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January 14, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-14

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.._ ..

VOL. XXXVI. No. 99






W. L. PCT.
Wisconsin........ 4 1 .800I
IIllinois... ....4 2 .667
IMicigan ......... I... .604

I i

(By Associatedl Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13.-An era
OF n rof good feeling prevailed today in the
hard coal field following upon the set-
tling of the long and costly strike.

Indiana ........
Purdue ..........
Ohio State......
Iowa .............




Convention's Purpose Is To Help In I
Disseminating Information About
Road Administration

( By Associated Press)
13.-The Charleston has been
banned and phonograph playing
restricted at Mercersburgh acad-
emy where the sons of Presi-
dent Coolidge formerly were stu-
dents. While the CharlestoningI
at the academy has been of the
"stag" variety, so vigorous has
it been that 4)laster has been
jknocked down, floors shaken,
and carpets damaged, the school
authorities said.
Examinations also were be- (
ing flunked, and hence the part-
ial ban on phonographs by the
authorities. Phonographs may


ichigan Drops To Third Place
Conference Bal tie; Chambers,
Doyle And alarrigan Score


Special to The Daily
IOWA CITY, Ia., Feb. 13-Iowa won'
over Michigan here tonight in one of
the fastest basketball games eve'r
played on the Iowa floor, 24 to 21.,
The teams battled -on even terms dur-
ing the first half, the count at the rest
time standing 13 to 11 for Iowa. A
sudden spurt just after the hositlities
were resumed put the Ilawkeyes
ahead and from then on the Wolver-
ines were playing an uphill game.
Inability to put them in from the
floor caused the downfall of Coach!
MYather's men. They put in nine bas-l
kets, eight of which were made on'
sleepers or follow in shots. The!
other was made from about the foull
line by Rasnick.
At the start of the contest the long
pass game of the visitors had the old
gold cagers baffled and Doyle, Har-
rigan and Chambers got loose for
easy shots. At this point Van Deusen,,
the Iowa ace, dribbled in for a short
shot and was fouled. He sunk both

Iowa 24, Michigan 21.
Illinois 35, Ohio State 31.
Wisconsin 26, Chicago 23.
Purdue 31, Indiana 29.
Founder of Hull House Will Discuss
Latest Progress Against War
In Tonight's Program
Speaking from a wide knowledge
and intimate contact with current
problems, Jane Addams, founder of
Hull House, will discuss "Newer
Movements Toward World Peace" at
the University Service at 7:30 o'clock'
tonight in Hill auditorium, as part of3
the program which is being present-
ed by the University Y. W. C. A. Miss
Addams, through her connection with
Chicago's most famous social settle-

tosses from the foul line. It was his ment, and by reason of her singular,
work that kept the Iowans in the accomplishments in the field of social
running during most of the first half I betterment, has been America's rep-
as he scored nine of the thirteen j resentative at many international con-
points made during this period. ; ferences.
The game was a contest between a At present, she is engaged in sev-
hard driving team with a sharp eye eral movements for the promotion of
for the basket and a team with great I world peace and social reform.
pass attack and some individual stars, "Twenty Years at Hull House" and
who could not hit the hoop. Harrigan, "The Spirit of Youth and the City
Moyle and Chambers divided high Streets" are her most famous literary
honors for the Wolverines, with six productions, and contain many inci-
points each while Van Duesen, with dents drawn from her experience in
five baskets and five free throws led dealing with the residents of the tene-
the Barrymen. ment district of South Chicago.
Lineup I In addition to Miss Addams' talk,
lowa a double quartet of the University
FG. FT. Pts. Girl's Glee club will sing two num-
Van Deusen, r.f..........'5 5 15 hers, "The Call of Home" and "Holy
Harrison, l.f............0 0 0 Art Thou." Kathryn Willson, '26,
Phillips, l.f............. 1 0 2 president of the Y. W. C. A., will be
'Miller, c.................1 0 2 the presiding officer and will intro-
McConnell, (C.) r.g. ... 2 1 5 duce Miss Addams.
Hogan, l.g................ 0 0 0 The University Service in March
- - - _ will be in charge of the Jewish Stu-
Total .................9 6 24 dent Congregation, who have secured
lichigan Dr. Samuel H. Goldenson of Pitts-
FG. FT. Pts. burgh, to speak on that occasion. I
Chambers, r.f........... 3 0 0 G
Harrigan, .f............. 3 0 G I
Thyo i D~1 .t/1r27 I

More Liberal Exemptions To Be Made,
If Admissions And Dues Levy
Is Restored
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. - House
leaders served notice today that they
would insist on restoration to the
revenue bill of some of the federal
taxes wiped out by the Senate in go-
ing more than $125,000,000 beyond the
total of $330,000,000 reduction pro-,
posed for this year by the House.
Opening of the conference between
representatives of the Senate and the
House, at which differences will be
ironed out, was delayed until Monday,
pending the printing of the bill pass-
ed by the Senate.
Chairman Smoot of the finance com-
mittee, who will head the Senate con-
ference admitted to President Cool-
idge today that the Senate has ex-
ceeded the bonds of tax reduction de-
clared possible by the treasury by at
least $100,000,000.
Particularly irksome to the Housej
leaders are the decisions of the Sen-
ate to eliminate completely the taxes
on inheritances, passenger automo-
biles, admissions, and dues. These
j will form the main basis of conten-
tion in the conferences, and are con-
sidered the most likely taxes to be re-.
stored to the bill.!
House spokesmen pointed out that
if a 3 per cent automobile tax as
provided by the House and a slightly
modified admissionssand dues tax
were returned to the bill, it would
cut the total amount of reduction for!
this year by almost $100,000,000 which
it is estimated will bring the total tax
within limits acceptable to the admin-
istration. These taxes, reduced iy
the House, were wiped out by th-e Sen-
ate by votes of Democrats and Repub-
lican insurgents.
While repeal of the inheritance tax
would have no material effect on rev-
enue receipts this year, House leaders
have declared they will not yield on
the principal that this tax should be
If an admissions and dues levy is
restored to the bill, it is expected=
more liberal exemptions will be al-
lowed. The Senate finance commit-
tee proposed to increase the exemp-
tions to tickets costing 75 cents and
less, whereas the exemption now pre-
vails only for tickets of 50 cents and
less. y
The general feeling prevailed todayl
on both sides of the Capitol that the
$23,000,000 additional reduction pro-
vided by increased cuts in the sur
tax rates applying on incomes be-
tween $24,000 and $100,000 as voted
by the Senate would be acceptable.
These cuts were made at the insist-
ence of Senate Democrats in the muchI
discussed compromise in which they
accepted the 20 per cent maximum sur
tax figures.

Fron every city and hamlet came the
word that the miners were eagerly
awaiting for the hundreds of colliers'
whistles to call them back to work.
All the bitterness engendered by the
industrial struggle has disappeared.
The first work will start next Wed-
nesday or Thursday, and coal will be
speeding to exhausted markets in the
best time possible. The exact time of
resuming mining will depend on the


ratification of the peace compact by Pand now be played for three and one-
the tr-district convention of miners President Clarence Cook Little and half hours in the evening.
which meets at Scranton next rues-_ Hon. Frank F. Rogers, Michigan _
day. Ratification is regarded as a state highway commissioner, will give
formality. I the principal addresses at the smoker
The work of getting the mines in to be held at 8 o'clock- tomorrow night
readiness proceeded rapidly today. in the Union assembly hall for state CONSIE TION OF
Extra maintainance men were pressedina
into service to aid the 8,000 which highway men attending the twelfth
have guarded the properties since the annual conference on highway engi-
strike started. Generally the mines4 neering which is to open tomorrow af- i
were reported to be in fair condition. ternoon.
Indications yesterday predicted that
more than 700 highway engineers and House Approves $50,000,600 For Ith .
F ~ers And Harbors; $1S,050,0fl)
Ocommissioners would arrive here dur- to Maintain Army Strength
( ing the next four days to attend theS
sessions of the roads convention I
which is being sponsored by the en- VOTE.ON BILLS TUESDAY
SETS 09TE P19C1 !gineering college in cooperation with
the Michigan State Highway depart- \(Py Associated Press)
ment and the Michigan association of WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-The
Annual Social Affair Of Yearlings road commissioners and engineers. House virtually completed considera-
( Blanchard 'To0Preside
Will Be Held On Marchl 19 Ii Prof. A. H. Blanchard of the high- tion on the Army appropriation bill
U:11101 Ball R0011 . I
way engineering and highway trans- today, approving $50,000,000 for rivers
port department, will preside at the and harbors, $18,050,000 for aviation
TICKETS PRICED AT $5 initial session of the conference which and funds to maintain the army, na-i
will open at 3:30 o'clock in room 348 t am I
Confirming Friday, March 19, as the of the West Engineering building with i tional guard, and organized reserve at
date for the annual Freshman Frolic, a report on "Service Tests of Gravel their present strength. Final vote on
the committee in charge, at its meet- and Sand Clay Roads in Washtenaw i the measures was deferred- until Tues-
ing this week, chose the Union ball County" by A. R. Bailey, engineer- I day.
room as the place where this, the manager of the Washtenaw county s
largst ocia afair f te bWhile the bill was being discussed,
largest social affair of the first-year board of road commissioners. Fol- ( Representative Bacon, Rep., NewI
class, will be held. Tickets for the lowing an explanation of "Salvaging York, announced that he was rafting
affair will be priced at five dollars Old Macadam Roads" by G. F. Schle-a solutianon e tgati n ws tdr thin
and will be placed on sale two weeks singer, director of the Ohio depart- a resolution for investigation into the
before the time of the party. ment of highways and public works, condito of the y n wo-l
The grand march, traditionally Clarence E. Bardsley, who holds a stored the positions of several thou-
played to the tune of "The Victors", fellowship of the National Slag as-
will be one of the first events of the sociation in highway engineering n which otherwise would be abolished
evening, taking place at 9:30 o'clock. !hthe University will givei anaddresso by the army measure. a
Pictures will be taken of this affair" "The Utilization of Blast Furnace "These non-commissioned oficers
Dancing -will continue until 2 o'clock.I Slag in IHighway Improvemcnt." and privates, on-comiss," sicers
ans rvts first class," said Mr.
Negotiations are being carried on In six other sessions of the confer- Bacon, "are the backbone of the
with Detroit orchestras, and record.- once,aprominent engineers and heads myon, ae th acboremone
ing usial oganzatons n oherof various state highway commissions Army; to fail to appropriate money to
ing musical organizations in other dt a continue them in ranks would be a
parts of the country to play for dane- wi give adresses on te relion o severe blow to the national defense I
ing. It is now planned to have one highway construction and regulation It would take away an incentive for
large orchestra instead of two small to publi safety, personnel manage- a man to enlist, as there would be
organizations as at former Frolics. ment, laboratory methods, the prep practically no opportunity for promo-
Decorations have been placed in the ration of sub-grades, the material tion.'
hands of those members of the com- used for road construction, and the Tpiord
mittee who are in the architectural relation of highways to other means The appropnaton approve today
who re n te achiectralfor rivers and harb~ors, $10,000,000
school. Rof transportation. higher than last year, is to provide
J. Franklin Miller, '29, is general J iggs To Act As T astimster for inland waterway development and
chairman of the affair. Invitations Prof. Henry E. Riggs, head of the
and tickets are being hanled by D" civil engineering department, will act -
D. Malper, and the music by C. H. as toastmaster for the smoker to be
Barnaby, Jr. Herbert K. Oakes, Jr.,, held tomorrow' night. Musical selec-U
is chairman of the decoration coin- tions will be furnished by Gene Buck's
mitteeassisted by Beatrice M. Bar- orchestra, which is also scheduled for
rett and Helen C. Rankin. Programs the informal dinner of ihe Michigan [OD
and favors will be selected by Berna- association of road commissioners and
dine H. Malay, Donald W. Easter, and engineers to be held Wednesday night
Louise O. Murray. Frederick Wini- in the Union assembly hall.
field is in charge of publicity, and The purpose of the convention is to Part of the equipment for the as-
Charles Moore of refreshments and aid in supplying to road commission- tronomical laboratory to be installed
the floor committee. Ilers and engineers information rela- in Angell hall has been received at
tive to highway administration, organ-the University observatory, Prof. il-
BISHOP PRAISEi tefs ainad cgfou ation, anthecon liam J. Hussey, director of the obser-
DAstra tion and maintenance of highways:vatory, announced yesterday. The
L~l H A1.aP RS and bridges. Registration will begin I shipment from Cleveland comprised
I at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning in the mounting for a ten inch telescope.
"Added to the material already in 1024 o the tngeing The plans contemplate two such tele-
the library, the recently acquired col- building. Although the convention is scopes for the new laboratory.
lection of more than 2500 pamphlets arranged primarily for Michigan en- Some of the constellation and lab-
relating to the history of Holland and ( gineers, it is expected that large out-,.oratory work now performed at the
Belgium in the 16th and' 17th cen- of-state attendance will be present be- 1 observatory will be carried out in the!
turies places the University high in cause of the publicity given the gath- J workroom which is to be located onr
ranks of those librriries having eng in technical journals. the fifth floor of Angell hall. The
source material on Dutch history," , roof of the building wlil be easily ac-
source W. Bishop, University 11- BEIRUT.-A decree has been issu- cessible and will be particurlarly ad-
brarian, said yesterday.led instituting a provisional govern- vantageous, Professor Hussey stated,'
"Most of the pamphlets are in ment at Damascus under an envoy to because of the large roof area andy

Professor Barnouw DIscusses Topic,
"The Fault Of The Dutcht"
Cites Holland's Glits
As an appreciation "of this recog-
nition between the University and a
great friendly nation," President Clar-
ence Cook Little gave "the sincere
pledge of the University to do every-
thing possible to carry out the splen-
did spirit in which the presentation
was made," in accepting the gift of
an autographed portrait of Queen Wil-
helmina of the Netherlands, which
was tendered yesterday afternoon by
Jonkheer A. D. C. DeGraeff, Dutch
minister to the United States.
i Jonkheer DeGraeff explined the
ambition of the Dutch people to es-
tablish chairs in Dutch history and
literature at the universities of Amer-
ica, and to collect libraries of source
material such as that now being or-
I ganized here. He mentioned the work
of Dr. Albert Hyma, of the history de-
pa'rtment, who wrote a history of the
early awakening in the church pre-
ceding the reformation. He told how
the book at once won recognition of
the foremost historical leaders in this
country and in Europe. He spoke of
the debt of the United States to Hol-
land for the ideas of religious and po-
litical freedom which influenced the
Pilgrims, and which were embodied
in the government of the Netherlands
a century before the Revolution. He
quoted John Adams, who said that the
origins of Dutch and American poli-
tical thought were so much alike that
one seemed the transcript of the oth-
er, and also Franklin, who recognized
the Netherlands as the birthplace of
many American ideals.
Outlines Dutch Contribtiols
Prof. A. J. Barnouw of Columbia
university, gave the main address of
the convoc t'On on the subject "The
Fault of the Dutch?" He quoted the
English statesman, Canning, who
said, "In mattres of commerce the
fault of the Dutch was giving too lit-
tle and asking. too much." He then
outlined the chief contributions of the
Netherlands to civilization, showing
that in regard to matters by which a
nation would be remembered in the
future, the Dutch had made great gifts
without asking anything but recog-
nition. He stated that "Holland need
not regret the fact that she is not
often mentioned in the headlines of
American newspapers, for the time
will come when American textbooks
will teach American children what
Holland gave America in the reign of
Queen Wilhelmina."
The Dutch resent being called
a "brave little Holland," Professor
Barnouw said, for their ambition, as
exp'ressed by Queen Wilhelmina, is
"to be great in everything in which a
small nation can be," and, he added,
{ those are the same ideals for, which
the universities stand, science, art,
and literature. He spoke of the Dutch
universities, especially Leyden which
still maintains the reputation which
it possessed two centuries ago. He
mentioned the great scholars of Hol-
land of the past, Grotius, Spinoza,
Erasmus, and Leeuwenhoek, as well
I as several contemporaries whom he
predicted would achieve lasting repu-
' tations.
Holland And America One On
"In wealth or knowledge and power
of mind," he said, "the Dutch have
I given freely. This can be partly ex-
8 plained by the traditional care for the
education of all in the Netherlands.
I Contemporary sources of the 16th and
I 17th centuries from other countries
show that practically all the people
were literate, the daughters as well
I as the sons." He quoted the book of
Doctor Hyma on "The Christian.
Renaissance," saying that "the awak-
ening in religion and education after
the 13th century entered the kitchen
and farmhouse as well as the school,
I pulpit, and office." In this spirit of
j democratic education, stated Profes-
Ssor Barnouw, Holland and America
are one.




Oosterbaan, c. ..........0
Morgaridge, c..........0
J ,eece, c. ............... 0
Rasnick, r.g............1
Ginn, r.g. .............. 0
Doyle, (C.) l.g. ......... 2
Totals ................ 9
U.S.Ch arges

0 0
0 0
0 0
1 3
0 0
2 6
3 21

Hits Long Island
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-Long Island,,
playground of New York's wealthy,
only today emerged from a snow blan-
ket that for three days had trans-
formed much of it into a fit field for
polar dashes. The last locomotive of
five sniow bound trains were dug out
of 16 feet of snow today, while bob-
sleds enabled the last passengers, res-
cued last night, to reach week end

Chain Stores
With Combine,
(By Asocitdires)
NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-The United
States government moved today to
prevent what it regards as an attempt
to convert the chain store system in-
to linked fetters for the restraint of
trade and commerce.
United States district attorney Buck-E
nor filed an equity suit in Federal
court to enjoin the National Food
products corporation from obtaining
further- stock in competing food cor-
porations, and to require the corpora-
tion to dispose of its present holdings
in such concerns.
The suit today was the snag upon
which the third great proposed com-
bine in America's $22,000,000,000 food
industry was caught. It followed with-
in a few days of similar anti-trust ac-
tion against the proposed $2,000,000,-
000 Wyard Food Products corporation,
and the collapse of negotiations for
a $250,000,000 combination of the Pos-j
tum Cereal company and the Califor-
nia Packing company, general attribu-
ted to the fate of meeting governmentI
Thedistrict attorney charged that
the National Food Products corpora-

BERLIN.-The ambitions of Poland,
HANKOW.-General Wu Pei-Fu -is Spain and Brazil to obtain permanent
reported to have won an 'important seats in the League of Nations council
victory over the Kuominchun or Na- at the same time that such position is
tional People's army by capturing the given Germany were characterized in
station of Tengschiwan. government circles as unwarranted.
Scarab Club's Exhibit Of Paintings
Shows Tendencies Of Expressionism


Anyone who is interested in art canI
be sure of finding satisfaction in the
selected paintings from the Scarab
club's exhibition of Michigan artists,
which opens in the west gallery of
Alumni Memorial hall this afternoon

The striking "Woman in White" of
Sari Kryzanowsky is typical of the
simplification and " expressive color
and line of another branch of the
modern school. Work of this sort
had something of the dynamic quality
of the poster, or let us say that the
best in poster art takes over a qual-
ity that is present in painting of this
Three unusual conceptions in a
style all their own are the work of

Dutch, although there are some
L.atin and French," he said. "This
mostly original controversial mater
absolutely necessary to the study
the great ascendency of the Neth
lands. It will not be available fi
some time, as it is all unbound, a
will have to be bound and .organiz
before being placed on the shelves.
is impossible to state how long th
will take."

dal t


at two o'clock, because of the wide!
range of tendencies represented. The I
modern movement has gained a fol-
lowing in Detroit, as elsewhere, and
side by side with the academic work
of the older school,ehang livelypex-
periments in simplified form, expres-
sionistic treatment of color and line,
and firm insistence upon design which
dstinguish the modern. One could
easily name the modernistic influences
1-- -ij d ff4 n Piv

be appointed by High Commissioner the parapet walls rising more than 6-
de Jouvenel. General Andrea will be feet above the roof level, thus ex-
military governor. cluding much of the nearby artificial
ROTTERDAM.-America leads the Actual installation of the new equip-
world in the field of music, William ( ment can not be started, however,
Mengelberg, noted Dutch conductor, { until domes are provided for it. The
said on his return from New York, I University purchasing department has
where he was guest conductor for the I the construction of the domes under
Philharmonic orchestra. .!consideration at present.
l. I i i O3 A i

tion, a holding corporation recently ihee, wiIo ofUtiss p'.iU
forme,, through acquisition of capital so at the fore.
stock in other corporations which Judson Smith's "Self Portrait",
operate more than 16,000 chain stores iiwhich received the Scarab club Gold
throughout northeastern United States, Medal this year, is a typical example,
would lessen competition. !of the direction in which the more
radical men are tending. Smith has
Sbeen known for many years to Do-I
0 r~atherA an3 I troit people for his careful and con-
____.______ servative painting in an older roman-

Arthur A. Lavinger, a talented young {_________________
paineof Hungarian extraction, who
gets his ideas over with remarkable Goebel To Speak
completeness. Glen Tracy shows IO a n u ty
some broadswater colors inywhich a
fine balance is struck between quali-
ties of design and representation and l Paul Goebel, '22E, connected with
in which no stroke has been permitted I Grand Rapids unit of the Consumers
which does not in some way further Power company, will speak before the
the effect. One of them has been pur- student branch of the American Insti-
chased by the Detroit Museum under tute of Chemical Engineers at 7:30 o'-
the terms of the Mrs. Neville Walker clock Tuesday in the society's room
Purchase prize. in the East Engineering building, on
Ann Arbor is represented in these "Entering the Gas Industry."
selections by six paintings which In his address, which will be given
were shown here earlier in the year. under the auspices of the Michigan I

(By Associated Press)+
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Investiga-
tion of the anti-saloon league by a
special congressional committee was
proposed today in a resolution intro-
duced by Representative Britton, Rep.
Illinois, who charged the organization
with exercising "insidious influences
on the internal revenue bureau and
other improper practices."
Prefaced by nine declarations, the

It is also charged that officials of
the league or its subsidiaries have
been sent to penitentiaries for collect-
ing money under false pretences, and
that it has been shown that a justice
of a state supreme court and an at-
torney general of another state have
long been on the payroll of the anti-
saloon league.

He expressed the opinion that de-
mocracy in education does not level
all the people to a standard, explain-
ing that "while Holland has a stand-
ard of educational requirements, it is
a nation of inveterate individualism."
He concurred with the idea that
"every man should have the right to
become different from others by de-
veloping his own native talents."
This democratic spirit was demon-

ropose investigation v rint -atoon
League; Improper Practices Charged

..., r (By Associated, Press)

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