ie total proposed to $18,000,000 for year, was recom- y the Senate ap- ommittee in re- enate the annual o this total, the horize the See- 'avy to expend production and m planes and one ents inserted by mittee would inl- 00 the House ap- :$6,278,686 for aircraft factories, id all other navy es. A NNUAL GRIDIRON' KNIGHTS DANQUET DATE ANNOUUNCED JOURNALISTIC FIRA STAGE FUNCTION IN UNI)O COMMIT[TEES TERN ITY * APRIL 1 N TO SCHLESINGER TALKS I lExplains Teehnical Progresses Of Re-, surfacing Ma ud cad iii igh ways By II Use of Slides Declaring tlhat tIhe present systema- tized methods of education need the application of a spirit of personal1 friendship between instructor and pu-I pil, President Clarence Cook Little gave an address of welcome last nighti to the highway engineers attending! the 12th annual conference on high-I way engineering which opened this1 afternoon under the direction of the engineering college.I Contrast between the progress be-t ing made in road construction and1 the standstill evident in the school I system, which "is built to perpetuates itself", was pointed out by rPesident! Little. Then, reviewing the progres-t sive attitude which Michigan has shown, he appealdd to the engineers tures under the auspices of the School of Religion in connection with the Seminar on "The Moral Issues ofd Modern Life."{ lDr. Ilutchinson is recognized as a, keen stu(Ient and interpreter of the problems which have arisen from the- internal changes and international relations of China. For five years, he was editor of the China Christian Advocate at Shanghai where he made the acquaintance of the present lead- er of Chinese thought and action. He is the author of "China's Real Revo-S lution," and a contributor to the At- lantic Monthly. Since 1924, he has been managing editor of the Christian Century of Chicago. Last summer, Dr. Hutchinson was a delegate to the Institute of Pacific Relations at Honolulu, at which more than 200 representatives from China, Japan, Ausralia, the Philippines, and North America convened to discuss the latest phases of the Far Eastern question. DIF.FERENCES GREAT Senators Are Expected To Make Large Concessions On Reductions Voted By Their Colleagues (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Senate and House conferees on the revenue bill stood pat at their opening meet- ing today behind the action taken by their respective chambers on the mea- sure, involving a difference of $125,- 000,000 in tax reduction for this year. While the Senate representatives are expected to make considerableI concessions on the reductions voted by that body in addition to those ap-j proved by the House, and thus bring the measure closer, at least, to the limit of tax relief declared safe by the Treasury, the conference today de- navy supply b 11l In addition t bill would aut retary of the N $4,000,000 for purchase of new of the amendmF the Senate corn crease by $650,0 propriation of maintenance ofa air stations, and aviation activiti NAMEDI i i { f 3 NE p[BLANK ICATION APPROVED Traditional "Oil (fan" On iTo Uninauied Fa By Pro. ). J. Michigan chapter s Chi, national professi fraternity, will hold i Gridiron Knights bai April 1, in the ball r'o announcement was m This banquet is m national Gridiron b Washington each yea journalists and pol country gather to pay to each other. It ass of a "razz-fest" with dents, faculty memb people as the targets ed remarks. The Oil presented to Prof. O. the English departm General Information And Personal Qualifications Of Student Will Be Required PAMPHLETS PREPARED for their cooperation in the venture veloped no agreement along these of the University to secure a sense I Dlines. Secretary Mellon has been rep- of friendslip in education, as a sequel resented as holding that a total re- to the trust which the state placed duction of $350,000,000 is all the in the mateial expansion of the insti- Treasury can stand without danger of tution. a deficit, whereas the Senate increas- The present day college student recT ed the total from $330,000,000,0as0 ognizes the need for this new spirit,voted b the House to $4560,00 000. said President Little, who portrayed Founder Of Hull House Believes The House today ordered the bi'1 ot as a ean asan end.initself, and ( iandi Movement Is Example Of sent to conference without debate and notasa man t anen.w Step Toward World Peace by almost unanimous vote, and repre- An explanation of the recently sentatives of the two branches of Con- adopted national highway system was ;gesimdttl etit eso given by Hon. Frank S. Rogers,mM Sich- DISCUSSES CHRISTIANITY gen iurl disct issednth sesion igan state highway commissioner, who 1 ferences. After their conference, both was introduced by Prof. Henry E. Using the new humanitarian move- groups of conferees held separate Riggs as the senior road builder of ment in government which is being meetings, with a compromise involv- the United States. By the new plan m ing concessions on each side expected which was evolved last year by a manifested inIndiaat pesnttawd.nd - comitte o wich Mr.Rogrsexample of one of the newer move- within a few days. This would per-I committe 5,000 miles oMr gers ments toward world peace, Jane mit the Senate and House to ratify which formerly overlapped though a Addas, founder of Hull House, ex- tothe White House for the signature conglomeration of names, are being plained the consequences likely to to theWiet House for te sign sur onglomeraino dfnitelymarkeiang follow Ghandi's peaceful revolution, of President Coolidge in time to as- organized into a definitely marked andin her address at the University serv- sure tax reduction by March 15, when numbered system of federal trunk i e drs tteUiest ev lie dsysy may be recognizedrby ice last Sunday night. first income tax returns are due. the marker vhich resembles an United "The newer movemen s toward While the House leaders are insist-e States shield. world peace, outside the govermen- cut that only a few of the Senate Welcmin th deegats o bealfta field, are coining out of the East. amendments making further tax cutsj Welcoming the delegates on behalf m o h Idia e r atma adi in- can be accepted, they are understood of the department of highway engi- fuence, is undergoing a great revolu- to be favorable to the action of the neering and transport, Prof. A. I on in an attempt to get out from Senate in increasing the reduction in Bl1anchadfr ally opened the, con- sra ae plign noe e ference yesterday afternoon and pre- under British domination. This, rtax rat applying on incomes be- sided at the initial session, which Ghandi hopes to accomplish without ie $24,000 and $100,000. considered materials for road con- bloodshed and without animosity," struction. Presenting the first paper Miss Addams stated. n crrirt h as a "Report on Service Tests of Miss Addams corroborated the y by DLrL A Gravel and Sand Clay Roads", A. 1 . ateients made here recently by Dr. Bailey, engineer-manager for the goharl e ie, tato Chistianiy ismS explained the means of surfacing th ast ina y gure m th we I little-used clay roads with sand, rath- i it was originally given. Such vi- S. Blair Pursglove, '29, of Cleveland, er than gravel, thereby saving imoire teies as social welfare groups of thian $2,000 a mile in the cost of road 1,500 or more young men and women was fatally injured at 10:30 o'clock last improvement . In a seciid part of the in the larger cities of India provide Satuiday night when the automobile pprveme discusse ot(and ros ts< one aspect of world peace which has in which he was riding crashed into paper lie dr :cus:,ed methods and l.casts a moving freight train on highway t of treating road surfaces with oil not always been associate with - ngareight tr ohighway which have been used near Madison, iyoung people, but which is becom- - near K yne. our other stm Wisconsin, and on the M-65 highway ing very prominent in Inia as well as dn.t, K neo'2, Arthur Hinkle, '29, in this county. other countries in the East. ne Jr. '29, 'rh, Hinwe '29 Following a discussion of the lat- The Fellowship of Reconciliation hand Robert Warren, '29, who wereinr ter topic, G. F. Schlesinger, director in China and similar movements ini injuries. of the Ohio department of highways Japan argue well for the universal- Th five students were returning and public works, gave an illustrated ity of conciliatory movementsTfrom t dts, recrgtur- address on "Salvaging Old Macadam throughout the East, according to W r- Roads." In explaining the economic ( Miss Addams' understanding of the ren, who wasd riving, they were un-t advisability and technical processes of situation. able to see the train until almost upon resurfacing macadam highways, he In addition to Miss Addams' talk, a the railrod crnn accout of presented lantern slides showing ac- double quartet from the University towards the ditch to avoid colliding tual operation in Ohio and charts 11- . Girls' Glee club sang two numbers, with the f dreight cars head-on and, ing lustrating the research work cai redI__________ ihth rih-as edo ni out there. Hobbsrh rcrddoing so, the rear end of the motor The session .o be held at 2 o'clock Hobbs To Discuss car skidded around into the train. this afternoon in roon h348 of the ti.est ? Pursglove was in the rear seat. Hee Engineering building will be devoted Plans Over Radio died from internal injuries an hour to papers on the location of highways later in a physician's office at Wayne. and the relation of their constructon Prof. William II. Hobbs, of the geol- The body of Pursglove was sent to to pubhic safety. The first will be ogy department has been engaged to his home in Cleveland last night gin by H.aFt. Larsonegineer for broadcast an address concerning his where funeral services will be held at Irom county road commission. The trip to Greenland next summer on 8 o'clock this evening. Burial will Michiganstatemhighway department Friday evening, Feb. 26, from Wash- e in West Virginia near Wheeling. will be represented on the program ington, D. C. He will talk from Sta- i The accident Saturday night was by C. F. roehler,engineer of designs tion WCAP, under the auspices of the identical to that in which Floyd Good- and plans who will report on "High- American Bell Telephone company, on win, '29, was killed last fall. Both way Right-of-Way Widths;" and the "University of Michigan Greenland occurred at the same railroad cross- Marry L. Brightman, engineer of sur- Expedition in 1926-1927." ing.t veys, who will discuss "The Align- met and Grade as Effecing Loca-Eihh U vest Ra o og m tion of the Modern ighways." Pro Eighth University Radio Progra fessor Blanchard will explain the ad- To Be Broadcast FromnW JR Tonight vantages ofa "ultiple Lane Highways" for a safe and economic use of high- ways. "Michigan Night", the eighth of the College Education to a Girl". She During the morning session, five regular radio programs of the Uni- will outline the general benefits to be technical subjects will be considered versity, will be broadcast from sta- I lerived from a college education. and two prominent engineers from I tion WJR, the Jewett Radio and Phon- Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the political outside the state will speak. J. T. ograph company of Pontiac, starting science department, will talk on "The Voshell, district engineer for the at 9 o'clock tonight. The program Prohibition Ilssue Restated". Prof-- United States bureau of public roads, which will include four talks by mem- fessor Brown will speak of the pres- will explain the "Rough meter and its Ibers of the faculty and several mu- ent unsatisfactory state of prohibition Utilization"; and Frank T . Sheets sical numbers has been arranged by and the four solutions to the problem With the new application blank will again be passed which freshmen will use hereafter in I member of the facult seeking admission to the University Joseph Kruger, '26,i approved, copy has been sent to the man of the 1926 ban eral committee inmcha printers, and within a few weeks the of Manning Housewor new application forms will be mailed L. Diener, '26; W. C to all high schools on the University's '27, and Bernd.Baete accredited list. Final approval to the The invitations for will be sent out abote new entrance application blank was be mailed to a select given Saturday at the second joint dents, faculty membe meeting held here by the state prin- and leading journalist cipals' committee on college entrance The speaker's con requirements and the University com- ing of Prof. John L. B anud P. Jones, both. o1 mittee on admissions, Registrar Iradartmentsao M. Smith, chairman, announced yes- rhetoric deartment, terday. enfield, '18, is 4rrang t Small 16-page circulars of informa- of speakers . tion for use of incoming freshmen are I Robert Mansfield, also being prepared and will be avail- ime ialt will be in chargeo able for distribution among high the evening's enterta school students of the state at the As in past years tl time the new entrance blanks are of the Oil Can will mailed. The pamphlets, the first mystery until nearly I ? banquet program. P printing order for which will run into Henderson, of the U the thousands, will give information sion service, was pr as to general fees and exuenses at cherished award wh the University, opportunities for self banquet was first hel while Prof. ThomasI help, availability of rooms and board- ing places. On the last sheet of this litical science depart pamphlet will be provided a blank ored in this respectt to be filled in by the high school prin - cipal recommending the student to the University, giving his suggestions as tteopfalcTOUR to thle most profitable course of study for time prospective studlent. I The new admission applicatio!S I blank consists of three parts. In the F first hart general information is to be Will Be Passed aculty Member ('ampbell of Sigma Delta onal journalistic ts fourth annual nquct Thursday, om of the Union, ade yesterday. odeled after the banquet held in r where leading iticians of the satirical tribute umes the aspect prominent stu- ers and towns- of good-humor- Can, which was J. Campbell, of ent, last year, on to another y. is general chair- quet. The gen- rge is composed rth, '26; William alvin Patterson, ke, '26. the affair, which it March 1, will number of stu- rs, townspeople, ts of the state. nmittee, consist- rumm and How- fthe journalism Abbot of the and Allen Scho- ing the program '26, is chairman committee, which lhe major part of inment. he new recipient be shrouded in the close of the Prof. William D.1 niversity Exten- esented with the en the Gridiron instituted here, Reed, of the po- ,tment, was hon- two years ago. Gives Talk On "Medicine And Social Work" Outlining the purpose and the de- velopment of hospital and social serv- ice, Eatherine McMahon, professor at the Boston School of Social Work,1 spoke on the subject "?Medicine and Social Work" yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. "The job of the social worker inj the hospital," she pointed out, "is to make permanent the work of the doc- tom'. A p~atient may be allowed to leave his hospital bed, but unless he receives proper care during his con- valesence, unless he is surrounded by the -proper social and business en- vironment, he is subject to a recur- rence or his disease. Or a patient may be diagnosed at a clinic, but through ignorance of the seriousness of his ailment or through failure to understand the doctor's verdict he may never follow the work of the, clinic up with the proper treatment. The social worker concerns herself with the eliminnation of-this waste of medical facilities and -human bodies. With her knowledge of family condi- tions, prejudices, and of the commu- nity agencies that may alleviate these troubles, the social worker carries the work of the clinic or hospital through to finish and sees the patient not only on the road to recovery, but fully re- covered and back at his work." HOUSE APPROVES BUILDINGMEASURE Rules Suspended To Facilitate Pass. ing Of Bill Which Is Endorsed By The AdministrationI GOPHER SURPRISE ATTAC.K DEFEA9TS WOLVERINES, 28-17 SECOND SU'CCESSIVE DEFEAT PUTS VARSITY CAGERS iN SEVENTh PLACE HALF ENDS 15 - 5 Hather's Men Start Rally In Second Halt But Absence Of Two Stellar Guards Proves Disastrous Special to The Daily MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 15.-- Michigan's varsity basketball quintet, still unable to recover from the ir- reparable loss of her two stellar guards, Red Cherry and Bo Molenda, as well as the two first string sub- stitutes, Petrie and Martin, met its second disaster of the week-end trip to the West here tonight when Minne- sota low league court five bestirred itself and conquered the Wolverines 28-17. The Gopher five, inspired by its op- portunity to record its second west- ern conference victory of the season, displayed a dogged determination and skillful coordination that was hither- to lacking in its play, while the of- fense of the Wolverines appeared BIG TEN STANDINGS Wisconsin....... Illinois........... Indiana .......... Purdue......... Ohio State..... Iowa ............. Mchigao....... Chicago.,........ W. 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 7 3 L. 1 2 3 3 4 4 3 5 PCT. .800 .667 .571 .571 .500 .500 .500 .375 l l 1 s . (' 3, ' ALLOWS $165,000,000 Northwestern .... 2 4 .333 1 Minnesota........ 2 5 .286 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-By a shattered with substitutes filling the margin of five votes, the House today places vacated by Cherry and Molenda, passed the Elliott bill to authorize a Minnesota going into the lead im- lump sum appropriation of $165,000,- mediately after the opening of hos- -f ntilities, took complete command of the 000 for new public buildings. situation from the early moments of The action was taking under a the fray and piled up a lead which the suspension of the rules, requiring a Wolverines could not approach, de.- two-thirds vote for passage. This spite their frantic efforts that lasted procedure was employed by Republi- until the final gu sounded. . I Unable to get any kind of an offense can leaders to facilitate consideration I under way in the opening period, the of the measure, as it prohibited Wolverines could account for only five amendments and limited debate to points throughout the first half, while 50 minutes. , Coach Taylor's Minnesota five accum- The vote was 263 to 120, with two uhlae 15 points. voting present. The bill, which has Starting the second half with littfe the administration's endorsement, hopes for a victory, Coach Mather's now gose to the Senate, which failed men started a rally that seemed to at the last session to act on a similar indicate that the skipper employed measure after it had been passed by the half session to advantage, but the the House. Gophers refused to give away to any The bill would provide $100,000,000 great extent, and the second half end- for new public buildings in various ed 13 to 12, in favor of the winners. states, $50,000,000 for construction in This defeat handed to Michigan has the District of Columbia, and $15,000,- sent the Wolverines from third to 000 for buildings already authorized, seventh place in the Big Ten stand- Allocation of the buildings would be ing with the first six teams closely made by the Treasury and Post Office bunched, but it does not, eliminate departments. them from the championship race. Democrats combined /with a few f Republicans in opposing the bill on the contention that it transferred to IB B the departments a legislative func- tion, and that Congress itself should determine where the buildings should be built.IUIIU ULLNL IN~oSCLUDfES I given by the student applying for ad- mission. Part two is known as the personal qualifications blank and is to1 be filled in by the high school prin- cipal, or by a teacher designatedlby the principal, who knows the appli- cant well. Parts one and two of the blank were prepared by the joint com- mittee representing the University and the Michigan State Teachers' associ- ation. In part three will be given the past scholarship standing of the student, followed by the high school principal's letter of recommendation. General information as to adnmis- sions requirements, and suggested courses of study, are also outlined in the blank. All information given by student,3 will be regarded as strictly confiden- tial, it was announced at the regis- trar's office, and is sought chiefly to aid the University in its effort to as- sist the student entering the Uni- versity. As soon as the application blanks I and the pamphlets of general infor- mation are off press, explanatory let-I ters will be sent to high schools on the University's accredited list, along with copies of the new application blan ks. as F The application blanks will be is-s England, Holland, Germany, Switz- erland, Italy and France are the countries included in the tentative route of the tour which is being or- ganized for University students in connection with the seventh world's Christian Endeavor convention to con- vene July 16 to 21 in London, it was made known yesterday by officials ofI the Presbyterian student body. After attendance of the convention in London, the company will be taken on a tour through the continent, visit- ing cities of national and historicall interest, and returning to the United States late in August. The trip will be made on one of the ships of the Cunard line with the choice of eitherf I cabin or student tourist accommoda- tions. It will be made in conjunction 1 with students from universities throughout the country. WASHINGTON. - A pronounced earthquake was recorded on the seis- mograph of Georgetown universityr Sunday night, beginning at 10:06 p. m. and lasting two hours and a half. SAN ANTONIO.-Full military hon- ors for the dead were accorded Guy Massey, World war veteran, boxer, singer and publisher of "The Prison- er's Song" at Fort Sam Houston yes- terday. 'ENSIAN PAYMENTS Payments for the 'Ensi4n will be received at the 'Ensian offices Iin the Press building from 2 to 5 o'clock daily. Checks, dated ahead to March 1, will be ac- cepted. Discovery By Princeton Scientist Makes Atom More Understandable (By Associated Press) PITTSBURGH, Feb. 15.-The fed- eral trade commission, delving into, alleged monopolistic practices of the Aluminum Company of America, in which Secretary of the Treasury A. W. Mellon is a stockholder, struck a snag today when counsel for the company refused to produce the names of per- sons owning more than 3 per cent of the stock. R. P. Whiteley, commission counsel, asked that the names of the stock- holders be put into the records, for Ithe purpose of comparing them with stockholders of companies in competi- tion with the Aluminum Company of America. W. W. Smith of counsel for the company, said the names would not be produced. He considered such information "highly confidential." Whiteley was upheld by Major W. W. Sheppard, commission examiner, who ordered thatthehlist bepresented. Smith reiterated his stand, and the subject was dismissed for the time. Later, Whiteley said he had the ques- tion under discussion. It was the gen- eral belief that he would go into the courts in his efforts to obtain the names. Scholarship Will Be Given American One American student is to be sent L 3 , 1 lj _ i ( t 1 sued to high school students planning to enterrte University next fall, and (YAssociated Press) subject of debate between chemists will be retumrned, in-so-far as possible, ! B earl in June PRINCETON, N. J., Feb. 15.-One and physicists, and hitherto not con- r firmed by direct measurements. ____________more barrier has been removed from Pictnpyiit eiv hs WASHINGTON. - American paper an understanding of the invisible uni- Princeton phsicitss believe these b d to hatexperiments wil assist science in un- nimoney may be reduced in size to that I verse of the atom by a Princeton uni-- derstanding more exactly the condi- of tie Philippine currency inithe imi3versity scientist, according to an an- tions of internal activity in substances terest of efliciency, economy and con nouncement made at the university under which chemical changes take venience. today. I place, and hence make it possible to The forces within the atom, which muanipulate chemicals with greater as- I od together the protom"s and ee"- suran e of obtaining desired results. ro-Wre atn trons--positive and negative charges Dr. Compton's experiments confirm of electricity of which all substance is the theory that each hydrogen atom composed-fr the first time has been is like an inconceivably small solar chief highway engineer of the Ilhl- Waldo ML. Abbot, of the rhetoric de- which have been offered thus fam. :ois division of highways, Springfield, partment, manager of University 1 The final talk on the program will will discuss "Traffic Control of OVer- broadcasting. be given by Prof. Benjamin F. Baily, loading Motor Trucks." Shirley W. Smith, secretagy of the I of the engineering college, who will