THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAIY OFICALBULLETIN .DA L O F C LPublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. Mn. (11:30 a. Mn. Saturdays 1. Volume T1 SA TURI)A'Y9 FE.BRUA.RY 13, 1926 Number 93 Fraternity Freshmen : Attention is called to the rule of the Interfraternity Council which pro- vides that "no student shall be initiated into a fraternity without a certi- ficate of scholastic eligibility to be. issued by the Dean of Students." Fraternities may obtain in Room 2, University Hll, blank forms to be 'filled out with the names of the freshmen whom it is desired to initiate. J. A. Mursley. I s i $300,000 Fire Destroys 160,000 Gallons Oil Froernity Presidentfs: the blanks recently sent out from the office of the Dean of to be filled in with the namnes of members and pledges should be to Room 2; University Hall, on or before Monday, ^Fbruary 15th. give this matter your inmmediate attention.y Students returned Please . -- 'T --- J. A. Burnley. YOU WILL H1AVE TO HUI{7Y! 10.00rFlorsheims $80.85 and $7.85 w Other Styles, $5.85 and $6.85 Women's Styles, $4:"'.95 and $5S.9eet tONLY ASEW DYS LEFT 401South State Sre O 0U R FO0U'NTA I PE N SE RVICE STATION. FOR ALL ST-ANDARD MAKES ?~(.ask for Mr. O'Leary) t/ We will keep in perfect condition any pen we sell, 1without cost, except for pens broken by accident or abuse. We have served ihia and. her stu(Ients for 38 years. CA LK INS-LET ER DRUG cog Three Dependable Stores Robert Frost's Class: Robert Frost's class will meet at 7:30 Tuesday evening in Room 407 Library. R. W. Cowd en. Clvii Engineering 1-E ng ineering Structures: Hours and Room assignment is as folows-Wednesday at 8-Room 303. Jamr~es 11. Cissel. To All Students Interested in Iramatles: Masques Dramatic Society has received permission from Mr.. Jesse Lynch Williams to present his play, "Why Marry," the first Pulitzer Prize Play. The production will be given the week of March 16th at the Mimes Theatre. In order to, obtain the best possible cast, Masques has decided to open the tryouts to all men and women on the campus. These tryouts will take place on Saturday, F±ebruary 13th, from 9 to 12 A. M., in Newberry Hal. Elizabeth Strauss, President of Masques. Paul Goebel will speak before the Student Branch of the A. 1. Chi. E. at 7:30 Tuesday, February 16, in the A. I. Ch. E. rooms, East Engineering Building. His topic will be "Breaking into the Gas Industry." Memberh and any others interested are invited. Refreshments will be served. Oscar ..:Iler, Acting President. n Spanish ,Play: All df thQee connected with the Spanish Play cast, please report today, Saturday, at Lari.alI, at 1:30 P. M. E. A. Ylereado. Elra~uato English z'f'lub: T14.6 February meeting of the Graduate English Club wii be held in Rooln ,316,*,MAiclignn Union, at 8:00 o'clock, Monday evening, February 15. Miss Evelyn dcrool Avill read a paper on "The Blood Covenant in Shake- spearWfI and, Prqfpssor J. 11. Hanford will read a paper on "Milton's Poetic Style." 11. V. Kreider. R~if I'41nd Pistol Club : All men who were on the rifle team that fired against the University of West Virginia as well as those designated as alternates and also men who have been especially requested will please make an effort to fire their tar- gets, in the matches against Michigan State College and th2e University of Maine whichl areiow i progress, by Saturday noon, F'ebruary 13th. George AW. JDunn,, Jr. Ann A A rt ,A s Xocatiop . There, -vifl j b.e an exhibition of paintings of Michigan artists, selected from the Scarab Club's exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts, shown at Memorial Hall, Feb. 14th to 28th. Open Sundays 2:00 to 5:00 P. M., and weep, days 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. Free to members and to students of Univer- A $300,000 blaze at the Beach Oil Works in Everett, MAass., dest'roy d 160,000 gallons of oil and threatened to w;ne cut the entica town. The Photo 'mas taken at the height of the conflagration. for a time iSTALKER PREDICTS SUCCESS IN "Teac BUILDING ALL-METAL AIR SHIPSi doahb. Ifr _______________________new ship Backe by ~ Ithe compa Backe by $30,000government i dirigible which often totals more than; and maue appropriation and by many industrial $100,000U a year, has made this type ofI will undol leaders of Detroit. the construction of; airship impracic~able for commercial i cial air I all-metal lighter-than-air craft by thej use. Because sunlight causes great Stalker co 'Aircraft Development company of De- deterioration, the construction of- -. troit, is bound to be .successful, Prof.; hangars is also necessary for the use ..... E. A. Stalker of the aeronautical eng-i of fab~ric aircraft. H-owevecr, the wear ibeering department predicted in all on the surface of the metal aircraft is 1 AM interview yesterday. ;practically neglible, and being little From an engineering standpoint, the! affected by heat or light, it consti- I new, style of airship will undoubtedlyi tutes its own hangar. bhe practical, explained ProfessorI "In contrast to ships previously Stalker. D~uring the last four years! built the new craft will be much shorter the Detroit concern has carried on and larger in diameter. In the long experimental work under the personal er ships which resemble Zeppelins in direction of Prof. Ralph Upson of the I ap~pearanlce, it. has been found difficult aeronautical department. Occasionali to Calculate the exact strains which difficulties may arise, but the ma;.nI normally andl abinormally come onl points of design have been successful- I the various -lparts. Professor Epson ly located, he sa i. however, has designled a structure; "This research has shown that all-I which is much more susceptible to metal construction is the next logical calculation. It will have a safety fac- E stpin lighter-than-air craft produc- tor of nine as compared to two for! tion and will prove an important u- the Shenandoah. provement in this type of air trans- "The new design also presents an -- portation. At tIle presenit time corn- added advantage in being marie easily- mercial aviation demands a dirigible I controlled.! which will be fireproof, weatherproof, , "Until recently, actual const rucetion durable in structure, navigable in has been delayed pending act ion of, practically all kinds of weather, and Congress on an appropriation of $3(}o,- economical inl the use of buoyant gas. 000 which would in reality buy the It is now predicted that the metal-clad first product of the new indlu ,ry. airship will fulfill these requiremnelts, 'Within the last twvo weeks, however, and displace fabric covered craft such thle bill, was passed, in spite of con- as the Shenandoah and the Lo~s A11- rary re(Mon~ii~ (dat ions by the navy gales. departimenit, andl'const ruction of th(e " Ii igh deters-rat ion o'_'the fabric Ship iu: insurea, C1AIRLESTONCLASS, SH RTAN'D' Every Weltdtocscy IYEWRJN I / Clses-olOne-Hour Lessons $5 .00 (of GreatPafes n1 PRIVATE LE''.SONS DAILY I ieui1oal Value j10 A. Dil. TO 10 P. Ill.i:1,01LTON TERRACE GTEN STUDIO BJhLSCIL~iI 220 11 iwu'tl Arcede Phole 83281 CANDY SODAS -U---- EGOND SEMESTER TEXT ca0 K S FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS UNUVERSITY WA RsS III city and the Schools. Warren P. Lombtard, Pres. <'t1 t F LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Items will he published on ,two successive days only. Copy must be submitted "tdt the Local Events t Editor. by a P. M. t? -GENERAL Saturday dbsinopolltan tcjub will meet at luncheon at 12:15 o'clock at Harris ball. Prof. T. A. C. Hildner of the Germ- ii departm~ent, will speak. Ofilce .of ,the. 'yocational' guidance comittee in Lane hall will be open daily from 4 to 6 o'clock to those stu-! dents who, dissattsfied with their work in the University, desire to con-I sult with Fa iminbcr of this committee. Michigan DBames will holdl their an- nual Valentine party from 9 to 12 o'-1 clock tonight in Barbour gymnasium. VOCATIONALGIAC GROUP RESUMES WORK Activities of the vocational guidance committee have been resuine(' for the second semester, it was announcedl yesterday, and office hours will be maintained from 4 to 6 o'clock daily in Lane hall, at which time some mem- ber of the committee will meet with students who desires counsel on any phase of their University career. Changes in the election of courses;- the choice of a profession, and other problems perplexing to students, will be considered with the committee. In the formal organization for the second semester, the personnel of the department was enlarged, and a defi- nite program, including a regular series of vocational talks by promi- nent men throughout the state, was adopted. Conventions Draw Two From Faculty Dr. B. F. Bailey, head of the elec- trical engineering department, is spending the week in New York city at the convention of the American So- ciety of Electrical engineers. Prof. ~H. H. Higbie of the same department is also in New York, where he is at- Millions agree that Luckly Strike's exclusive toasting proeSdevelops the hidden flavors of 'the world's* finest tobaccos. They appreciate that Lucky Strike is the only cigarette outof over 200 brands with a definite and exckuv sive reason for that superior flavor. Sunday The newly organized Jewish dents' association will meet at clock in the Jewish Community tre house. Stu- 4 o'- Cen- I i I r 4 I i i E E e yJ5 a _ ~ S . V jy f. -k V1 b a t'' ' l l p ( "..,. P arr naw ° -' __. ; ~, : vy Hindustan club will meet at 3^oW- clock in Lane hall. RIELIGIOUJS Sunday : , : 9 I' - Dr. Henry Beets wvill meet with thej Student Volunteers at 9 :15 o'clock ini 'Wesley hall. tending the meeting of the Illuminat- Dr. Henry Beets wil address the inInierigscey reformed and Christian reformed stu- I dents at 10:30 o'clock in the Upper F room, Lane hall. IA T Y H E THEATER I' Rev. Herbert A. Jump has chosen Today-Screen "Abraham Lincoln and the Fallen I Bird" as the subject of his sermon at Arcare-PrevS er, wt 10:45 o'clock at the Congregational1 MrePeot church. Majestic-"Three Faces East." UUTelII Ie(lUa~o~ i n o P rnf TI UL. I WRIGLEYS Le Wlaterman of the semetics department, 'ew Bible classes will be organized atI noon at the Baptist Guild house. Former Boyd Scouts in the Universi- ty are invited to the Boy Scout motion1 picture service at 4 o'clock in the Congregational church. The Lutheran Student club meets at 5:30 o'clock at the Parish hall, cor- ner Fifth avenue and East Washing- NWuerth - "The Million Dollar Handicap," featuring Vera Reynolds. Today-Stage Garrick (Detroit) -- "S t ol1en Fruit." Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- "New Brooms." in the New Handy Pack is the biggest value in long-lasting flavorful enjoyment that you can buy. It is the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet foran money Handy Pac1k fits hand, A reason. ca ma~ rest I' '4 Dockcet and p urse. i I 0 i IM