AGES TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Events Editor by a P. M. GENERALI Sunday The newly organized. Jewish Stu dents' association will meet at 4 6 clock in the Jewsih Community Ceu tre house. ~at 5:30 o'clock at the' Parish hail, cord seer Fifth avenue and East Washing-, tnstreets. St. Paul Student club wil meet at4- 5:130 o'clockz in the club rooms. _-,. 1- .444 4.. Episcopal students from Dectroit, Wyandotte, indrosse 1l1c will meet s Bishop Herman Page and their' re~ snective' rectors -pt dinner at G 0'-' d cock in Harris hal. Baptist aguild devotionatl meeting: ,_Ewill be he'ld at 6:30 o'clock at' the . 4.z b'. ~t ''C, Hindustan club will clack 'in Lane' hail. Monday meet at U" Cosmopolitan club members attend- ing the Chamber of Commerce lunch- eon on Tuesday will notify Helen Wighitman, '26. before 6 o'clock. RELI GIOUTS Sunday Dr. Henry Beets will meet with the Student Volunteers at 9:15 o'clock in Wesley ball. Dr. Henry Beets will address the reformed 'and Christian reformed stu- dents' at 10:30 o'clock in the Upper room, Lane hal. Rev. Herbert A. Jump has chosen "Abraham Lincoln An~d the Fallen laird" as the subject Hof his sermon at 10:45 o'clock at the Congregational church. Uinder the leadership of Prof. Leroy; Waterman of the semletics department, new Bible classes will be organized at noon' at the Baptist Guild house. Guild House. Prof. A. L. Strauss of the Englisfi' department. will sneak on "Uiterature : Good and Bad" at the Congregational: studlent hour at 6:30 o'clock in, th&i,, chu rch. Will .Not Reconsiaer Anti - Evolution, Bill JACKSON, Miss., Yeb. 13.-The Afis=. sissippi house of re presentativeA toy day refused to re-consider its vote in1 passing the anti-evolution hill and' the measure goes to the senate four action. The motion to wa~ overwhelmingly defeated. HONOLULUrI.-Thre attorney general issued comlaints and warrants charg- ing Walter F. .Goodman;, local repro~ sentative ofRoth chl ad ompany. San Francisco, with, the sale, of bay, rum3 containing wood alcobol and with . keeping for sale an aoulterated anl1 misbranded product. s, ,: : °. ., r "I1 .1 tI 4 a# -l##I ##J)1 II1#i ~#t~ # {#I1I#tIIn 1111111####I6# STARTS TODAY Like die first call d ALL ANVN ARBOR TS ENTHUSIASTICALLY WAITING T'O SEE r cFormer Boy Scouts in the Universi-1 ty are invited to the Boy Scout motion picture service at 4 o'clock in theI Congregational church. 'T'he Latheran Student club meets HALLER'S STATE STREET JKWELEktS Visit Our Optical ,ieport-ment I. } ., .r1 r VALYOLINE 1 ANLEEW 81 Wolverine, Gasoline SERVICE WITH A SXMJL BIRD BR Corner Washlingtonl & 1ivJsion Streets Phone 2.11 20 Also H~eadquarters for 11sedl Cars. Boigh-Sc d-I cianed Do Thue -World's Sweetheart. Who Avas never more sweetly impish nor f~scinatingly beautiful / ir SURPASSES EVERYTHING SHE*",, HAS EVER DOE BEFORE! THE REASON-Think o the finest thing }'is s pick ford ever done, then Place it in the discard and top the list with r1At~PICK 0 C AMPUS~ 1'\1'ROM)l ( ION LA 1T'~f ~iI Al 'RD -4. ,. .1 SECOND WEEFK BeoinlaV. SUNDAY'';Feb.34 Wed. .a GARRICK ,.,. ..., c 1 .., .. .. ..... .+. « r4, to061to SOC to 01.59 30e to 0.1Q S Henry IW. av ge ins Association. wsilb A. IL. Woods, STOLE0 N .FRUI NICCODEMIS GREAT LOVE DRtAMA . ,. 1 .. ' j ... L. With Ann Harding, Rollo Peters, Harmy Beresford and Entire New York Cast. ~I POLICY SUNDAY. FIVE COMPLETE: PERFORMS ANCES Start ing Matinee 1:34) - 3:10 and ~l4:50 Ev'ening 7:00 - 8:40 Policy All Seats 00c Ioges Reserved, From flthe Studios of Tn hited artists I One of those events that fill the heart with gladness. A1 complete triumph for Alnn. Harding." -Ralph Holmes, Detroit Times. pwi i 7 i d 14- 111 1 I^' N V 4 a . t~4 yep' k". o' m4444 PERSO ALLY - DIREtg('D BY WILLIAM BEAUDINE. Open aevery evening ient for you to leave your laundry on the. way to. the sh ow. Substantial cash sav- o workmanship at t1he White Swan Station, in Press Bldg. 'a Dramatic Climax thagt Reaches Tremendous -~ ~ i' gl 3aery ickford as the lhoydeniish, tdirty-faced tomh-oy 111411 ail the wvorl1 loges! It's Pickford as Ju1st a kid aioi'g. kids, !in a stqiry that b rings her 1),,ck as file iwole world deaniands shte ie.'Xttls "Amierca's Sweetliesri" retuarned Ito her own ina a blaze ofi golden glory. A veritable showeer of Iakug,is, clilukles, we renas of 'merriment a114 ijust a tearorpstwo 'AND IN ADDITION d New Alice Cartoo i Ptictorial News Events Mticligall Locals Topical' Comments II -COMING -. RUDOLP VALENTINO in "THE EAGLE" MAR PICKFORD-MAINEES DAILY Except Sunday Adults, 3 c Cihdren), D103.40 20 0 ,I PRIYAT PAR'TIES HAT BE ARRANGED 131:4 I N Dial 21816 ,_., 11 r-- 4r / _ t r .IV 1t I