T F"RIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1926 THE MitYf4CAN DlAILY PAGE SEVrN CLOSES LA SIFI AT 8 U.. ADVEIRTISING ; AT 3 P.M. r OR RENT FOR RENT-Large front room with 3 windows, rent reasonable. 1030 Church St. 22230. 91-92-93: FOR RENT-Rooms at 819 East Uni- versity, two blocks south of Engi- jneering Arch. Call at 905 Church. Phone 7238. 91. FOR RENT FORL RENT-Double room near cam- pus and hospital, suitable for ladies or hnarriedl couple. 109 North Tblayer. 90-91. I t] FORPEN DETROIT THEATRES jl F O R RENT--One or two light, clean, I T H I S W EE K roons for boys. 1127 Church St. 1_____________________ Da 1 2951. 89-90-91. ~ Eves. - 50e to $2.50, U ARR I C K Wed.Mat. 50cto $2.50 FOR RENTr.-Large room for two, nilA. H., Woods presents the French farce furore first floor, near law club. 57 E. t H ISI ATX Madison. 89-90-91. with FOR SALE ARTHUR BYRON-JAIP'Tr BI'FCHIFR and (Gtig nal Nvw Vrk.Cas. LOSTS WANTED! FOR RtENT--Tw o suites and one. largo front roomi, one block from campus. Call at 533 Church St. Bonstelle Playhouse hrMat 5oc&7c Sat. Mat . 5c&7S Woodward at Idiot Tel. Glendale 9792 The DONSTELLE CO. IN "Merton of the Movies " The Classic Comedy of the Hlira World Cthat mnade Glen Hiunter famous overnight. MONDIAY, FE;B. i-"NEW BROOMS" IWayette at Shelby Schubrt. atayfre ights, 50C to $2.5'r Sat. Mat., soc to q. Pop.Thurs.Mat. Bcst* Seats $i.So Cadillac S705 TONIGHT--LAST WEEK farewell perform-an ces Saturday , Jan. 23. Blossom T ime PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. LOST-Steljing silver cigarette case, WANTED -- College organizer ne FOcETRosa 1 atUi with picture on front, Monday even- iwocnhr n rl olg t- vriy w lcssuho ~.i ,RRN-w n tbse algm.Cl ai et o iett-h-on eln ,snl om ad 3936 Vauabe a git oly.durng ummr vcaton erid. veering Arch. Call at 905 (~hui'(Ai. ;(double roomn, at 819 E. ,university. ! 396jaubea itol: #duigsme aainpro.!Phone 723GS..9-92 T'90-91-92. References required. Give addr Uss ____ 9-0 . ~~~~~~~~and phone number. Box 54.FO lt- irlan ou om,, LOST-One green Sheaffer pen. In- 91-92-93. FOET n.ealldoberos FOR RENT-Two double rooms, one itial L.. R. K. on gold band, also w____________ eyraoal.50Ce~rC.~ itIh fireplace at 721 Monroe St. one Sheaffer special pen, black. Re- WANTED-Two ladies to serve as. Dial_8356.__91_92-93_.________7981 89-90-91-92. ward. Finder call 8655. House maids to J-Hop house p~arties._- 89-90-91 Call 7273. 91-92-93. t FOR RENT---One study room with FOR RENT-Single room, steam heat, (l; ormitory for four boys. $2.75 eaich. hot water at all times. 311 Thoinp- LOST-17 jewel Elgin at. Basket ball WANTED-Desirable suite in small Steam hec at . Two blocks from Uionii son. 89-90-91. gamne, Monday, Jauuary 18. Phone quiet house near law building. Box I 555 S. Divisign St. Phone 8072. 7045. Lynn Bartlett, 632 Church. 53 90-91-92.1 91-92. 89-90-91 I DRESS MIAKING WANTED WNE FOR RENT--Large s ewt lv- SILV E R A N h LOST-Wahl fountain pen. Call Paul I itr;grg.Frtoo he Hildebrand. Phone 9610. 91-92-93 :DRESS MAKING-Sport dresses andl upperclassmen. Melals it preferred.;C evening dresses a specialty. Pricesj Phone 3526. 1021 Huron St.j LOST-Light brown Boston Terrier $6 to $15. Estimates given. Also+ 90-91-92-93. I puppy wearing collar. Return to remodelling. Dial 5982. 87-89-91. ; -" ~ __ I MP C . univrs -y. ve4..p. A I SFOR SA IIE- Tuxedo for sale, size 137.;_____ jCall I%. R' Ward,' 3788>. FOR SALE fFO ' SALE--Tuxedo, sire FOR SALE --Oriental_ Rugs, Ladik 4147, H. C. B~ond. The 1\Karalaag h, Kulah, Knid s, all old. Col- Cu -4 lectors only.. ;o dealers. Phone. lb.-4 6204. 90-91-92. ; FOI R SALE-One J-Hop ticket. Call jWhitcomb. Phone 4442.91 - R 37. Call Lawyers' I NG SUITS!I yI E AR f ' ''II rlI cl 6718. Shirley W. Smith. 91-92-93. LOST-A pair of glasses. 1215 S. University. Phone 6855. 91-92-93. NOTICE Fraternities, Sororties, and Organized Houses-There will be a Jflop Extrat the morning after the Hop. These extras -Will be to, great de- inand as they will contain at pi- ture of the grand march. Phone 21214 and leave your orders now. They will- be delivered between 7 and 8 Saturday. 919293. THREE Orchestras available for -week-end of J-HLop. Cal Al Strauss, at 6710 or Majesti Theatre. 90-91-92. ANNIVERSARY WEEK at Eison Beauty Shop. Starting Janury18. Shampoo and Marcel, $1.50 with a lemon rinse free. Marcel 75 cents. Elson Beauty Shop, 321 S. Main, Phone 4404. tf. GIRLS ATTENTION Get a free marcel at TROJANOWSKI'S BEAUTY PARLOR Itonday and Tuesday Flake your appointment early Dial 5535. Miss Van Oston and Miss Patterson experienced operators. 91-9-93. SC iAEJERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all' kinds of musical instruments. It pays to trade here. th., f;, sat, tf.i Me, uits pongdpr e -5cents Stdent's Tailoring, Phone 8040, Cor. N . Univ. and Thayer.tf PI4NO TUNING-By the Steinway Concert Artist tuner. Phone 6776. Vctor Allmendinger, 901 Granger' Ave. Tuner for University School of Music. Not with any music house. 87-88-8990-91-92. TWO Ladies 'wish to serve as maids fqt J-Hop house parties. References i~ required. Call 7273. 89-90-91. TYPE WRITING & MIMEOGRAPHINGj Pr~ptly and neatly done by compe-i toot operators at moderate rates. Cllege work a specialty for seven-ii teen years. - 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Th'' Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. NEW VICTOR Record releases, every Fiday. You'll always find the lat- et and best on Victor Records. Schaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. WA, EN ITS any thing in Music or 1Msical Instruments see Schaeberle 4 'Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. REAL PEN SERVIC l4: your Fountain Pens and ink at Rider's Pen Shop. It costs no more and. you have the advantage of spec- ialft service, and the largest stock to 1$elect from. Now in our new location -315 State St. f. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand of all makes hiught, sold, rented, exchanged ceaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- et stock and best service depart- mient in Ainn Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, 'The Typewriter & Stationery Store 'Dealer: L. C. Smith & Crona P f. Arnold's State St. Jeweler is low carrying a complete line of tou tin pens-all makes, all prices. Wbttever type you may need, come in an I. see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. 4eweler 3425. State St. if. WANTED~ WANTED-Student to care for rooms for room. Phone 7238. 89-90-91.. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large front room for 21 or 3 students. $3.50 eacht. Two blocks from campus. Dial 3751. 91 FOR RENT-Two suites on 2nd floor, $10 each. One large suite on 1st floor with private bath, $12.00. 708I Church St. 91-92-93.j FOR RENT-A double front room for! two boys, 530 Thompson. Dial 8039.j 91. I FOR RENT-Three double room suites for men students, convenient to' campus, cheap. 628 Packard. Phone 9289. 91-92-93. FOR RtENT-Furnished rooms for rent, well heated, light and sunny. Near campus, hospital and bus line. 3668. 91-92-93. FOR RENT-Large single room with bath in private home for graduateI woman. Little Brown Cottage, 319 E. Williams., 91-92-93.1 l+or- every article for sale, there is a buyer.. Reach him thru Classifieds., FOR RENT-One suite, one single room, wvell kept, comfortable and warm, dorm. for mien, near cam- pas. 422 Hamilton P1. 90-91-912. FOR RENT-A double room, with shower bath, for boys. Rent reason- able. 407 Camden Ct. Dial 21267.! I 90-91-92. FOR RENT-~Reasonable, 1 suite,11 double room. Desirable rooms. 227 SPackard St., near Monroe. Dial j 8994. 90-91.I FOR RENT-Large desirable single room, private family. 706 Arch St. 90-91. FOR RENT-Single room in private family. Stea~ heat and shower bath. 1110 lTivia. Phone 6623. 90-91-92. FOR RENT-Nice comfortable suite. 939 Greenwood. Phone 8194. ( 90-91-92. FOR RENT-Large front room, one block from campus, and one single room well furnished, warm, well lighted, 320 Thompson. Phone 3292. 90-91-92. ConventionFlall Woodwa rd. 111 .1 A. rIi Iii warmer weather. Tailor made top coats and suits will give the best satisf ac- tion ! Now is the time to look over our sp ing; goods and styles so as to be ready wvhen spring, does arrive. A.C. Barth. Everything in Tailoring 619 William It is not so long when you will desire new apparel for ti.,: ,i T Whitney Theatre= S' SUNQAY NI..GHiT ,. ANUARY 31. SEND MAIL ORDERS NOW-DON'T D)ELAY- Direct front Four Monthls inl Chicaigo PRIOR TO THE DETROIT ENGAGEMENLT 1= Beut ad!outi Ad'0 r rge o sn ai rer alyiCrdrt T2e00, iginal ecuYr choe locatonSuanpaoid, Cthealngdin = IIBthetboxnoffice. Govtes: TAxNItG. oainrdeo atde enoros efAdessndfor Stamped En'velope for Return of Tickets. liii1111111i11l111111 t1 11111111111111t11111111iII 111111111I.loll IIIIIIIIl~iiIIII1II IIIIi* E { I, iiEAX L D MA N - - I _ - - Lnlshpal ea ae - - sikbt-igtiapuesl drs adecifad -e Codoa holwhee-he JU IRw j,~ - can be elected HomPo1927ck I I Hill 9 I Walkl- Over ' ; t . - _ _ t ' M1 . t__ _., ,. , - - ,, PATENT SATIN VELVET $9.5® Part of party joy' depends. } ' ) an pretty party shoes ii From Thanksgiving to Lent is party time, anzd here at the 'Wa-Over store are the party shoes YOU xwant. ~ hyare .more than merel. rtt.Te ae5at, To' new style and pattern is added the \V1ai kQvc x I, I