PAGE ~six' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 29,' 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1926 EMS , ""--,,,-'.,"fit vltl . 1: 1wn'. yppl ' " ,. MICIA GOLFERS LOSE CLOE MATCHi Pl9ays Last Game INTRAMURALS DRAP I INCREASED NUMBER L A THE PRESS BOX A Aore tLhan 2 5 members of: lhe Var- VOSE'S NAME OI LTfED Sil f o()t lmll squad wvill b~e eniuloyod! Due to an error in the Associated' ill leftroit tiens umer, l)Utildii, I& I- PTess dispatch Thursday night, Jimn walks in order to keep ill condlil .Oi orldoe's name was not included among ftor the strenuious season facing the those who* survived the first day of 2dihian teamn in the fall, the Big Ten tennis tourney, at Chica- ___ go. He drew a bye in the °first round Coach ElRonitE. Weiiaii :i n- andl then defeated Armstrong o Mn , otllc(d yesterday that the foot-. nesota, 7-5, 1-6, 6-C. U'niversity Of Cicago Team Diefe-it4 Wolverines To Take Big; Tenl Dual Meet Title FEEL'Y DEFEATS HISERT Chicago's golf team captured a close meet from the Wolv~erines here yes- terdAy afternoon by the score of 13 1.2 to 10 1-2 to annex the Conference dual meet championship without a de- r: ",,."; }sti . . I eat to blemish their record. This is ' the second loss of the year for Mich- £f igan who is now looking forward- to' the Big Ten meet June 11 and 12 in Cat. Steve Wilson Chicago. "Dutch" will lead his Wolverine So close was the match, that the baseball team onto the diamond for outcome was in doubt up to the the last time this afternoon when Wlis- final hole of the last foursome in the consin 's Badgers invade Ferry field to afternoon, when Kenneth Hisert, 1Va- play the last game of the season with roon captain, sank a birdie three. to the Michigan nine, recently crowned win all six points of this match. Western Conference champions. F~eely and Glover, after losing the first Captain Wilson has played three nine holes, fought Hisert and his, years of Varsity baseball for Michigan, partner, Dorsey, to a standstill only and during that time has built up anl to lose the match and meet on the enviable reputation for himself in the last hole of the day. Big Ten both as a Steller performer Capt. Fred Feely provided the sen- at the :first sack and as a clean sports- cation of the morning when- he de- man. feated Captain Hisert of Chicago,,win- ner of the Big Ten individual title last year to take two points to Hisert's one in a match of excellent golf. Feet 'FR lMANYed COACHESo ENROLLhles shooting the first nine in 31. Hisert'sjSM E ^ score wa~s 68.f Dorsey, Chicago, won his match!I with Cole 2 1-2 to 1-2. Glover andI Summer sessions of the Coaching B~artlett broke even, each taking 1 1-21 school will open June 21 with a prob- points and the same was true of the! able enrollment of more than, 200, Conner-Patterson match. These last which is an increase of 74 over last two matches were identical in almost year. The courses will last six weeks, every particular. Each time, the closing July 31. Michigan player piled up a lead of j The staff of instructors includes four strokes for the first nine holesf Coaches Fielding H. Yost, Elton E. only to weaken and allow his Maroon± Wieman, Stephen J. Farrell, Edwin J. opponent a tie. The score at the end Mather, Ray L. Fisher, Charles B. of the morning play was 6 1-2 to 5 ' Hoyt, Harry, G. Kipke, and Frank L. 1-2 with Chicago leading.j Hayes. Dr. George A. May, director Connor4 and Cole took five of six of physical education, and Elmer D. points from Patterson and Barlett in , Mitchell of the intramural are also the first foursome, and lost the chanice' members of the faculty. Herbert to annex them all when they allow- Staads, athletic trainer, will offer a ed the Chicagoans to draw even for, series of practical demonstrations in the last nine holes after having them athletic training. two down with two to play. Except for- This session is especially arranged his sensational closing shot, Hisert j for men who intend to enter the was excelled by his teammate, Dorsey coaching profession and those already iL. the other foursome. engaged .in. it. The more important problems of coaching and the super- Ed Hess, Ohio State's all-AmericanI vision of athletics in colleges and pre- lineman, is the latest gridder to take paratory schools are studied in the to the ice business, course. D)epartment Lists More Thani 60 Venut -Au Men Enrolled In Tuie University Per By ltona A. Simpson! Coach Fielding H. Yost accompainied the Wolverine track team to Iowa City Thursday. While the track men p)articipate in the Big Ten Conference track championships, Yost will attend the Conference directors meeting I ASKETBALL IS POPULAR! Intramural athletics have had a: there. Immediately after hle meeting considerable increase in popularityJ Yost will return to Ann ,vilwerel fduring the past year, according to the ; he will he in charge of the sumnmer annual, statistics compiled b~y the de-I coaching school. partment which indicate a marked After the summer session which increase in the number of participants ends July 31, Coach Yost will journey in 13. of the 24 activities on the yearlyl south to hTis estate at Walling, Tenn., program. i to spend the remainder of the summer. Basketball led in the number of students taking part with a total of Coach Jack Blot left yesterday 1375. The biggest gain for the year for Gerard, fl., his hiomie town, was in swimming, the number engag- where lie spenids the 'siuieuier ed in this 'sport being doubled. Track months. Coach Keeni, Varsity- sustained the. greatest loss which was' wrestling cotacli, will leave 'hias- largely .due to the fact that outdoor i day for Frederick, Oklahaiaa, track had to be abandoned b~ecause where lie wvill -spend his siuunier of the lack of sufficient facilities. mevaction. Two new activities, skiing and water- polo, were added to the intramural list M\att Mann, Varsity swimmingj this year and both proved unusually coach, will conduct his boys'camzp popular for new sports drawing 332, at Chikopi, near Toronto. Coach while two others, outdoor track andi Mann has been active in -camp workI indoor baseball, had to be dropped for the past 13 years. John Halsted,} because'of the lack of facilities, star backstroke swimmer of the Michi-3 ~,Team, sports showed the largest gan team will assist at the camp. numnber of participants, with more fra-I ternity representations than in pre- vious years. ,Independents were at- tracted mainly by the various individ- ual activities, and patronized them considerably more than dill fraternity. Irwin Olian, '27, led in the number of different sports participated in b'y j -, one individual, having competed in { 15, while Melvin 011, '27, was a elose scecond with 14. Approximately 60 per cent of the- 6500 men enrolled in the UniversityYo ar gin hmet participated in some form of sport.Yo argin hmet There was a total of 11,592 entries in so look your best. A well cho, the 24 activities, of which 3,950 were I We are showing a select line different students; last year the en- tries numbered 10,356. j reasonable prices. Baylor university is to have a new Emma B athletic building, which will be com- SPECIALTY HIAT SH4'OP pleted in 60 days from the time workI is begun._____________________ #Staadt s, the traziner1 for al! the 1\lichzi-E Iganl teamns, wili tahit) the suaIMIer tisessionz of the cacing zsebool, anzd ti then will go ntorthz to '1a(t 1\1IiiiUzz ;' lIaal'vey Eial'.'.iey oriCC I 'zimi;. ~Oto ita'k siar a ad lt' r!llal gllfcof?ti! e)n elal has been 01 al trip aroundthle wok! ' r hela tyear. lie wh rt 3o jn iefllI fake "!)amk&' !1 fay,-' pivoce on he w1ithi the end amtui ai~ Ivill tle :zxIII)' Ins dtis t at (r tim'- dell1 coll-eeinl iiialll0, Iowa ill the fall. John [1. ifialsilbet sch, ill-Americp i I fullback oil the 1916 XWoivoine fot- halteam, will arFrive iWVeo 5001 to spend the sinner in Anon Arbor. i s team, the Oklahoma gi, will pta~ya the wolverinecs ill a lamsC "(>feren)cec ,game inl the fall, B Ielilly Frieda u waz oill )lot ecarry ice during Ith~e szniliv, ;mcn; llt al Sreport ed ill serei'a I Psa'IWrcst1(f~- 'ly. Friedan i ll i'et uru to iflit £a nap ill W;?"4eolisill lvhaero he lbe seen by all your friends, 'sen hat will help tremendously. eof summer and sport hats at ~ 117 Last Liberty baall ca(aldidlates will report for laractice abiout September, 15. In. vi Iia on to thle early I ralifing campj will be mailed to praospective Varsity mataerial alhouat A uguast 1. ,. Bubbling Over, winner of the Nor-~ lucky derby, and Carlarig,' winner of the Coffroth handicap, are certain to meet in% the Fairmount derby -.un~e 19. //t r N Even in the days of Barnum when "Step right up, folks, and bring your buggy whips along," was the siren call of the circus barker, the products of Anheuser-Busch were nationally known to good fellows. And niow, whon buggy whips are as out of date as "hoop skirts and knee-breeclies, (A-B) PALE DKY is the favored drink of college men because, line the college map, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. yAO I s i ' WI1E F COLLEGITATE CL I a:. ' 1'-I \ y4M r ' " ..Ni . y.."..C OTHES' SHOP *Last Call Sale 11 IGHEST PRICES PAW & 2. Men's, used Clthing jor auy other ARTIC F VALUp. STUENT TAI1LOR SHOP I Phone 80'10 Cor, N. Univ. & Thayer' 'IPAAY REST PRICES For Mete' Used Clothilng. ?I Phone 4310h 115 V.Iva shif t '1-w It.I. BNA MIN For All Maceo c l Ce rN. TIRES FOR SALE.{ JUNK CARS3 BDUQ-417 KESSLER BROS., Canal Street I A.1l II ,'{ . b1 a Suits at Selet yur sortwearfro or motcmleesok K ices25 of as Lw as$4.5 Panaa HaS $350 to $2.0 Straw Hat $2.00 o $5.0 196 trw We Are for Your Offering Approval . ----------- 100 Suits at $ 75 Single and Double Breasted, Light Grays, Tans, Blues, and Everything That's New One thing we are absolutely certain of-if the men of this town who are interested in good clothes realize what we are of- fering them at $29.75, we'll sell every suit before sundown. Flannel Trousers from Del Prete's are knock-outs-light greys, tans, 25% off-As low as $5.00. s .' .; ;: A m'EUSER-BU SI.Louis KLEIS EVERAGE CO. Distributors Ann Arbor, Mich. ./ I 400 i 1 $35 Swee i n Reductions s111-I r--- 1* I School is about over for another year. We want to say good,-bye to our friends--both old and new. We will Top Coats 1urin Or Annual College End Sale ALL REDUCED --Including Men. ~O S1e Summer styles. $10 Flors zelms $885and, $7.85 Other styles cut to $5,185 Lad.IeSAll REDUC ED--Including CS late Summer styles. 1 Final Close Out $20.00 and $24.50 Real Goods of Del Prete's Quality I be here to greet you next Fall. TIES! TIES! TIES! "Boy"-Just Arrived A Big Shiipmaent of Hot Ones $1.50) Value-Special -$1.4) 300 Pairs. o at $4.95 and $5.95. $10.00 Styles cut to $8.90 and $7.90. uI I I I I II I