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May 29, 1926 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-29

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(Continued from Page Three)
University Lecture:
Profess0r J. W. McBain, of the University of Bristol, Bristol, England,
will speak on "The States of Matter Exemplified by Soap Solutions" on
Wednesday, June 2, at 4:15 P. M. in the Chemistry Amphitheatre.
This lecture is given under the joint auspices of the University and the
U. of M. Section of the American Chemical Society.
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robin.
To All Members of the Faculty and Staff Having Library Books:
Attention is called to rule III of the Regents' regulations:
"All books borrowed by members of the Faculty shall be re-
turned on or before.....the Thursday preceding the annual com-
mnencement in June."
For the current year this date is June 10.
Those members of thje faculty who are leaving permanently, for the
summer, or for the coming year are requested to return all Library books
before their departure.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Attention of the instructors is called to the following rule of the faculty:
"Instructors are permitted to announce final grades to their students,
after these grades are filed with the Recorder. This announcement is not
to be made in response to requests made by individuals, and is to be made
by means of posted lists or by return post cards supplied by the students
at the time of the examinations."
Seniors may call for their grades at the Recorder's office, on Saturday,
June 12.
All other grades will be mailed.
Florence Molr, Recorder.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who plan to remain for the summer session should fill out a
blank at the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hall, with the Ann Arbor
address to which their grades for the current semester are to be sent.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Faculty Regulations for final examinations:
A final examination must be held in every class and at the time set in
the schedule. Grades should be reported by letter as follows: A, B, C, D, E,
I, X. The grades are final; no grade can be raised by a subsequent test.
An incomplete may be given only to a student whose class work has
been of grade C or higher, and who takes and passes the final examination,
but who has not completed some small assigned task. In case a student
whose work has been of passing grade is absent from examination, he nay
be granted permission to take a subsequent examination on presentation of
u satisfactory excuse. Either of these must be completed within the first
month of the following semester, and the final grade thus determined re-
ported within one week thereafter upon the official blank previously ob-
tainedl and presented by the student.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Sumnier School: Special Courses in Philosophy:
Dr. Alfred Cyril Ewing, of Oxford University, has been added to the
staff for the summer of 1926. He will give two courses, as follows:
151s. Political Philosophy. Tu. W. Th. F. at 11:00, Room 301, Library..
The contract theory and the rights of the individual. Individual rights
and social good. Mills' liberty and Rousseau's general will. The idea of
the State.
170s. Kant's Critique of the Pure Reason. Tu. Th. 4-6, or at hours to
be arranged. Room 408, Library.
A pro-seminar. Studies of selections from the Critique.
A. H. Lloyd.1
Plans for Baccalaureate and Commencement:
All who expect to take part in the exercises of Commencement week
will please take note of the following schedule in order that there will be as
little confusion as possible in carrying out the program: Punctuality is
especially 'important as the processions will start on scheduled time.
BACCALAUREATE-Sunday, June 13, 11:00 A. M.
Members of the Faculties in the dressing rooms second and third floors
of Hill Auditorium where they may robe. Enter by rear doors.
Students of the various schools and colleges, as follows:-
LITERATURE, SCIENCE and the ARTS on Main Diagonal walk be-
tween Library and Engineering Buildings.
EDUCATION on walk North side of Physiology and Pharmacology
ENGINEERING on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Court.
ARCHITECTURE on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Arch (behind
MEDICAL on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library.
NURSES on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library
(behind Medics).'
LAW on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front of

PHARMACY on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front
of Library (behind Law).
DENTAL SURGERY on North and South walk in rear of North wing of
University Hall.
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION on walk in front of Physiology and
Pharmacology Building.
GRADUATE on East and West walk West of Library entrance.
A sprinkle will not be considered rainy . It must actually rain with no
prospect of clearing.
Students will proceed directly to IilNl Auditorium. Seats will be re-
served until 10:50 A. M.
.COMMENCEMENT-Monday, June 14, 9:00 A. M.
Members of the Faculties and invited guests, in Alumni Memorial Hall--
West Gallery second floor where they may robe.
Regents, ex-Regents, Deans and candidates for honorary Degrees, in
Alumni Memorial Hall-Room B.
Hn6or Guard, at Alumni Memorial Hall.
Students, at the same places as for Baccalaureate.
LINE OF MARCI-State Street to Ferry Field.
Weather Bureau storm flags will be hoisted beneath the American Flag
on the campus flagstaff and on the flagstaff at Ferry Field to indicate that
the exercises have been transferred to Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to the field house and enter through the
North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the field house.
Regents, ex-Regents, Deans and Candidates for Honorary degrees will
assemble in the offices in the north end of the field house.
L. M. Gram, Chief Marshal.

ing. June 18, 19, 21, 22, 9 to 12 a. m.9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Education, including Hygiene and Public Health,
Physical Education, and Athletic Coaching and Administration,- in Tappan
Hall. June 18, 19, 21, 22, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 4 p. in.
For the Law School (Courses begin Tuesday, June 15) June 11, 12, 14,
9 to 12 a .m. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Business Administration,-in Tappan Hall, June 18,
19, 21, 22, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the Graduate School,-in Angell Hall,-June 18, 19, 21, 22, 9 to 12
a. in. and 2 to 4 p. in.
Members of the Summer Session Faculties:
Blanks for the Faculty Directory and request cards for the Summer
Michigan Daily have been sent by campus mail to all members of the Sum-
uer Session staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated.
The Summer Daily will be delivered gratis only to those members of
the Summer Session faculty who fill out the request cards.
Will those who have not received blanks and cards kindly call this office?
E. R. Kraus.
Special Course in Physics-Summer Session:
Dr. Karl Hersfeld, theoretical physicist, University of Munich, will be
a member of the staff of the department of Physics during the coming Sum-
mer Session. He will lecture on the Properties of Surfaces, Surface Ten-
sion, Absorption, Forces between Molecules and Atoms, Brownian move-
ment. The discussion of these topics will be preceded by such an introduc-
tion to Gas Theory as may be necessary. There will be four lectures per
week throughout the Session. Dr. Hersfeld is a theoretical physicist of dis-
tinction, being the author of many important papers in various fields of
theoretical physics. le is just completing a series of lectures at Johns
Hopkins University. I. 1. Randall.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
Sunday, May 30th, will be the last day of the exhibition in Alumni Me-
morial Hall of the paintings of American Artists selected from the Annual
Exhibition of the Art Institute of Chicago.- Open Saturday 1:30 to 5:00, and
Sunday 2:00 to 5:00. Free to members, students of University, and chil-
dren of schools. W. P. Lombard, President.
Prospective Transfers to School of Education for September, 192:
Will students now in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
who plan to transfer to the School of Education next semester register
their names immediately at the office of the Recorder of the Literary College,
Room 4, University Hall. Gretc'ieu Krug, Recorder.
Donovan Scholarships:
A limited number of Scholarships from the above fund will be available,
to students of the Engineering College who have completed about 60 hours
of work, with an average grade of "B", during the coming year. Application
blanks will be ready at the Dean's Office on Wednesday, and all applications
must be in the hands of the Committee on or before June 5th.
1. C. Sadler
Peter Field
rJ. C. brier
I. W. Miller.
English 45:
My section will meet for its examination in 209 Angell Hall.
English 180:
My section will meet for its examination in 2023 Angell Hall,
11. D Wild.
Freshmen and Sophomores:
Gymnasium locker fees must be paid before credit in Physical Education
can be granted. Lists of the remiss are posted in Barbour Gymnasium.
Margaret Bell.
Conflicts in French and Spanish Exainations:
All students enrolled in French 1, 2, 31, and 32 having conflicts with
Spanish will be examined in French on Monday, May 31, at 2:00 o'clock,
Room 201 South Wing. (All examinations in Spanish 1, 2, 31, and 32 will
fall on the regular day, according to the Examination Schedule, which is
Thursday, June 3, at 9:00 o'clock.)
A. G. Can eld.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Department of Mathematac :
Final examinations in courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51, and 52 will be held Wedne:;
day, June 2, 2-5 P. M., according to the following schedule:
Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7-
Prof. Karpluski's section-Room 2225 Angell Hall.
Prof. Bradshaw's section-Room 35 Angell Hall.
Asst. Prof. Coe's sections-Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Asst. Prof. Anning's sections-Room 231 Angell Hall.
Mr. Johnson's sections-Room 1025 ,Angell Hall.
Mr. Peterson's sections-Room 25 Angell Hall.
Mr. Field's sections-Room 231 Angell Hall.
Mr. Reid's section-West gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Mr. Raiford's sections-Room 1035 Angell Hall.
Mr. Craig's sections-Room 1035 Angell Hall.
Mr. Maslow's sections-Room 25 Angell Hall.
Mr. Lemon's sections-Room 35 Angell Hall.
Mr. Menge's section-Room 2225 Angell Hall.

Courses 51 and 52--
All sections-West gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Students taking either course 51 or 52 and any of the other courses
listed above will report for the final in 51 or 52 at 7 P. M. Wednesday, June
2, in Room 3003 Angell Hall.
J. W. Glover, .Chairman.
Philosophy 31:
The final examination will be given in the Natural Science Auditorium
for those whose nambs begin with the letters from A to M. Letters N to Z
will repart to the West Gallery of the Alumni Memorial Hall at the same
hour. Gardner Williauns.
Psychology381: Final Examination:
Students occupying odd numbered seats in the regular lecture section
will go to West Gallery Alumni Hall, for their final examination at 2 o'clock
on May 29. Students occupying even numbered seats will remain in their
customary places in the Natural Science Auditorium. Students with con-
flicts will see me for special arrangements. Adelbert Ford.
11. Sce. 1;9:
Final examination will be held in Room 35 A. 11. Tuesday morning,
June 1. J. K. Pollock, Jr.
Practice Teaching for Next Year:
Beginning October, 1926, all candidates seeking the Teacher's Certificate
from the School of Education will be required to devote one hour a day for
a period of eight weeks to observation and directed teaching in the Univer-
sity High School or other cooperating schools. It is imperative therefore
that all such students shall regularly keep open, for the election of this
work, one hour a day. Students should consider this matter when making
plans for their elections next year. C. 0. Davis.
Final examination in Expansion of Christianity will be held in Room
Orl 1 ,,1 T_^,, - +1.4P )^ - n _- . - T n_

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