THE MICHIGAN DAILY FACE '? RROM _ _. __ a RICE WILL 'RECITE. ENGLISH COMEDY Play Interpreter Picks "David (far- riek" As Dram lie Will Delliver ' Thursday Night HAS GIVEN HAMLET Phidelahi Rice, nationally recognized as a master reader and impersonator of Hamlet, will give a reading Thurs- day night in Hill auditorium as the ninth number of the lecture course of the Oratorical association. He will present and 'interpret "David Gar- rick." The play which Mr. Rice will render is a comedy of English life. By rea- son of the variety of odd characters introduced, the laughter seasoning it, and the strong note of serious purpose prevading it, critics have pointed out. that this work is admirably adapted, to the impersonator's art. Mr. Rice, who first won his way in .. the monacting profession as a come-' dian, has, according to critics, reached the ,pinnacle of achievement in the tragedy of "Hamlet." They point out{ that there is no surprise in this, how- { ever, to those acquainted with the complete sympathy of this artist's temperament with that of the. young Prince of Dem ark. Poetry , a love of beauty, idealism, an introspective and philosophical turn of mind--all these, ca a in H u eK t e ieM{h n W l e tr dents of sociology, but to the campusf r nal ai use'Kaherie Mcaho Wil Lecurei as a whole. Has New Speakc r;O, Medical Phase Of Social WorkTOO-Tefams jteoP- ..:.:.::::~.:~::~::.:.~sition members in the De are do- .:.:: ~fKatherine McMahonz, professor of Miss McMahon has for many years; manding an increase in the customs ?.~ medical social service at the Bostoni been a prominent figure in the medic-1 duties on wheat. The government{ S:holo..ocal.::::ild.ivr_ al social field. She was associated schedule does not consider an increase,i lecture entitled, "Medicine and Social wihD.Rihr abto hecr-athouxgh the cabinet might connt to Work" a 4:15 oclock tmorrow ittec that dlid a "large portion of the a lgtoe t Wrk a 415o'lok omrrw npioneering work in this branch of;__a__slight____one._ ~~. - the Natural Science auditorium. The hospital service. She was later forBUSIS twslando ~rtalk,. which is being given under the mzany years director of social service pooRathorLity- thaseaie on auspices of the sociolog department,!a h otndsesrweehs w ~ill deal w'ith the giohofti itls l ok it no versation looking toward a reunion of { grwthof his pial ocia wok ws fist ut ntothe Catholic and Anglican churches, branch of social service and speculate actual practice, and there was in stru-onoftemschrhdpojtsf s pnismrbbe uue Telcu ene'tal in the working out of manyI the late Cardinal Mercier, will be re- ' s open to the comnt prbsu dwihnwo ek. __________________________ public health adcmuiy rb .~ ~ .~,lems. She was in charge of all the ...... .*.*.*~ ..f. has the 'clcr~cterization of masterli- institutes for training Red Cross work- ___________________ :' ness 5. It iss 5 tazeotus and virile, and I ers in the New England division ~'full of splendA human nature and i throughout the World war. In addition( SHORTHANDj trt.A the sane time he is no hap- to her work at the Boston school, sheT PE R IN hazard performer. He knows the tech-: is at present devoting part of her time S Y ECRITIAL nique of his profession, and the pur-i to the National Association of Hospit-ISER TI A' pose and message of the play is al Social workers, for whom she isBO KE IN brought out with the most careful making a study of the training facil- lseXo ori' juzdgmzent as to artistic values. Know-1 ities for hospital social workers in the i y ratca n ing the man as I do, with his cultivat-' United States and Canada. Vocational Value ed mind, his clean heart, and' clearf According to members of the social HAMILTO head, served by a handsome physique' service department at the University H ML O and blessed by a winning personality, 1hsiaMs cao tnsota BUSINESS COLLEGEK : I do not wonder at his astonishing 1 a teacher and lecturer and her talk. State and William nStreets sccess." should be of interest not only to stu-t 1 Rudolphe Lemieux of Ottawa, i sthes new speaker of the, Canadian House ".1..S".. "m..f r",,..6 d'.:'1 .' e "'",°«t. ,,,/'.'I,,! ^ 'l;i i Iof Commons. say critics, are common to both. s- The late Deland Powers had the. following to say of Mr. Rice: "I am 1an enthusiastic admirer of the imper-f sontion work of if ph;,1, 4p T4.I ; . *&AA ~ I HOW ABOUT THAT PLEDGE DANCE? You want the best music possible, of course. It's JOE PARKER'S CAFE ORCHESTRA Give us a chance to prove it. Dial 68381 and ask for ."Norm" G1imore Clothes Stay. Clean When they 'Come from the Moe Laun- dry. We are as near as the phone- why not give us. a ring and see for* yourself. The M0-E LAUNDRY 264 N. MAIN ST. DIAL 3916 ... r... . 0 , . ZV.LLa LIVU W v[ K Ul :t" itiuejUll nlee. iL F 1 U I; SH ITN EY Fob 23-24 ia Theatre, Anni Ardor Two Nights Onlly The Artistic Event of the Season By Special. Arrangement The :Manhattan Opera Company of New York Presents on Tuesday Night, February 23 "ADA BUTE RFLY" with TAMAKI MIURA and Demetri Onofrci, Graham Marr and Ada Paggi WEDNESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 24 "T R AVI ATA" with MARINA POLAZZI and Juliani Oliver, Mi~auel Nuniez, Yulande Rinaldi I I I 'low. \~ c ~ 1/1.1 . Solo mon had 100, Brigham, Young, had 51 B luebreard has ONJLY7 WIVES But They're QUALITY! 0 0 It got sfs that whelt. a girl looked into l is eyes, she wanted to swaip her apartment for a tent, trade the Packard for a camel, andl try house- keeping on the Sainara, SYMP~HONY ORCHESTRA - CHORUS Aldo Franchetti, Conductor PRICES $,,$30,.y$2.75, S2.20, $1.65 MAIL ORDERS NOW SEATS FRIDAY p, - - O .NFxu.u - f3 It0s..,needed - marry? Mm--ore than everssttex -p of gaiety" is more fact than jest. Even in the - =. qietest homes it is a rare. week when several invitations are not sent or received. ---not with set In other days a "best" dress or suit was good for The bird vi-ho sai .= - llundred years are weeks before being sent to the dry cleaner. Now, e st ivas figurinig o "" s wife. Anybody i ' =despite enlarged wardrobes, it is necessary to havesi more wives tin dress garments refreshed frequently, a service for pierlould taes t which Miracleaning was specially designed. == N member they jos the harem bmsine - key. If there wa .. 4 .:in It they wouldn' Odorless. dry cleaning was once a luxury. Now -. orga nizi~ haremsi -m ofe a 'Turk. Be odorless 1itleaianing is a social necessity. IJtil yuee why come to the madhi t~If you cani't get a kic1e - stop going ti 1 BE ,L"YOIh -DIAL 4913' " UNLUCKY FOR SPOTS . Excuiv users in Ann Arbor ofI IL [IM AND) THE PEI) HlER NT-- yes! fown? ft R I tj k ven wives!t id the first -e tihe hard. onI only olle -who thinks Kali the law any snap- se and re. t up ess in Tur- as anlythingl( 't have quit: s, You C.,11't elides, wait. tt hiappelled .ouse of matrimony! / out of ii Go Movies I th is one, bet11cr LOIN ILSO LA ESWEE And Five Other Adorable ?? Wives ~ADDED PROGRAM o a - Kcith Vaudcvillc Fcatur H I' KINOGRAMS, PATHE REVIEW "DON' T FAdL"9 .2 ..t.(l41 "b 4 I 1 1UU ILiy U N ii. F - I